Family Skeleton


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Whatever made my bowels loose one particular weekend, I do not know. We had all eaten the same wonderful dinner that Nikki had cooked for us the night before, but you can pick something up from a door handle at work or from the grip rails on the tube. Guys especially should wash their hands every single time. However I had picked up the bug, it was getting to my gut, and lower. Phil is a good guy. He was happy to carry on down to the park with my kids as well as his son, if I needed to get back and sit down in the bathroom.

I went straight upstairs. Forget what happened in the bathroom. Some things, you do not need to know. All finished, I got my act together and went back down, heading towards the kitchen. A glass of water would be good.

"You're sure he don't know?"

It was Nikki. The question made me stop right where I was, still in the hallway, within ear-shot, but out of sight from the kitchen where they were talking. I instinctively was curious to hear what it was that who did not know.

"I'm sure. Your idea with the handcuffs worked. He's into that kind of play so much he's never noticed which of us it is."

"I can vouch for that."

It was Laura or Chloe who had answered, but I could not tell which was which. They sound so alike. That also meant that I still did not know who the 'he' was that Nikki had referred to.

"Good" Nikki said. At least her voice, with its Swedish inflections, was recognisable.

"What about ...?" Again I could not tell who was speaking, Lauren, or Chloe.

She did not finish the question, so there was no name. I was not sure who had asked the question, so I was not sure if they meant me, or Phil.

"He's never guessed either." Still not sure who said it.

"You must never tell either of them," Nikki said. "They don't need to know, and you both have such wonderful children. It really doesn't matter that they all have the same father."

"I just wanted to say, you've been amazing. When I realised it was not going to happen, I, well,... When Mum suggested,... well,... you know,... I don't know how to say it, but I couldn't ask for a better sister."

It did not take too much to work it out. I had wondered. Now I knew for certain. Both the twins were expecting, Laura her third, and Chloe her second first, but all of the children had to be mine. The trading places for the night had not been just for fun. They had planned it. Laura had let her sister take her place so that I could do what Phil apparently could not.

That was when I thought it might be better to make my exit, just in case someone might come out of the kitchen and find me standing there. I needed not to have been listening. I decided I needed to arrive again, louder, so they would hear me come in, and not wonder if I had heard. I first walked quietly to the front door, eased it open, went through and pulled it almost closed, afraid to let the lock snap closed in case it made a sound.

I got out my key, put it in the lock, turned it, opened the door wide again, went back inside, and closed the door with a slightly exaggerated slam.

"Hi, guys, sorry, I need the bathroom urgently," I called to the kitchen. I headed upstairs, went to the bathroom, waited ten minutes that I no longer actually needed, then flushed fresh water on top of the clean water in the bowl.

Back downstairs I went into the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" Laura asked.

"I don't know what caused that," I said, apologetically. "I could do with a glass of water."

After what I had heard, I could have done with a Scotch, but I could hardly ask for one.

Let me tell you, it takes your breath away. Fucking Chloe, or Laura, not knowing which it was, had been a turn on. I am not stupid. Laura and I had stopped using protection after our first, Laura going on the pill instead until the time was right to try again. So, even once I knew it could be Chloe I was fucking, I had never used protection. I guessed she would be on the pill, or at the very least would be using rhythm.

Of course the thought had crossed my mind that, just possibly, the baby Chloe was carrying could be mine. The idea that the son they already had might be mine had not entered my mind, although the even more worrying thought had also occurred to me, that it might have been Phil who had got Laura pregnant.

The truth, that I had just overheard, had never occurred to me. Laura and Chloe had been switching places, not for fun, but so that I would get Chloe pregnant, giving her the child that Phil was not managing to provide.

The ten minutes in the bathroom had not been long enough to work out how I felt about what I had just learned. My stomach upset fortuitously covered that fact that I was not this time able to behave as normal. I wanted time on my own, and sat in the living room, with my glass of water, my brain whirling, while food preparation continued in the kitchen, and while Phil looked after the kids in the nearby park.

I kept saying it to myself. They were both carrying my child. Both of them. Laura and Chloe. I had not just made love to both of them, but had got them both pregnant, within months of each other, and I was not supposed to know. Phil did not know. He also, presumably, did not know that he had been fucking Laura, while I had been getting Chloe pregnant on the basis of an agreement all three women had worked out between them.

It certainly put Laura in a different light. Switching husbands had not been just for sex. She had been lending me to her sister, doing her an amazing favour, that I should have known about, and maybe Phil as well, except what I had heard was right. Maybe it was better that Phil at least, did not know, so that he kept his self esteem.

But the extent to which they had gone to hide the truth still seemed incredible. Letting Chloe take her place with me was in itself amazing. Going to Phil's bed, and standing in for Chloe so that he would not realise, was something else again. Laura had let Phil make love to her, or so I assumed, just to keep him from knowing what was going on.

So from then, I knew. A few weeks later Chloe gave birth. Two months later, it was Laura's turn. I was delighted, and I said nothing of what I knew.

Of course we still had our monthly family weekends at Nikki's. Once both the twins had regained their body shapes, I could again no longer tell who was coming to my bed, but I knew, from dinner table conversation, that Chloe wanted to have more children. Meanwhile Laura went for a procedure that would make sure that our family stayed at three.

Making love at Nikki's entered a new phase. If Chloe wanted to have more children then there was only one way that that would happen. I could never be sure who it was that I was making love to, but the thought that it could be Chloe made it all the more exciting.

That was six years ago. Chloe has had two more children since. The youngest is three already. I have felt good about making my 'contribution' to Phil and Chloe's family, and it has been pretty good for my ego that I have fathered seven children in all, keeping two women happy in the process.

I do have an admission that I should make. I have sometimes known who I have been fucking. Laura and Chloe still look identical. They keep the same straight cut, waist length hair style that they had as teenagers. They have both stayed slim. What Laura has not noticed is that three or four times a year, the night before we have gone to stay at Nikki's, while we have been making out in our own bedroom at home, I have sucked that little bit harder on her neck, right at the back, where her hairline stops, but her hair is thick and covers it.

Laura marks easily, something that I should have realised when I used to smack her, or use the tawse. The reason that those marks disappeared by morning, was that the sisters swopped bedroom before I saw Laura's unmarked buttocks. Whether Phil saw Chloe's reddened arse, and wondered what had happened to her, I have no idea.

Just the same, the hickey that I give Laura on a Friday takes a couple of days to go from reddish pink back to white. It might just be coincidence, but not once, when I have checked on the Saturday night at her mother's, have I ever found that hickey. Then it has always reappeared in the morning, after Laura has been to the bathroom. I do not just mean while Chloe wanted to increase her family, but even in the past five years, I have never seen that hickey at their mother's.

So those nights, I have fucked Chloe extra hard, made her make as much noise as I can get from her. I like to let Laura know what she is missing. I am sure that she can hear us through the wall.

The other times, when I have not bothered to give Laura the hickey on her neck, I have never really known for sure who I have been fucking. My guess is it has almost certainly been Chloe. If the hickey trick always tells me it is Chloe I am fucking, then the chances are Laura never sleeps with me at Nikki's, and it is Chloe every time.

What happened a month ago, disturbing what has been a neat equilibrium, at least in my mind, was a rare remark from Phil, when he strayed away from work, politics and sport, and started reflecting on life and family. Right out of the blue, Phil grinned at me on the Sunday in the park, when we were out of ear-shot of the others.

"I love these weekends," he said to me. "Don't say I told you, but Chloe and I always play this game. Her idea, years ago."

He paused. He waited. He had my attention. Then he went on.

"Chloe and I can hear you guys at it in your room, and she never liked the idea of you hearing us. At first she would always ask me to take it easy with her, and would have just a nice, quiet fuck when we went to bed."

"Then there was this time, she took this stuff from the case that she had packed. You know what I mean?"

I did not know what he meant, so I asked him.

"Like, rope ties, for her wrists and ankles. And this ball-gag thing. I didn't believe it when she showed them to me, but she was adamant. Just went to the bathroom, saying to tie her up and gag her when she got back. That I could fuck her like I wanted to. Slam my eight inches into her, hard as I like. All she can do is squirm around. You ever do it to Laura like that?"

I never had. We never played any kind of games with ropes or gags. Not that that was what I thinking about.I was thinking about his saying he used his eight inches on Chloe, which meant, since I was fucking Chloe, that Phil had his eight inches in my wife.

I had assumed that Phil's cock was smaller than mine, but if what he had said was accurate, then we were around the same size. Laura would have been enjoying a cock pretty much as big as mine, and it sounded as if Phil knew how to use it.

But then, that would have been the deal, I thought. Laura shared my sperm with Chloe. In return, Chloe shared Phil's cock with Laura. I wondered if Chloe knew the kind of sex Phil had with her sister.

Then I worked out that Chloe had to know. More than that, Chloe had packed the case that had the rope ties and the gag. She might even have set Laura up. Told Phil to use the ties and gag on her, and then swopped places with Laura when they both went to the bathroom. Laura would have walked into Phil's room not knowing what he was about to do to her.

If I had got it straight, that was happening regularly, once a month. Chloe was letting Phil enjoy himself with Laura, tying her to the bed, gagging her, and fucking her like there was no tomorrow, while next door, I had never heard a sound.

Then it got worse. Phil went on.

"Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I'd taken Laura more seriously," he said.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Back when we were teenagers," he said. "I was still playing the field the first time I met her. I guess she told you. It only lasted a couple of weeks. We can't have done it more than half a dozen times. I moved on to someone else, and then I heard that you two had got together while your mates were watching."

I pretended that I knew, that Laura had told me about him long ago. Even in your fifties, you do not like to lose too much face in front of your brother-in-law. It was bad enough that he had slept with my wife way back then. Admitting that I knew nothing about it would have been so much worse.

Of course, in a way I had known for years that Laura had slept with Phil, by then I knew that Laura and Chloe had been switching places.

But inwardly, my stomach was heaving with what he had just told me. If what he had said was true, than he had been fucking Laura before that night when we did it for the first time under the bedsheets. I was neither the first, nor the only.


My head was spinning.

I remembered that night when we were both nineteen like it was yesterday. We had not used protection. It had been spontaneous, Laura just easing herself down onto my bare cock, and when I had come, I had been deep inside her, which is how she had got pregnant.

Except, Phil had been there first.

With his own eight inches.

Had he fucked Laura bare?

As if he had been reading my thoughts, he told me the answer.

"Then a few years later I met Chloe at a party. To be honest, I thought that it was Laura, and tried to make out with her for old times sake. By then I had settled down a bit. Only one girl on the go at a time, and always with protection, not like when I first met her."

Now I knew. Phil had fucked Laura bare before I had, which explained why she had slid onto my cock that night the way she had. Mine was not the first cock she had enjoyed, nor the first time someone had emptied their semen into her.

That was when my blood ran cold.

If Phil had fucked Laura way back then, that was around the time she had got pregnant with our first.

Not that Phil could have been the father. I had heard the three women talking in the kitchen. Except I had not been sure who had said what, and had just assumed that since I had gotten Laura pregnant, it had to be Chloe thanking Laura for letting me get her pregnant.

If Phil had gotten there first, then theoretically, he could have been the father of Laura's first baby, my daughter, as she had been raised. And if only one of us was able to have children, that would make it Phil. Phil would have fathered Chloe's four and Laura's three, not me.

That would mean that what I heard that afternoon was not Chloe thanking Laura, butLaura thanking Chloe, and the ropes and gag were Chloe's way of making her sister pay for sharing her man, using his sperm, and have him father the kids I thought were mine.

Phil gave me a grin.

"I guess we're both lucky," he said, "to have such loving wives."

"I guess we are," I said.

Which is what I still think, four weeks after that jaw dropper of a conversation. It took a little time to work out that in the end, it did not matter. The fact is that either of Phil or myself could have fathered Laura's first. I had married her because I loved her, not just because I thought her bump was mine - and it might have been. I really do not know.

What I know is that I have a wife I love, who gives me all the loving that I need, with the sole exception of just one night a month, when I get to fuck her sister. I have three children who know me as their Dad, and four to whom I am their uncle. The last thing that I would want to do is upset any of all that love.

When you come across a skeleton in the closet it is sometimes best to close the closet, lock it tight, and throw away the key.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good plot, pathetic ending

MartyMBMartyMB8 months ago

Laura's husband (name?) Should have found out if he was potent or not. DNA testing is also available for verifying paternity. And then, talk to Laura. After that, she can either be trusted or she can't. As for me, I can't imaging raising another man's child.

CimenRunarCimenRunar11 months ago

So, even though Laura can no longer have children (and presumably Chloe still does but gets all she needs for that all the time from her husband) they still swap places when staying at Nikki’s? That means it’s not for baby making but the fun of sex with each others husbands. That puts a huge hole in the plot line.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good plot, interesting twists. Still think DNA testing is in the near future. I would certainly want to know the truth. If not the bio dad, would have some tough discussions about the dishonesty in the marriage. Makes me believe Phil is bio dad. Laura loved the husband and feared losing him if he discovered his first child was not his, so was dishonest. Long time between first and second child also indicator Phil is bio dad.

In any case, as long as both dads love their children as though the children were their biological turn children, all should be well.

I find the comments of both Dora and Omega man to be very disrespectful to both genders. Both partners bring their strengths and weaknesses to a union. Sometimes the unions are great and last. Dishonesty rarely helps even with the best intentions


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

i think i approve omegaman56's reasoning. especially about how honest women are, they arent at all. he says its biological, i say its situational, what does the cunt need want or lust for? depending on who can satisfy the most of her list is who she will either marry or cheat with. marrying gets most of her list then she cheats serially w/ whoever can or will fulfill her latest fadish want. No honor, decency or faithfullness will interfere w/ her getting what she wants. theres a country song about"love dont care whose heart it breaks" and neither do women. they nuffin if not selfish and materialistic and manipulative. rk

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

What a good idea for a story, like the way you wrote this nice first person perspective, nice descriptions of characters and sex.

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

Dora is absolutely right about identical twins. Her comment "don't make yourself miserable by imagining that your brother-in-law fathered your children' is ludicrous though. The unfaithful wife and her family, and the reason WHY she cheated, is what will make him miserable. Cuck shit story.

Omegaman56Omegaman56over 1 year ago

This is in response to Miss Dora's Commit

You are not the prize. Men are!

Women do not marry down. Men Do. Women always seek out the highest status make she can get.

If you as a woman are let's say an 8 you will not marry a 7 or below, unless he is wealthy and powerful

And trust me, men like that have egos. They have earned them.

An 8 will seek an 8,9,10 and according to women they are only about 10% of those exist. Women want the sixes.

6 ft tall, 15% of men are that height, 6 figure income, 10% have 6-inch cock or larges 10% want men that are college educated woman graduate college at twice the rate as men.

So you have 100% of the women chasing very few men. So who is the prize? Women do not marry down There is no woman who will ever admit that she did. If she does she is out.

As far as egos go, men have to earn theirs No man is born a Man. Men are made through hard work and dedication and taking pride in themselves. And he has to do it every day of his life.

You have done nothing to earn your beautiful. You won the genetic lottery. And the old saying is if you are told to have the dedication to earn something, you don't respect it. That is why today's women abuse their sexuality in their youth and when they get 30 no man wants them. At least those who those women want.

If you don't believe me go look Tik Tok at the 35 and forty-year-old single woman and woman with kids crying that no man wants them.

Also this had nothing to do with screwing different women it had to do with deceit. Using another human being. MEN as you like to call respect honesty integrity and trust. Women's truth is good as long as it fits their needs at the Moment. It's biological.

Rember this men are a product of natural selection by women. If women wanted 5 ft feminine me they would have chosen to mate with those.

Also, every right you have is given by men, They could take them away and women could do nothing about it.

All the comfort and security you have is furnished by men. 99% of all patents that make the world civilized are furnished by men. All the creature comforts you enjoyed men created, Every man has egos to succeed.

So we would prefer you to just say thanks. Because you might need a man with a big ego to protect you one day.

And as far as her body, when you marry you become one, And if one part becomes disease you amputate it.

Simon_MastersSimon_Mastersover 1 year ago

Love the comments...

Dear_DoraDear_Doraalmost 2 years ago

(BTW) I've never met a pair of "identical" twins that were truly identical enough to be mistaken for one another by anyone who knew them for any length of time. The idea that married sisters could actually "fool" their husbands is ludicrous. A great story gimmick, certainly a familiar sexual fantasy kernel, but in reality ... no way. (Not to say that the husbands might not pretend not to notice to continue to boff the sister-in-law from time to time, though!)

Dear_DoraDear_Doraalmost 2 years ago

Are men's egos so fragile? He has access to two beautiful women, at least one of whom like to be flogged during sex. count your blessings, say I, and don't make yourself miserable by imagining that your brother-in-law fathered your children. Here's another thought: why would Chloe and / or Laura limit themselves to just the two men? How many others might they have enjoyed over the years?

Who cares? Just continue to pretend you are unaware of the switcheroo, and continue to enjoy yourself! Here's an idea it is apparently difficult for men to accept: married or not, you do not own your woman's body. It is ALWAYS a privilege to have sex with a woman - any woman! Privilege!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Me, I'd of walked out the door, gotten into my car and drove away, never to be seen or heard from again. Phil could have them all....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The moment I heard that kitchen conversation I would have walked out, made sure they heard me, got in my vehicle and got the kids. Then drove home. Found a lab to do DNA tests on the children, and if the result that I was not the father I would leave her, file for divorce and file a civil suit against each adult for alienation of affection and fraud. Make it as public as hell. Once divorced I would sue both sisters to recover every penny I spent on the children. I would turn their lives into hell. As for Phil, what he would get he would never see coming, nor survive long if he was the father of my children.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You have a decision to make - soon, but after you have a DNA test on one of the children. It's very easy and with certainty these days.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


If you don't care what a wimpy cuckold

seeker76seeker76about 2 years ago

It's every time they go to the moms and without his knowledge or consent but with the mom's. She never told him she had slept with phil right before they got together in front of the group.

seeker76seeker76about 2 years ago

pure bs

I'd secretly test the kids in my house and then find a way to test the other children.

I'd have walked right in the room and slapped the 3 of them right in the face. After hearing that conversation and the one with phil about him sleeping with his wife before him.

lflyer82lflyer82about 2 years ago

Read a second time and after a while I really could have used a score card.. Reminded me of an old commercial for a home perm kit “which twin has the.Toni” should have named one of the men Anthony. Fun to another one of your clever stories..

lflyer82lflyer82over 2 years ago

Another top notch story from Steelring. How many of the anno complainers out there haven’t thought of fucking their sister-in-law. Here’s a guy who gets to do it monthly. Why blow a good thing.

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