Getting Down To Business


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She had not lied. They were warm, damp, and rich with her essence; they seemed in some way to be imbued with her natural authority. Their softness offered a strange comfort and for a few seconds everything else was forgotten as I continued to breathe them in but Veronique was growing impatient.

"Don't keep me waiting..."

Almost reluctantly I put the panties carefully to one side and gave her my attention.

She was seated in such a way that one of the many spotlights, which gave the room its almost sterile appearance, was shining directly between her legs.

My experience was limited but to me her sex was beautiful. Her mons was a smoothly curved, swollen hillock, from which her perfectly matched labia erupted to greet the light. They were deliciously wet and bulged at the apex hinting at the delights to be found within.

I drew nearer and I could now see that the dark covering was flecked with one or two silver filaments which had me re-evaluating her age but it was of no consequence. I paused momentarily to fix the image in my memory and then I began to devour her.

I groaned as I opened my mouth wide and fixed myself to her before licking along the whole length of those wonderful lips.

My, my, we are eager aren't we."

Despite her outward composureher excitement was evident. As I pressed my tongue deeper I was greeted by a hot liquid rush as the dammed product of her arousal was released.

Perhaps it was a reflection of her maturity but she was wonderfully wet especially in comparison with Zoe and Lily. As I continued to lick noisily I had to pause from time to time to swallow and clear my mouth but still she had more to give.

Time stood still as I laboured lovingly but after some minutes she must have grown concerned about an interruption despite her own assurances.

"Now, ma chérie"

She folded one leg and lifted her foot to rest on the surface of the table. At the same time she pressed two fingers to her pudenda just enough to allow her clitoris to swell into the open.

I needed no further encouragement. I placed a single butterfly kiss on the delicate bud and then began to lick her tenderly.

"Yes!....That's so good."

My nose told me that she was leaking afresh and the temptation to gather it up was strong but stronger still was the desire to take this woman to new heights. I concentrated on her clitoris reveling in her increasing urgency and secretly proud that I could make her lose control.

Her body was shaking and her hand clenched my shoulder as she reached the point of no return. Her climax was inevitable but I did not pause. I continued to lick even as she surrendered to it driving her ever higher. She gritted her teeth to suppress a scream but that only seemed to fuel the intensity. It rolled on and on until she was physically incapable of more.

As her body slumped in surrender I licked the warm moisture from her mons and inner thighs and I sensed that she would have been happy for me to continue for hours but she reluctantly eased me away.

She cleaned herself up and, for a second time, she fixed her make-up whilst I did the best to repair the damage to my own face. I found the ensuing silence awkward but she seemed unfazed.

I bent to retrieve her panties but as I handed them to her she smiled.

"Keep them, as a souvenir. I hope you will remember me as fondly as I will remember you."

I could not believe it. There was to be no exchange of numbers, no "see you next time" and certainly no hint that she would like to do for me what I had done for her. It was all too much and I had to ask.

"How did you know? About me?"

She smiled indulgently.

"I probably would have guessed but, as it was, your friends told us what you would do in exchange for just one dance."

I looked at her dumbfounded but at least I knew why she was so confident that we would not be disturbed. I began to panic, there was no way to leave the Club without confronting her colleagues with all the attendant embarrassment but Veronique took me by the hand.

"Come on my darling. Everyone wants to dance with you...."

Chapter 5

The following morning I had the phone in my hand ready to call in sick and it would not have been too far wide of the mark. My jaw ached horribly and my tongue felt twice its normal size.

It took an effort of will but I put the phone back down again and got myself ready. In part it was because to absent myself would be admit my embarrassment but I had two ulterior motives for wanting to be in the office.

The first was an idea that I had been fostering.

It was irrational, but I was growing ever more resentful of my father. In some way I blamed him for putting me in a position where my recent aberrant behaviour was made manifest and then there was the shock of his possible relationship with Amanda.

I suppose that I could have resolved the matter once and for all by confronting one of them but I did not want to appear jealous of a relationship be it on a personal or a business level.

So, for the first time since childhood, I began to consider a fall back position. I had always assumed that I would take over the business once my father deemed me competent enough and I had worked hard to gain his approval. Now, I began to see that those same skills could put me in a position to achieve in my own right and the prospect was growing ever more enticing.

Once in the office I ignored everyone as best I could and I began to gather data which I surreptitiously e-mailed to my personal laptop. I was so engrossed that I was unaware of time passing and I was taken by surprise when Tara came up behind me.

"Don't you want to go and collect?"

The deal that I had completed, with the help of Zoe and Lily, clearly made me the weeks' best performer and I had won the "Barbie". This was my second reason for wanting to come in.

After all that I had been through the prospect of having someone tend to my needs, especially someone as skilled and willing as Christine, was almost too delicious to contemplate.

I was conscious of everyone's eyes on me as I closed down my workstation and left but I did not care. By the time I arrived at Amanda's office my panties were already damp.

I knocked and entered and my relief at finding Christine sitting at her desk in the outer office was almost palpable.

"Hi, a little birdie told me you had won."

As she spoke she turned round on her chair and I noticed that she was wearing a plain dress with a high hemline; normally she wore business suits which helped to counter her naturally youthful looks.

"We can go through. Amanda's out."

I had discovered that Amanda was away from the office every Friday afternoon to attend the senior manager's weekly meeting but I did not knew for sure whether or not she knew what went on in her absence.

She got up and, offering me her hand, led me through to the inner sanctum but, now that the moment had arrived, I felt awkward. In spite of all my own recent experiences it was still hard to believe what this beautiful young woman was about to do

She drew me towards the sofa and patted the seat encouraging me to sit down. As I did so she sat down next to me and reached forward to gently touch my cheek. For a second or two she said nothing and simply stroked the side of my face.

I could not meet her eyes and I found myself staring at the scooped neck of her dress where her modest breasts were partially revealed.

"Do you like them? I don't think that they are as nice as yours."

I did not know how to reply. On the last occasion she had taken control and had quickly made clear exactly what was on offer. I was in no doubt that, once I understood, we had both got from it exactly what we wanted.

This time she had introduced a familiarity of a different nature and I somehow suspected that this was not how it went with the others. I was still wrestling with this thought when she slowly leant towards me and touched her lips to mine.

It was the softest kiss I had ever known and her mouth had a sweetness that could only be feminine.

As absurd as it seemed that one kiss frightened me more than anything that had gone before. When down on my knees I was lost in a world of my own, serving some deep-seated physical desire, but I always believed that I could revert to my old self. If I surrendered to this new intimacy I somehow knew that there could be no going back.

I tried to fight it but she had already widened her mouth just a little to allow the tip of her tongue to flit across my lips. I wanted to keep them tightly closed but she turned her head slightly and in so doing her lips gently prised mine apart.

After that I was lost. Her tongue eased its way inside my mouth seeking mine and within seconds I was returning her kiss with reckless abandon.

I do not know long we stayed locked together, it seemed like an age. I did not want it to stop but, at the same time, my sex felt like it was on fire.

She broke for a moment but kept her face close to mine.

"I've been hearing things about you..."

I immediately felt alarmed but she smiled sweetly before taking my face in both hands.

She kissed me again but this time it was different. She moved the tip of her tongue over my lips but rejected my overture when I opened my mouth to greet her. Instead, she licked with a slow lazy rhythm every now and then allowing her tongue to linger at the corner of my mouth.

The allusion was obvious and it was almost as though I could feel her mouth on my sex. I felt physically weak and felt sure that, if she continued, I was going to come.

Without letting go of my face, or breaking the kiss, she slowly fell backwards drawing me with her until she was lying prone with me on top. I could feel the softness of her breasts crushed beneath my own and I had a sudden yearning to slip my hand inside her dress.

As if mirroring the thought her hand slipped down between us and I lifted myself slightly in expectation. It moved slowly and I held my breath as she drew nearer to my sex until I could feel her knuckles pressed into me.

Her hand was moving and I guessed that she was stimulating herself but that thought only added to my arousal. I relaxed my pelvis, gently trapping her fingers, and she immediately took her lips away from mine.


In a single, lithe, movement she slid up from under me until her back was supported by the arm of the sofa.

I was startled to see that she had somehow managed to unfasten all of the buttons at the front of her dress and she now peeled it apart. Whilst petite, her body was perfectly proportioned a detail made obvious by the fact that she wore no underwear.

Her hand lingered at her breast drawing my eye to it and to a nipple of palest pink which rose as a shallow mound. The teat itself was inverted and I wondered, fleetingly, if it could be coaxed to erection.

Her position left me lying between her legs with my face just inches from her coy sex with its light covering of silky blonde hair and I was confused as to just how our roles had suddenly become reversed.

I was so desperate to take advantage of her wonderful oral skills but it was obvious that she now had her own expectations.

"Do it for me what you've learnt."

It was hard for me to refuse but at least I knew that I would get my reward afterwards. She lifted a knee, opening herself just a little, and I saw that she had a tiny tattoo on her inner thigh. It was a curlicue design and as I dipped between her legs I saw that it spelt out the single word "Bitch".

Her sex was delicate, in keeping with her small frame, and, giving in to temptation, I opened my mouth wide and ate her whole. She gasped as I assaulted her with my tongue and then touched me on the top of the head.

"Take it slow. I like to be licked."

I felt guilty knowing that my actions, in part, were designed to bring her to a climax as soon as possible so that my own needs could be tended to. Suitably chastened, I backed off and began to lick tenderly at her labia which stood out pinkly against the background of her pale colouring.

"That's more like it. Just the tip of your tongue..."

I did as she asked and found myself waiting for another instruction but she seemed content and it was some minutes later before she broke the silence once more.

"Just a little deeper now...but not all the way in."

I firmed my tongue and licked a little more positively but I somehow knew that I was not yet allowed to seek out her clitoris. Again she let me labour for a long time and I felt as if I were a pupil being taught a lesson.

"I'm ready now. I want to feel you inside."

Matching actions to her words I slowly pushed my tongue inwards. I expected her to be tight but she welcomed me with ease.

"Don't thrust. Just let your tongue swell."

I did as she asked, taking a perverse pride in my new found skills, but a dull ache reminded me of my recent exertions.

She matched her contractions to the pulsing of my tongue and her juices began to flow, slowly at first but then more freely.

"Taste me...I want to hear you."

I closed my mouth around her and the silence of the room was broken by a hushed slurping as I began to gently suck at her through matted hair. The taste was not as ripe as it had been with the others but that only encouraged me to work harder for more.

Her hand stroked my head encouragingly but she was still unhurried and somewhere up above me I imagined that she was smiling.

"Open me..."

For the first time her voice sounded just a little less controlled. I brought my fingers to her sex and applied just enough pressure to reveal her deep lying clitoris. It was a neat tight bud which had an unexpected firmness and, as I started to lick it, I had a strong urge to push my hand into my own panties but I managed to restrain myself with the thought that my patience would soon be rewarded.

She began to breathe deeply but if I thought that she was going to come quickly I was mistaken. I licked rhythmically in a tight circle focusing all my attention on her clitoris but each time I thought that I had tripped the switch she somehow managed to hold herself back.

It almost became a battle of wills but I knew that my tongue was tiring fast. I was tempted to switch my attention back to her labia, which were wet against my chin, but I sensed a subtle change.

I kept my tongue still for a second or two and I could feel the tiny pulse beneath it beating ever quicker. The pause caused her to press against my head a little more firmly.

"Don't stop..."

I knew then that I had won. I began to move my tongue once more but deliberately kept it slow only gradually increasing the tempo. This time she made no attempt to hold back. She allowed her body free rein to surrender to the pace that I was dictating until it seemed that I was flicking with impossible speed.

Her pent up arousal exploded spectacularly.

"Oh shit!"

She pushed her hips at my face and her body was rocked by violent, uncontrolled, tremors which threatened to bruise my mouth. Fortunately it was as quick as it was wild and her body, finally sated, collapsed limply on the sofa.

Without thought, I licked gently at the whole of her sex swallowing the residue of her messy climax. I was still caught up in a warm dreamlike mood when the emotive silence was shattered by the ringing of a telephone.

"Ignore it!"

I realized that I had said it a little harshly but Christine was already extricating herself from my embrace. She walked to the desk, pulling her dress around herself as she went, and picked up the phone. The exchange was brief, almost monosyllabic, and she looked up at the wall clock before putting the phone down again.

"You've got to go. Amanda's meeting has been cancelled. She's on the way back."

I looked at her distraught.

"There must be somewhere else we can go."

"I've got to get cleaned up and be ready for her when she gets back."

She touched my cheek and spoke as if I were a child.

"Win again next week, I'll make it up to you."

I left the office almost in tears and, not for the first time recently, I found myself in the ladies room trying to regain some composure.

When I got back to the office I got the usual looks but I could not rid myself of the thought that they all knew what had transpired.

For the rest of that afternoon I worked like a demon e-mailing more data to my laptop.

At close of business the others invited me out for a drink but I excused myself and headed off home.

Once indoors I set the deadbolt; if Amanda wanted access she was damn well going to have to ring the doorbell like anybody else.

That weekend I worked almost non stop cross checking my findings and then during the next couple of days at work I discreetly made enquires of design studios and production companies. By Wednesday I was set.

The hardest part was to get an interview. I could have invoked my father's name, which would have undoubtedly opened doors, but I wanted this to be my own mission. I had rehearsed what I was going to say but I was nervous as hell when it came to making the call especially as I used my mother's maiden name.

To my astonishment they wanted to see me the next day. Tara was not best pleased with me taking a days leave at such short notice but she reluctantly agreed.

I anguished over what to wear and finally opted for my two piece navy suit which struck a nice balance between formal and social wear. The skirt was perhaps just a shade too short but I was not above influencing any men that might be on the panel.

I arrived at the offices of 'ManTrap' in good time and I was led to a conference room to set up. At eleven o'clock precisely three people walked into the room. I recognized the company MD immediately. Beth Callaghan was a brash American who had been put in place by ManTrap's US parent after her success in launching a similar venture at home. The other two were introduced as Donald Phelps and Geoff Lund, respectively the advertising manger and in-house designer.

I made a nervous start but, armed with my carefully prepared power-point presentation I soon got into my stride and found myself really warming to the subject.

ManTrap was the offshoot of a US clothing conglomerate set up sell high end ladies lingerie. With my slides I drew the obvious comparison with Victoria's Secret and Agent Provocateur showing their sales versus advertising spend. This was nothing new to them given that they were the obvious rivals in the market place.

I then introduced them to the concept of advertising "dead air". These were the slots on digital TV available in the early hours of the morning. They were notoriously difficult to sell and were usually the preserve of ring tone advertisers, phone escorts and low end finance companies. I knew that, in some instances, TV companies ran repeat adverts for nothing simply to fill slots.

I then hit them with my big idea. I told them that, with the right strategy, they could persuade TV companies to pay them to advertise and I was pleased to see that I had their immediate attention.

They needed to run a couple of ads at peak time which would be tasteful but just a touch risqué. This would target their main demographic of 25-35's. The second strand of the campaign would be the late night ads which would feature ManTrap's skimpier range and were intended to be more raunchy.

The crux of the idea was that, not only would the late night ads appeal to their second, younger demographic, coming in from pubs and clubs but also to many of the main demographic who would be lured by the appeal of the prime time ads.

It had to be said that these would be mainly males but that would be manna from heaven to the TV companies. If they could demonstrate that sort of catchment in the early hours other advertisers would want to get on board.
