Gift of Love

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Hubby with small penis gifts a well hung black stud to wife.
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Author's Note:

Special thanks to editing help from JRSMALE who were kind enough to edit this story. For those of you who have read my previous stories, you will be delighted to see marked improvement in punctuation and grammar.


My name is Frank Crowder and I grew up in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan. Ever since I went through puberty, I became aware of my physical shortcomings; pun intended. Alas! I was cursed with a small penis.

In high school I played football and basketball for the school teams. Consequently, I was constantly taking communal showers after games and practices, whereby the inadequacy of my manhood was glaringly obvious to others in the shower room.

I was somewhat consoled by the fact that there were some other guys lacking like me, but we were definitely in the tiny minority; pun again intended. Initially I pinned my hopes on the chance that I was a late bloomer and that I would eventually grow big. However, as I did stretch to a height of five feet eleven inches tall by my senior year in high school, my penis did not enlarge at all from the age of thirteen years on. To confront my fears, I actually measured my cock. When enlarged to a full erection, I could only to get it up to, at the most, four inches long. At least I believed that my cock was thick enough, but I dared not measure it for fear of totally undermining my self esteem, and confidence.

Once I started dating I was always self conscious about my male package, so much so that I did not have my first real date until I was eighteen years of age. Invariably my dates turned into disaster. My greatest humiliation in dating occurred when I was twenty years old and my date was nineteen years old. At the end of that date when we were making out heavily on the living room couch of the girl's residence; suddenly in a passion, she reached and grabbed a hold of my cock, which had become rock hard in the process of our necking and petting, while it was still in my pants. Within seconds of squeezing my rod, she withdrew her hand and broke off our kissing.

She cried out, "What's the matter Frank? Why aren't you excited? Am I not pretty enough for you? Don't you think I'm sexy? Anyway why don't you just go!"

I was totally red faced, as I realized that the girl, upon touching my penis, had concluded that I must still be soft, despite the hot and heavy petting, we had been engaged in. I had no appetite to pointing out to her, her erroneous assumption, so I just wordlessly left.

When I graduated from high school. I had no desire to continue my education. I started out at McDonalds and took on various other entry level jobs. Finally, when I was twenty-six years of age I found my niche in telemarketing.

I was a virgin when I graduated from high school, but I finally did have sex when I reached my twenty-first birthday. I decided it was high time that I actually experience sex no matter what. I had saved up enough money for the occasion, so I elected to treat myself to a professional prostitute as my birthday gift to myself, to mark the occasion when I could legally drink.

I went to a downtown Detroit bar, and struck up a conversation with an obvious hooker. She was a youngish looking, somewhat attractive, black woman. She quickly cut to the chase, and we struck up a deal. She conveniently retained a room in a nearby motel, and the cost of the room was included in her fees. Once we were in the room and payment was culminated, we mutually undressed.

Once she espied my erection, such as it was, she exclaimed, "Oh lordie! What have we here? I think I need my magnifying glass. You sure you haven't been amputated?"

I naturally turned twenty shades of red in reaction to her graceless utterances.

I replied, "Unfortunately, that is all that I have been blessed with by God, so there is no reason for you to make fun of me, especially since I've paid good money for you to make me happy."

I noticed that the prostitute was somewhat mortified by hurting my feelings as she replied, "You're quite right good sir. It is my responsibility to make you feel good, and I'm the woman to do it. I promise you that when I'm through with you, I'll make you the man you want to be."

I was somewhat taken aback by the whore's response, and as a result I became less apprehensive in my first full sexual experience. She dropped to her knees and started giving me a blow job. She was unexpectedly passionate in her sexual work, as not only did she deep throat me but was able to take my balls in her mouth as well. She actually started perspiring from her efforts, and before I was getting to the point of no return, she stopped and said, "In my spare time I actually read novels. One of my favorites is a series of vampire books, being the Anita Blake series written by Laurell Hamilton. In one of the stories the author has her heroine, Anita, declare her desire to swallow not only a man's penis but his balls in conjunction; the entire male package as you will. She had been always thwarted. With you I've been able to do it! I think I'll send an email to that author telling her I had done it, and to assure her that the accomplishment of such a feat is definitely a worthwhile desire. Now let's us get to the bed and you can fuck the shit out of me!"

I was feeling ecstatic! I can finally say I'm no longer a virgin! Sure it is a paid prostitute, but it still counts as a score. I was proud of myself in that I felt that I did not act like a pussy. I plunged in; all four inches of me. She made me pause for a moment as she adjusted her position underneath me. Then she gave me the signal to fire away. And I did! I pounded in stroke after stoke. I picked up the pace until I came. Did I ever cum! I let out a war whoop as I felt fulfilled as a man.

The prostitute was no doubt bemused by my antics as she remarked, "At a go tiger! Who says a small dick can't be fun. You made me cum too! By the way I hope you noticed what I did to take you in my pussy. Get your future girl friends to do the same, and they will be mightily satisfied with your cock."

I wasn't sure if the whore was lying about her orgasm, but I was sure her advice about positioning was sincere. As I believed that her recommendation would be helpful in the future, I tipped her an extra twenty dollars in gratitude. In return for the unexpected gratuity she allowed me to eat her out for about fifteen minutes. I subsequently realized that cunnilingus was not a practice usually tolerated by professional prostitutes as the activity prolongs their time at work without additional revenue.

All in all, I was happily satisfied with my first time in sex. Sure it was with a paid whore, but nevertheless, the encounter boosted my self confidence. I was no longer diffident in company with women, and I was able to bed some of them in the succeeding years. I heeded the advice of the whore, and made sure my female partners were advantageously positioned to receive my cock fully. My attention to this detail seemed to have produced the desired outcome. None of my partners except for one, ever overtly complained about my size, and exhibited full satisfaction with their time in my arms.

The one possible exception had been a vibrant red head named Joyce Burisma. On our third date we got it on in her apartment. She had made no comment whatsoever when she first espied me naked. We had progressed to the point wherein I was on my back on her bed, while she was riding me upright. Her eyes were closed, as she displayed a most glowing and gratifying look of pleasure that can be imagined.

Suddenly, in the midst of our coitus, she stopped, disengaged from me and repositioning herself supine alongside me, took my cock into her mouth to commence a vigorous blow job. I soon climaxed, and the ejaculation was explosive. She kept her mouth on my prick until she was sure that no more drops of sperm were forthcoming. She raised her head, and I could see that she was sweating profusely. She visibly gulped as she swallowed my seed. Then she opened her mouth to display her now empty oral cavity to assure me that she had ingested all of my ejaculate. She was smiling luridly and panting heavily, making me suspect that she had experienced an orgasm.

In between pants she declared, "I knew that there had to be more to you than just your small dick to make me happy. You sure did come through for me with lots and lots of the best tasting cum I've ever had. Thank you, Frank for a terrific fuck!"

I wondered at the time if she realized that she had inadvertently articulated a pun. In any case it was not the kind of praise that boosts one's masculine ego, but at least I took comfort to have pleased Ms Burisma. It is my opinion, that to please one's female partner sexually is the ultimate goal in sex in the mind of every man. Even those egotistical guys who think they are God's gift to women, would be desolate to learn that they did not please their love squeezes. At this point in my life, I no longer was bothered by my male package as I now knew that I could satisfy my women.

As I was approaching the age of thirty, I thought it was high time I started giving serious consideration to getting married. I always had an ambition to sire at least two legitimate children, and I did want to still be a vibrant active man when my children matured to adulthood. In that context I took notice of a newly hired employee to the telemarketing company at which I was employed. Her name was Bianca Sanchez. When I first set eyes on her, I instinctively knew this woman was MY WOMAN. I had since then always harbored the notion that had the mythical character of Cupid really existed, my reaction in reality to first seeing Bianca, would not have been any different had I been actually pierced by that love god's arrows.

Bianca was a second generation child of Mexican immigrants, (i.e. her grandparents moved to the US) who could still speak Spanish. Such being the case, she was constantly being importuned by co-workers to take over a call where the customers asserted that they only spoke Spanish. This was in fact how I first took notice of her at work, as my next cubicle co-worker suggested I utilize her whenever I encountered a Spanish speaking only customer. When I first asked her to take over one of my calls, I was immediately smitten upon seeing her!

In my eyes Bianca was beautiful! I thought she had the face of an angel! What was even better in my unconventional mind was the impression that I believed empirically not too many male or female persons would consider her pretty in the same way as I did. She was a big woman, overweight, about 220 pounds in a body frame of five foot eight inches tall. That probably was the most prevalent factor that would suggest to most people, that her appearance was forgettable. For me, though, her plumpness by contrast was her most attractive physical feature. I could never countenance the universal appeal of slim women.

My best friend, who had at the time been married just over two years, was telling me that he was constantly ragging on his wife to lose some more weight. I was always nonplussed by his attitude since in my view, if his wife did lose any more weight, a strong wind would be able to blow her off the face of this earth.

I asked Bianca for a date; a movie followed by a bite to eat and some drinks thereafter. The movie was enjoyable enough, but totally forgettable, however, the conversation afterwards was, for a first date, surprisingly scintillating; we obviously were totally compatible. After the closing of the bar, about 2:00 AM, we engaged in serious kissing and petting in my car; mainly confined to second base variety, but with some ventures to the third base.

I finally delivered her to her residence, the home of her widowed mother, at about 6:30 AM. Bianca later told me that her mother tore her a new asshole in conjunction with her late arrival. Bianca protested to her mother that she was an adult, twenty-four years of age, and that she was no longer a child who needed parental protection. Her mother retorted that as her mother, she would always be concerned as to her welfare, and besides so long as Bianca lived under her roof it was incumbent on her to obey her rules as to the mutual living arrangements.

On the second date, Bianca suggested that I come to her residence for a home cooked meal. This allowed Bianca to introduce me to her mother. That woman turned out not to be an ogre, and we seemed to get along. She duly disappeared to the confines of her space in the house to allow Bianca and me privacy.

It was actually surprising to me that Bianca had prepared an absolutely delicious spaghetti dinner with garlic bread and a salad, plus a bottle of Chianti; a traditional Italian dry red wine. I would have thought her mother would have partaken of the meal with us before retiring. The fact that this was not the case brought me to surmise, hopefully, that Bianca was getting serious about me. I asked her why she had elected to cook an Italian meal for me instead of Mexican.

Bianca snorted and replied, "I may have Mexican ancestors, but I'm an American through and through, so I'm not confined to cooking Mexican, as I like to cook a variety of dishes; ethnic or otherwise. However, next time if you insist, I'll be happy to cook you an authentic Mexican meal which I guarantee will be better than what you can get at Taco Bell."

I reassured her, "I was just teasing Bianca. This meal is absolutely delicious and definitely better than anything available at the Olive Garden. It's been some time since I have eaten such a wonderful home cooked meal. You're quite the good cook."

She beamed at my praise which she could perceive was sincere.

The excellent meal she had provided, proving to me that she was a wonderful cook, which was not often encountered in women of her age, reinforced my original notion, that she was the WOMAN for me. The cliché the way to a man's heart is through his stomach most certainly applied in my case.

Our third date cemented our future. The date consisted of a sumptuous dinner at a trendy terrific restaurant in the city of Detroit known for its excellent cuisine. Afterwards we repaired to Bianca's residence. Her mother had been called away for a couple of days to attend to her sister's (Bianca's aunt) apparent crisis. As the aunt lived in Toledo, Ohio, Bianca's residence was free of any possible intrusion by her mother that night.

We entered the living room wordlessly, and sat ourselves down on the sofa after having turned on the two lamps beside each end of the furniture. We then settled on kissing. To my way of thinking, kissing Bianca had to be one of the sweetest pleasures I've ever been happy to experience. Her lips were full, luscious and soft to the touch of my lips. Her lipstick that night was just the right shade of red to make her lips irresistible. She had let down her jet black hair, so I had free reign to twist and twirl her hair as I was exchanging kisses with her. Playing with her hair, I instinctively believed, was a precursor to some serious petting. When my tongue entered her mouth for the first time, Bianca gasped and then moaned. This left no doubt in my mind that I was destined to score that night. That realization reduced any feeling of angst I normally feel when trying to seduce any woman to have sex.

That confident feeling of ultimate sexual success obviates any need on my part to be frantic or nervous. This had the effect of calming Bianca's nerves as she offered no resistance throughout that night to my taking liberties in fondling her body. There are times of course when a couple are simultaneously aroused, where both react frantically and impulsively to their love making with hardly any foreplay. Since this was the first time with each other, we seemed to have been in sync for desiring to savor the occasion and all its lasting pleasures.

After quite some time of deep delicious soul searching kissing, I broke off the kiss to do some ear action. I nibbled on her ear lobe, licked the ear and finally curled my tongue into a spear and stabbed the inside of her ear.

Bianca gasped and began breathing heavily. I sensed that her arousal was equivalent to mine. That is, we were totally in full fledge unbridled ecstasy. To use the baseball metaphor we were only rounding first base, but we both knew there was no impediment to reaching the home base.

To reinforce the completion of our mutual desires, I unzipped the back of her dress. This enabled her to slip her dress off her shoulders. I then reached behind to undo her bra, which she then removed and tossed away, rendering her top naked to the waist. Ah! This was my first glimpse at her ample, mouth watering, tits! They were magnificent! Beautiful! I was later to find out that they were double 'D' sized cups. Her areola in size seemed much larger than would seem proportionate, but nevertheless, it was awesome to behold. Her nipples in shape were cylindrical and were begging to be tasted and sucked on. I, of course, could not help but take advantage. I licked, slurped and slobbered on her nipples. I touched, rubbed, caressed, felt and squeezed her boobs. At this point, Bianca was moaning with occasional squeaks every time I happened to take a bite on one of her nipples. I smothered my face in her generous bosom, giving me a feeling corresponding to a child's guilty pleasure in surreptitiously raiding the cookie jar.

Once I had lusted on her breasts to my satisfaction, I got off the sofa to undress. Likewise Bianca got off the couch to remove her dress, shoes and panties. She kept her garter belt and stockings on, which in itself was a terrific turn on for me. The sight of her complete naked flesh naturally caused me to become completely erect as hard as I was capable. Bianca simply smiled at my nakedness, seemingly oblivious to my shortcomings. I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on her hips to sniff and luxuriate in her female smell. I also took the opportunity to do some tongue action on her cunt and clit.

Initially Bianca had her hands in my hair to encourage my cunnilingus, but in a little while she stopped and blurted out, "That's enough for now Frankie! I need you to fuck me NOW!"

Bianca then situated herself prone on the sofa. She spread her legs as wide as possible with one leg up and over the top edge of the sofa, and the other resting on the floor. I then got in between her thighs, and entered her. As soon as I was in, Bianca wrapped her legs around me as if to lock me in, and not let me escape. Her hands were on my back as well holding on to me for dear life.

She grunted vociferously while I was pumping my cock in her. She became a wild animal underneath, squirming and trembling in throes of passionate lust. Within a few seconds of my ejaculation, she climaxed, and began to hyperventilate fiercely. It was the most violent orgasmatic reaction that I had ever observed from any of my previous love partners. Bianca confirmed her enjoyment once she regained her breath and equilibrium.

She said, ""Oh wow, Frankie that was awesome! Wonderful! You made my toes curl! Thank you! Thank you!"

Needless to say her pronouncement made my male pride swell, and soar to newer heights that had not yet been explored. My previous self consciousness, concerning the inadequacy of my male package, had relegated me to believing that all the sex I would have with women would occur as a result of reluctant indulgence on their part.

Bianca's demonstration had me convinced that I was actually able to truly satisfy her. That was a most welcome notion indeed. Mind you, I had not come to grips with one troubling concern regarding this wonderful evening.

I said, "I'm truly thrilled that I've pleased you, however, you realize that I did not use a condom..."