From Rags To Bitches


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My first thoughts were, could this have been the man who'd held me in the cupboard whilst he'd fucked me?

I watched as Tamer put his hand on Lewis's shoulder, and it looked like they were introducing this man to him. They were chatting away, but not loud enough for me to hear what was being said.

At one point Tamer was gesturing and they all turned to look my way, even Lewis. He was smiling and looking happy, and as they all smiled and gave me a wave, I lifted myself slightly, smiled and waved back, trying to make sure I didn't lift up too far from the deck allowing them to see my breasts.

I could now see the third man was an old man, about 60+, and he looked really rough, the kind of man you wouldn't want to meet on a dark night. He and Lewis both appeared to be getting along like a house on fire, as they laughed and drank from their bottles of beer.

Tamer and Mahadra both began to walk back to where I lay, as Lewis turned and faced forwards. But the old man, who was stood by Lewis's side, stood facing sideways, occasionally looking back.

When Tamer and Mahadra arrived back at my side, they re-took their positions, and Tamer said, "That is the owner and Captain, and he thinks you're pussy is good enough to eat."

"Me? Why? Was he the man who did it to me down in the galley?"

"No, he said he's only just woke up. But he's just had his fingers deep up inside your pussy."

"Bu...But I thought that was you."

"No. But we could see you were ready, so we let him have a free sample. He really likes you."

"But you promised if I went along with you, you'd protect me from the crew."

"He's the owner and the captain of the boat. You don't class him as crew. On board any sea going boat, the captain is God. What ever he wants, he gets."

I didn't reply, but I felt like I'd been cheated in some way.

Tamer said something to Mahadra, and they both resumed their oiling, starting back at my feet. By now, my arousal had completely collapsed, not least affected by this feeling of being misled. I then began to wonder about the bet that Tamer had setup with Lewis, bearing in mind, that Lewis had been looking my way a few minutes ago. Still lying face down, I turned my head and asked, "I suppose Lewis has missed-out on his beer?"

"No. Why?"

"He was looking back this way with the rest of you."

"I was introducing him to Captain Abd Hanafi, so I said we'd postpone the bet until we came back here to carry-on with your oiling."

"They appear to be getting on well together."

"It's a wonder, Abd can't speak a word of English, and your Lewis can't understand a word Abd is saying."

"But I could see you were all having a good laugh at something."

"It started with Abd telling Lewis how wonderfully tight your pussy was. He was pushing his first finger into a hole he'd made with the first finger and thumb of his other hand. And telling Lewis what a lucky man he was to have such a fresh cunt to fuck."

"You've got to be joking?" I was annoyed that they would talk about me like that.

"No. Lewis obviously didn't understand a word. But the gesturing with the poking fingers must have made him think, and he started to look worried."

"So what did he say?"

"He asked me what Abd was saying, and I explained that I'd told Abd how he'd piloted the boat out of the harbour. And that Abd had replied that getting this big boat out of that narrow harbour mouth was nearly as tight as fucking a virgin."

I half tried to reply, but once again they had resumed my arousal to a point where I was unable to concentrate on the conversation. "So Lew... Lewis haaa... Oh god! Oh Jesus! Stop jus..."

"What's wrong?"

"Please, just a second."

They both stopped moving their hands and Tamer said, "Don't you worry, Lewis has no idea Abd was poking your cunt, he just thought the old man's comparison was funny, and Abd thought it was funny that Lewis was laughing at him fingering his woman. Now let's get back to business."

They resumed the foot massage for only a minute or two more before, as last time, they began working up my legs. And then, as last time, they began to spread me wide open.

My mind was now far from any thoughts of Lewis and Abd, and I was once again dreaming about what they might do once they reached my knickers. The last time Tamer had introduced me to having my clit sucked, nibbled and manipulated in such a skilful manner, I'd had my first orgasm. I wondered if either he or Mahadra might have any other delights in store for me, things I'd never even heard of.

And then as the oiling neared my crotch, I could feel not only a throbbing coming from my pussy, but as each of their hands neared it, my lower tummy tried to push into the deck. It was weird, kind of like as if I was a man who was trying to push his dick into the deck below myself. But I haven't got a dick, and I was thrusting my mound of wispy hair.

I fully expected, and I have to admit by now, wanted the next of these stroking hands to work its way into my panties, and start on my pussy. But although they each stroked and oiled right up into the tops of my legs, and the hollow either side of my pussy, they never entered my gusset.

But then as they began to manhandle me around my shoulders, Tamer said, "Come-on, lets have you on your back. Then we can oil your front."

I just cooperated with them, rolling over as their hands assisted me. So now I was laid down, breasts on full show and they were soon pouring oil into the valley of my tits, and beginning to rub a tit apiece. After a minute of this, my body was on fire, and I knew I was powerless to resist anything they wanted to do. Then with me still laid flat out on my back, tits standing firm and nipples swollen to almost bursting, they both took their hands away, and Mahadra walked up to talk to Lewis.

As I was at this stage too far under the influence of my arousal, and also they were to far away for me to hear, I only know what happened from what I was told later.

As he arrived alongside Lewis, Mahadra put his hand on his back and said, "Hey man. It's ok, don't look around; you don't want to lose that crate of beer. I've just come to let you know that your little lady has just turned over to let us see her titties."

As Lewis's look was one of surprise, Mahadra nodded confirmation and with a smile said, "I told you she wasn't that shy."

And then as he could see the temptation for Lewis to turn around was almost too much, Mahadra added, "Don't look around. You've seen them before and all she's doing is soaking some sun on them like you told her to." He then continued, "I only came up here to re-assure you there was nothing going on. I knew you'd be wondering why old Abd had suddenly started taking an interest in what was happening back there."

Abd had wandered from where he'd been alongside Lewis, and was now stood just at the end of the hatch I was spread-out on, looking intently at my naked breasts. Lewis obviously didn't know where or what Abd was doing, but he knew he was no-longer stood up front with him.

"I was wondering where he'd got to?"

"He's ok; he just wants to get a closer look."

"I don't want him leering at Jenny."

"Don't be so hasty, we won't let him touch her. And after all, you owe him."

"What do you mean? Why what do I owe him?"

"Well for one, he owns this boat, and you're getting a free ride."

"But it was you and Tamer who said we could come with you."

"Maybe, but it's still his boat. But don't worry; we won't let him touch Jenny, you just think of the crate of beer."

So with Lewis still staring out to sea, facing towards the front of the boat; Mahadra was soon kneeling back down at my side. Then as Tamer began to kiss my nipples, Mahadra, progressed the oiling down my lower rib-cage, and began rubbing another pool of oil in and around my belly button.

The sensation of the nipple kissing would have been enough, but each time Mahadra's hand circled around, his fingers gliding across my tummy, they entered into my panties. And as his finger ends neared my wispy mound, the thrusting I'd been involuntarily doing that had been ramming my bush into the deck, now resumed. With the result, that I was heaving my pussy up to meet his fingers.

You might have expected he'd have pushed that bit further, to have reached down into my crotch, and enter me, but he didn't. He just kept circling as if he was teasing me.

I got to such a state; I'd lifted my feet up towards my bottom, let my knees fall wide apart, and begun to lift myself up in harmony with him.

All this time, Lewis had stuck to his bet, and hadn't looked back once. And all this time, these three had been talking away; I guess discussing their progress, and planning their next move.

But now Tamer said in English. "It looks like the little girl is about ready."

And then he put his face right up to mine and said, "You're doing good. We're just going to put your legs together, and pull your knickers off. Yes?"

I didn't reply, I was too far gone, but I know I smiled at the thought that my pussy was now gonna get a good licking.

They all moved around, Abd had knelt down behind the duct where Tamer had been, meaning he'd be out of Lewis's sight, in the event that he might turn around. Tamer knelt down the other side of me, where Mahadra had been. And Mahadra moved down to my feet.

Once they were in position, my knickers were soon removed, and legs once again stretched wide open.

Now I was simultaneously stimulated from three different directions. Mahadra had moved in between my open legs, and was soon pouring oil onto my bush. As it ran down and around my pussy, he was massaging it into both my pussy and around my bottom. As he passed my pussy, his finger slipped inside just a little, and I heaved onto it, to get more penetration. Then as he pulled out and worked his way down, as he passed my bottom, he slipped just a little of it in there. This I found very strange, and I squirmed around in an attempt to get it out. But I only succeeded in easing him deeper in.

Tamer was back to kissing and nibbling on my nipples whilst he fondled my tits.

And on my other side, a hand had taken hold of my hand, and was guiding it down inside someone's pants, where it was placed around a big fat dick. I realised this must be old Abd, and maybe I should have been repulsed by such an old man doing this, but in truth I was too far gone to care. It felt good in my hand, and I began to slip my hand up the shaft on a film of oil. The dick immediately went from hard to rock hard, and began to throb.

So it was, that I lay there with my boyfriend only a few feet away, with two men who I'd never even met two days ago, working my body up to an almighty climax, while I wanked the dick of an old man I'd never even seen until half-an-hour ago.

I was in some kind of oblivion, humping my pussy up to Mahadra's mouth, and as Abd stood up to shoot his cum into my face, I began to cum.

They told me it took all three of them to prevent me from launching myself off the top of the hatch where I was laid, as I bucked and writhed around.

As my arousal subsided, they all three helped to straighten up the sheet I was laid upon, and then they did something I never expected!

They eased me around, so my head was towards the back of the boat, and hence my feet pointing towards where Lewis was seated. Mahadra took hold of one of my ankles, and Tamer the other, and they lifted my legs wide open.

Then all three of them came in close and began making comments to each other, but as it was in their own tongue, I had no idea what they were saying. But as my pussy was still wet and glistening with my own cum, I guess they were just being crude like men can be.

Then after maybe a couple of minutes, Tamer said something to Abd. Abd didn't reply, but just moved from alongside me, and went and stood over to one side a good four feet away.

The next thing, Tamer and Mahadra placed my feet back to the sheet, and let go of them, leaving them maybe only six inches apart. Tamer then turned and began to walk towards Lewis.

Whilst Mahadra said, "If Lewis asks you why you're naked; remember what could happen to him if he tries to protect you. Just tell him you don't mind us seeing your cunt!"

So as Tamer tapped Lewis on his shoulder, I wondered just what he could be up to. Surely they weren't going to let Lewis know they'd removed my knickers. But what other reason would Mahadra have for telling me I had to convince Lewis I didn't mind being naked? Then to my horror after a few minutes of Tamer talking to Lewis, he produced my knickers from his pocket, and showed them to him.

As before I only know what was said from what I was told later.

"My god Lew, that girl of yours is a wildcat."

"What? Is she alright?"

"Yes, course she is. Mahadra is looking after her."

"Well what d'you mean? She's a wildcat."

"Don't tell me you don't know. I bet that's why you wanted her to sunbathe naked."

"I... I...I don't understand. Has something happened?"

"Well as far as me and Mahadra are concerned, I'd say yes. But I guess as she's your girl, you're used to her getting turned on so easy."

"Look! Tell me what you mean, or I'll have to go back and ask her myself."

"Hey! Take it easy. She's ok. I just thought I'd come up here and let you know how she's getting on."

"Well ok, tell me. What you were just saying didn't sound like my Jenny."

"Ok, you know I took her bra off?"

"Well yes, or at least, I thought she'd taken it off herself."

"Well whatever. Then you said we could oil her up for you?"

"Yes! Come on, get to the point."

"Well that's it. When we started oiling her tits..."

Lewis didn't let him finish his sentence, "You what?"

"Her tits, they had to be oiled if she's gonna let the sun get at them."

"But I never thought you'd be doing that, I thought you'd only oil her back."

"Don't be silly. There was no need for her to struggle with the rest of her body. We didn't mind, in fact, we enjoyed doing it for her. But my god, when we began to work her tits, her nipples stood up like olives. And the more we rubbed the oil in, the more she liked it."

"But you weren't supposed to be playing with her tits. When I said you could put oil on her, I meant her back."

"Well no harm done, like I said, she really loved it. So much so, when I told her I was going to pull her knickers off, she just lifted her bottom off the deck."

"Oh now I see what you're doing. You're trying to get me to turn around, so I'll loose my crate of beer."

"No. I'm just making sure you're ok with her getting an all over tan."

"It won't work, I know Jenny better than that. If you'd have even suggested her taking her knickers down, she'd have been screaming blue murder."

"Ok Lew. I'm gonna show you something now, and I guess its only fair I let you turn around and look. And it won't forfeit our bet."

It was at this point, Tamer produced my knickers.

Lewis turned and a look of horror came on his face. "No! What have you done to her?"

Tamer calmly said, "It's no big deal. She doesn't mind. Look if you're worried, we'll forget the bet for now, and I'll get Abd to take the helm, while you come back and check with her."

Lewis didn't wait for Abd, in seconds he was alongside the hatch where I lay, but Tamer had to stop at the helm until Abd walked over to relieve him.

As soon as Lewis got to the hatch where I lay, he knelt down along side me, took hold of my hand and asked, "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"

"I'm ok."

"But you're naked. Tamer's got your knickers."

At this point Tamer arrived at Lewis's side, and held out the knickers, "They're here if you want them."

Lewis grabbed them, "No I don't want them, I just want to know why she isn't wearing them?"

"You told us you wanted her to sunbathe naked."


"You said if it was up to you, you'd have taken her onto the nudist beach to sunbathe."

"Well yes. But I didn't expect her to get naked on this boat."

"Why not?"

He didn't pause here, but as he continued, he looked up at the sun, and stretched his arm around in a circle, as if to show the path of the sun.

"With all this lovely sun."

Then he again circled his arm, as if displaying the vast empty sea all around us.

"And nobody for miles around."

And then he took hold of my ankles, and pulled them up high and stretched them wide apart. "Now's a good time to get some sun on her little cunt."

So to put that into context, it was really a continuous statement, accompanied by the hand gestures I mentioned, and ending up with my legs getting spread wide open.

"Why not? With all this lovely sun. And nobody for miles around. Now's a good time to get some sun on her little cunt."

Lewis sprang to his feet, and as he dived back and took hold of Tamers wrists, he said,

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Let go of her."

But Tamer calmly stood there using what must have been superior strength to hold my legs wide open, and while Lewis struggled in vein, he said, "What's wrong? She won't get a tan with her legs closed."

Lewis was still struggling as he replied, "Let go of her you bastard!"

Tamer just released his grip, and as my legs dropped to the decking of the hatch where I lay, I quickly drew them together.

Tamer shook Lewis's hands from his wrists, and then said calmly, "What the hell was all that about."

"You bastard! Don't you ever touch her like that again."

"Hey! That's enough of that. All I did was open her legs to get some sun on her cunt."

Lewis was now back to kneeling alongside me, and his arm was wrapped protectively around my shoulder, "She's getting dressed now. And you can let us off this boat at the first port we come to."

Tamer feigned a look of innocence, as he asked, "What's wrong?"

"How the fuck can you stand there after what you've just done and say that?"

Tamer then looked at me, "Do you know why he's so upset?"

Of course I knew, but I also knew if I didn't convince Lewis I wanted to sunbathe naked, these men could use their knives, and Lewis could get seriously hurt. I hoped maybe, if I went along with them, they would be satisfied with playing with my naked body. And if I could persuade Lewis to go back to steering the boat before they actually started touching me, I might be able to keep my reaction to their touching, a secret from Lewis.

So instead of answering Tamer, I directed my words to Lewis; whose face was alongside my own, "I'm sorry. I only asked him to take my knickers off, because I thought that was what you wanted."

Lewis had been holding me close, but glaring at Tamer in a look of protective defiance. But as he heard my words, his head moved from mine, and he stared into my eyes in disbelief, "You asked him?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. You said you wanted me to go to that nude beach. And you agreed with Tamer when he said you wanted to show me off. So, I thought you wanted me, to let them see me naked."

"But we hardly know them?"

"I'm sorry. I thought they were your friends."

"Well yes. But friends don't grab your girl and hold her legs open."

"That wasn't Tamer's fault either. I feel so ashamed."

"What d'you mean?"

"I asked him to postpone your bet, and bring you back here, so I could show you how brave I was being for you. But I wasn't sure if I'd have the nerve to do it by myself. So I told him, if I show any signs of hesitation, spread my legs for me. I thought you'd be pleased."

"Jesus Jenny. Why?"

"I'd do anything for you. I thought you were proud of my body, and you wanted me to act grown-up, and show off! I thought you'd be so proud. I'm sorry I caused you and Tamer to fight. Please tell him you didn't mean the things you said. Tell him we do still want to go to Tunisia with him. It wasn't his fault."
