Falling Down


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She shook her head. "You're always so gentle with me, and I know that means I don't drive you wild. When we first got together, I could see how much I pushed you over the edge. I could push you over the edge so easily... I could make you take me. Now, now, I can't. I mean you will, if I order you, or if I beg you to, but that just reminds me that you're too kind to say no... and that makes me worry that you don't love me, that you're just too kind to send me away..."

Fuck. I thought, my heart stopping.

How did you screw this up this badly? I wondered.

I realized then, I wasn't the only one with a scarred mind. I wasn't the only one carrying pain. She was just as messed up as I was. She was just messed up in a completely different, completely fucked up way...

Realizing that made me love her all the more...

"Baby girl..." I said as I shook my head at her, "I'm sorry."

She squeezed her eyes shut as tears poured through them. "Don't. Please don't. Don't apologize. This is my fault, not-"

"Stop." I ordered her.

Moving to her I reached my good hand out to her, running my palm across her cheek. Her eyes drifted closed and I felt the surging power that came with giving her pleasure. My lips found hers and I kissed her tenderly, exploring her lips with mine, trying to pour the love I felt with her into her, to make her understand that the world began, and ended with her.

I took my lips from hers and watched her eyes drift back open. I tried on a lop-sided smile.

Shaking my head at her, I told her, "Baby girl. You drive me wild every minute of every day." My hand went back to her face, and this time she brought her hand up and covered mine. I took that for a good sign.

I continued, "I don't need to take you, because you give me everything I could ever want. You are everything I want in this world, and I can have that anytime I want it, not because I have to take it but because you've made it mine."

Her eyes came up to mine, a fierceness lit them up that made my heart swell with pride for her. I narrowed my eyes at her. "That part of your life is over. The part that anyone controls you. That anyone takes from you. I won't let that happen to you, and I certainly won't be the one that does it. You think I can control myself around you? The only reason I can control myself around you is that I love you so much more than I lust after you." I shook my head as some of the more carnal pictures that lived in there pictured Karly in some of the more compromising positions I had seen her in, "but even then, it's a close thing. When we first got together my feelings for you were so much less. It was easy to push them aside, to simply let the physical part of me take over, now..." I shook my head at her, "Now when we're together, I only want to enjoy being with you."

She narrowed her eyes at me, shaking her head at me. "Why do I feel like you're bullshitting me?"

I smiled at her, then let my eyes drift down her body, so nakedly delicious...

She reached out and shoved me, "My eyes are up here mister..."

I pulled her into my arms and kissed her hard, "I don't think you want my eyes up there..."

She giggled as I pulled her down to the bed, pushing my chest against hers. I tangled my legs in hers and kissed her, running my good hand against her side, reveling in the feeling of the smooth skin there. I was gentle with her, unsure if she wanted me, or if she just wanted to feel me there with her.

She answered by attacking me like a tigress...

She squirmed and flipped me over on my back, and like that her legs were spread over me. I put my left hand on her hip, trying to stop her, "It's okay. We don't have-"

Like that I felt her slide down on me...

The heat of her was so incredible. "Shut up. I need to feel you inside of me."

I bucked uncontrollably, she felt so good wrapped around me. My left hand wrapped hard around her hip, my right, still stupidly wrapped in this fucking cast, pressed against her other hip, as I tried to drive myself into her harder. Her head dropped back and she moaned...

My eyes wandered over her breasts, watching them heave as she rocked herself slowly against me, no doubt getting used to having me inside of her. I let my eyes wander up to her face, feeling the sudden urge to kiss her overpower me.

I started to reach up to pull her down into me and stopped as her eyes snapped open, pinning me in place. Her nails suddenly dug into my chest and she ground her teeth. Her hips started moving faster and faster driving a spike of pleasure into me each time our hips slammed together. She went faster and faster, her skin flushing, her chest heaving as she sucked in air.

"Cum in me." She commanded.

I really wanted to...

Instead I shook my head, "No. I'm good. I want to wait for you."

A look of something close to anger slashed across her face and she somehow found another gear with her hips. Her nails dug even harder into my chest. I saw her eyes swim out of focus and realized how much she was enjoying herself. She ground her teeth even harder, her eyes darkening even more, "I said fucking cum in me."

This was fun...

I mean it felt fucking amazing... and I was so close to doing exactly as she commanded me it wasn't funny. I could see how much she was trying to drive me over the edge. She was hot as a general rule, and a tiger in bed, but right now she had it dialed completely up to eleven.

So, I cheated. I did the one thing that I knew would drive her insane while pushing my own orgasm back a step or two. I tensed up my groin muscles. I knew that caused me to swell down there, and while that happened it also pushed me back a bit from the edge.

The change in her was immediate. Her head snapped back, her hips slowed on mine, losing tempo as she traded speed for power, driving herself into me harder and harder. Her eyes opened and this time there was less command in them, "Please cum in me. I need to feel it."

I was enjoying this game...

I shook my head, grabbing her hips and forcing them to move faster and faster against mine again, "You first." I told her as I tensed my groin again.

Her head shook weakly as I saw her losing control, "No, please... just go..." she moaned. "I need you to... I need to feel it..."

As this point, she was like a rag doll on top of me, loose and moving at pretty much the tempo I dictated with my hips against hers, my hands upon her. I tensed a third time, this time holding it as long as I possibly could.

Her hands were on either side of my stomach and this time they turned into talons. Her thumbnails went into the flat of my stomach, her fingernails into my side. Her legs tightened like vices against me. Her head went down and she made a noise that I had never heard her make before... something between a scream of rage and one of ecstasy. I lost all control of her hips as she somehow found a way to pound me both faster and harder than she had thus far.

I felt her body tense against me down there, wrapping itself tightly around me...

Things got a whole lot wetter too...

I realized then, for only the second time, I had given her an orgasm so intense she had squirted.

That was too much for me. I tried to wait for her to finish cresting over the wave.

I'm not sure I succeeded.

I swept her around and was immediately on top of her, never taking myself from her as I smoothly flipped us between spots, her now on the bottom, me on the top. It was my time to drive into her with every bit of power I had...

I couldn't help it.

"Wait... wait..." She moaned, panting against my ear.

I wrapped my arms around her head to gain more leverage to drive myself into her, deeper and harder. The desire to just climb inside her raised up inside of me and drove the ability for me to do anything other than drive into her with everything I had from my mind.

"Stop, please," She moaned.

I felt my head shaking against her involuntarily, "I can't." I panted into her ear.

Her legs tightened around me hard, her nails found their accustomed spot in my back again, she shook her head hard, "Please don't... you're going to make me cum like that again..." She begged.

That thought filled my mind with an animal's snarl. The desire to mate with my woman. To drive her completely insane with need for my body, the way she did for me. I found my teeth against her shoulder, biting down on her, probably a little bit too hard...

I tensed my groin again, this time as I drove myself down into her with every ounce of power I had...

Her hand slashed down my back, this time hard enough to draw blood. The pain only made me thrust myself into her harder and harder.

Her head slammed back into the bed and she made that beautiful sound again...

Drunk on her I managed to pull myself back from her, to look at her as she came against me. Her head thrown back, her eyes squeezed shut tightly, her mouth open as the scream rocked its way out of her. Every muscle in her face stood out. The muscles in her neck like high tension wires. I could feel her nipples like little rocks against my chest. Everything down below was a mess of fire and moisture...

It was too much of a mental picture for me... I threw my face against her neck, biting at the hollow between her neck and shoulder as she drove me over the edge...

Everything was so intense, so pleasurable, every thought flew straight from my mind. The human part of me, well, he must have decided to go take a walk. I felt myself spurt into her, release myself into her...

"Yes!" She screamed, her body tightening itself around me.

I lay against her, panting...

Something was wrong though...

Normally, when we had finished making love a sense of the deepest relaxation settled over me. A sense of peace and contentedness, like everything in the world didn't matter anymore. Every thought was driven from my mind and I just settled into the feeling like settling into a warm pool.

I didn't feel that this time.

This time, the animal continued to bounce against the walls of its cage, howling and screaming to be let free.

My mind filled with thoughts and images. That night, our second night together. The night of my birthday. When we had danced at the party. The feeling of her body against mine. Contoured to me.

This time though, I was watching it. This time it wasn't me she was pressed against. It was Cameron fucking Kane.

I was filled with a sense of jealously, a sense of ownership.

This is my woman! My brain screamed at me. Mine!

I ground my teeth as I pulled myself from her, crawling up her body.

The human part of me poked his head back into my mind, took one look around and decided he needed to take a longer walk...

I found my hand tangled in her hair. Found me forcing myself towards her mouth.

"Open your fucking mouth." I growled at her.

Some part of me registered the shock on her face, a question falling across her features. I was still semi-erect, but not enough I knew to have her again. That was something I aimed to fix. I want to say I decided to take her, but decision was no part of what went through my mind. Dimly, and with some sense of horror, I realized that what I felt right then, in that moment, had nothing to do with us. It had nothing to do with my desire to be with her. This overwhelming sense of sexual aggression was about one thing...

Using my considerable strength, I wrapped my fingers tighter into her hair and pulled her closer to me, forcing myself against her mouth, "I suck fucking suck!"

The words shocked even me...

A look of panicked shock smashed across her face... tinged with something else...


The truth was I was beyond caring.

I shook her head, "Suck!"

Her mouth opened and accepted me. I was not gentle with her.

I forced myself into the back of her mouth. My hand stayed tangled in her hair, pushing her deeper and deeper onto me, pulling her off of me so I could force myself back down her throat again...

My right hand, still tied up in my cast, found its way to the top of her head. I wanted so badly to control her head with both of my hands, but the fucking cast was preventing me. I balled my fist and slammed my forearm against the wall hard. My small apartment filled with a boom like a bomb going off, as pain lanced up my arm. I had intended to shatter the cast. To break it off of my arm so I could use my hand on her...

The pain made me reconsider the thought...

That same pain pushed my aggression with her to another level...

I threw my leg over her chest and pulled her head onto me as far as I was able...

She was accommodating.

I stopped pulling on her head when her nose pressed against my stomach...

I'm not a big man downstairs, not pornstar quality or anything... but I'm not small either. Some small part of me screamed at me that I was deep in her throat. That accepting me the way I was forcing her to meant she couldn't breathe...

I managed to let her loose enough for her to gasp a few panting breaths before the rage was upon me again...

I forced myself back down her throat, "Is that what you fucking want?" I growled at her.

It was only then I realized how aggressively she was sucking my dick. I realized that she had her arms wrapped around my hips, and that as much as I was pulling her onto me, she was pulling herself down on me just as aggressively, with every bit the same amount of passion...

Don't get me wrong... Karly normally gives an enthusiastic blowjob. A really enthusiastic blowjob. This was next level though. She was like an animal on me...

I pressed my face against the wall, the coolness of the plaster pressing into my face as the first wave of pleasure slammed through me... "Fuck..." I groaned.

The fact that she was so in to it only excited me more...

I pulled myself from her mouth and using only my one arm, my weak one at that, I flipped her completely around. Bringing her first to her butt, forcing her to sit up, and then harshly forcing her onto her stomach. She made a cute little squealing sound as she was bodily lifted from the bed, her surprise apparent at being manhandled with so little effort...

Like that I was on her back, driving myself deep into her. Her head snapped back as she moaned in pleasure. Her hips rose to meet mine as I drove them into her as hard as I could. My fingers again tangled into her hair, jerking her head back and to the side I growled into her ear, "This is mine... understand?"

She was in such ecstasy she couldn't even speak, all she could manage was a weak nod of her head as she muttered, "Uh-huh."

She tried to bring her arms up to pull me against her but the weight and the force at which I was hammering against her left her unable...

I drove myself into her over and over...

I pulled her hair again hard, "I said do you fucking understand?"

This time she managed to shake her head harder, "Yes... oh fuck yes... just please... don't stop..."

I tensed my groin again, knowing that it would force me to swell inside her, but this time I didn't do it for her, this time I did it because it felt so fucking good to feel the walls of her constrict against me as I slammed myself into her.

She moaned that feral moan again, and I knew she was close to the edge again...

"Fucking cum on my cock bitch..." I growled into her ear. The desperate need to drive her over the edge of ecstasy again overwhelmed me. That desire to once again feel that there was no one in the world that could give her as much pleasure as I could overwhelmed me.

Her hands wrapped in the sheets as I started to drive her over the edge. With a strength of desperation, she managed to crawl away from me an inch or two...

I pulled her head back harder, "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I asked her, "I'm not done with you yet."

Instead of letting her get away from me I thrust myself into her harder, once again making myself swell down below...

She bit the sheet like an animal as she screamed this time, her fingers clawing at the edge of the bed as she struggled to find release from the orgasm that powered over her...

For my part I just thrust into her harder and harder.

As she came down the other side of her orgasm she shook her head, "Fucking come on... give me a break here..." she panted as I rammed into her as hard as ever, "Just fucking cum in me already..."

I snapped up and away from her, reaching across my body I grabbed her right leg with my left arm and spun her over in one powerful, quick movement. I grabbed her with such force she actually came up off of the bed completely as she spun around. No sooner had her body hit the bed and I was on her again, forcing myself up into her. My mouth found the hollow of her neck again, biting and nibbling there...

Without thinking about it, I found her nipple in my mouth...

She was driving me so fucking crazy I was just starting to skip around...

I found myself biting her nipple... hard.

Her arms were wrapped around my head, her fingernails like pinpoints of light against my scalp... "Oh my fucking god! Yes!" She screamed as I drove her over the edge once again.

A dim part of me warned me that I needed to slow down... that I was totally losing control... that she was too fucking much for me.

The bigger part of me however, needed to feel how deeply I could get inside of her...

I grabbed her legs and forced them up over my shoulders, pushing my hips deep against my own, and there I found it...

She threw her head back, "Oh my fucking god that's deep..." She moaned. "Yes, like that... do it like that..."

I forced her hips up off the bed as I pushed my hips deeper and deeper against her...

I felt the urge within me start to settle. The animal in my mind start to quiet...

Her hand wrapped around the back of my neck, tender and full of love. My head lifted, my eyes finding hers. The expression of love there so intense it nearly brought tears to my eyes...

She smiled at me, nodding her head, "I love you..." She whispered, "Finish, please... I want to feel it inside of me."

I let her legs loose, feeling them slip around me, wrapping around my waist. My lips found hers as I released myself within her...

Lying on top of her I tried to catch my breath...

Karly wrapped her arms around me as she nuzzled my face. I started to roll off of her and she held me tighter, "Please stay like that... I like to feel you like that..."

I giggled, "I can... but uh... if I do you might need to go another round..."

She rolled me off of her and settled out of court by nuzzling up against me. "Sorry there big guy... don't think I can go another round like that."

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her tight into me, "I'm sorry if I got a little carried away..."

She chuckled, her body shaking delightfully next to mine... "Baby boy... that was perfect..." She raised her head and looked at me, "I mean, not like every time..." She ran a hand over her tummy, "I'm going to be sore tomorrow..."

I winced, "Sorry... I didn't mean to be so rough..."

She kissed my chest and a hungry look came into her eyes, "You were just rough enough... I'm going to be sore from how... uh... excited you made me."

I could feel the disapproving look on my face. I didn't want to let it slip on there, but it did all the same. I knew what we had just done excited her, and hell, it was fantastic for me too, but it still felt... wrong. It felt like I was hurting her, and worse, it felt like I was enjoying hurting her.

I looked away from her, shame starting to burn from the embers of my passion for her.

I cursed myself as soon as I did it... I was trying to make things better, and now... now I probably only made things worse.

Instead of rebuking me she climbed onto me, kisses raining down on my face as she giggled and tickled me. Finally, she grabbed my head and held me firm, "Stop and get out of your head." She commanded. Her eyebrows went up, "Did you have fun?"
