Finding Molly


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"The extra cost and the cost of setting this stupid precedent you mean?"

"Not at all. Our charming gun fencer claims he and Mr Johns will complete the job in four weeks compared with the estimate of six men taking six weeks."

"I don't believe it."

"Well I do. I was up there yesterday at lunchtime on their first day and again today and was told they had already replaced seventeen substandard posts, three strainers and have strung two strands of twelve and a half gauge high tension wire for a quarter of a mile."

"How do you know those terms? You know nothing about boundary fencing."

"Well I do now. I'm keen to get Walker to like me mom."

"Walker? That's a high-rise sounding name for a fencer?"

"A gun fencer mom and I bet he'll be great as doing anything he takes an interest in."

"Well just ensure you don't get pregnant if you engage in something that goes beyond a dalliance with him."

"A what?"

"Never mind. It was a word your great-gran used often. Think flirtatious."

"Oh I shall. Why don't you come with me when I deliver to them on Saturday and we can see how real men get the job done."

"Non-unionized men you mean. Do you eat with them?"

"Yes, I was politely invited to join them on Day One."

"Well then pack extra for me. I suggest you don't mention I'll be accompanying you. I'll enjoy seeing them all fingers and thumbs and being over-awed by my visit."

"Don't count your chickens prematurely mother."

* * *

At the rooming house Walker made the mistake saying to two of the women he'd been invited out for dinner and had advised Mrs Chappell.

Juliet and Zoë roomed together and Walker was sure they played together but both were fun and lovely.

Juliet said, "Have a shower, partly dress and come to our room Walker and we'll care for your hair... an older woman you say?"

"Yeah I work with an older guy and she's his wife and he adores her."

"Then she must be sweet," Zoë said.

"Or a tyrant," Juliet countered, leaving Walker non-the-wiser.

Walker, feeling like an idiot with his hair curled and carrying a bouquet flowers, knocked on the Johns' door and a real honey for an older woman greeted him and held out her hand to be shaken.

He placed the flowers in her hand and kissed her and said, "Owen is a fine man Mrs Johns."

Shaken to the core, Janice said, "How absolutely lovely for you to say that to me when presumably we both know Owen can't hear us."

Walker didn't know how to reply to that and so said nothing.

"Please come through. Owens in the kitchen doing something I can't bear to do; he's dealing with a brace of lobsters."

"Lobster, oh Mrs Johns, my very favorite food."

He wasn't lying and she almost gurgled in delight.

Owen came through with two beers and took the bottle of classy red wine from Walker with thanks. "Did you have a huge scare coming here?" he asked, eyeing Walker's hair.

"Please don't be rude Owen. I'd like Owen to grow his hair longer but he refuses me."

"Well you know the rule-of-thumb saying Mrs Johns, long hair small penis."

Mrs Johns bellowed in laughter and recovering said, "You naughty man. Please call me Janice."

They were away and had a great night.


Owen was not happy about working on Saturday. "I've never worked Saturdays expect during emergencies. Janice was mad when I said I would be working tomorrow but when I said you thought we should, she said well that was quite okay. What is this power you have over women?"

Walker said, as Owen turned into the restricted access track up to the reservoir, "I'll let you into my secret."

"Gee thanks pal."

"I talk to them as I would a guy."


"That's virtually it. Oh I toss in a tease or two and if they are stroppy I give as good as I get."

"You give as good as you get... you not talking sex are you?"

"No Owen. You asked me about my non-existent power over women."

Owen grouched, "There are times when I don't understand you."

"Yeah well my dad and my step-mom used to say the same thing."

They saw the lights flash as the RAV-4 appeared.

"If we're lucky, today is the day Molly will have her shorts pulled tight into her vulva and her tits hanging out."

"Walker, no guy in his right mind could think like that about a beautiful, innocent woman like Molly."

"Please understand buddy I'm just dreaming. Hold up, she has someone beside her. Put your dick away."

"Walker is nothing sacred with you?"

"I find it impossible to comprehend that sort of talk buddy. Are you gay?"

They watched the two women alight.

"Oh god, it's Mayor Brown. Put your jerkin on."

"No it's a hot day and mommy ought to see my rippling muscles."

"Hi guys," Molly waved. She was conservatively dressed. "You are the elite crew... well with me I have the elite governor of our city, Mayor Nancy Brown."

"Good afternoon Mayor Brown," Owen said, after hastily removing his hat.

"Hi Nancy. It's easy to see where Molly's good looks came from."

Nancy touched her hair and said out of the side of her mouth to her daughter, "God what a slime ball."

"Mom don't be too hasty; he grows on you."

"No way, toss them their food and get me out of here."

Walker intercepted Nancy and smiling said, "Why don't we leave Owen to flirt with your daughter while you and I take a short walk down this fence line. We strung the last of the four strands on this section a few minutes ago."

"I really don't think..."

"Oh so the Mayor is not interested in the work of her minions?"

"I really don't think..."

"Relax Nancy it's Saturday. Here take my hand as the terrain is a little stony."

Molly and Owen watched them walk away and saw Nancy take Walker's hand.

"Jesus will you look at that?"

Molly said weakly, "There will be a logical explanation."

Walker walked Nancy over the rise and fifty yards down the slope stopped and said, "We both know that a requirement for city water supplies is the catchments must be uncontaminated and the water collected must be adequately treated for safe drinking and tested rigorously."

"Yes of course."

"And is it correct this reservoir contains almost two-thirds of your reticulated water recourse?"

"Yes. You appear well informed."

"Owen briefed me. Look to your right Nancy."

"What for rabbits?"

"I mean right on the ground."


"Yeah right."

Nancy was shaking.

"I believe only you and I know about it Nancy. My pal Owen is not particularly observant and the bulldozer driver who cleared to the fence line problem had headphones on and was dreaming about flat-chest blondes when he cleared through here and inadvertently opened this tip of a seam."

"Open cast coal mining against a city's water supply system?" Nancy said aghast, her voice rising. The State Government will be thinking only about royalties and taxes and we'll be shouldered out and forced to spend millions on replicating this reservoir in some other area where we don't own the land."


She looked at Walker hopefully and asked, "What do you mean?"

"As I said, only you and I know about this. We have no idea if it's a bucket of coal or thousands or millions of tons of it. You get a bulldozer brought up here this evening by someone you can trust and will accept to ask no questions, with the dozer left at the start of the fence line back there. I will bury this embarrassing trace under a ton of small boulders. End of story."

"Oh you hero, saving the city needless expense. Perhaps one day prospectors will find the far end of the seam, if a seam exists, and will mine it without compromising our water catchments."

"That's possible but we see no need to hasten any such discovery, do we? The value of any such resource must grow over the decades. Okay come back and join us for lunch. You must be aware you have a lovely daughter. She and I are dating this evening."

The dragon swallowed and that extinguished her flame. "Oh I rather approve of that."

* * *

Walker called for Molly in a cab because he didn't have a car. The big white two-level house was on a hill and was the kind of house one would expect a fulltime Mayor serving her third consecutive term in office to live in.

Nancy opened the door before Walker had a chance to knock and kissed him, a greeting that only half-surprised Walker because... well they were conspirators.

The Mayor smiled and said, "Royce Cameron the supervisor of your works section is an old friend of mine and knows when I call and say to ask no questions he asks no questions. He called fifteen minutes ago to say he's delivered the machine to the site personally and unloaded it. He'll return to the site around 6:00 tomorrow evening and truck the dozer back to the depot. His movements in and out of the depot will be recorded on security cameras but to the contract security firm observing moments of after-hours activity will not regard that activity as anything but normal, especially when Royce makes no effort to conceal his identify and no break-ins are reported."

"Excellent work Mayor; you could possibly have a successful career in crime."

Nancy smiled, "How insulting of you young man, attempting to tarnish the image of the head of the second largest law firm in this city. Come in. My excited daughter is about ready."

Walker's heart did the usual tumble performed whenever he sighted a woman who'd prepared herself for her first new date. He thought Molly appeared taller, more proportionately perfect and more beautiful than he remembered. It was amazing how women could up the ante, appearance-wise. Molly was dressed in a ruffled-front long-sleeved white shirt, black pencil-skirt and turquoise shrug (not that Walker knew it was called that) and matching high heel shoes and she carried a black lace clutch bag. However he did guess correctly for a woman without a real job to dress so well she must receive a living allowance from her mom.

Nancy watched almost a little breathlessly for them to rush together and kiss but Walker simply nodded and said hi, that she looked lovely and she said hi and gave her man dressed in black pants, plain T-shirt and rumpled fawn jacket a huge smile and stood beside him.

"Well goodnight Mrs Brown."

"Goodnight you two," Nancy smiled and her smile broadened when she noted by the time the young couple had reached the front door they were holding hands.

As they walked down the steps Molly said, "I can't understand that?"

"What me walking into the Lioness's Den and emerging intact?"

"Yes, something like that. Usually any guy who takes me out receives a lecture."

"Your mother probably fairly judged me to be beyond redemption."

Molly giggled and said no way, her mother was one of those people who never gave up. "It's almost as if you had some sort of hold over her?"

Walker stopped and looked at her intently. "I shall tell you something but not all of it and you must never breathe a word about it and we never talk about it again. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Molly said, wide-eyed.

"I met your mother for the first time today and you saw me walk away with her."

"Yes and holding her hand. That really rocked Owen and me."

"I suggested she hold my hand over the rough terrain. She wasn't in boots."


Walker smiled and continued. "Less than 200 yards down the slope I showed her something to the side of the cleared area alongside the fence line. It's nothing sinister, nothing dead, just something that its best left at rest being adjacent to the city's major water reservoir. We deemed it best to leave my discovery unannounced and tomorrow I will cover it with rock."

"Is that all? I thought you had found some graves."

"May we leave it at that?"

Molly clutched him. "I can see why my mother is being careful with you; you two are fellow conspirators."

"Do you shave your pussy?"


He laughed and said he needed to get her mind on to something else and opened the cab door for her.

* * *

Molly kidded herself she was wildly excited, that the guy actually knew she had a pussy.

She'd been totally wrong about him, thinking here was just another guy without substance although this one was rather good looking. And now within minutes of meeting her mother, a woman reputed to freeze the balls of some guys in fear of her, here was Walker in cahoots with her.

Oh yes, this guy was more than a little different and she conceded she wasn't anywhere near as strong as her mother and that meant Walker was capable of winding her round his little finger.

Molly, never one to be composed and rational at all times, or even most of the time, had a sudden mind switch and imagined his little finger up her ass.

Oh god. She slapped her chest to reprimand herself; thinking that was so naughty.

"Are you okay?" Walker asked, looking at her slightly concerned.

"Yes I um felt I was about to burp."

She thought he hadn't bought that so grabbed his hand and squeezed it and she saw his eyes hood slightly and her heart began to race and she swallowed. Rum-google, this guy was HOT. She casually let his hand go, holding her breath, wondering. His hand fell on to her thigh and without hesitation he dug deep and placed a big mitt over her vulva.

Molly had to fight herself to stop opening her legs. She couldn't believe she was doing it when she grabbed that arm by the wrist and pushed it away.

Oh god, he would be now thinking she didn't want that kind of attention. Molly leaned into him, bit his ear gently and chided, "Naughty boy."

She saw the big flash of teeth amid his grin and knew all was well.

During dinner she asked what did Walker intend doing in a little over three weeks when he finished the fence. The reply shocked her.

"I'd been clear in my mind I would move on but something has come up to change that."

Quite unsuspecting Molly asked, "And what's that?"

"I've found you."

Molly's jaw dropped.

Was he THAT interested in her?

Molly was used to guys getting what they wanted and then dropping her. Although she had a great body and great looks and the city's most powerful woman was her mother, she was worldly but not particularly bright. In fact she'd found college a struggle and had dropped out as a sophomore. Her mother could motivate her but few other people bothered. Being slack and easily distracted were reasons for her losing so many jobs that in the end his mom asked the council's Director of Works to find Molly employment counting shovels and stocks of road cones or whatever.

Molly liked the work because no one really knew what she was employed to do or asked her what she was supposed to do. She just volunteered to help out in areas where help appeared necessary and when her mom found her steam-cleaning portable toilets she asked the supervisor to find Molly more genteel work such as making deliveries.

"You haven't reacted to my possible inflammatory comment."

"The truth is Walker I'm astonished you think you can see anything other than my body."

"Your body is great Molly and with your cooperation I have something in mind for that but how could I go past your vitality and personality? You are bright as a button and when you are around it makes me feel good because I reckon I interest you. You don't have a college degree do you?"


"And you are embarrassed about that?"

"I wasn't at the time I dropped out of college but I am now."

"Why Molly. Who really cares?"

"If you must know it hurts when I'm with my graduate girlfriends and being without a degree I end up with crap jobs."

"Are your girlfriends upset that you are not a fellow graduate?"

Molly had to think. "I-I have not thought of it from that angle."

"Well think now."

"I'd have to say no because the fact is I've noticed no change in them, none of them. In fact a couple of them appear more concerned they wasted their effort taking unsuitable courses."

"That happens but I believe the saying is no education is really wasted. Do you think it matters I didn't even get through the gates of a college?"

"I-I hadn't thought about you not being a graduate. You appear so knowledgeable and so confident with... well um with an educated air."

"You are right on only one of those things. I'm confident, perhaps over confident and I certainly are not particularly knowledgeable outside my areas of interest and I certainly don't attempt to project what you call 'an educated air'. For fuck sake Molly, just concentrate on being yourself rather than someone you'd like to be. I'll tell you something, Owen and I see you up at the reservoir uncaring and not attempting to impress and you enjoying inter-acting with us. We both see you as an adorable young woman. I know Owen does because he keeps on about it and saying I'm not good enough for you, that I'm wasting my time, but on the subject I say Owen you are so wrong. You see my confidence tells me to believe that."

Walker stopped speaking and picked up his wine glass and sipped and Molly also sipped.

"God, what a speech," she giggled. "Will you behave and not attempt to hump me across this table if I say I'm deliriously happy you've found me?"

"Oh so I have permission to hump you provided it's not across this restaurant table?"

Molly's face darkened and she struggled apparently to keep a straight face.

"Oh Walker I'm sure you don't need me to tell you what you can and cannot do."

They walked out of the restaurant flushed and with high expectations. But as the cool night air hit them they realized their quandary.

Molly proved staunch, took a deep breath and said evenly, "Mom won't want me to take you home for sex."

Walker adopted a hound-dog look and said, "The rules where I live are no guests in rooms after 10:30."

"Oh fuck," Molly groaned in despair.

"We appear stymied young lady but I admire your positive attitude. If we tried hard enough I guess we could make something happen but then again we have no need to rush. Let's flag a cab and I'll drop you off on my way home."

In the cab Molly grabbed Walker desperately and smothered him with kisses. Encouraged Walker dug deep and her legs opened and he got a couple of fingers into her. As the cab approached the Mayor's home Walker pulled his dripping fingers out, sniffed them and held them out to Molly. She didn't balk; she came wide-open mouth on to his fingers and sucked them. Walker kissed her open mouth and she flowed some of her saliva into his mouth and he detected a faint taste of pussy juice.

"You are a sensual woman," he said after wiping his mouth and Molly squirmed in delight.

As she left the cab after kissing Walker one more time she said, "Come to dinner tomorrow night. Fingers crossed, mom could invite you to stay, er with me."

"Fine, I'd love to come to dinner. I'll save my tears if I'm denied yet again."

Molly said goodnight and walked off, dabbing her eyes, not looking back. Walker decided to be philosophical and thought if having sex was too easy he'd have to find a more challenging interest.

* * *

"Come in dear, I'm awake," Nancy called. "I guess you were screwed. My feeling is that young man knows what he's about."

"We had nowhere to go. He lives in an establishment when room guests must leave by 10:30."

"Oh darling, I can imagine how frustrating that must be for you both. But never mind your time will come."

"Yeah, right. Um do you want me to sleep with you tonight?"

"Not unless you are desperate. One of my law partners dropped around for a quiet chat and one thing led to another. He said his wife was in Europe visiting their daughter and family and he wouldn't look me in the eye so I thought of my poor boy and went over to comfort him and found he wanted more than that and so... well you can guess the rest."

"Lucky you."

"Oh my poor darling. You looked so gorgeous tonight. At least Walker got at look at you at your best. I think he could be just right for you so think about having a fling."