Gene Therapy - Dose 06


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The surrounding women began to cheer for Stacy, clapping and starting a mixed chant of "Go sperm go, knock her up!" and a simple "Get Pregnant Stacy!".

The sperm-laden chemical cocktail soon initiated a powerful orgasm in her, and the violent contractions of her pelvic floor muscles desperately tried to pull me deeper inside. The pressure was painful, and her vagina became so narrow that her contractions actually served to force my member out of her. When my tip emerged with an audible plopping noise, only a small amount of fluid poured out behind it; my semen had had long enough to safely gel inside her.

I scooped her up from the table into a hug, kissing her as she continued to cum. "Congratulations Stacy, you're going to be a mother."

I laid her back down gently. "When you're done, please get dressed; you'll be accompanying me today. I'm going to give you plenty more of my sperm."

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you so much, I'm so happy."

I got dressed and went to the lab with Stacy. For the entire day, I fucked her and filled her with semen whenever I had the urge, which was often. By dinnertime she was completely worn out, and went to bed early.


So what is a normal day like for me?

I'm afraid that aside from the ridiculous amount of sexual activity, most of you would probably find my days to be boring, even if only to read about. This isn't intended as an insult, nothing like "normal people find science boring," just a statement about the way I live my life. Outside of some special events up to this point that I've mostly shared with you, Intrigue isn't a word I'd use to describe my day-to-day life at this point in my life. Things do become more interesting later, but I'm not going to skip ahead for the sake of amusement.

Each day I wake up-usually to sex-and eat a pretty normal breakfast. I usually end up having two orgasms before leaving the house, and head to the lab. I typically drive with Alice, but there's usually two cars of people headed to the university. This is for convenience of my harem members rather than a need for space. Only Felicity needs to attend classes each day. Rachel already found her dream position-getting bred by me-and stopped her undergraduate program. Genny works at the clinic on campus, and typically carpools with Felicity.

My newfound eminence comes with plenty of lab space to myself, and I spend a lot of time there or in my office studying myself or future experiments. Now that I have children, I spend a considerable amount of time researching their development and the divergence from normality that I gave them by siring them. Alice typically helps me as my post-doc researcher, but I also have some graduate student assistants as well. You may expect these to be entirely female, but I actually try to pick the best qualified, and treat them well. I want their minds-not their wombs-for this work.

I do indulge in sex during the day, it's unavoidable due to my demanding sex drive. Some of my harem occasionally stop by my office, though the only "regular" visitor is Rachel, who brings Alice and I lunch each day. She eats with us, and I give her dessert afterward. There's also some of the faculty to attend to, and occasional forays with students. Lately Polly has taken to showing up in the afternoons and fellating me while I work. While at work, my focus is usually on my research rather than sex... I engage in sex mostly to keep my mind clear or to help control my position on campus.

At the end of the day, I head home with Alice, and deal with matters of the household or foundation. I spend time talking with my staff if they need it, and mostly converse with various harem members. Sometimes just about our day, but often business; be it my plans, or what I want done. I spend a lot of time discussing things with Haley as the foundation progresses, but I'll cover the foundation later. I also take some time to cuddle all of my babies. While I know I won't have time to be an involved father to all the children of my harem, I do plan on taking time to spend a little with each of them every day. On weekends I spend more time with the babies, though at this point there isn't much to do except get spit on and admire their cuteness.

The harem and I eat dinner casually together, though we make a point of eating together at the large dinner table in the dining room. The staff eats at the kitchen table; it's mostly due to space rather than any desire to exclude them. After dinner we relax and enjoy some activities together. Usually it's watching episodes of a favorite TV show, watching a new movie, or playing board games. (Not the monopoly kind, think more like Pandemic or Settlers of Catan.) This generally involves some light sexual activity and increasing libidoes until we head to the bedroom full of beds for the wildest sex of the day followed by relaxing showers and cuddling while winding down for bed. I like to play video games for a while, usually with occasional interjections from my harem with a warm mouth or silken breasts. Eventually this devolves into some more passionate sex, after which we mostly fall asleep. I usually get about 6 hours of sleep, which is more than enough to feel completely rested. I'm usually one of the last people awake, though Polly who is a night owl like me tends to stay up the longest.

While not the most interesting life, it was, and still is, satisfying to me. Construction of my foundation buildings changed my routine some, but not much.

One thing you may wonder is how I can have so much sex. Aside from the biological aspect which we've covered, and the increased libido, there's simply the fact that it feels damned good. An average, no-effort, ho-hum orgasm after my changes feels as good as the best orgasms of my life prior to the accident. My best orgasms are indescribable. And unlike my past self, my modified body takes a full minute, rather than a few seconds, to orgasm. It takes that long to pump out all of the ejaculate I produce.


Progeny and Research


The time I spent researching myself after the accident wasn't in vain. I won't bore you with details, but it led to a much greater understanding of my new body. A lot of it was ground-breaking; nobody had ever really studied human pheromones before because humans no longer produce them. Unfortunately for safety's sake, I had to avoid publishing all but the most cursory results of my research. At this point, while I didn't understand the "why" of most of my changes, and had only limited answers for "how", I did have a firm grasp on the "what" questions.

If any of you happen to have specific questions about the science behind my changes, or just a question in general, I can answer them to within certain limits. I know that nearly nobody will believe me, and thus it makes little sense to explain. Just going into the basics would be tedious for most, and require a firm grasp of basic chemistry and biology. If you happen to have taken classes in college, and feel curious, feel free to ask the more challenging questions. Most of them Alice can answer, so you won't be taking away from my writing time.

Otherwise, I'll leave all the science alone. All my changes are perfectly feasible biologically, nothing about what has happened to me is magical or impossible. I exist in the same world you do, though I don't expect you to take that as fact. That's really all you need to know for this autobiography.


My children were a source of considerable trepidation for me. I knew I wanted them, but worried that I might pass down some harmful trait. Fortunately all of my children appear perfectly healthy. It was this finding that would allow me to move forward with my plans to start impregnating women around the country, and eventually the globe.

The most surprising effect I noticed was the effect of pregnancy on the mothers. While pregnant, they seemed to gain some of the same epigenetic advantages I possess. A faster metabolism and better cell ATP production. In addition to feeling younger, they also seem to age at a reduced rate once their pregnancy progressed to a certain point. They return to normal a short while after birth, which gives strong indication that the fetus is responsible for these changes. Another interesting change is better adaptation to pregnancy and more noticeable development of female sexual characteristics. In the first pregnancy at least, there is something of a second puberty. Mammary development beyond what is normal for pregnancy, as well as continued widening of the pelvic girdle.

Women pregnant with my children seem to gain a permanent cup size (or more) of breast growth on top of pregnancy growth, wider hips, and a more lean and toned body otherwise. All the births thus far have been easy (by standards of childbirth, of course) and healthy. Even the women that didn't have my usual preference for wide childbearing hips. Only time will tell what successive pregnancies will do, but I'm closely monitoring Alice and some of the other early mothers who are pregnant again.

***Word from the 'future': successive pregnancies have physical changes such as breast growth reduce to zero after a couple pregnancies, but the benefits to metabolism and aging remain. A woman who is pregnant would age only about 8 to 9 months in that year, which may significantly lengthen their lifespan if they have many of my children.***

The positive results of all the pregnancies I had monitored greatly assuaged any guilt I might have had about getting these women pregnant. Not only were they happy, the pregnancies had positive health benefits as well.

My children seem to be developing quickly, with strong signs of intelligence. Most interesting is that they have epigenetics that also support a strong metabolism and reduced aging. This doesn't seem to be slowing their development, but more research will be needed to determine the long-term benefits.

All this means that my children, and their mothers, are healthy. There was no need to stop myself from fulfilling my urges to breed with more and more women.


Beginning Foundation


It's time to talk about the foundation I can't name for obvious reasons, that will be known henceforth simply as "the Foundation". Half a billion dollars is a large sum of money, it opens the doors to many things. Because the Foundation is a non-profit organization, it gets to avoid taxes on that huge windfall. In the course of a single month I went from having only the modest savings and 401k that survived my divorce, to suddenly controlling more money than I would have expected to earn and spend in my entire life.

The question was, what to do with that money.

Considerable thought went into the endeavour before the first dollar was raised, and more still once donation dollars started pouring in. Haley proved to be invaluable in helping to organize the Foundation, which at the point I met her was merely some filed paperwork that claimed such a foundation existed.

One key point that I insisted upon was that the Foundation do legitimate charity work. Not only to serve as a good cover, but because I did want to do some good in the world. With Haley's advice, we organized it quite differently than I had originally imagined. Rather than a single organization, the Foundation would be the head of several branch organizations. Each branch would pursue its own objective, and would also attract far less interest. Each would also pose only limited liability to the whole, should one somehow run into legal or government trouble, it wouldn't drag down the rest. Because I have methods of exerting control over the directors of branch organizations beyond simple money, they could be run as legally separate entities.

For security reasons I won't disclose the names of any of the branches, and I won't even mention all of them. Some I will only partially describe, so I apologize in advance if some things don't make sense. This is for my own safety, as these organizations mustn't be linked or identified. While not at all evil, I think describing my organization as something like Hydra from the Marvel Universe would be apt. Hundreds of units all linked to my greater purpose.


Several organizations will be started to fund or perform research-mostly legitimate-on genetic disorders, birth defects, and matters of infertility. (We're in fact already sponsoring research on the Zika virus.) One of the organizations is funding construction of a laboratory that will be mostly for my own use. Not a major, obvious facility, but a rather reasonable set of combined administration offices and labs that will have other researchers performing legitimate work.


Part of the promise to my children is providing for their future. As of this writing none are college age, of course, but plans were set into motion from the beginning to start numerous scholarship organizations. These would grant legitimate scholarships, helping countless promising students, but would also generously fund the education of my children. With so many potential children, I knew this network would need to be vast.


Keeping tabs on my sows and my progeny is a critical task for their care, but also one that has to be kept secure and absolutely secret. I knew early on I would need to be able to visit them with new pheromonal instructions, pass along information, and keep them and myself safe.


Organizations funding needy mothers also happen to fund the mothers of my children, helping to ensure a stable home environment for them, and a reasonable life for the mothers. None of them are rich, but none need worry about the necessities of life. I encourage them to work, but also make allowances for the time needed to raise children. You won't find a news story about one of my sows and her 8 children being on welfare, because they are taken care of.

Part of this set of organizations also includes housing, homes for the needy, where mothers can live away from overly prying eyes. While billed as charity, these accommodations see to a good quality of life for my children, and a much-reduced burden on their mothers.


Generally genuine organizations, they also serve as a place for sterilization if a sow wishes to stop getting pregnant, or has simply had too many children. I knew by this point that I couldn't have thousands of cases of "18 kids and counting" around the country and remain invisible.


That's most of what I'll reveal to you at this point, and as you can see, it's a sizable operation. One area that I was working on were some notable constructions. One I already mentioned was the laboratory where I would work when time allowed. another is a "bunker" of sorts, a survival shelter with plenty of luxuries where I could live with my harem and some staff for conceivably decades if I ever needed to go into hiding or should there be a major natural disaster. It was one of the early things I began construction on, operating in phases as money was collected.

The final construction, and probably the one most relevant to the story, is my actual mansion. A massive campus of custom buildings, secluded on significant acreage. Only the mansion was being constructed at this point in time, but there were plans for several other buildings, many hidden just under the ground. A place for my harem to live, a staff dormitory, a school and medical facility, essentially everything you'd need to raise hundreds of children over the years while living in luxury.

Overall, I was setting myself up to live comfortably with my harem, which I planned to expand. I was also preparing to travel, so that I could impregnate women more freely without having to worry about drawing too much attention to one location.

It's hard to explain my urge to mate, particularly considering how I would have been satisfied with one, possibly two, children before the accident. The sex drive is part of it, a constant need to fuck, but part feels almost like religion. I NEED to create ever more progeny. Much of what I've done after the accident has been focused on that one all-important goal. I can't say that there's any great purpose behind it, sure my children tend to be of above-average health and intelligence, with longer-than-average lifespans, but that wasn't why I do it.

As much as I pride myself as I man of science, I've fallen into an impregnation cult of my own creation.


A Stir of Suspicion


As it turns out, my fundraising activity didn't go completely unnoticed. A colleague of mine, one doctor Tammy Williams, seemed to have noticed my success at the fundraising banquet. Tammy is a biology professor with no real research of note, though that doesn't stop her from trying. I knew she wouldn't get anywhere with her crude digging, but also realized that the rumors she was starting were doing more to expose me than any of my previous activities. Why DID I have all this lab space to myself, why DIDN'T I need to teach classes, all items with bits of truth to raise the cockles of the faculty.

There was only so much I could do to quell the rumor mill, and should enough professors get together to start asking hard questions of the staff under my thumb...

Needless to say, Tammy was a problem that needed to be dealt with.

I sent Tammy an email and invited her over to my office to discuss whatever she was upset about. I was cordial about it, but did imply that she was being a bit childish by spreading rumors without talking to me first. She replied asking to meet me that afternoon at six, knowing that I'd likely normally be home by that time. Whether she just wanted to inconvenience me, or hoped to avoid the meeting altogether, I don't know.

I decided that I would punish her a little bit, though my main goal was to get her to quell the rumors she had started. Without an active source pushing them, they'd die out on their own with time. I arranged things with Alice, and called home to let them know we'd be running late.

= = = = = = = = =

When Tammy arrived a little after six, Alice greeted her and brought her to my office. "David said you wanted to meet with us about something, he's waiting in our office."

Tammy, wearing comfortable clothes and a dour expression, was a bit taken aback. "You two SHARE an office? But you're a postdoc?"

Alice was well coached, and smart enough to know exactly how to respond. "Well it was a trade-off to get us some more lab space. Normally he'd have a much nicer office, and I'd have this office to myself... but well, we needed the room for the sequencer equipment, so we had to trade."

Tammy's dour expression was beginning to crack, replaced with a bit of guilt. "I never expected a tenured professor to be sharing an office, let alone with a post doc researcher. No offense."

Alice gave the older woman her cute smile. "It's not the nicest office or lab space, either... but we're really serious about our research. Genetics equipment is all super expensive, so something has to give. You know how it is."

The older woman didn't, in fact, 'know how it is' because she'd never been involved in much research. She played along anyway. "I do... there's never enough money. If you're lucky, you get enough to barely cover what you need... When I heard about how much space David had allocated, I was quite jealous to be honest... Seeing this place though, and sharing an office, I'm starting to understand."
