Far Pangaea 79 : Testing 1..2..3


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"Hold on a minute. You really placed a satellite over Earth when it was first created? It's survived for billions of years?"

"That right. MEMO invincible. Shielded from meteorite damage. Solar flare only help power it not sap it. Nerds eye view of planet Earth. See things no one knows I see. Especially that punk ass REGION."

"So, wait a second. I once heard rumors out of NASA about some strange black satellite over Earth. Only a blurry photo but I think it was debunked."

"Nope. It real. Accident that it caught glimpse of. Phased out before found. It moves every few minutes. Captures images. Scans areas. Poof gone. Other side of planet. Hides on a continual loop. Invisible to naked eye."

"Prove it."

Milo smirks with his tiny mouth then throws his arms toward the ceiling, "Look to Heavens." In response General Obadiah Ridge glances up to see the ceiling alter from an architectural marvel to a literal planetarium. The room changing to darkness. Stars brightly dotting the sky. A beeping noise is heard forcing Ridge to hold his breath to listen in.

"What's that beeping? Almost like binary code but not quite."

"MEMO talking to us. I can translate to English if you like."

"Please." Obadiah was caught up in the moment.

Closing his eyes Milo alters the acoustics of the room with his mind. The excessive beeping switches to definable words.

"Coordinates 33.2232° N, 43.6793° E."

Obadiah drops his jaw, "That's the coordinates for Iraq. How could that be? If the continents broke apart over the centuries then the coordinates would undoubtedly change."

"Oh yes. You right. MEMO is directing us from then to now. What the coordinates were then would be elsewhere in 2019. Ethiopia I configure."

"Ok, so the pinpoint is Ethiopia then but Iraq now?"

"You catch on quick."

"Why the survey of Iraq?"

"Why you think U.S. Government got interest in Middle East? Not for oil. For insight. History. REGION all over that area. Searching with all they got for knowledge."

"Is this where my family is? Back then."

"Zeroing in now."

"Wait. You can actually zoom in on people?"

"Only for a minute. MEMO phase remember. Quick study move on."

"Can't you stop the phase to look things over better?"

"Risk being seen. Lot of traffic."


"Ancient visitors. My kind. SeVen's people. Ganthorians. Crysulians. Dagonites. Hordakians. Many more. Worse of all Osirians. Bad news Bears."


"Very strong race. Gods of Egypt. Come here at Dawn of Time then leave. Royal Family left behind by own race. Very bad people. Osiris cruel and live for conquest. Pay no mind to legend. Never accurate. My people document. MEMO prove right or wrong."

"Alright. Show me my family?"

"No breath. It be quick."

An image suddenly appears before them. Of his wife Madigan Ridge. Another man with her. Laying on the ground. Naked. It was night time but MEMO brought things into focus as if bright as day.


"Fuck? Look like wife getting some nooky." Milo blurts without consideration of the General's reaction. He quickly shut up.

"Unbelievable. I search for my family and the first thing I see is her having sex with...what is that? A black guy with tattoos?"

"That man Malcolm Brand. Lost on same flight as Madigan and yo daughter Piper Sophia. I know all. I keep track. Cross reference. DNA through neutrino extraction. Meaning I can figure out who people are like x-ray. Look closer before image fade."

"What's that behind them?"

"That a Ganthorian spaceship. The X'Hal. Lost in 1960's. That where they live."

"It looks the size of a Zeppelin. So why are they bigger than the ship? Gotta be a malfunction of your satellite cameras."

"Nope. They bigger than ship. Giants."

"How?" Obadiah couldn't stop watching his wife riding Malcolm Brand's colossal cock. She was getting into it. Hands in her hair. Then it dawned on him, "Wait. In that video from the Eldridge Maddy was normal sized. Ghostlike even."

"Bad News Bears again. Your wife dead. Brought back to life as ghost. I watch as much as I can." Milo shies suddenly, "Not them having sex. That be creepy. Every day life of survivors in Time. We catch them at bad time. See runes on Malcolm? Those ancient Nordic symbols. He the Giant when he wants to be. She touch him and become giant too. Instinct take over. In defense General...she not think she ever see you again."

Obadiah nods swallowing dryly, his tears defied, "You're right. I can't blame her. I might consider that same thing in her situation." He lowers his gaze whispering, "Maybe I should have tapped Judith Lamb."

Hearing him Milo clears his throat, "Not good idea. Judith Lamb different."

"Meaning what? Alien too in human disguise?"

"No. Reincarnation. MEMO also follow souls by texture of their light. She not know this. Only you and I." He pauses for effect , "Judith Lamb was Mary Magdalene in past life."

"You're bullshitting."

"Milo not. Wife of Jesus. Jesus was incarnation of James Ian Pryce. All roads intersect."

"The wife of our Lord Jesus Christ nearly blew my cock?" Obadiah shudders.

"Could make crude joke. I keep mouth shut. Just know reputation is a lie. Big Church money making by the book kind of lie." He creases his massive forehead, "Judith nice lady. Do what most do under duress. Have sex. Human trait."

"Listen Greyson. I hope I'm being wise in this decision but Judith gave me a microchip. Said it would help me discover the whole truth. I've kept it stashed away afraid of putting it online in case of hackers. REGION can't know she slipped it into my...hands." He refrains from the entire truth. She had used her tongue to carefully insert it in his urethra. Cameras observing them it made perfect sense at the time.

"Did she now? Mysterious. Milo like." He rubs his palms slyly, "You know I hacker right? You can trust me though. I help you. If I no trust you General you no enter Lost Horizon. Too much risk."

"Right. You wouldn't want me blabbing about this place."

"Oh you no remember once you leave. But, you got no reason to leave. We all go together."

"What? Oh, you mean back in time. Can we even do that? Better question can we return?"

"I have Time Trigger in my possession. Getting back not so certain."

"How did the Eldridge make it back then?"

"Philly Experiment accident. Uncertain how. Your wife on board means it went back to Pangaea then came forward again. Like slingshot."

"What happened to Maddy after it came back to the 1940's?"

"Good question. Likely back to Pangaea. I have MEMO tracking the people on her flight. Most dead. Some survive. Colonel's Jack Ramse and Ruby Goddard. Ruby knocked up. James Ian Pryce. Your wife and daughter. Pilot Cameron Scott. Sargent's Malcolm Brand and Eleanor Franklin. Only survivors. Well, your wife die. Come back to life somehow. Don't ask."

"Good to know they have each other. Even though my wife is cheating on me." The General scowls, "What about my daughter? How is Piper Sophia?"

"Let me access MEMO files. Look up in sky Superman."

Obadiah again looks to the altered ceiling. The camera angles showing his daughter naked running after a Giant Komodo dragon. Watching her fight it like a warrior was amazing to see. Still, "Why is she fighting naked? Good God! Where did my daughter get the strength to do what she's doing? Look at her prying that creatures jaws wide."

"She very strong now. Sensors on MEMO use DNA identification to discern who she was. It also find DNA of alien parasites. Symbiotic cells that live within her giving her strength, invulnerability, resistance to heat and cold. Microbes called Tyrant Tears. Vicious unless they embody a host. Host treated like a Queen or King. Outside influence less friendly. Usually dinner. She a host body. Clothing eaten away. Must live naked."

"Barbaric. My poor little girl."

"She crazy." Milo chuckles.


"Nothing. Seen things. Good girl just crazy. She was a dog once. Back to normal."

"I don't think I care to know what you mean by a dog. How do you know their every move? Does this mean you know how long they lived? What happened to them?"

"Oh yes. Milo know everything. How you think I know we go back in time?"

"What? You knew all along we were intended to go after them?"

"Yes. Events change though. Hard to decide how to approach. I see us there. I see us all die. What I try now is to form a plan to survive instead. Also see the future. Not so bright. REGION conquers the Earth."

"Your MEMO device sends you transmissions from the future?"

"Yes. Like I say events change. Only possible futures. Take very little to change one future. You read Ray Bradbury books?"

"Can't say I have. I'll take your word on it."

"History change by simply stepping on a butterfly. Or, crushing flower. Killing someone not meant to die. We must watch our step."

"So your MEMO saw the extinction of the dinosaurs. The Ice Age. The migration of humanity. All alien activity. The splitting of the continents. God knows what else."

"Fun, fun."

"Okay. Dorsey's diary. Serena has it. What's his agenda if you can see it all."

"Dorsey here." Milo alters the ceiling once again to reveal an area thousands of miles away from the General's lost family. A less chilly version of the North Pole. Due to pole shift the now cold and inhospitable climate is a paradise at the time period of Pangaea. Lush. Green. Inland seas. Homing in on an cluster of hundreds of spaceships all forming around a mountain. A black dense mountain at that.

"Strange looking mountain there."

"Is. Unlike anything else on Earth. Not here now. If is it buried under miles of ice."

"Your MEMO can't tell?"

"Yes and no."

"Meaning? By the way my vision in that room saw those alien ships leaving Earth in a hurry. What was that about?"

"That why I say yes and no . MEMO saw Earth abandoned. Then thousands of years of darkness. Unable to see through it. Sensors fully functional but nothing known to man or Grey. Something bad happen. Split continents. First images after the darkness show Earth as it is now . Ice Age covering all."

"So some catastrophe caused the Ice Age. The darkness? Volcano eruption cloud the atmosphere?"

" Not that easy. MEMO would know. Something happened that all blackness evolve instantly. Only thing before darkness was weird blue effect then all gone. Like black hole but not sucking Earth in. More shrouding it in place."

"I noticed two moons in my vision. That topic also came about through SeVen and Serena. In these images I only see one moon. Where did the second one go?"

"Good question. Could be culprit of darkness. Dark side of the moon. Metaphorically."

"You're the genius. Why haven't you figured it all out? A lil grey man that can send a satellite through Time and watch the past and the future."

"Milo not perfect. Things even I do not answer. Like blue light before darkness."

"Blue? Serena's ring. It's the same hue. Do you think maybe it has something to do with it?"

Milo Greyson rubs his narrow chin, "Hmmm! Maybe you the genius. We check that out. Microchip and Diary afterwards. To the Batcave Robin."


"Something James Ian used to say. He so funny. We go eat lunch now. You go wash up." Milo returned the ceiling to normal then led Obadiah from the room. If he had been here for as long as Milo had said then surely the General needed a shower and a change of clothing. Time flies.

Psi Chii needed time to herself after hearing Baby James blurt out the name of her Ancestor Kong Zao. Nobody outside of her immediate family knew of the name. That troubled her. She knew that the baby was different but not in that way. She as a high level telepath had not even thought of her ancestor for many years. History as it were. So, even if James showed telepathic influence there was no way he arrived at that name without another means. It certainly confused the hell out of this Chinese Goddess. The infant spooked her too the core.

Within her room she resided on the floor in the lotus position. Meditation was a necessary measure to secure her sanity. Being a telepath that meant hours of meditation each day just to ease all of the captured thoughts. When Milo Greyson first approached her about working for him she was hesitant. Fearful of what his own thoughts might bring her way. In the corporate world that might have meant learning things that could potentially place her in danger. Espionage without intent. Death warrant if discovered. However, when first meeting Milo Greyson in person at his office in Tokyo she found something unexpected. She could not read his thoughts. Not a peep. She would learn the reason to be that the real Milo was safe within Lost Horizon. She was first introduced to his android persona. Milo himself conducting the interview through computer simulation narrative. No wonder he spoke so intellectually.

All went well. Until Milo told her that she could use her gift freely. He knew she was a telepath before she even introduced herself. How to this day remained a secret. He did offer a benefit package. New ways to control her telepathy. New ways to use it. Proving to her that her own gift could be turned against her. He shut her down in her seat from hundreds of miles away. Numbing her entire body as he explained each nerve center in her brain with detail. Holographic images of each impulse triggered. Pardon the pun but her brain was fried. So much to process. She needed training. He offered. She accepted. Off to Lost Horizon she went.

Once a resident the training became like a Bruce Lee movie. Monks. Warriors. Teachers with bad manners. All she realized one fine day to be nothing but illusions. Milo let her tap into herself on her own. She had came into Lost Horizon expecting such a scene. It played out just as she envisioned it. Self taught Sensei. Psi Chii couldn't have been happier. She was an independent woman after all.

Upon graduation of thought Milo then physically introduced himself. Dressed as Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid. She died laughing until his true form revealed itself. It was then he proved himself to her in a true test of telepathic prowess. He too being telepathic. Rare to his own kind. He shut her down fast. Master indeed. Friends ever since.

"So why did he keep things from me?" She pondered. Awaiting Milo to sneak into her head and tell her "Patience Grasshopper." She knew very well the reason why it did not happen. Her private room was designed to be her own shelter from telepathy. He could not read her mind. Privacy and respect. She in turn could not read outwardly beyond its threshold. Peace and tranquility.

Meditation ending she gets up in her thigh high kimono and traipses toward her closet. Within she reached above her to a shelf and found a tattered box. Bringing it down she returned to her living room and settled on a mat before her dining table. Opening the box she finds old scrolls carried down through generations. Items only Archaeologists dreamt of uncovering. Ancient texts telling of the adventures of the mighty Kong Zao. Chinese warrior with a sword that captured the souls of those evil. Imprisoning them forever for their misdeeds. Too her youth it was inspirational. As an adult she considered it to be just a story. Until Milo showed her the truth. Sharing the box with him allowed Milo to use MEMO to pinpoint when and where Kong Zao truly lived. Vanished. Died in Pangaea. At the hands and fangs of Vampires. From that moment on her loyalty to Master Greyson became a blood bond. She would fight for him and die for him. Then came the sword Soultaker. Its movements leaving Pangaea and going full circle.

Returning to the future and kept hidden in a temple by Monks in Tibet. Only accessed by each new Dali Lama. The truth behind the Dali Lama simple. Milo Greyson. Using his knowledge of James Ian Pryce and his long tree of life since the beginning as inspiration. The monks his friends. They too would die for him. Wars came. That was when Milo decided that Lost Horizon needed to co-exist with the Earth's own dimension. Shangri-La in a technical manner. The sword safer under his own roof.

A sword now in the possession of young Psi Chii. Rightfully hers. Still under Milo's roof. Never to leave it. Psi Chii was okay with that. She liked it here. Freedom from the outside world. The things kept here amazing to her. Something new every day. Milo had a dragon. How cool was that?

Scrolls unrolled she reads them yet again as if a weekly ritual. As if hoping to learn something new. In her hands the stories came alive. Missions for the Emperor. Battling demons. Monsters. False Gods and Sorcerers. Witches and great Armies. Learning of Kong Zao's true love. Daughter of the Emperor. Her Ancestor. A forbidden love. Thus the reason the soul of Kong Zao was held within his own sword. He perished defending his Emperor on his holiest of missions. Claimed by Time. Pangaea.

These scrolls the knowledge kept. These scrolls written by his truest love. Hidden away from her own Father. Someone not of this world himself. Milo profiled her DNA. Psi Chii herself was the descendent of aliens. The Emperor himself born in the stars. Remaining on Earth due to his own love of a human. The saga still gave her the chills.

As Psi Chii examined a newly unrolled scroll very carefully she locates something she had never noticed before. New writing had appeared. Her eyes bulging at the words, "Tell Milo I'm coming home. Under REGIONS radar. If you see Kong Zao let him know Poo Ki loves him. James."

Jaw dropped she looks around her fearfully. As if a ghost had entered her home. A draft sifts through her room. Goosebumps rose. Nipples peaked. A tear formed.

"Wait. Who is Poo Ki? That's not Kong Zao's true love. WHAT THE FUCK?"

Respectfully putting her scrolls away she gets dressed and heads out to confront Milo. He was popping popcorn.

"Walk to momma."

Renee Ramse knew her child had developed far faster than most babies only a year old. His verbal prowess already beyond comprehension. Now she just wanted a taste of motherhood privileges. She needed to see her baby's first step. Standing a giddy James Jack Ramse in the middle of the floor teetering, she stepped back a few feet proudly awaiting his waltz. That led to James taking a seat on the floor laughing.

"We'll get there. God this is so unreal. I want to cry and panic at the same time. Is this how Mary and Joseph felt the night Jesus was born?"

Baby James nods repeatedly, "Beth Ham."

"You mean Bethlehem."

Another nod, "Beth Ham." He was so darn cute that she could only smirk and agree. Her warmth exuding as she crawls toward him to rub her nose against his. Tiny hands gently pat her cheeks as he shies away. This was what family should be like. Yet, as enjoyable as her time with James was Renee knew something would undoubtedly interfere. She knew that in order to continue being with her child that might mean staying here in Lost Horizon. The nagging notion of her extended stay was not settling well. Being a prisoner was not her idea of life. One day at a time she told herself. Besides that, there was still the need to understand why exactly she spotted Jack's reflection in the blade of some sword. Could it have just been her imagination? Knowing of aliens and more somehow she suspected there was more to the story. Her thoughts betray her. A voice inside her head makes her shiver.

"Mrs. Ramse?"

"Psi Chii? You do realize this is interrupting my time with my baby? Right?"

" Forgive this one. I overheard your thoughts just now. The vision within the sword. I can offer you a look at it."

"You have the sword?" Renee pauses.

"I do. I will retrieve it and meet you in the dining hall. Master Greyson will be there eating. Perhaps young James is hungry."