Gift of the Demon Ch. 01

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Alex gets an offer he literally can't refuse.
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Hello all! This is my second posting, and this one's a bit long but worth it I hope. Some non-consensual stuff in here, so if that bothers you I wouldn't read it. I like this idea, so I might develop it into a series. Feedback is greatly appreciated!


"You - yes you in the second row there. With the glasses. Your answer?" The portly teacher gestured to the scribbles on the board, singling out the young man that seemed to not be paying attention.

Alex Sutherland had been slowly drifting closer and closer to his notes for the last minute and jumped slightly when the man next to him nudged his side. His eyes snapped to the board and he hastily ran through the equation to try and pretend he hadn't been sleeping. Ten minutes and he was free, so this was probably the last question of the class.

"Uh...the limit does not exist?" he responded, throwing out an answer without thoroughly checking.

"Hmmm. Correct. Very good, very good." Alex's professor quickly wiped the scribbles from the large dry-erase board and glanced at the clock. "Happy Friday everyone, and ten free minutes as a present to you all for the occasion! I'll see you all in here again on Tuesday."

The class sprung into motion, students gathering their notes and books at breakneck speed to take advantage of the good fortune. Night classes were hard enough, but night classes in calculus were downright torture. A four credit class twice a week meant Alex spent from six thirty to eight thirty every Tuesday and Friday surrounded by yawning and stressed-out adults from all over the inner city, everyone trying to better themselves in their spare time.

Alex had missed roughly the last thirty minutes, daydreaming of more interesting things than paying attention to the lesson. Interesting things like the cute, slightly mousy brunette in the front row. Interesting things like what she might look with her hair down and tousled after having her brains fucked out over the desk in front of her.

She wore glasses and dressed comfortably, features that seemed to accentuate her waifish figure rather than detract, and she fit his type perfectly. Alex was not particularly handsome, but he was tall and vaguely athletic, features that would have helped him work up the nerve to say hello should he force away the anxiety of actually speaking to a woman.

He was ninety percent sure her name was Becca, but he had never spoken to her in person. Alex didn't really speak to women in person, preferring to quietly observe them rather than risk rejection or humiliation.

With the class mostly empty, Alex finished packing his things up and trudged toward the door, oblivious to the man sitting in the back row that blatantly tracked his every footstep. As he reached the door, Alex felt an odd sense of foreboding and a shiver ran down his spine.

He turned around abruptly in search of the source of the odd feeling but only saw the teacher and two female students discussing the homework for the weekend, one of them coquettishly twirling her hair as she spoke. The class was empty, and he decided that he needed to get to bed early because this stupid class was driving him batty.


Alex waited alone at the bus stop in front of Browning Community College for the nine o'clock bus, hoping it had not decided to be flexible with its schedule and arrive early. The water pump had burst in his 1996 Camry and he needed another paycheck or three to make up the $400 to get it rolling again, so he was resigned to smelly public transportation.

Alex sat with his head in his hands and tried to picture Becca's body under the oversized sweaters she usually wore to class. Flashing images of bouncing C cups, crowned with light-colored nipples danced in his imagination and stirred his arousal enough to entertain him for the duration of the ride.

The late busses usually had either quiet, solitary passengers or insane college-aged drunkards from the university Alex hoped to transfer into next year. They usually left him alone, but he kept his head down around unpredictable people.

A sharp hydraulic hiss broke the usual din of the city and he looked up to see the bus come around the corner. Alex gathered his backpack and slung it, waving so the driver would hopefully not pretend to not see a six-foot man waiting to be picked up.

The bus trundled to a stop and the young man hopped on board, habitually tapping his bus card against the scanner. The driver didn't even look up from the road and had already started rolling forward when Alex turned into the aisle next to the standing-room seats. This sudden motion made him lose his balance and he missed the hand-holds, toppling right into the middle of a group of guys about his age.

He landed hard and his bag flopped sideways, right into the shin of one of the standing passengers.

"OUCH! SHIT - Jesus, dude, watch where you're going!" the passenger said, kicking the now idle bag at Alex's prone form. It hit him in the side and he felt his school books knock his breath away. Eyes watering in pain, he scrambled to his feet amid the laughter of the group of men. Alex could feel his face blooming scarlet for all to see.

He looked around after gaining his footing and saw that there were five of them, all young adults and probably students like Alex. They leered at him wobbling in the center of the area and blocked him from easily reaching for a hanging handle. Alex sighed and staggered past them towards the back of the bus where there was only one other passenger and ample room for him to hide his shame.

He sat down in the very back and put his head on the seat in front of him. Across from him sat the only other passenger, a rather unassuming man that had thankfully ignored him as he found his seat. Alex's knee throbbed pretty badly, and his wrist hurt from breaking the fall.

"Fucking...fuck. Cocksuckers," he swore quietly, massaging the spot where the bag had hit him. Who the hell does that? Alex thought to himself. He wasn't exactly a fighter though, and he knew better than to pick a fight with random groups of people on a bus.

"Cocksuckers, huh?" he heard from the man who was suddenly sitting in the seat next to him. Alex jumped and pushed himself up against the window away from the source of the voice, turning to see the man had somehow moved from across the aisle to sit next to him.

"Wha-what the hell man? Where'd you come from?" Alex demanded. The man had moved either so quickly or so silently that Alex hadn't heard him at all. The initial shock having worn off, he became angry at the scare. "What do you want? There's plenty of open seats. Can you kindly fuck off?" he demanded, making shooing motions with his hands.

The man regarded him with a half smirk and didn't move from the seat. Something about his eyes bothered Alex, they had a coldness about them that seemed to not reflect his smile. Come to think of it, his eyes didn't really reflect much at all, almost appearing black in the gloomy bus lighting.

"I believe this is our stop, Alex," the man said matter-of-factly and with a notable but indistinguishable accent. Alex's mouth dropped at the use of his name by a complete stranger.

The man stood up in the aisle, the lurching bus seeming to not faze him in the slightest. Alex saw that he wore a long and rather nice coat that covered his clothing and carried a cane with a polished silver knob. He raised the cane and rapped it on the ground once.

Everything was silent. It was as if the city and the rumble of the bus had gone to sleep, leaving behind a stifling silence that almost rang in Alex's ears. He looked around in wonder and saw that everything around him had ground to a halt: the bus was completely still, the five douches from earlier were frozen comically mid-laugh, one of them probably having made a crude joke only moments before.

Outside the bus, the whole of the city had frozen as well, cars stopped with blinkers stuck in the on position and people stepping into a crosswalk without their lead foot touching the ground. The world had simply been paused like a movie.

"H-how did...what are you doing this? Who are you?" Alex stammered out, hot bubbles of fear prickling his stomach. "Are you going to hurt me?" he almost pleaded.

The man turned and fixed him with a cold stare. Alex quailed under the intensity of his gaze, and he fought down the urge to vault the seats and make for the exit of the bus. The man's black eyes bored into Alex's skull and planted a primal fear that threatened to overwhelm him. His ears popped and he felt his jaw shudder slightly, his terror mounting and mounting. Alex tensed himself to make a break for it when all of the sudden the feeling left.

The man tossed his head back in laughter, guffawing in a manner that was rather less elegant than would seem for someone in such an elegant outfit. Alex hadn't realized it, but he had begun to sweat profusely in his inexplicable fear. Involuntary trembles ran through his legs, and he tried to relax his racing heart.

"Oh my boy, you've passed the test," the man declared gleefully. "I never like to play with the faint of heart, and I may well have incinerated you if you had run off like a little chick" he said as he glanced around the bus distractedly. He seemed to be looking for something, but he wasn't checking under any of the seats or in the luggage racks up above. "AH!" he suddenly exclaimed, "Here we are!"

The man reached out a gloved hand and delicately pinched an invisible thread somewhere in the air in front of him before pantomiming a pull on it. Alex felt no change or movement, but suddenly was seated at a table in a flat, featureless plane. The table was furnished with a bottle of some unknown liquid, a wrought iron lantern and a single wineglass, nothing more.

Alex felt sick suddenly and fought back a wave of nausea. "Oh come now, my little pet, you'll be fine," the man chortled from across the table. "You mortals are so used to walking around, you can't stand a little travel with style."

He picked up the bottle and examined it carefully. "Mmmmm...perfect! Do you drink, Mr. Sutherland?"

This whole thing was just too much for Alex and he felt the panic come back. Then he remembered the man's jab about running off leading to his...incineration? He decided to try and remain calm. Incineration didn't sound good at all.

"Uh...not really," said Alex guardedly. "I don't really like...alcohol..." he trailed off as the man flicked his thumb out and a small flame flickered to life on its tip. He held the flame just under the neck of the bottle for ten or so seconds before the cork rocketed out and off into the inky blackness that surrounded them.

"Well then, no time like the present!" he said cheerfully, tipping the bottle over the glass. A thick red liquid rolled out of the opening, almost like red candle wax in its consistency.

"Alrighty then, Mr. Sutherland. To your health!" he said before placing the bottle down and looking at Alex pointedly.

No way in hell was he putting whatever that shit was in his mouth, Alex thought as his hand ignored him and reached for the glass. He picked it up as if it was his own idea and brought it to his lips.

No! No! He thought over and over as he dumped its contents unceremoniously down his throat. Ironically, it tasted delicious, almost like chocolate and sex with the bite of a very dry wine, so thick it nearly clogged his throat before settling warmly in his stomach.

"Mr. Sutherland, what you just so willingly consumed was pure Sin. A special concoction of Sin, I might add, that will make its effects apparent in about, oh" he checked his wrist theatrically, "five minutes from now." He stood up and waved his hand through the table causing it to puff away as if made of smoke and leaving the old lantern floating ghost-like in front of a still seated Alex.

Alex put his hands on his knees and tried to rise from the chair before the world tilted slightly, causing him to sit right back down. He hadn't been drunk very many times before, but this was surely different. Creeping lethargy clouded his thoughts, his limbs turning to lead weights that anchored him to the chair. The warmth in his stomach turned to fire and slowly spread outwards. Alex began to perspire slightly.

"Wha...what's happening to me? Why are you doing this?" Alex managed to slur out. The man was now lighting a polished pipe with his finger, puffs of greenish smoke escaping around the mouthpiece.

"I'm giving you a gift, Mr. Sutherland. A gift...maybe a bit of a curse. All in good fun, I'm sure you'll understand, ha ha!" he guffawed. The man took a long draw on the pipe and as a steady wind on a fire would fan the flames, his posh form glowed as if it were an old coal until it was too bright for Alex to look at.

Spots danced in his eyes as Alex's vision returned to him, realizing that he was nestled into a leather-bound armchair in a cozy study by a crackling fire. Bookshelves covered in dusty tomes lined the walls and there appeared to be no doors or windows, only antique paneling and the lovely glow of the fire. He realized with a start that though the strange burning in his body had apparently exhausted itself, he was completely nude, his slightly sweating skin sticking to the soft leather. An even bigger surprise was the demon seated across from him.

The only familiar thing about the figure was his polished pipe and the greenish wisps of smoke, but he was every bit the stereotypical demon. Reddish-brown scales covered a muscular form that was complete with a prehensile tail. Yellow slits closed in delight as the demon took a long pull on his pungent smoke stuff, letting out an opaque cloud that swirled in the center of the room with no signs of dissipating.

"I chose you, you know," the demon purred, "your Lust was palpable. Some might say pathetic, but I sense ambition. Corruptibility, if you will. And we do thrive on corruption."

The demon rose from his chair and stalked over to the fire, avoiding the green cloud that still spun in the center of the room. "You belong to me, Mr. Sutherland. Not in the 'I rule your life and you will obey me' way but...everything you do has an impact on my power now." He said before puffing and blowing another green cloud that joined the growing mass in the room.

"My kind cannot directly harvest Sin from the Human World, so we must act through your malleable kind to do so."

The demon whirled on the spot and Alex saw that he was grinning manically, his yellow eyes wide enough to appear crazed. He jabbed his pipe towards Alex's nude form and the young man rose to his feet like a marionette. Alex stood at attention, fear suspiciously absent from his mind. He felt warm again, uncomfortably so. The fire was back, this time almost as a primal force located somewhere directly behind his eyes. It took off through his body and lit a bonfire of arousal in him.

The demon slashed his pipe at the spiral of green smoke that spun between them and it collapsed on itself, coalescing into a humanoid shape that would stand on the plush carpet in the middle of the room.

The first thing he noticed was her skin, pale and licked by the orange glow of the flames. Her hair was brown and hung loosely, framing her cute face in tousled locks. She was completely naked as well, smallish breasts hanging elegantly and proudly in the firelight, her sex bare and mostly hidden by shadow. As her form completed itself, Alex recognized her as Becca from his class. Her body, though petite, was more beautiful and sexy than he could have ever dreamed up in his fantasies.

Becca phased into being with her eyes closed and standing perfectly still, her body relaxed in the center of the room. A dainty pair of spectacles materialized on her face. Her eyelids fluttered open and as her eyes focused, her expression changed from relaxation to mild alarm to panic in about three seconds flat.

With a startled cry, she backed away from Alex's nude form, right into the demon standing behind her. He caught her from behind with his scaly hands on either shoulder as she froze and glanced backwards. Her cry escalated into a bloodcurdling scream before the demon cackled and roughly shoved her towards Alex.

"WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK IS HAPPENING!" she screamed as she flew across the room and into Alex's arms.

He was too stunned to react and she tripped, wrapping her arms around his legs to catch herself before plopping to a halt in front of him on her knees. Alex's cheeks immediately flared up again at the fact that she was eye level with his mysteriously hard cock.

"Wha-EW!" she cried, tumbling backwards onto the plush carpet. Becca sat up and just stared at the person in front of her. She vaguely recalled his face from class.

"What am I doing here! Who are you! What the- ", she began to say before the demon snapped his fingers together and she stopped talking, comically attempting to speak with only stifled grunts coming out.

"Hoo, boy, you sure know how to pick em," the demon chuckled before walking over to his seat and plopping down. "She's a noise little bitch!" Becca turned fearful eyes on the demon and crawled further away from him.

"No, no, don't be shy. I'm not going to hurt you," he crooned "You'll be fine, I promise!"

He stretched back in the chair.

"Well, Mr. Sutherland, I believe you've made your selection. Go on then, have at her! Try out your new little present!" he said, hands twirling theatrically.

Alex just stared.

"What...what the hell are you talking about?" he demanded. "How is she here? Why? Is this even real?" he said, voice rising to a yell. Alex puffed up his chest slightly and walked to stand in between Becca and the demon. "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO US! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Alex cried, trying to remain strong and prevent his voice from cracking in hysteria. He didn't know how, but he couldn't let this thing hurt an innocent person that had gotten wrapped up in whatever this was.

The demon smiled evilly. "I've bloody told you already. I felt your Lust, and now you belong to me. I cannot harvest Sin, and therefore you will do it in my stead. You will seal the deal by performing a carnal act with this pathetic girl, or both of you will die. Painfully," he added with another little flourish.

"I know you desire her," he added, "You only have to look inside yourself." The demon snapped his fingers again and images swirled unbidden to the front of Alex's mind. He saw Becca bent over a desk as he rammed into her from behind, her pussy clenching on his throbbing member. They were in a hotel room and she rode him hard, hips slamming into his as she grunted like an animal. Imaginary Becca cried out as she came and the image changed, her on her knees and blowing him luxuriously and with gusto, eyes locked on his in complete and utter devotion.

"These are your thoughts. Your desires," the demon whispered suddenly from behind him. Alex looked down at Becca's fearful eyes and saw her shaking her head slightly in horror. He knew that she was seeing the same images as him, and her splayed legs revealed a pussy slick with juices. She trembled slightly from both fear and arousal.

"You can take her. Shape her. Feel the Sin flowing through you," the demon coaxed, walking around beside the two humans to stand out of the way. "I cannot force you to do this, but you can touch her mind with my Gift. Feel its power course through you."

Alex felt a tingling in the entirety of his right hand and raised it to look, almost feeling as if it were glowing from the aftereffects of an orgasm. The tingling ran up his arm and neck, right into the fire that burned behind his eyes. He knew that giving in would start him down a path do oblivion and lechery, but the tingling had turned into a vibration so powerful that it struck a chord in his very soul. It felt good. It felt so fucking good.