From Rags To Bitches


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"Well it wasn't Lewis, his thing isn't that big."

"Hold on here little girl, are you saying you let someone fuck you?"

"I didn't have much choice."

"What you were raped?"

"That's about the size of it."

"But you don't look harmed in any way; did you try to fight them off?"

"It would have been pointless, he was far too strong."

"So you didn't put up any resistance, or you didn't scream or cry out?"

"Well no, like I said, he was far too strong. And anyway, he had me pushed inside one of the cupboards, so screaming would have been useless."

"I see." He paused, then continued, "In our country, some girls have sex before they get married, even though they know they should be a virgin until their wedding day. So they also claim they were raped. But a girl, who is genuinely raped, will fight, even if she can't win, she will always end-up bruised and cut as a result of the struggle. So I think in your case we can say you were persuaded, not raped. And are you trying to tell me you don't know who fucked you?"

"It wasn't like that, he just overpowered me, and my head was in the cupboard all the time. He'd gone before I got my head out. And anyway, it's no good you pretending you don't know what happened; it must have either been you or the other pig over there."

"What makes you so sure? There are three other men on board."

"What! It isn't just us four?"

"No, the man who owns the boat is asleep in his cabin, and I guess both his crew are in theirs."

"You never told us there was anyone else on board."

"You never asked."

"So are you saying it might have been one of them who raped me?"

"No, but I'm saying it could have been one of them who you allowed to fuck you. You start saying rape, and I can see your Lewis getting all upset. And I've just explained what could happen then. Nobody knows either of you are on board. All you said in your telegram was, we are staying an extra week. Everything ok. Love Jenny Lewis. So if Lewis were to meet with an accident, he could end-up feeding the sharks."

"Look, stop it. You're really frightening me." And I really was starting to get scared, not only at the thought that they would really hurt Lewis, but also at the fact that we were essentially trapped on the boat.

"All I'm doing is explaining your situation. And all I want is for you to be a bit friendlier."

"This isn't fair. I could maybe go along with being friendly to you. I could even have turned a blind eye to the occasional touching, so long as Lewis didn't find out. But surely you can't expect me to let just anyone on board bend me over and have sex with me when ever they get the urge?" Now, I was being serious, what the fuck did they think I was, a common whore?

"I didn't even know about you getting fucked until you just told me, and that was something between you and who ever did it. But if you want me and Mahadra to protect you from the boat crew, then you need to start being a bit friendlier to us. It's only fair, yes."

"So if I go along with you and Mahadra, you'll make sure the crew doesn't touch me?"

"Of course we will. Hang on, here's Lewis."

With that he turned and walked me across to meet Lewis who was just climbing onto the deck from the ladder.

"Hey, there you are. I was just trying to persuade your little lady that it would be alright for her to sunbathe topless up here. But she says you might not like it in front of Mahadra and me. I told her you're not like that. You're a real man. I said that's why you showed her off in that sexy little bikini on a public beach. I'm betting now we're out of sight of the perverts, you'll want her to go topless in front of your new friends."

Lewis looked a little stunned by this kind of questioning, but he obviously didn't want to contradict his new friend Tamer. "Err, well yes, I was the one who told her to wear the bikini yesterday, I think she looks great in it. She's got a cracking pair of tits."

"I knew it. I told her you'd be proud of her if she showed us her tits. Here you get this beer down you." He passed Lewis a bottle

But Lewis said agitatedly, "I'm not sure if Jenny will be too shy."

"No my boy, she's already told me she'd do it if you wanted her to. You do want her to, don't you?"

Lewis was now on the spot, and as he looked into my face, I pleaded with my eyes for him to say no. But I guess he either didn't understand my look, or the pressure of impressing his new friends just overrode my wishes. He turned to Tamer, "Yes of course I do."

Then he looked back my way, "So long as you're ok with that?"

Tamer said, "You tell him what you just told me about getting some sun on those titties of yours."

I knew Tamer was testing me, and I didn't want to see Lewis hurt in any knife fight. And well, at that time topless sunbathing was just starting to take off, unlike today when all you see are bare breasts on the beach, in those days it took a really daring, and too many, a girl of questionable morals, to take off her top in public. We had seen a few women like that.

So I looked at Lewis and said, "I am a little shy. But I'd like to maybe try. If you want me to; then I'll do it. It seems to be a rather liberating act I think"

Tamer said, "It's only to be expected if you haven't done it before. But it's only natural for your Lewis to want to show-off your titties to his new friends. Isn't that right Lew?"

I didn't like the way they crudely referred to my breasts as titties, but what choice did I have? Still, I would have preferred if they had been a little more polite about it.

Lewis almost swallowed his own tongue at first. But then his pride wouldn't let him disagree, in fact he had to try to go one better, to build his ego. "Sure! I'd have gladly let her do it on one of those beaches back there in Spain, but she's not that adventurous."

That was a blatant lie, not that I'd ever suggested going to one. But on one occasion last week, while we'd been on a bus excursion to some church, we'd seen some topless women on a beach. Lewis had kept going on about it all day, saying, "These bloody foreigners don't respect their women, letting them lounge around naked all day with perverts! No self-respecting man would ever allow his woman to show her body off to the world like that!"

But now it was his new friends who wanted to ogle his woman, it was a different story. But I felt ok about it, because if he had disagreed, I was afraid, and quite sure, Tamer would carry-out his threat of violence.

Tamer continued with a laugh, "Well now she's with friends you can trust, I'll bet she's soon soaking up the sun in places that haven't seen daylight before."

Surprisingly, but maybe just out of politeness, Lewis agreed. "You are right!"

Tamer asked Lewis, "Are you gonna take over the helm again?"

"I might as well," then looking at me he added, "so long as you're ok?"

"I'm ok, I might as well take advantage of this sun, I don't suppose they'll be much of it when we get back to England."


Then Tamer said, "Here, I've spread out a sheet for you to lie on, sit yourself down, and I'll help you take your blouse off."

Lewis had only gone a couple of steps towards the steering position, and he must still have been within earshot, because as he heard Tamer telling me to take my blouse off, his head shot around. "Aren't you going down to get changed into your bikini?"

Before I could answer, Tamer had started talking. "Is there any point? I know I haven't seen her knickers, but I'm willing to bet they won't show any more flesh than the bikini bottoms she was almost wearing yesterday."

And then very quietly, so only I could hear. "And if you go down to get changed, you might meet one of the crew."

I suddenly thought; he's right, if I go down alone to get changed, who knows what might happen. And I can hardly ask Tamer or Mahadra to come down with me whilst I got into my bikini.

But while I was mulling these thoughts through my mind, Lewis asked me. "What do you think Jenny? Are you ok about sunbathing in just your panties?"

Well my bikini pants might have been skimpy, but the material was thicker and double lined in the gusset area, not like my panties, which were almost see-through. But again, I didn't want any conflict that could end up with my Lewis getting hurt, so I just said,

"I guess so, Tamer's right; they're no more revealing than my bikini."

Lewis was obviously satisfied with my reply, so he then continued walking back to take over the steering.

Well by now, Tamer was kneeling down alongside where I'd sat, and he'd begun to help undo my buttons. Lewis had resumed looking where he was steering. Once the buttons were all undone, he helped me off with my blouse.

And then whilst he was easing me into a lying down position on my back he said very quietly. "Come-on lets get you lying down, and I'll take your skirt off."

I let myself be eased onto my back, and he soon had my belt unbuckled, as he did this my tummy began to go into a turmoil. Then as my zipper came down, and he started to pull at my waist-band, I lifted my bottom, and my skirt was soon thrown into a heap in the corner.

By now the turmoil was building, so much so as his hands touched my naked waist and he gave instructions in a soft voice, "Turn over!"

I just knew I would soon be his to do as he wanted with. I turned so I was now facing the deck, and in seconds I felt my bra slacken.

"Lift up a minute."

I pushed down with my hands lifting my breasts off the sheet, and as he pulled my bra away I then lowered myself back down.

Tamer now lifted the volume of his voice to get Lewis's attention. "What do you think Lewis? I knew your little lady could do it."

Lewis turned around, and looked back. I was laid down on a sheet, facing towards Lewis and the front of the boat. The sheet was placed on the top of a large hatch, which put me about two feet off the deck they were on. Tamer was knelt on the deck, to my side, and in front of where he knelt was a large steel vent, so Tamer had to look around this to see Lewis. Lewis was on the helmsman's seat, about ten feet in front of me, and obviously, the steel vent obstructed Lewis's view of Tamer.

Lewis asked, "Has she taken her bra off already? Looking directly into the sun, it's difficult to tell from here with her lying face down."

It wasn't just Lewis who had turned around, Mahadra was also looking back.

Tamer said quietly, "Go-on, just lift up onto your elbows to show your tits off."

There was that word 'tits' again, I was beginning to hate it! I didn't want Lewis to know Tamer had given me instructions, or more importantly, that I was under his control.

So without turning my head, I replied, "Please. Don't make me."

He picked up my bra off the floor, and held it aloft for them both to see. "She sure has. But I think we'll have to let her build-up a bit more confidence before she shows her tits off."

I felt so grateful to Tamer for not insisting I displayed my breasts.

He then continued, "I say Lewis, is it ok if I rub some oil into her back, or do you want me to steer the boat while you do it?"

Now I knew that was one job Lewis hated, he didn't like the feel of his hands getting all sticky as he put it. But I was praying that on this occasion, he would prefer to be doing it himself, rather than letting a stranger that close to my body.

"I suppose I'd better come back there and do it." Clearly he didn't like the idea of another man touching me.

God was I relieved to here him say that, and as he slid off the seat Mahadra took over the steering, while Lewis walked back.

Knowing Lewis would be the one to apply the oil to my body, I began to relax a little.

But as he arrived alongside me, and was about to kneel on the opposite side of the hatch to Tamer; Tamer spoke with an edge to his tone. "I guess you're more English than I thought."

Lewis asked, "What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing, it's obvious you don't trust me," he snapped irritably as he was rising to his feet.

Adding as he thrust the bottle of oil into Lewis's hand, "Here. You do it yourself."

And with that, he began to stride around the back of the hatch, making his way towards the helm. As he was about to pass behind Lewis; Lewis also shot to his feet, and blocking Tamer's path, he placed his hand on Tamer's fore arm. "No, stop. Don't be like that, I didn't mean to offend you?"

"In our country we trust our friends."

"I do trust you."

"But not when it comes to anything that matters."

"Hey Tamer, it isn't that I don't trust you. I just thought Jenny might be shy."

"Shy? It's not Jenny that's shy! I'm beginning to think maybe I misjudged you. You seem to be watching every move we make. Don't you trust your lady?"

"That's silly, I trust all of you. All I can say is sorry, and I'll ask Jenny. What do you think babe, do you mind if they put the oil on for you?"

What could I say, I knew Tamer would get to feel me one way or another, and if it was the other, then Lewis could wind-up hurt. At least this way, Lewis was around, so they couldn't go too far, and he wouldn't get into conflict with them and their knives.

"You're right, it's not as though you enjoy doing it for me anyway, you go and steer the boat; you're good at that. I'm sure he won't put his hands anywhere they shouldn't be."

So Lewis handed the bottle back to Tamer. "Here you are. I'm sorry if I was being a prick. I know I can trust you to keep your hands under control. And so long as Jenny is happy, then I guess we're all getting what we want." Lewis' voice sounded anything but happy.

"That's more like it, spoken like a man who knows he can trust his woman, and knows he is in the company of real friends. I know, lets make it interesting."

"What d'you mean?"

"You say you trust us, and trust your woman. I know you'll be curious as hell about what I'm up to back here, and you'll want to keep turning your head to check. It'll be like having an itch and you'll want to scratch it. So, I'll bet you a crate of beer that you won't be able to last an hour without turning your head back to make sure we're all behaving ourselves."

"You're on!" Lewis said confidently, then looked at his watch, "Its quarter past eleven now, once I start driving, I won't look back until quarter past twelve. Anyway, even if I wasn't sure that you'd stick to your word, I know I can trust my Jenny." He laughed a little nervously, and went back to the helmsman's seat, and blew me a kiss as he said. "Ok, time starts now; I'll enjoy that crate of beer you'll be buying me."

As soon as Lewis had turned back to face the front of the boat, Mahadra walked back to the hatch where I lay, and knelt down alongside me, where Lewis had been. Tamer from the other side of the hatch called to Lewis. "I guess its ok for Mahadra to help me oil your little lady?"

Lewis kept his head facing forwards as he replied. "You won't catch me that easily. And yes, so long as Jenny doesn't mind."

Then Tamer asked me, "What do you think, will he win his beer?"

I answered, not with pride, but resigned to how easily Lewis had been out manoeuvred, ashamedly with my collusion. "Yes, he won't look back."

"And you? Can he trust you to call him if we misbehave?"

"I've already told you I'll go along with you, but only as far as letting you have a little feel. Not a step further!"

"Ok we'd better get you oiled up, and then we can start to play."

Tamer poured some oil into Mahadra's hand, and they both began to talk to each other in their own tongue. As there was a loud background noise droning through the boat, it wasn't necessary for us to whisper to each other, on the contrary, if we wanted Lewis to hear, we needed to almost shout.

They each took hold of an arm, and worked their way up it, until they were both oiling a shoulder apiece.

I guess you can imagine the mixed feelings I'd had, whilst Lewis and Tamer had been talking; wanting to tell Lewis they could not be trusted, but on the other hand, not wanting to see a major conflict. And there was also the possibility that Lewis wouldn't have believed they had any evil intentions, unless I'd came clean about what had already taken place. So not wanting to stir up a hornets nest, I'd just let the whole thing develop to the point where it was now.

But if I'd started out feeling angry and frustrated; then the soothing action of the oiling combined with the warm sun, soon had me mellowing. As Tamer and Mahadra, worked in unison, from my shoulders and down my back, the mellowing gradually changed into the start of an arousal.

It was as always, not so much what they were doing, but my mind racing ahead. So as their hands massaged my lower back, gliding on the oil, I was wondering if they would stop at the waist-band of my knickers, or if their hands would simply slip inside, and follow the valley of my bottom, until they reached my pussy. After all, they now had an hour to play with me before Lewis would turn around.

So whilst they were actually still behaving themselves, my arousal had already begun! Then to my surprise, when they reached my waist band, apart from a quick intrusion where they each cupped a cheek and gave it a little squeeze, they then pulled their hands out, and moved down to my feet. I should have been relieved, but a wave of disappointment washed over me. So somewhere in my subconscious, I must have wanted these men to misbehave.

As it was, the manipulation they'd started on my feet soon began to fuel my arousal, and as I'd never had my feet massaged before, this came as a total surprise. But after only five or so minutes, the oiling began to progress its journey up my legs, and once again, my mind was racing ahead, knowing this time, they would surely be spreading my pussy. As they reached my knees, they each eased the leg they were oiling until my legs were spread wide. Their hands were circling all around my legs as they worked them slowly higher.

Then both of the hands stopped, and they each just lightly held my legs with a single hand; with me still stretched wide open. It seemed like an age, but I guess it was only a minute or so before I felt fingers hooking into my waist-band on either side. They tugged the back of my panties over my bottom, and continued down to just below crotch height. At this point the waistband dug into the flesh on the outside of my stretched legs, thus preventing them going any lower. But as I guessed my pussy was the prize they were intent on looking at, then they had achieved their goal.

I lay still wondering why they had suddenly changed their tactics, as I'd expected them to continue their oiling until they'd reached crotch height before beginning to work my pussy. But only seconds after my bottom had been uncovered, I felt an oily finger gliding down my crevice, and as it reached my pussy, it began to slide up inside me. Which of them it was I had no idea, but as I guessed they'd both take turns, it didn't really matter. The hand pushed hard up into my crotch, ramming the finger to its full extent, and it worked in and out for a good couple of minutes. All the time my crotch was pumping itself hard into the deck. Then the finger just slipped out, and I felt my panties being pulled back up into their correct place.

My legs were then closed, and all hands let go of me. I didn't turn and look up at first, but I kind of sensed by the shadows passing, that they were both walking across to where Lewis was still busy steering the boat. Then as they passed, I tilted my head without lifting my breasts off the deck, and I could see three men walking towards Lewis. The outside two were Tamer and Mahadra, but the centre figure was more stooped in his posture, making him look older.