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His eyes dropped to Karly walking in front of me, "Holy shit! Guys, hot chick!"

I heard a few muttered, holy shits among the group. Karly opened the gate and strutted past Jeremy, she threw her thumb back at me, "I'm with him." She said as she walked past him.

Jeremy wasn't a sport kid, but he was a good guy, maybe a little on the dull side but he had a good heart even if he was a bit too big in the mouth. He looked me dead in the eye and screamed, "You the man!" while he pointed the index fingers of both hands at me.

I was embarrassed as hell at this point. I mingled up with my friends and got the obligatory happy birthdays out of the way, but Jeremy was right, it was fucking cold. I had left my coat behind, deciding I didn't want to hassle with a coat at the party and knowing I was only going to be out in the cold for a little while so I could handle it.

Joe spoke up, "How we going to do this? There's a lot of us, we want to all pile up and fill up cars or what?"

Karly spoke up first, "Gabby's with me, that mean's I've got space for two more."

Joe nodded at her, appreciating the offer of carrying extra people, as he knew there was going to be drinking at the party and that meant that people really shouldn't be driving. We were all good kids and while we drank we had a pretty strict no driving policy afterwards. Most of us were on the wrestling team and a few didn't have cars so there were going to be a few people that couldn't drink tonight.

Robin, one of Joe's friends spoke up next, "I'll ride with Joe!" I looked at Joe and saw the disappointment crowd over his face, he wanted to get drunk and if he was driving Robin he couldn't. He didn't speak up however, he didn't want to seem like a jerk, I could tell, and I think he was thinking that maybe he and Robin could ride with someone else if it worked out.

Sep, who kind of acted like he was the leader of our group, jumped in next, I could tell that he was annoyed people were making plans without him and said, "Well since Joe is already driving, Jess and I will ride with them." He looked at Nick, a tall, gangly kid that we hung with, "You're not drinking tonight right Nick?" Nick shook his head no, "So you got Rob, Jeremy, and Laurel?" Laurel was Jess's other friend. All three of them were two years younger than the rest of the group.

I was surprised Rob was there. He was kind of the new guy in our little group. Someone that hung with Jeremy and had sort of attached himself to the group. I didn't like him, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why.

"Sounds good!" Karly announced and pulled me back by the collar. I could tell she was excited to have me in a car all to herself. She took my hand and walked me to the passenger door of her car. She pressed the little button thing and unlocked the door. I started to open the door and felt her presence behind me, I turned and she dove in for a passionate kiss, her tongue mingling with mine. I wrapped my arms around her and appreciated her beautiful mouth on mine.

I could hear the guys whooping and hollering catcalls. 'I get it now,' I thought to myself, 'there are girls here and Karly is staking out her turf. Making it apparent that I was off limits.' Honestly, I didn't care, I'll kiss her anytime, anywhere.

I remembered then I didn't actually know where this party was. I let Karly down and looked back at the guys, "Hey, where the fuck are we going?"

Joe laughed and said, "Follow me, Nick you stay behind them, if they lose me they can follow you."

Nick was jumping in his car and called out, "Sounds like a plan!"

Karly jumped in and started the car, and I heard it announce that the Bluetooth was connected, she turned the radio down. I liked the song and looked at her silently asking her what it was. She looked at me and said, "Another one by Meg Myers, Motel." She fiddled with her phone and the song she played earlier while she stripped for me started, "this one is called Desire... remember that one?"

With that she pulled out after Joe, with Nick bringing up the rear. "I'm never going to be able to forget that one... I'll get a hardon every time I hear it from now on."

She laughed as we got to the end of the street. Joe was a responsible driver and the left turn signal on his truck flipped on, letting Karly know which way he was going. Traffic was okay but I noticed him pass up a few gaps that he could have slipped into, so I could tell he was being smart about picking a gap that all three cars could fit into.

Karly looked at me, "Mind if I smoke?"

I lifted my arm off of the console, I knew that was where she kept her cigarettes and her lighter. "Go ahead."

She smiled, "Thanks."

"Hey I enjoy watching as much as you enjoy smoking!" She lit the cigarette while Joe waited for his gap and I watched her inhale and breathe the smoke out of the open window.

It wasn't a big car and I was able to put my hand on her thigh simply by reaching out. She looked at me with a smile and took a long drag off of her cigarette.

Joe pulled out and Karly pressed on the gas. I enjoyed feeling her muscles work as she worked the peddle, like little pistons working beneath her skin.

Her smoking and the feel of her skin was really turning me on. I slid my hand up her leg and closer to her mound...

She kept one hand on the steering wheel and brought the hand holding her cigarette down and caught my hand. "No, no. There's no way I can drive with you doing that!"

I rubbed her clit through her panties and her legs snapped apart involuntarily, giving me better access to her. "Payback's a bitch..." I said to her as I worked my finger back and forth across her button. "Remember that little stunt with Joe? Here's the payback. Now smoke your cigarette and shut the fuck up while I finger you."

Her eyes were going all wavy and she pulled the cigarette up and took another drag, held it and then blew it towards the window. I figured she was ready... in one smooth motion I pulled her panties aside roughly and pushed my middle finger into her.

She nearly instantly slammed on the breaks and I nearly slipped out of her. Nick slammed on his horn as he adjusted to her sudden break check.

I pushed my finger in deeper and she moaned as she took another drag on her cigarette. She was having a blast I could tell! She moaned and smoked and while I could tell she was too nervous about her driving to cum, I knew that she was greatly enjoying her fingering. She finished up her cigarette and I finished up fingering her, looking straight into her eyes as I took my finger out of her and very leisurely sucked her juices off of my finger. 'God I love the way she tastes!' I thought in ecstasy.

She pushed her dress back down and I could see her take a final swipe at her pussy while she was down there. "You are going to pay for that later!" She said to me with some venom. I could see she loved every second of it, however so I was content.

The party wasn't far from my house and so we got there pretty quickly. I jumped out of the car and quickly went to Karly's side of the car and helped her out. I could tell she was adjusting her panties and not wanting to embarrass her I ran interference for her by pretending to open her door for her. I helped her out of the car and realized then that it had been too long since I had felt those lips...

It was my turn to press her back into the car and lay a breathtaking kiss on her lips.

Jess was walking by me right about then and she called back to us, "Get a room you two!"

I didn't really feel bad about making out with Karly in front of her. God knows I had seen her and Sep make out more than enough times...

Karly called out, "Nah! I think I'll have him just bend me over the hood here in a second!"

Jess turned around and walked backwards for a second giving Karly a dirty look, before she spun and wrapped Sep's arm around her.

Karly looked at me, "I'm not going to like her much am I?"

I stood silently thinking, and finally allowed, "No. Probably not."

Karly pulled off her coat and threw it into the car, showing off that luscious cleavage. She grabbed my hand and wrapped it around herself the way Jess had with Sep.

'Uh oh. Better keep an eye on these two. They're fighting to see who the alpha is going to be.' I thought to myself as I walked towards the house.

The house sat up on a little hill overlooking town and was far enough away from any neighbors that I doubted we were going to see any noise complaints tonight. It looked like a pretty wild party. There had to be 20 cars outside and they had filled up the hill and where just parking wherever now. 'Someone is going to be in a lot of trouble when their parents come home...' I thought to myself, glad that it wasn't my problem.

I called out to my group, "Hey, do we even know who's party this is?"

Rob turned around, "Yeah, I know the guy, his name is James. He's okay, he won't give us any trouble being here." I realized then that was why we had Rob in tow, he was our invite!

We made our way inside and Karly was preening like a peacock. Guys' eyes were all over her, girls were giving her dirty looks and she was making it apparent to everybody in the room who she was here with. My ego got a tremendous boost at that.

My group broke apart pretty fast as soon as we got inside. Karly grabbed my hands and put them on her hips as we pressed into the crowd of people, 'There must be a 100 people in here!' I thought as we walked around the house, 'I must have guessed low at the number of cars outside.' The crowd didn't exactly part for Karly and I, in fact her gorgeous looks probably cost us a lot of time as guys stopped to check her out. I kept stopping and bumping into her rear end as the people packed around us, and she kept turning back and smiling at me.

Karly instantly made her way to what looked like a living room, where the music was loudest and started grinding against me, dancing seductively. I was a terrible dancer, but I just sort of did my best to wear Karly like a second skin and hoped that she made me look better. Honestly, she felt so good against my body that I didn't care how I looked. We finished two songs worth of dancing and had worked up a sweat. She asked me, "You want to get a drink?" over the roar of the music.

I leaned into her ear so I wouldn't have to shout, "Yeah, that sounds good."

She took me by the hand this time and led me towards what looked like a kitchen. 'God it's hot in here!' I thought as we passed through the crowd of people. The closer we got to the kitchen the less progress we were making so I took the lead, pulling Karly along behind me. I put on my best mean face and the crowd parted like magic. Nobody it seemed, was interested in pissing off the enormous guy that was barreling around the house.

The lights through most of the house were turned down intimately, but in the kitchen everything was bright. It was a pretty impressive kitchen. Little red cups were everywhere and there were several kegs. I made my way closer to get Karly a drink when a guy turned around and bumped into me, spilling what smelled like beer all over the front of me.

My pissed look became a pissed feeling. I really hadn't wanted to stink of beer all night long.

The dude started to yell, "Hey what the hell!" but made it as far as, "Hey what the-" before saying, "Dude, you're enormous! Sorry about that!"

The guy was already pretty wasted so I felt like cutting him some slack, drunk people did stupid shit and I was at a party, I had to expect some pretty drunk people.

He had his hands up in front of me, "Dude, we cool?"

I looked at him and smiled, "Yeah, it's okay."

He smiled drunkenly and added, "Saw my life flash before my eyes there... spilled beer all over this giant ripped guy... the look on your face told me I was about to get my ass kicked!"

I put my left hand on his shoulder "It's cool, accidents happen."

He suddenly shouted, "Gabe?!"

I was shocked at his outburst but not all that surprised. I was on a ton of sports teams and most people knew me, or at least it seemed like a lot more people knew me than I knew.

He continued, "Dude, don't you recognize me? It's James!" he spread his arms out wide.

I just looked at him puzzled. "Dude, we're friends!"

'Is this guy too truck to know who HE is?' I thought to myself wildly. "You used to come over to my house and play Ninja Turtles!" He screamed.

I recognized him then and put my hand back on his shoulder, "Dude, that was 10, 12 years ago..." I said to him, no wonder I hadn't recognized him.

Karly came around me then and asked him, "Can we get a drink?"

James spun around and grabbed a cup and handed it to her, she in turn offered it to me. I shook my head, "No thanks babe, I don't drink."

She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face.

I leaned in and pecked her lips with a quick kiss. "My mom's a huge alcoholic and that shit runs in families. No way I'm picking up that habit!"

She smiled at me then, a mischievous look came over her face, "Can you drive?"

I smiled back at her, realizing what she was getting at, she wanted to see if I could drive home so she could drink. The thought of a naked, horny and drunk Karly seemed like a really good idea right about then. "Have a blast!" I told her.

She took a huge drink from the cup and James' voice interrupted my carnal thinking about her...

"Dude, is this your girlfriend?" Karly turned around and dropped back into my arms as I wrapped myself around her. I kissed her neck while she drank from her glass.

I smiled at him and said, "Yep, this beautiful creature is Karly."

He took her hand politely and said, "I'm James. Gabe and I used to be buds, this is my party so if you need anything just let me know, I'll be in here all night!" He was really nice and didn't ogle her too much. My impression of him ratcheted up two notches.

"Gabby! Oh thank god! Gabby!" A strange voice called out to me. Suddenly there were hands on me, that's a big no-no in my book.

I spun back to whoever was grabbing me. It was a girl named Michelle who I had some classes with and had hung out with a few times at a couple of parties. She and I were never a thing but I got the impression I could if I had wanted to. "What's up?" I asked her with a little annoyance.

I could feel Karly stiffen up against me and I realized how possessive she was. 'Not good' I thought to myself, 'she's going to need to get used to me being around other girls.'

Michelle was in a panic. "It's Raina, I need your help with Raina." Okay, so Raina was a bit of a different story than Michelle. I had had the hots for Raina since I was a junior. I had made a pass at her once and she told me that she had a boyfriend. That transitioned into something like an awkward friendship between the two of us...

I was still attracted to her, but my feelings for her were more brother-sisterish than romantic. Besides, I had Karly now, and she was WAY hotter than Raina.

I looked at Karly with a worried expression and saw anger cloud over her eyes. 'Wow, I'm surprised how old this is getting... and how fast.' I thought. I pulled her irritably along, Raina was a friend and there was no way I was leaving her out in the cold.

I motioned to Michelle to show me what was wrong. She pressed into the crowd of people and I followed, pulling Karly along behind me. It being James' house he must have decided to tag along and make sure that this wasn't a problem that he needed to take interest in. We moved through the kitchen and into a nearly dark dining room, or what appeared to be a dining room. 'How many rooms do these people need?' I thought to myself wildly.

Sitting on the floor in the corner was Raina. Her friend, a horse faced girl named Sally was standing over her. Raina appeared to be unconscious. I looked at Michelle, "What happened?"

"She's just really drunk!" she said to me...

Relief washed over me. "So fucking take her home... Jesus what do you need me for?"

Michelle looked panicked. Then I saw it, she was drunk too. So was Sally. "Who is your ride home Michelle?" I asked her.

She looked embarrassed. "We all came in my car."

I stood a little too fast and Michelle took a big step back fast, tripping over Karly, who pushed her off her foot in annoyance. "You've got to be fucking kidding me! How could you be so stupid?!" I yelled at her.

"Look, I didn't think she was going to drink so much!" Michelle said in her defense.

"I'm not talking about how drunk she is Michelle, I'm talking about how you're here getting drunk when you are supposed to be driving home. Now you're friend is too hammered to stay and you're too drunk to drive her home." I shook my head. This was not my problem. "Look, you guys are going to need to bite the bullet and watch over her and sober up."

I started to walk away and Raina made a weird noise and came to. "I feel sick."

James spoke up, "Look man, I don't want to be a dick, but I really don't want her throwing up on my floor here..."

I was briefly annoyed with him, but I couldn't say I would have felt much different were I in his shoes. "Lets get her outside." I finally said, then gave a flat look at Michelle, "You can stand out there and watch out for her while you sober up."

I started to lift Raina up and James, being the only other guy in the room moved to help... he was too drunk though and I realized he would only be a hindrance. "I got it." I told him as gently as possible. With that I scooped her up into a cradle carry and started walking out of the room. Karly gave me a straight out venomous look as she saw me carrying this strange girl protectively. There was no play in it this time, and I was more than a little annoyed that she would pick now to pull this jealous bullshit.

'Whatever, one problem at a time,' I thought to myself.

I made my way through the crowd with James running point in front of me calling for people to get out of the way.

I got Raina outside but she was still way too fucked up to move around. Rob ran up next to me and I wasn't even sure how he had seen what was going on with so much happening. He and Nick apparently had been outside. "Nick, get over here," He called out.

Nick ran up to me as I looked at Michelle, "Where is your car, we'll put her there."

She looked at me and in a deadpan voice said, "I don't want her throwing up in my car!"

I just shook my head, "Michelle, you're a real credit to friendship. Jeez."

She turned and started to stride off, "Back to the party! She wants to get drunk off her ass, she's your problem now."

I let out a weary sigh... 'You've got to be fucking kidding me.' I thought.

Nick came over and I looked at him. "Can we put her in your car for now?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah sure." He opened the door and I put her in.

I looked at Karly, ready to ask her to keep an eye on Karly while I went back in and checked on whether or not Sally was a better friend than Michelle. The look I found on her face told me that would be a very bad idea right now. I turned to Rob, "Can you watch her while I try to get her friends out here to help?"

"Yeah, sure." He replied.

I walked over the Karly, she started to open her mouth but I planted a world changing kiss on her lips. My arms slid around her and I grabbed her ass hard. Her arms tangled around me and her tongue slipped into my mouth. I broke the kiss with her and looked into her eyes, "I know you're pissed at me right now, but deal with it, I have to take care of this."

Her eyes got dark again at that so I pressed on, "She's wasted, baby girl, if I leave her in there it's just begging for someone to rape her. As soon as I get her dumbass friends out here we go back to the party. Wouldn't you want someone to do that for you if you made a stupid decision at a party?"
