Far Pangaea 79 : Testing 1..2..3


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Baby James perks up and blurts out, "Hi-C!"

Through narrow eyes Renee stares at her baby, "Did you just read our minds?"

Nodding as he enjoyed doing so well he again bellows out, "Fruit punch."

Astonished Renee tries for a better answer using only her thoughts, "Pancakes?"

Tilting his head to the side he ponders with fidgeting lips. Once deciphering his desires he shakes his head and mentally replies, "Oatmeal." The returning mental response made both Renee and Psi Chii wince. It was a very powerful impression.

"OKAY! Let's not do that again. I want my brain in one piece." Renee rubs her temple with a painful look on her face. If she could be seen Psi Chii too cringed. Even Milo Greyson in his dining room cocks an eye brow. Hard to do with such bulbous eyes but it did indeed occur. Sighing Milo knew they were on their way. He would still eat his bowl of popcorn and watch his movie.

Obadiah Ridge had showered and located his own closet of perfectly sized clothing. Opting to forsake his Military uniform he dressed down to a Blue polo shirt and dark blue jeans. Something he was unaccustomed to wearing but he felt like being a rebel. Boots on the floor he splashed some cologne and looked presentable. He liked the scent. Very manly.

Sitting on his bed he leaned forward to hold his forehead in his hands. He had a lot to process. An Android was doing his job. He literally saw the dawn of time in a Planetarium setting. His wife up close very much alive at the time of her viewing. Even if she was cheating on him with a colossus cock. Any other man might resent the fact. Obadiah could not blame her. They were billions of years away from one another. She and his daughter were nothing like they were before vanishing. In a sense as alien to him as the little Grey Man helping them. Sighing he huffs his cheeks when he hears a knock at his door. Rising to answer it he opens the door to familiar faces.

"Mr. and Mrs. Pryce. What can I do for you?"

The Ganthorian Royals elegantly enter his room allowing him to shut the door behind them. Turning to greet each other the Male reveals the same palm held holographic projector as his Wife had used to show Serena Dorsey her Mother and Aunt.

"We come to offer you Family. Much to explain General Ridge. When you visited our home on Long Island we withheld information from you. Today we offer you enlightenment. Would you like to see your Great Grandfather Orin Ridge? He who resides on our home world of Ganthor."

"I thought he was a bad guy. Are we like making a phone call and calling each other bastards for not writing?"

"No call. We are forbidden to call Ganthor. Once we gave up our throne all of our rights were stripped from us. We can only commune should my Husbands Brother the King approach us. All we can truly offer you are images of his life. It is the least we can do." Mother speaks.

"Y'know I don't recall hearing your true names. All I know is Neville and Dorothea Pryce. Assumed Earth names."

"Yes. Those will be acceptable. Our birth names forbidden as if we did not exist. We have no true name General. We...are."

"That sounds pretty horrible. Let's get past this General rank. Call me Obadiah. I'm calling you Neville and Dorothea."

"Those names are no longer ours either. Our existence as those identities lost when REGION tracked us."

"Right. I truly am sorry if I compromised you."

"It was only a matter of Time, Obadiah."

"That word Time is getting old. Okay so if I can't call you Neville and Dorothea what do I call you?"

"James Ian often called us Mom and Pop. Simple but it does indeed remind us of our adopted child. He was very special to our hearts."

"Mom and Pop it is. Even if it sounds funny coming from a guy my age. Fair enough. Let's see Orin. I can at least size him up and form my own opinion."

Pop activates the hologram revealing his original look during the 1960's. The day he and the U.S. Government formed a peace treaty and shared each others lives. Becoming an envoy to Ganthor. Images flutter by as time goes on. Orin settling in on Ganthor. A world of deserts yet defined by cityscapes in oasis form all across their planet. Red skies yet just as pristine and as lovely as Earth's blue skyline. Birds flew. Some large enough to be ridden.

"Ganthor looks nice."

"It is. It Was." Mom smiles timidly missing her home.

Pop narrows in on Orin showing him as befriending Mom and Pop while on the throne still. He seemed like a very respectful man. So, why was he hearing rumblings of his evil deeds?

"Orin seems confident."

"Quite. At the time he was a noble man. His time with us changed. Years later he grew darker. As he aged his ambitions grew grim. Once he had learned of our own version of James Ian seeing the face of G'Olad. On our world the Inheritor was a female. Our daughter Kym'Ani the newest incarnation. When she was stolen from us by Lucas Dorsey we abandoned our throne to search for her. She too is in Pangaea as you now know. Ser'Ena Kym'Ani's daughter."

"Both Orin Ridge and Lucas Dorsey are not to be trusted. Our people are still in the dark. Forbidden or not we hear rumblings of his departure from Ganthor, leaving clones in his place. We believe our eldest daughter Harpea to be with him. A very dangerous girl we fear. E'Guan the King out of love for us at least offers us news. He too hopes to save Kym'Ani. For our sakes. A new Inheritor has risen on Ganthor. She has yet to be discovered."

"So, what exactly is Orin and Dorsey after?"

Pop continues, "Milo Greyson has enlightened us some. He viewed the X'Orr arrive on Earth during your Pangaea period. For whatever reason it went back in time. In search of answers? In search of power? Unknown. E'Guan did not sanction the mission."

"Wait a second. He never mentioned that fact earlier. He showed me his transmissions from his satellite MEMO. I did see hundreds of spaceships. Some similar to the one my Wife is shacked up in."

"The X'Hal. The craft that Kym'Ani was lost in." Mom adds.

"Right. Now you're saying another ship has gone back in time? To find your daughter?"

"Perhaps. Or, far worse. Like you we are still learning." Pop acknowledges.

"Back to Orin and Dorsey. What is their reason for going back?"

"As we said, Power. Should they harness the Face of God in their favor they could change your history permanently. In turn creating a chain of events across many worlds. Our children merely lambs to the slaughter should they succeed."

"My wife and daughter are right in the middle of all that. Milo is talking about taking us back in time too. Did you know his plan?"

"Yes. We have accepted that inevitability. To be reunited with our children and perhaps saving them the horrors of Dorsey."

"And my Great Grandfather. Okay. I'm convinced. We have to do this time jump. I'm in."

The hologram before him reacts casting him an unnerving thumbs up. Obadiah winces at the timeliness of his action. It was almost as if Orin had heard him and agreed that he should make the journey. Grunting Obadiah shook it off. There was no way he could have heard that remark. Could he? Naaaa.

Psi Chii and Renee Ramse meet just outside the door to Milo Greyson's dining area. A rather large auditorium style room. They could hear him busting a gut which made Baby James point and giggle with him. As the women look to each other Baby James pats both of them on a breast. They stood that close to each other. Both glaring down at James Jack Ramse with a creased brow.

"PUFF." He expels continuing to pat their breasts until Psi Chii steps aside. She did not like being touched. Renee understood. Her thoughts less on her Baby's actions and more on the sword sheath in Psi Chii's possession. The sword so close to her gave her the willies.

Entering carefully the trio find darkness save for what appeared like an action movie spread out on all of the walls at once.

"Watching Game of Thrones at a time like this?" Renee shakes her head.

Milo was almost crying in his hysterics. Pointing at the ceiling as a blazing man ran around being chased by a large dragon covered in scales and feathers. A demonic looking monstrosity. Sheep were also running for their lives. Wool coats singed. It was horrifying. As Milo laughed so did Baby James. The lad pointing just as Milo was doing. The two giggling made Renee grimace and look at Psi Chii for understanding. The look of terror on her face met Renee's.

"That is Buku. He is feeding the dragon."

"Buku? The Sumo? Oh my God!" Renee dropped her jaw, "Why are you laughing? He could be killed in there. Save him."

Milo tosses his bowl of popcorn in the air and falls to the floor rolling in hysterics, "Stop Drop and Roll." He cackles.

"This is insanity." Renee covers the eyes of Baby James. As if that prevented the baby from seeing. He merely tapped into his Mother's vision. So much for R-rated censorship. As the group observed the chaos they saw the blazing Buku run directly at the dragon leaping through the arid air until his clenched hands clobbered the dragon on the snout. The dragon instantly backed away as if hurting.

Hearing Buku yell out, "BAD DRAGON!" made Milo roll on the floor even harder. The little Grey Man pissed a bit. They heard him mumble, "Clean up in aisle four. Bring Bounty towels. The quicker picker upper."

Renee looked once again at Psi Chii. She too was trying not to laugh. Then it dawned on Renee, "Why isn't Buku dead? He should have been burnt alive."

Milo crawls from the floor with his knees on the seat, his chin over the back of his chair, "Buku invulnerable. His hair grow back as soon as he shower. Still funny after all these years. No worry Missy. Buku fine."

"I am in Hell." Renee confirms her residence.

"Is no Hell. Just very hot place." He whimpers holding in another round of laughter until he looks up to see Buku patting out his flames, his nudity becoming uncomfortable to everyone, , "Yo right we in Hell." Laughter returns until Obadiah and the Pryce Family arrive. They had decided to join them. Seeing a real dragon Obadiah could only stare. The Pryce couple sharing an expressionless gaze between each other.

"There really is a dragon." Obadiah scratches his scalp.

Deciding to conclude his movie time Milo shuts down the camera feeds and wipes his eyes on his wrists. His seat swiveling around to face the group. More chairs automatically joining his.

"All sit. Psi Chii has double feature." Milo sighs.

As each of them take a seat that left Psi Chii standing. She was used to board meetings and was quite the Speaker. But, today she felt ill at ease. Perhaps the note on the scrolls had cut deeply. Unsheathing the sword the metal gleamed in the slightest light. It's blade almost singing as it left its scabbard.

"This is Soultaker. A very ancient blade forged of metal from another world. It was crafted in the First Dynasty of Japan. Given to my Ancestor Kong Zao to defend the Emperor against all evil in the world. Milo here has reintroduced it to me. I am it's new owner."

Milo couldn't wait, "Show them already."

A scowl led Psi Chii to roll her palm across the blades exterior. Her DNA calling out to the inhabitants. Various faces of evil reared up to express their hatred for the world. The images startled Renee and Obadiah. Milo and the Pryce clan maintained their composure.

"Within this blade are the souls of the wicked. Those that have betrayed the world for their own purposes. Even for failure. My Ancestor Kong Zao is among them."

"Hari Kari." Milo hisses.

"Do you mind Master?" Psi Chii pauses.

"Kari Hari on." He lowers his gaze lifting a palm fluttering to continue.

"Not only did my Ancestor possess, wield, and take lives he owned up to his own failures and took his life. It was passed on to another by accident."

Before she could finish Baby James jumps up and down on Renee's lap pointing, "DA! DA! DA!" Renee suddenly realizing his attention getter.

"I saw my husband Jack Ramse in the blade when you contacted me in Paris. Are you telling me it wasn't some illusion?"

"Hardly." Psi Chii fidgets, "Jack Ramse used the sword many times. For cursing himself in a battle against Vampires and Fallen Angels his soul was tainted. The blade claimed him. When we are uncertain."

Milo poises a very long finger, "MEMO see many battles. Jack one tough cookie. Curse himself to save others. Even your Family Obie."

Obadiah swallows harshly and salutes the blade for no reason other than respect. As if sensing him an image of Jack Ramse reflects back at him in the blade. The sudden appearance startles everyone. Jack Ramse salutes the General back. Seeing this Renee begins to cry instantly. Standing up to get a closer look. Holding Baby James on her hip to keep him from any accidental cut.

"Jack?" She touches the blade cautiously. Psi Chii messaging her mind internally to beware drawing blood. Renee didn't care. Her finger touching Jack led to the image puckering and kissing her print. She could almost feel him. Her body quivering at the prospect led to her shifting of James. In an unpredicted move Baby James reaches out and touches the blade.

"James no." Renee pulls him back. Too late.

"So this is my kid huh? Gonna be a stud like his ole man."

Everyone in the room leaped to their feet at hearing an unknown voice. Renee nearly dropped her own baby. Haunted by the voice. Jack's spirit was speaking through Baby James.

"I don't have long. So humor me."

"Jack? Is it really you?"

"Yea it's me. I hate the idea of possessing my kid but this was just too tempting." Baby James spoke.

"Oh my God! I just pissed my pants." Renee winces.

"Me too." Milo hobbles forward looking up at Baby James.

"You must be Milo. James Ian spoke of you a lot. Says you're the smartest guy alive."

"Close no cigar. How is my Homie?"

"I don't know honestly. After dealing with Dorsey I got cut down by my own sword. Dorsey killed me. I got stupid. Let my guard down trying to save Kym'Ani. For the record James did die at age 33 in Pangaea but somehow he did get everyone back to the year 2027. REGION took everyone and put them on ice. I only know this because Ruby told me."

Milo bulges already bulging eyes, "I look into that. Future harder to decipher. What can you tell us about world wide blackout?"

"Mountain blew up. Wasn't any volcano. Not really sure because right after it happened I was run through by Soultaker. Healing abilities took a toll and I pooped out. Blackout for me either way. Sword left in me is all I knew. If you guys have the blade it means my body was left behind by whoever took the sword."

"Can you tell us about Serena's ring? It belonged to Kym'Ani. Serena is her daughter with Lucas Dorsey." Mom Pryce jumps in.

"I only recall seeing Kym'Ani wearing it. Wedding ring I think. Dorsey gave it to her. I did overhear Dorsey ranting about it being from the second Moon. Once the moons lined up perfectly the world went crazy. I died while the quaking was still going on."

"Oh my God, Jack. I miss you so much. I'm sorry I cheated on you. I need to get that off my chest."

"I'm over it Ren. We moved on in unexpected ways. I loved you. But, before I have to go I need to confess something to you as well. I fell in love with Ruby Goddard. We had a kid. Kids in a strange way. James Ian was ours all along. Time is fucked up. We also had a baby girl. Kym'Ani's next in line. Don't ask I'm not up on my Immaculate crap."

Pop Pryce grows instantly intrigued. He and his wife looking to each other and grasping hands, "We have yet another Grandchild."

"How is that even possible?" Obadiah poises an eye brow, "Both parents are human."

"Don't ask me General. By the way Maddy loves you." Jack in James coughs up.

"I saw her and Sargent Brand having sex." Obie lets slip.

"Doesn't mean her love for you changed Sir. Sophia is another story. She's a hand full."

"Always was Soldier. Thank you for looking out for them."

"My pleasure. I hope they lived long and eventful lives after that darkness."

"My wife died?" Obadiah had to ask choking up.

"She did. Something brought her back as a ghost. She could change back and forth for short times with the help of life fiber. Touching Malcolm also gave her opportunities to live again. Weird I know how that sounds."

Baby James suddenly shakes his head. The connection was fading. Jack losing contact ended things with, "It was good fighting along side you General. I'm sorry you didn't reach Maddy in time..." Gone.

"In time? Wait. Come back. How did you know we were coming to help find you?" Obadiah growls at his lost opportunity. Renee looking withdrawn from reality suddenly made the General care enough to place an arm around her. She melted into his chest sobbing. Baby James pouting and looking at Soultaker for his Father. His hand reaching yet again for it. Seeing his interest Psi Chii carefully assists him in hopes for further contact. They could use the sword to learn more she hoped. Milo agreed with a mental boost of, "Do it."

In touching the blade again James Jack Ramse looks up without a word. A grim glare about at everyone. Then it came. A gruff stern voice enters the room.


Baby James was speaking in Mandarin. The shock claimed them all.

Knowing the words Psi Chii translates, "Where am I?" then speaks going forward to Baby James, "You are with friends. Who are you?"

"I am Kong Zao. You wield my blade."

"Yes. Hello Ancestor. I am Psi Chii. Your descendent in the far future. It is an honor to meet you." She wants to weep but knows it to be disrespectful of a warrior.

"Jack Ramse tells me I am among allies. He is my Brother I shall believe in his words."

"Thank you. I am with others. Family of Jack Ramse. Family of Jack's friends. I must ask you questions while I may. I know your time here is short. Today I read ancient scrolls written by your love the Princess Huan Yin. The Emperors youngest daughter. My blood Ancestor that bore your children."

"Huan Yin loved many. As did I. If you are of my blood I would bow before you." James tries but in his small form fails. It was cute. Even in Renee's arms.

"Thank you Mighty Kong Zao. What can you tell me of my family? The scrolls mention someone by the name of Poo Ki. Who was she?"

"Not a she. Poo Ki a man. A great warrior. Better lover."

Psi Chii turns pale looking up as each and every ally there bulged their eyes. All thought the same thing. Kong Zao was bi-sexual. The dishonor back in the day his obvious failure. Thus his own soul taken by the blade. Hearing this come from the mouth of a baby didn't seem right. But, knowledge was needed. Changing the subject Psi Chii swallows hoarsely.

"I see. A message was given to me on the scroll. Poo Ki loves you."

Baby James clears his throat and sighs dramatically, "Ever the emotional one. Do not tell Huan Yin. Emperor behead her."

Milo intervenes, "Yo Mo? What Jack tell you about Dorsey? Orin Ridge?"

Psi Chii found it rude even in Mandarin. Milo fluent in all languages. Even those long gone from History. Still, he had a right to find answers. Her own convoluted situation numbing her.

"Dorsey bad man. Take friend Jack's life. We battle with you My Descendent. You were a great warrior. For a woman."

"Wait. What? Did he just act all chauvinist?" Psi Chii looks around for confirmation.

"He did compliment you." Obadiah smirks.

"So, I fought in Pangaea along side of Jack?" Psi Chii questions.

"Fight. Die."

"Holy crap. Am I in the sword somewhere too?" She felt like barfing.

"Not in Soultaker. Soul pure. You die saving Kym'Ani from Dorsey. Two Soultakers in battle."

Milo hisses, "That mean Temporal Paradox. Make sense now."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Obadiah shakes his head with a scowl.

"Means if two Soultakers clash it make things go boom." Milo throws his hands out with a dramatization.