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Her eyes softened then and she let me go. I went back in and started looking for Raina's two friends, trailed by Karly and Nick. We found Michelle in the living room, another drink cup in her hands and I realized that this was a wash...

I was going to have to ask Karly to take her home... 'Fuck! She is going to be so pissed!' I thought desperately.

Nick leaned into me then and yelled over the music, "You can't put her in a car with that stupid bitch! I'll just take her home!"

I looked at Nick as if he'd just offered me a kidney. He smiled, "It's no big deal man, I'm not drinking anyway and this way you can stay here with Karly!"

I hugged him I was so happy! "Thanks man!"

He hit me in the chest and said, "Happy Birthday man!"

We all started outside as a group, headed back to Nick's car, I wanted to make sure all the rest of this little operation went off without a hitch.

When we got back... Rob had the passenger door open and was making out with Raina!

Red went over my vision...

I don't remember going over to him. I do remember that I pulled him out of the car, spun him around and grabbed him by the throat. I remember him screaming at me, I don't remember what he said.

I don't remember him taking a wild swing at me. I do remember my grip tightening on his throat and lifting him off the ground while I slammed his back into the car over and over. He was like a rag doll in my grip.

Karly and Nick jumped on me, trying to get my grip to come loose. Even with the three of them fighting me I still held Rob like a limp rat by the time I managed to come back to myself enough to let him down. I threw him on the ground like a broken plaything.

I made sure Raina was not hanging out the door and closed it, probably a little too hard.

Nick's eyes met mine, "Can you please just take her stupid ass home now?"

He nodded to me, still a little wild eyed about me attacking Rob. "Nick, can I count on you to get this done?"

He nodded at me, "Use your words Nick." I commanded him.

That snapped him out of it. "Uh, yeah, no problem I'm on it." He told me.

"Nick," It stopped him short as he started to turn, "you don't take your eyes off her until you get her home, put her on the doorstep."

He nodded, "What if her parents are there?"

I turned away from him, growling, "That's her fucking problem."

Karly... Karly was no where to be found. 'Fuck! Just what I need!' I thought to myself. I knew how that just looked. She was not going to understand.

I immediately broke into a sprint, headed to her car. It was still where we had left it. 'Well, at least she hadn't abandoned me' I thought to myself... 'I need to find her!' With that I ran back to the house.


I found her about 30 minutes later sitting in the same corner I had found Raina, drinking from one of the red cups James was passing out earlier. She had a blank look on her face. I sat down beside her and let her grind her teeth at me for a few minutes. The music was a muted roar but with the kitchen between us at least I had a shot of explaining myself to her.

Finally, I broke the silence, "That wasn't what it looked like."

She took another big drink from her cup, still not looking at me. She just sat there, not looking at me, not speaking to me...

"That's good." She said, nodding her head. "Because it looked a lot like you beating a guys ass because he touched the girl you loved."

I sighed and hung my head. She wasn't going to understand...

My arm itched and I scratched it. "You're probably not going to understand, but I'm going to try to explain it to you."

She looked at me and I could see the rage in her eyes. "Go ahead and try to explain..."

I sighed again, "I'm not like normal people. I look around and I see so many of them constantly running around chasing each other, like they need to be around someone else. I'm not like that. When I'm alone, I don't like it, but I also don't seem to have a switch that flips on that says, 'Go find people to be around'. I don't connect with people usually. It takes a very special person to connect with for me."

I looked at her face, searching her eyes for some sign that she understood what I was talking about. She was at least listening. "When I do connect with someone, a different switch flips in my mind. I can't let something happen to that person. I don't love Raina, hell, I don't feel close to Raina what I feel about you. Had a guy done that to you he'd be dead right now. The rage would have come over me and I would have killed him."

Her head was shaking. "You don't feel that strongly about me..." She stopped, looked away from me, and sipped from her cup. "I can tell."

I knew that I loved her. She didn't, and that was the problem. I looked away from her. "You have no idea what I feel for you, how enormous it is. I keep it hidden. I keep everything hidden. I put it behind a mask and I hide everything from every one. If you saw what I feel about you, it would terrify you."

She took the last drink from the cup and looked at the wall in front of her. "Better than feeling like you don't care at all." I realized then that I was losing her. If I wanted to keep her, I needed to cut loose. Show her what lived inside.

I felt the chains rattle in my mind... something stirred. For once I didn't fight it.

I knocked the cup out of her hands and grabbed her hand. I pulled her to her feet. I dimly registered her yelling, "Ow! What are you doing asshole?!" but couldn't care. I turned into the kitchen and the dazzling lights shocked me for a second. Too much information so I discarded it. My brain stated parsing information and I was barely keeping a hold on my ability to think.

I needed a place with privacy. Bathroom. I dragged Karly into the room, dimly aware I was bowling people around as I moved through the room. I stopped in front of James' stunned face. "Bathroom, now." I growled.

Something in my face must have let him know that I was not fucking around. "Living room, then upstairs. First door on your right, through the door on the far side. Tell anyone in there to fuck off and if they got a problem tell it to James."

I dragged Karly out of the kitchen and up the stairs, pushing people out of the way roughly the entire way. People finally got it and moved. I pressed through James' directions and opened a door that had a sign on it that I vaguely recognize as having read, 'Keep OUT!'. I slammed my way through the door, and into a brightly lit bathroom. I pulled Karly into the room and slammed the door shut. I found my hand on her neck.

I shoved her roughly into the door. I wasn't brutal about it, but I made it clear that was where I wanted her. I saw a bit of fear in her eyes and it broke my heart for her to see me like this...

I leaned in and locked eyes with her. "Mine." I growled at her. My hand slid down her front, sliding down and roughly grabbing her ass. "Mine." I growled. I kept enough control to not completely pull her dress off of her... barely.

I pressed my mouth roughly over hers and kissed her roughly, shoving my tongue into her mouth. She was kissing me back. I broke from our kiss and said, "Mine." And kissed her again, harder this time. She was spreading her legs for me and moaning through our kiss.

I wouldn't take her by force... I couldn't. I could grind the hell out of my hips into hers though.

I felt her hands on the buckle of my belt. She had me undone and was reaching into my pants...

It was all the invitation I needed. I pulled the hem of her dress up roughly and tore her underwear off of her, screaming triumphantly as I heard the fabric pop. My hands went down her and I lifted her up off the ground, spreading her legs and positioning myself on her. It's not as easy to do as they make it look in the movies... I used brute strength to get it done.

With a grunt I was in her, buried to the hilt inside her. She bucked like she'd been hit by lightning. Her head banging back into the door. "Mine." I growled into her ear.

"Yes," She moaned into my ear. "Yours."

I thrust into her faster and more urgently, each thrust harder than the last. She was amazingly tight and wet. Her arms wrapped around me and I rammed myself into her over and over she was screaming my name with each thrust into her.

I moved my face into her neck and bit her lightly, just managing to hold onto myself and not hurt her. Her breath was hot on my head, breathing into my ear. And like that I fell over the edge into the pit of Karly and spilled myself in her.

When I could move no longer I came back to myself. She was breathing hard... I realized I was still holding her in the air. I was still inside her. She wanted to know? I would pull the curtain all the way back.

I moved my hips a bit to push myself a little bit deeper inside her, it was a need, like I could just crawl inside her and stay there forever. "I love you." I whispered into her ear.

It was like a floodgate opened in me. My muscles were screaming to put her down but I couldn't. I pushed myself closer to her. I was sure the instant I put her down she would run from me in horror... and I just couldn't let her go...

She tapped me on the back, "Hey, you're crushing a bitch here..."

I knew then, she wasn't leaving me.

I put her down and sagged against her. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I asked once she was back on the floor.

She leaned against me and purred, "Well, I know I just got fucked... but no broken bones..."

I looked at her and felt terrible. I didn't want her to see that aspect of me...

She pulled my face up to hers and said, "That was beautiful. I won't doubt you again. I'm sorry."

I shook my head. I knew she was just trying to make me feel better... "I didn't want you to see that."

She kissed me lightly, I could tell that she didn't want to set me loose again. She whispered into my ear, "I'm glad you showed me, though, I mean, don't show me too often, I'm not sure my pussy can handle it."

I laughed at her then. I loved her humor, and her dirty mouth. I loved her, everything about her.

I kissed her fiercely. She needed to understand. I had told her, but I'm sure she didn't understand I meant it. Granted, it was in a bathroom I had just fucked her silly in, at a stupid party, not the most romantic of places...

I broke our kiss. "I meant what I said. I love you. I know this is shitty place, and a shitty time, but I need you to know that. I don't want to be without you for a single second. I want to know everything about you. I know I can't provide for you the way you're used to. I know I don't deserve you. I know I'm not good enough for you, but I love you all the same. I'll be better. I'll be better for you."

Tears overfilled her eyes and she smiled at me. "That is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me..." She kissed me hard, when she broke free from our kiss she said, "I love you too..." her eyes dropped, then they came back up and met mine... "please don't hurt me... I can't do that again. I can't build myself back up again. Not from losing you. I was too scared to admit it before, but I know it now. I love you. I'll love you as long as you'll have me. I'll live anywhere as long as you are there. I'll bear your children for you, and I'll raise them to be just like you. All I ask in return is that you love me the way I love you."

I kissed her long and tender there. Our animal passion gone from the encounter. We were sharing our souls with one another through that kiss...

When we finally came up for air I looked into her eyes and told her, "There is no way I can love you the way you love me... it isn't nearly enough, I'll always love you more."

She laughed at me, "There's no way, I know I love you more than you love me!"

I buried my head in her neck, and nibbled my way down to the spot she liked at the hollow of her shoulder and neck, "If you loved me as much as I love you... we'd never leave the bed..."

She pulled me in close and whispered in my ear, "Baby, I am so gonna finish fucking your brains out tonight!"

I smiled at her weakly, "Are you sure you're not too sore?"

She put a cocky look on her face, "I will never be too sore for you to fuck me!"

I pushed my body against hers... "I take that as a personal challenge, we'll see what happens tonight once we get home!"

She laughed again, "Talk, talk, talk. That's all I hear, we'll see who gets sick of whom first! Now pull your pants up, I'm getting drunk tonight! So let's get back downstairs!"

I stepped away from her and folded myself back into my pants.

She looked at her torn panties in the sink... "What the fuck is it with you and my panties? Can't you take them off for once? What do you have against my panties?"

I looked at her and a little bit of fire poured into my eyes... I was close to wanting her again... "They're in the way of my pussy." I growled at her.

She pulled her mangled panties out of the sink and handed them to me. "Put those in your pocket, we'll throw them away later."

With that she turned and opened the door, heading back to the party.

I followed her to the kitchen where she accepted another cup from James, "Can I get one too?" I asked him as Karly took hers and walked past me starting to sway to the music and raising her hands above her head.

She called back to me, "Don't be too long! Someone's gonna dance with me!"

I smiled at James as he handed me the cup. He looked at me, "You two get things handled?" He asked with a laugh. He was sobering now...

I was a bit embarrassed and smiled at him. "Yeah, I think we worked it out..."

He looked me up and down, "Yeah, you look a little bit less tense." Then gave me a knowing smile. He gestured to the cup, "Thought you didn't drink."

Smiling at him I said, "Another for her. I'm getting her good and drunk tonight" with that I turned and started away...

He called out from the kitchen, "From the looks of things I don't think you need the help!"

The song was something with a lot of base, and I found myself nodding my head along to the music, bumping along to the beat as I bumped into people on the dance floor, looking for my girlfriend. I found her dancing with Joe. There was a little bumping and grinding but both were being cool about it. He was having fun but not taking advantage...

I came up behind him with her eyes on me the whole time. Tapping on his shoulder caused him to turn back around and smile at me, "Mind if I cut in?" I asked him.

He smiled as he danced, "Just keeping her warm for you." He gestured at the cup, "You drinking tonight?"

I shook my head no and yelled over the beat, "No, for her!"

She surged forward and grabbed the cup, "Yummy!" she shouted as she took it.

"Good to see some things never change," he shouted to me.

Joe patted me on the back as he started to pass me, but I stopped him, "Hey, is Nick back yet, or have you heard from him?"

Joe shook his head no, "I just got a text from him, he says he just dropped Raina off and he's on his way back. What happened?"

"Stupidity." I yelled. I leaned in so we wouldn't have to keep yelling at each other, "Have you seen Rob?"

Joe shook his head no and leaned in, "Why?" he asked me.

"I might have choked him out outside. He might take it personal. Don't really feel like getting hit upside the head while I'm dancing with..." My eyes fell on Karly and Joe turned around. She had a cup in each hand raised high and her back to me. Her ass was swaying from side to side stuck out for me...

"Fuck..." Joe stammered. He shook his head and I could see him chasing those thoughts out of his head. I was proud of my friend, he was a better friend than I could be looking at that. He hit me on the chest, "I see your point, hard to keep your head on a swivel with that occupying your attention... I'll keep an eye out."

I moved to Karly who swayed around and looked into the cup in her left hand. She raised it to her lips and downed it in one gulp. She dropped it. She danced towards me and looked into the cup in her right and with a smile and a shrug of her shoulders started downing that as well... I got to her and she put a hand on my chest, stopping me. She was looking around her cup at me... this one must have been fuller than the last as she was having some trouble polishing it off in one gulp.

She finally reached the end of it and looked down into the cup. She smiled at me and turned it upside down, "All empty!"

I laughed as she laughed and threw the cup over her shoulder. Her hand tangled into my shirt and she pulled me closer as the next song started. "Get over here you, I need to feel your hands on my ass!"

This song was slower, with another good heavy beat. I pulled her into my embrace and kissed her, tasting the beer on her breath. While I normally hated the smell of beer and its connotations in my memory tasting it second hand in Karly's mouth was starting to raise my opinion of it.

We broke our kiss, and she said, "Yummy!" with that I pulled her close and felt her wrap her arms around my shoulders while I put my hands around her waist. She kissed my neck... "I said I needed to feel your hands on my ass, not my waist."

My hands found her ass and I squeezed her tight there, our bodies swaying to the beat of the music. We ground and bumped to the music, our hips moving in time with one another. I took a step forward, she took a step back. She swayed into me and I gave her some ground. I moved my left hand from her ass and onto her back. I moved my shoulders to the left and she followed. I kissed her and she kissed me back...

I wasn't a good dancer and didn't normally enjoy it, but out there... with her, I loved it. She made me look good out there, and truth be told she was leading most of the dance. At one point I had her back to me and my arm around her waist holding her tight. She was rubbing her ass against me and I was enjoying the feel of her body against mine when Joe walked up with two more cups.

Now it was my turn to be concerned for him. Joe drank but I knew he was driving tonight and he was usually too responsible for that. "You drinking tonight?" I now asked him!

He shook his head, "Hey, do you know that James guy?" He pointed with his cup back towards the kitchen.

I nodded and told him, "Yeah, we were friends as kids, why?"

Joe handed me a cup, "He said to give that one to you, soda."

He looked at Karly and handed her the other cup, "And he said to hand that one to you, some kind of punch, looked like he was spiking it with Everclear..."

She took it from him and still grinding against me took a sip... she barely managed a sip before she pulled the cup away from her lips, "Fuck!" she shouted.

Concern flooded over me. James used to be a good guy and I didn't think he'd spike her drink, but hey, it had been a long time since I'd known him and people change. "You okay?" I shouted to her.

She leaned against me sensually, "Yeah, just strong." And with that she stopped and chugged the whole cup. When she got to the end she dropped the cup, raised her hands above her head and screamed as loud as she could, "Whoop whoop!"

She turned and laid a kiss on me that nearly dropped me to my knees. 'Fuck!' I thought. Then I realized that a sober Karly was a pretty uninhibited Karly, a drunk Karly would most likely be a complete handful.

She leaned in and yelled, "I want to smoke! Can we go outside?"

Honestly I was pretty hot, so I figured that would be a good idea, plus both of us could use the breath of fresh air. I tapped Joe who was dancing with Robin, thought they were keeping much more distance between themselves than Karly and I had, "Hey, we're going to go outside, Karly wants to smoke."

He gave me a funny look, "Karly smokes?"

I nodded, "Yeah!"

He laughed, "This I gotta see!" he said, "Mind if I tag along?"
