From Rags To Bitches


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He looked at Tamer, but before he spoke, Tamer said, "No need Lew. You were just protecting your girl. That's natural. And as for dropping you off anywhere, the first place we reach is Tunisia, and we're all getting off there."

Then Tamer held out his hand to Lewis, "Come on. Let's shake hands like you English do. We'll forget all that agro and be friends again."

Lewis looked at me, and I said, "Please Lewis. It wasn't his fault."

As Lewis got to his feet, and they shook hands, Tamer said, "So?"

Lewis looked confused, "What d'you mean?"

"I mean, she wants to get some sun. Is it ok if she opens her legs?"

Lewis turned and came back to where I lay, knelt down and asked, "Are you sure you want to sunbathe like that? You know, with them all looking at your fanny?"

"I want to do what ever makes you proud of me."

Tamer interrupted, "See Mahadra. That's the difference. Men like Lewis here have got their women under control. I told you, he's like one of the Hollywood film stars; they get their women to pose naked so their friends can see what they're missing. Isn't that right Lew?"

Before he got chance to think of how to reply, I said, "Go on. Lift my legs open. Show them you're in charge."

He looked me in the eye, and I'm sure he was begging me to take it back, and tell him I didn't want him to do it. But he didn't know how nasty the situation could turn if I did that, so I just added, "Go on. Show them you're proud of my thingy."

Lewis slowly got to his feet, and as he stood alongside me, he took hold of my ankles. Mahadra rushed around to the end of the hatch, and stood alongside Tamer; right down by my feet. I lifted my legs, spreading them as wide as I could, but Lewis's hands were on my ankles, so it was as if it was him who was doing the lifting. Both Tamer and Mahadra stepped up close, and lent forwards into my open valley.

Tamer spoke, "I can see why you'd be proud of owning a sweet little cunt like that. So Lew are you going back up front and we'll see if you can win that crate of beer?"

"I think I'll stop here. It's not fair on Jenny to leave her on her own."

Well in normal circumstances, I'd have been pleased to hear that, knowing he wanted to stop with me to give protection. But it was obvious Tamer and Mahadra would want to continue roaming their hands on my body, and equally obvious, my body would react in a way I wouldn't want Lewis to see. So I knew I had to try to get him back to steering the boat.

"Tamer. Can I have a word with Lewis in private?"

Tamer didn't answer, he just tapped Mahadra on his shoulder, and the two of them walked up to the helm, where they stood alongside captain Abd.

Lewis let go of my legs, and came and knelt down at my side. I got up onto my elbows, but although my legs were now down on the hatch, I left them spread wide open, "I'm sorry about all that, I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't thought you wanted me to."

"It's ok. I guess it's partly my fault, I did say I'd have taken you to the nude beach. But I was only bragging, I didn't mean it."

"Promise you won't think I'm a slag?"

"A slag? I'd never think of you that way."

"I mean if I tell you something."

"Tell me what?"

"I don't know how to say this; I'd never had imagined I could lie here like this, you know with everything on show."

"No, nor me. I can hardly believe my own eyes."

"No, but what I'm trying to say is, it feels good in a funny sort of way."

"You what?"

"Please, I know it sounds dirty. But it's not like that. It's just now they've seen it. You know, looked in between my legs, and seen everything, I don't feel shy anymore. In fact, now they've seen it, it's hard to know what I was scared of. Its kind of like having men look at you when you've got a new dress, or pretty jewellery. It just feels good to see the way they look at me and know I'm centre of attention. And they are your friends; so you know you can trust them."


"Go on. You know you like steering the boat. You go up there and show them how in control you are."

"Are you sure? Well so long as you feel safe back here with them."

"You know I am. Go on."

Then I called out in a loud voice, "TAMER. LEWIS WANTS YOU."

In seconds they were both by the hatch, "Ok. I'll carry on steering, but there's only twenty-five minutes left."

"Ok, we'll start timing how much sun she gets on her cunt."

Lewis's face turned to a scowl again as this word rose the hackles on his back, "I don't like you using that word." And I didn't either, but unlike Lewis, I had to keep my dislike to myself.

Tamer feigned a look of surprise, "What word? Cunt?"

"Yes. It's not nice in front of Jenny."

"I'm not so good as you with your English language. But I thought that was what it was called."

I could again see conflict brewing, "Please Lewis. He doesn't mean anything nasty by it. Let's face it; we don't even know one word of his language. So if he only knows one way of referring to my thingy, it's no big deal. You go and steer the boat."

In a dejected tone, Lewis said, "Ok."

And as Lewis came and gave me a kiss, Mahadra who had moved around to the other side of the hatch took hold of one ankle. Then as Lewis got to his feet and was about to walk towards the front of the boat, Tamer came to my other side and took hold of my other ankle.

As Lewis saw them he snapped, "Now what are you doing?"

As they both hauled my legs up and spread me wide, Tamer replied, "You want her to get a real all over tan, so she has to let the sun get at it."

The look on Lewis's face told me he didn't like the idea of me being held like this, "Maybe, but there's no need for you two to hold her."

I quickly intervened, "If the sun is going to get all around down there, I have to have my bottom up and my legs wide, and it's more comfortable if they hold me."

Lewis grunted a begrudging, "I guess so." But he was clearly not happy at all.

Tamer added, "Don't worry, her little cunt is so tender, it can't take much sun in this first session, we'll only hold her like this for ten minutes, and then we'll have to take her below decks to soak the heat out."

There was an impatient agitation in Lewis's voice as he asked, "What d'you mean?"

"Just what I said, it's never seen sun before. Look at it; it's so soft and pink. It'll only stand a few minutes sun, then it needs cold water to remove the heat and fortify the skin."

"Can't she do that up here?"

"No, even with cold water, in powerful sun like this, the water acts like a magnifying glass, and it would cause more burning. Don't worry, we won't take long, you can carry on steering, Abd will be with you."

Lewis looked at me, as he asked. "Are you ok with all this?" A look of resigned disbelief on his face.

What could I say? "Course I am. They know what they're doing."

Which of course they did. So begrudgingly Lewis went back to the helm, and I lay there with my legs being held facing skyward. It was only seconds after Lewis had taken the wheel from old Abd, before Tamer used his spare hand to pickup the bottle of oil, and as Mahadra saw what he was doing, he held out his spare hand. Tamer first poured a trail of oil around my tits, and then into a pool in Mahadra's open palm.

So as Mahadra began to work the oil into all areas of my crotch, Tamer began to again work my tits. I'm not sure if they stuck rigidly to their ten minute timetable they fed Lewis with, but I know by the time Tamer lifted me from the hatch to take me down below decks, I was again so deep into my arousal, I'd have complied with their wishes, even without the overshadowing threat to Lewis.

They rapidly got me down into the big main cabin, where I was soon laid down. Mahadra took hold of my arms in case I tried to resist, and Tamer lifted my legs open.

I know I'd only agreed to let them have a feel, but it was obvious to me, that the least I'd get away with now was a good fucking from both of these men. And that is exactly what I got. Tamer lowered himself in between my legs, and his dick slid right up with out any problem at all. He filled my pussy with his size, and in a very short time, he'd pulled out, leaving my pussy still full, but now it was full of his spunk!

He'd taken no time at all to cum, but when he'd cum, it was like he hadn't fucked for months. He just kept pumping load after load, deep up inside my tummy.

He'd cum so quickly that I hadn't reached my climax, but he'd certainly moved me closer. So even though Mahadra's fuck didn't last much longer, as he began his spunking, my orgasm once again took over my bodily actions.

I came back to my senses with them both sponging me down with cold water, just as they'd told Lewis they would be doing. So I guess in a way, they hadn't lied to Lewis; they just hadn't told him the whole truth.

They then began to explain what was going to happen when we arrived up on deck. "You've been sensible so far, and you can't tell us you haven't enjoyed what has happened to you."

I didn't answer, it seemed pointless.

"Well I'll take the silence as at least confirmation you aren't too upset. So far your Lewis has agreed to us stripping you naked, and he let us oil up your tits. So when we get up on deck, I'll tell him he's won his bet, and we owe him a crate of beer, I'm sure that will put a smile on his face."

I just nodded, but again I didn't speak. I think I had come down from such a high, and now I was wondering how things had ever got so far out of control. And knowing both of these men had cum inside me, I was also feeling worried and more than a little angry.

"You don't look happy? And yet just a couple of minutes ago, you were in a state of ecstasy."

"You've both just fucked me, and even worse, you cum inside me without a jonnie."

"But you told me someone had already cum in your pussy earlier. So if you're fertile today, you'd already be pregnant. And if you're not, then you can take all the cum you want, and it won't do you a bit of harm."

"That's not the point! You don't even care whether you've made me pregnant or not!"

"That's not true. But be sensible, what would be the point in us pulling out, if the damage was already done. And don't try telling me you didn't enjoy it."

"But I only agreed to just a bit of touching, I told you I wouldn't let you fuck me."

"I know what you said, but it was plain to see you'd changed your mind. And after all, that is a woman's privilege."

"But what if I'm pregnant? How can I explain that to Lewis?"

"I can tell you now, you don't need to worry."

"I don't know how you can say that."

"Look my pretty little girl, I'm going to ask you a question, and I want the truth. Not the answer you'd give to your boyfriend. The real truth."


"Can you tell me you didn't enjoy the fucking?"

"No. You know I can't. But that doesn't make it alright."

"So if you enjoyed it and Lewis doesn't know; so he isn't going to get upset. And if I told you, we have a secret potion in Tunisia, that you can drink, and it can prevent you having a baby. What reason would you have for being worried then?"

"Secret potion?"

"Yes, it's a very old herbal medicine, only known by the tribes in the desert. It's very expensive, but I know Abd sells it on the black market, so I know I can get you some."

"But I haven't got any money."

"Don't worry about money; let's get back to the question. If I was to get you the potion, and you drank it, which would mean you would be protected until your next period. If I did this for you, would you maybe be a bit more cooperative."

"More cooperative! Both of you have already fucked me! How much more cooperative can I be?"

"Lewis has been drinking all morning, so I'm gonna tell him he's won his bet. He should be pretty merry, yes."

"I'm sure he will."

"I want you to get really flirty with him, you know, rubbing up against him, getting him aroused."


"Never mind my reasons, will you do it?"

"Then what?"

"Once he gets aroused, we'll encourage him to give you a fucking."

"Why would you want to do that?"

"You know men watch porn films?"

"Yes. I guess so."

"Well unless you want Abd to fuck you? I suggest you go along with my idea, and when Lewis fucks you, Abd can wank while he watches the pair of you. It'll be as if he's watching a film."

"Oh god no! You can't mean you'd expect me to get Lewis to fuck me with all of you watching? And the old man wanking?"

"So you'd rather risk Abd fucking you, and if Lewis finds out, he could get hurt?"

"I don't know. This isn't fair, why should I have to do anything like this. You men have no right to treat me this way!"

"Ok, you're not going to play along? Fair enough. Come-on Mahadra lets go. When the captain and crew have fucked themselves dry, we'll come back and have some sloppy leftovers."

"No, please."

"Please what?"

"Please don't go. I'll do what ever you want. Just make sure my Lewis doesn't get hurt."

"Ok, I'll try to keep him out of trouble, but if I need you to tell him you're ok about being fucked in public, then make sure you back me up. Because if he thinks you're unhappy, and he gets upset, he's the one who'll end-up feeding the sharks."

"Don't say that, I'll do what ever is necessary."

So it was, that after only fifteen to twenty minutes below decks, we all returned to the upper deck.

As my head rose above the deck level I could see there were two more men on deck with Lewis and the Captain. One was a normal sized man around Lewis's build, but the other looked like the side of a mountain, big and very well built. So now I had a good idea who I could point the finger of suspicion at, for the rape in the galley. But both these two, like the captain, looked somehow menacing. It's difficult to put into words, but apart from looking unshaven and dirty, they just looked frightening.

Tamer and Mahadra walked me across to Lewis, each of them had a hand on my naked bottom. As we came up behind Lewis Tamer slapped him lightly on his back in a friendly manner.

"Well done! You've earned your beer."

Lewis spun his head sideways. "But the hour isn't up yet."

"No matter lad, you've proved your metal. And I see you've met the other members of the crew?"

"Yes, and Hafa has introduced himself and Jacf. He speaks English almost as good as you do."

"Right well Mahadra said he'll take over the steering, and you can come and join us with your little lady while she soaks some more sun."

I was stood in the middle of this little group of men, totally naked, with them all staring at my body.

Lewis looked directly at me, and asked, "Will you be ok sunbathing naked, now all the crew are up on deck?"

Tamer answered for me.

"Of course she will be. They might be crew, but we're all friends here. You just said Hafa has already introduced himself."

But just to allay any uneasiness, I chipped in. "Don't worry darling, I'm used to it now, and I'd almost forgotten I hadn't any clothes on." This was, of course, a blatant lie.

"Are you sure, I would have thought you'd have felt everyone's eyes burning into you."

Which was, of course, the real truth, but I tried to turn the blame around. "Don't be silly, I get eyes staring like this when I wear that bikini you keep asking me to wear. Only then, they are strangers! And even worse, some were even taking photos when I was lying on the beach. So if you want to show off your girl to your new friends, I guess in-a-way, I just feel flattered."

My reply stunned Lewis into silence, but Tamer obviously loved it. "There you are my boy; I knew she was a star. Now you come back here to the hatch, and we'll get her laid down."

He didn't reply, but we all walked back to the hatch, Tamer not attempting to conceal his arm, which he had wrapped around my back, with his hand blatantly cupping my bottom.

As we arrived at the edge of the raised hatch, I turned and backed my bottom up to the edge. I put my hands behind me and was about to ease myself up. Tamer's hands were immediately on my waist.

But before he had begun to lift Lewis stepped up to his side. "Its ok, I'll lift her."

Tamer just carried on with his original intention, and as I was lifted and my bottom planted in the middle of the sheet that had been spread out, he said, "No problem lad, she's taken care of." Then he asked me. "Do you want your back oiling first?"

Lewis Snapped, "But you've already put some oil on her."

"Yes, but this sun is hot, she's been sweating, and we've sponged her down. So it's wise to re-oil her."

Then he looked my way totally ignoring Lewis's concerns, "Back or front first?"

"Back I think."

And as I began to turn over, he said, "Turn over then, and spread your arms and legs out. And if, as you said, Lewis doesn't like oiling you, there are still enough of us to do an arm or leg each. We'll have you done in no time."

I really wanted to look at Lewis's face to see what his reaction was to Tamer's suggestion, but I was already face down by the time he'd suggested enlisting everyone's help, and excluding Lewis. So I lay there wondering if Lewis would say something, or if he'd just watch.

I felt oil being poured onto the middle of my back, and multiple hands, most with very rough skin, all taking turns to swirl themselves around to collect oil. As hands took hold of my hands and feet, and began to oil and massage, Abd spoke.

Then Lewis asked. "What did he say?"

"Nothing lad, he's just paying your little lady a compliment."

Whatever hand or eye gesture had gone along with Abd's comment, I had no idea, but there must have been something that Lewis didn't like, because he persisted.

"No. Tell me, I'm sure he said something about her fanny?"

"You don't want to know."

Agitatedly Lewis said, "Look Tamer, if you don't tell me, then I'm gonna make Jenny get dressed."

"It was nothing. He just said she looks like she needs a fucking."

Lewis almost blew a gasket; he went red and blurted out. "NOTHING! He's on about fucking my girl, and you say that's nothing!"

"Calm down lad. He wasn't talking about him fucking her. He was just saying, her cunt is dripping with juice, which is a sign she needs a good fucking. He said maybe she'd be better having a good fucking than another soak in the sun."

"I...I... can't believe you'd say something like that. I thought we were friends?"

"We are. We look at sex differently to you English. If a friend's wife's stomach rumbles, we say, it sounds like you should feed her better. And if she is looking all moist and getting that glazed look, we don't think twice about making that same kind of comment. He wasn't being crude, or disrespectful."

"I can't make my mind up if you're trying to take me for a fool."

There was a few seconds pause and then he asked me, "Jenny, what do you think?"

While this heated argument had been going on, everyone, even Tamer, had continued their massaging. So even though I could hear this conversation, I was well and truly on my way, and in the absence of Lewis, I'd have been expecting, and maybe even wanting, these men to give me the fuck Abd so rightly said I needed. But I had to force myself to come back to the real world, and try to give an answer that would placate both Tamer and Lewis.

"I don't think they meant anything dirty. And please don't think badly of me, but maybe Abd is right."

"Right, what do you mean?"

"I can't explain it; maybe it's the sun, maybe its being on the boat. But old Abd is right, I do want you."

"Want me?"

Tamer chipped in. "She means she wants you to fuck her."

"Tamers right Lewis. Fuck me."

"Jesus Jenny. I've never heard you talk like that before."

"Please Lewis. It's different out here. And I feel so worked up, I need you."
