Forever Yours Ch. 02


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"Don't listen to him." The good boy yelled. "He is only leading you on a path where you will not find happiness."

The guy in yellow was busy playing his flute badly and he was standing near them.

"Will you stop playing that?" The bad boy snapped at him and he stopped playing ands just looked dumber.

"Anyway, as I was saying these guys are here to take that fun away but don't listen to them. I have been with you all the time since you became a play boy and never for once have I ever disappointed you with men or boys. All of them seem to like you because of me. Just think about how much fun we would have together. Think about the boys, the asses and the blowjobs."

Just saying that made his dick jump with joy.

"And yet you failed to get the attention of one boy." The good boy argued. "Haven't you been wondering what that meant? A poor boy that could easily be blinded by money rejected you for the first time. And what about what had happened at the bar today, do you think that is a coincidence? Those were your feelings trying to speak for themselves for the first time. For two weeks you never slept with anyone all because you were serving yourself for him but when you tried to do it with someone, the reaction was different.

The dumb guy began laughing and everyone was looking at him.

"What?" He chuckled. "I have nothing to say. I just find what you are arguing about funny."

"I hate this guy." The bad boy spoke. "Coming back to that, I did not fail to..........."

"Of course you failed." The good boy answered before the bad boy could finish his sentence. "That boy was not interested in him and since he felt rejected for the first time, his feelings awoke. When he tried to get busy with that guy at the bar, his feelings reacted and awoke me, the good boy. I was dead for so long but now I have been awakened to make sure that you follow the right path. Your feelings made you weak and drove away the lust. That boy awoke your feelings and now you can love and start a relationship with any guy your heart will tell you."

"Why have one guy when you can have many more. That is not fair if you ask me." The bad boy said as he folded his arm on chest.

"He will feel whole when he finds that person." The good boy said with a gentle smile at him.

"That is just a lie. Don't listen to him. I have been with you for so long. This guy doesn't know anything." The bad boy giggled.

"Don't forget that I am also a part of him and whatever path he chooses will be what he really needs not what he wants." The good boy spoke. "At the end of the day the decision lies with him."

"You don't understand what I am saying." The bad boy argued.

"You are the one who doesn't understand." The good boy responded while the dumb guy only laughed louder. "His feelings will now be controlling him as he is now ready to love."

There was a lot of noise as the good and boy argued and it was all making his head spin and unable to think. The bad boy was saying this while the good guy argued in contrast but he knew what he wanted.

"Enough!" He shouted that he could hear his own voice echo throughout the room loudly.

"I know what I want and you guys are just making it hard. Can you please just leave me alone?"

"Whatever!" The bad boy said before he disappeared.

"Follow you heart." The good boy said before he too disappeared.

"I never thought I would say this but good luck with your decision." The dumb guy said as he disappeared.

Suddenly the door opened and there was Ramon standing in the door way looking at him without saying anything. He was about to run to him when all of a sudden he disappeared and Marcos started calling him.

Marcos suddenly woke up and he was sweating and his body was wet. He had just woken up and Ramon was already on his head. Why was this happening to him? Why on a time when he had really messed up did he suddenly feel this way?

He took a glance at his watch and it was already 7 am. It was like he had just laid his head on the bed and he woke up. He couldn't wait for Ramon to come to his room so that he could apologize. He got out of bed and was greeted by a rumble in his tummy and he remembered that he didn't have any dinner the night before. He was still feeling a little weak but managed to go to the bathroom and he took a quick shower. He came out and dressed in a blue cargo trouser and a white navy t-shirt. He had just finished dressing when he heard a knock on the door.

Finally the moment of truth was here. The moment where he would get to beg Ramon's forgiveness and he hoped that nothing would go wrong. Even if it did, he was ready to kneel down until Ramon forgives him and he was ready to go to extremes just for Ramon to forgive him. For the first time in his life he was feeling bad that he had done that to that boy who probably saw him as a jerk or as a monster.

He quickly went to the door and what he saw left his mouth wide open. Instead of Ramon, there was a blonde girl standing at the door with cleaning materials smiling at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"My name is Anya and I am here to clean your room, sir." She replied still wearing a smile.

Clean his room? Where was Ramon? He was not interested in anyone cleaning his room but Ramon whom he had been expecting.

"Why are you here to clean my room?" He asked as he got his head out to see if he could see Ramon somewhere. "Where is Ramon?"

"I am so sorry, sir." She replied. "But Ramon is no longer working in this hotel."

What was she telling him? Was she joking with him or had someone fired him?

"What do you mean by that?" He gasped suddenly feeling scared. "Who fired him?"

"No one fired him." She responded confidently as if she was happy he no longer worked at the hotel. "He had quit yesterday."

Marcos felt a very cold wind blowing on his face which made his body shiver in fear. What had he just done?

Anthony was right. He has ruined the life of Ramon with what he had attempted to do to him. Now Anthony was going to reprimand him for it. What would he ever say to Ramon so that he could forgive him for his mistakes?

"May I come in, sir?" She asked him.

"Get out of here." He yelled at her and closed the door on her.

Why was he acting like that? He opened the door and saw her going and he apologized to her. She understood him and she left. He went back to his room and tried to get Ramon out of his mind and just let him go but he was filled with so many memories. He could hear Ramon's voice telling him that he loves him and it was making his heart to be disturbed a great deal. He had never felt this way with anybody before. Ramon was affecting him really bad. Not in a sexual way but in a way in which he didn't understand. All he wanted was to see him and be in his presence. Was this love or just something else?

He stayed in his room until afternoon when he decided to go and have lunch downstairs. He reached there and looked around the hotel. If not for him, Ramon would have been in the hotel working happily just like other room attendants and housekeepers. This was making him feel guilty but he knew that he needed to leave Ramon alone. He ate little at lunch and barely ate at dinner. All he thought of was Ramon. What he was doing and what he was thinking of him.

When he went to sleep that night he felt like something was missing. He was no longer the person he used to be and he didn't understand why his good side had to come at that time and cause him the pain he was passing through. He was missing Ramon so much that it was hurting.

He had a hard time sleeping and when he slept he had the same dream he had the previous night. The second day was worse than the first. He couldn't even eat no matter how much he tried. He was really missing him so much. On the third day he couldn't take it anymore and he was going to see Ramon whether he wanted to see him or not.

At exactly 10 am he found himself in the hotel manager's office.

"I really need your help." He begged the manager who was looking at him with a surprise. "Please, I am desperate here."

"What is it Mr. Martinez?" The manager asked still looking surprised.

"Do you have Ramon's address?"

He really hoped for a positive answer from the manager because it would be hard to locate Ramon if no one knew his address.

"Yes, sir," He answered. "We have the location of every worker here. Even though he no longer works here we still have his records with us."

This was really going quite well for him.

"Please give it to me." He said quickly.

The manager wrote the address on a small piece of paper and gave it to him. He thanked the manager and was about to leave when he remembered something.

"Have someone clean my room." He said and he left in a hurry.

He got out of the hotel and went to his car and drove off in a hurry. He used to stop in order to ask for directions but he reached Ramon's place in exactly an hour and thirty minutes of driving. He slowly packed a little further from his house. He noticed that Ramon's house was a bit further from other houses and it was near the sea shore which was beautiful. The house was small and it was just a small house. He really felt bad that he had driven Ramon from the hotel when he would have made good money and get a better house.

It hit him that Ramon really had good values because a person who lived in a house like he did would have accepted his offer but he did not do that. He slowly walked to the house letting his fear get the best of him. He was so nervous that his heart was now racing and his body was now hot. He reached the door and gathered the courage to knock on the door. It was not long and he heard footsteps coming towards the door. He was really hoping it was Ramon and that he was in a good mood.

The door opened revealing a smiling Ramon. Marcos couldn't help but put up a smile as well. Then suddenly Ramon's smile faded and Marcos could see that he was now shaking. He started taking steps backwards but Marcos grabbed his arm and saw tears in his eyes.

"What do you want from me?" Ramon asked as a tear run down his cheek which Marcos caught with his finger.


There was a knock on the door and Ramon went to answer it. No one usually visits them except if it was Mark so Ramon ran to the door with a smile hoping to see Mark but what he saw brought a lot of fear to him. After forgetting about everything that had happened why was he here? Three days had passed and in those three days Ramon had tried everything possible to forget that he had almost got raped and it had actually worked after 2 days. In those 3 days he could see that his brother was furious and just wanted to deal with Mr. Martinez and now he was here.

Seeing him brought a lot of fear and memories to him. Memories that made him really scared that he started taking steps backwards when he felt Mr. Martinez's hand grab his arm and brought him closer to him. What was he trying to do? Could he have come here to finish what he had started at the hotel?

"What do you want from me?"

Ramon wanted to scream but all that came out was a tear that Mr. Martinez caught with his hand.

"Please, leave me alone." He begged. "Just leave me alone so that I can be in peace."

He tried to get his hand free but Mr. Martinez had a firm grip on his hand and he was still smiling while he stared at him probably enjoying what he was going through.

"I am so sorry." Was the word that came out of Mr. Martinez's mouth?

So he could say 'sorry' after all. Ramon thought guys like him never apologized so what was he doing? Besides, he was the one who told him that he always did what he wanted but why was he apologizing and his face so sad?

"Leave me alone." Ramon shouted.

"Are you okay?" He heard Eduardo ask from inside.

Before he could even respond to Eduardo's question, he saw him coming out of the house and the moment he saw Mr. Martinez came outside looking really furious.

"You have some nerve showing up here." Eduardo bellowed as he stormed out of the house.

Mr. Martinez let go of Ramon's hand and was about to say something when Eduardo gave him a hard punch on the face sending him to the ground. He did not say anything but just stared at Ramon while he tried to get up.

Ramon noticed that there was blood coming from the nose and he was trying to cover it with his hands. He suddenly felt bad that Eduardo had done that to Mr. Martinez who could throw him behind bars until he rots in jail. He knew he had to do something to get both men to calm down but he was only concerned for his brother.

"Eduardo, please stop." He yelled. "That's enough." He said as he blocked Eduardo from going any further towards Mr. Martinez.

"I probably deserve that." Mr. Martinez said as he tried to get up. His shirt was bloody and so was his hand.

"Let me at him." Eduardo yelled. "He should know that he shouldn't mess with you."

"Please let him vent his anger on me because that is the only way he will be able to calm down." Mr. Martinez spoke loudly but not as if he was arguing but like he was literally pleading.

Ramon couldn't understand why Mr. Martinez was begging for more pain from Eduardo because he looked like he could stand up in front of Eduardo and defend himself. But it was like he was begging to be beaten.

"What's going on here?" Ramon heard his father's voice but he didn't have the time to answer as Eduardo was storming at Mr. Martinez.

"You are still talking?" Eduardo said as he pushed Ramon away and gave Mr. Martinez another hot punch which landed him on the ground.

"Eduardo!" His father yelled. "Stop that."

"No, sir," Mr. Martinez said as he got up from the sand. "Let him continue doing it. This is not enough for what I did to Ramon. I deserve it all and more. I cannot even forgive myself for it."

"Well, I am going to grant your wish." Eduardo yelled as he grabbed him by the shirt and threw him on the sand.

"Please stop this." Ramon begged his brother. "Just let him go."

"No let him do this." Mr. Martinez pleaded.

When he raised his face to him, Ramon saw that there was blood all over his face and ground. He was looking really pitiful that Ramon couldn't help but worry for him. As soon as he got up, Eduardo gave him countless number of slaps and threw him back to the ground. When he tried to get up, Eduardo took his leg and stepped on Mr. Martinez's back. They were all officially in trouble and Ramon knew that a rich man like Mr. Martinez shouldn't be treated the way he was. The beating at first would have been acceptable but what Eduardo was currently doing was really dangerous.

"I beg of you, Eduardo." Ramon said as he kneeled down. "That is enough."

"Let him go." Ramon heard his father say.

"But father, this man..............."

"I said let he go." His father shouted.

Eduardo removed his foot from Mr. Martinez's back and lowered his head to him.

"If I see you here again, I will not hesitate to kill you." He asserted as he gave him a kick which made Ramon close his eyes.

"Eduardo, I said that's enough." Their father shouted.

"I don't even care if you send me to jail but I will kill you." Eduardo warned. "Stay away from my little brother."

With one final kick Eduardo went back in the house furiously with blood on his knuckles which were probably Mr. Martinez. Ramon saw his father follow Eduardo inside and he got the indication that his father wanted him to talk to the poor guy.

Mr. Martinez slowly got up as Ramon heard him whimper in pain. The guy was not in a good shape but instead of him being happy for what his brother had done to him, he was really affected by it that he wanted to embrace him and tell him how sorry he was. But he was angry on the other hand and just wanted Mr. Martinez to go to hell.

"Just go away from here." Ramon said when Mr. Martinez finally got up.

"I can't do that." Mr. Martinez groaned. "I came here to seek your forgiveness. I am truly sorry for what I had done to you."

"Sorry? So you actually know how to use that word." Ramon yelled. "You are sorry? Would you be here saying sorry if you had raped me that day?"

He was so angry that he just wanted to give Mr. Martinez a hot slap but the guy looked like he had got what he deserved from his brother. He had never seen him look so stupid and foolish. He was always arrogant, disrespectful and a jerk.

"I am really so sorry." Mr. Martinez said as he kneeled down. "I now know that what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have lusted for your body in the first place. Just give me a chance to show you just how much I am sorry."

"Just go and let me be." Ramon said as he turned around to go back to the house wondering if something was wrong with Mr. Martinez. First he was encouraging Eduardo to beat him and now he was kneeling in front of him begging for his forgiveness. He was not stupid. Probably there was a motive behind this strange act of Mr. Martinez and he was not going to give in. He was about to go inside the house when Mr. Martinez said something that left him shaking.

"I am a kind of person who never gives up on anything." He shouted. "And I will never stop asking you to forgive me. I am going but I will be back and I won't leave until I show you that I am really sorry for everything and maybe I may just be lucky enough to earn your forgiveness."

What did he mean by, 'I will be back?" This was really bothering Ramon and he didn't want Mr. Martinez to be following him around just to ask for forgiveness. Oh hell no.

Ramon went back in the house and shut the door. He could feel as tears began building in his eyes. Why had he felt bad that Mr. Martinez was hurt by his brother? He looked through a window and saw him going to his car which was at a distance and drove off quickly. At least he felt relieved that Mr. Martinez had gone but that statement that he would be back kept ringing in his head over and over like it was on repeat mode.

"Is he gone?" His father asked.

"But he said he would be back to show me that he is really sorry." Ramon whispered.

"What?" Eduardo yelled. "That guy is really asking for it and I will give it to him."

"Eduardo, this will not be solved with violence." His father answered. "I think we should just leave him alone. As long as he's not causing any trouble we will be fine. I am sure he will get tired and leave. We should just ignore him."

Ramon thought that his father was right. He couldn't trust any word Mr. Martinez said and it was just better to ignore him. He was safe with his family and Mr. Martinez couldn't do anything while he was at his home.

Ramon went to his room trying to forget about everything. He cooked lunch but it seemed like no one was in the mood to eat so he went back to his room to try and get some rest. He didn't find it hard to sleep and he slept for a few hours and woke up at 4 pm. He had overslept and it was time to take a stroll on the shore to forget his worries. He found his father sitting in the living room reading a novel. Eduardo was also resting in his own room probably trying to forget about everything that had happened.

He picked up his sandals and began heading outside. He checked if Mr. Martinez was back but to his surprise did not see him. He was glad he did not come back or it would have been very bad for him and he didn't want his brother to hurt him anymore. He was such a jerk but Ramon didn't know why he was so concerned about him.

The water on the shore felt good on his feet and all he wanted to do was just let it take all his worries and trouble away. Was that too much to ask? The water was really helping him a lot and he soon felt like all his troubles were gone. For a moment there, he felt like nothing had happened but everything was alright. All he wished for was for his mind to be filled with a lot of happy memories which would bring peace to him.