Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 07


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So there we stood, outside The Forum. It was another cold windy day and I was kind of regretting not putting on some thigh-highs, but we'd be inside soon enough, so I wasn't about to start complaining now. Still, the journey over had been a constant battle to keep my skirt from flipping up. Don't get me wrong, I loved showing off, but there was a time and a place. I mean, sure, I took advantage of the situation and let it slide up a few times so that Ellen could get a good uninterrupted view of my ass, but I tried to keep it subtle. Okay, maybe not too subtle. It was amazing. Despite the fact that we had spent the whole day having sex, despite the fact that I had given her a blowjob right before we left, despite all that, one tiny flip of my little skirt was all it took and I could tell she was ready to go again. God, I love that woman.

Er, sorry. I'm getting distracted. This stupid body is just so damn horny all the time. I've never had a particularly high libido so I always thought most guys were just overreacting to everything when all they ever did was think with their dicks, but now that I've seen what they put up with I'm amazed they ever get anything done.

Er, where was I? Right.

So there we stood, outside The Forum, its erotic Greek statuary the only real hint as to what lay inside. From what Ellen had been telling me on the way over, The Forum had a reputation as being relatively classy as far as strip clubs went. They didn't do anything under the table and they apparently kept things somewhat tasteful. That's what she'd heard from Elizabeth, anyway. Supposedly that's why the school didn't complain too much about them being so nearby. Well, that and what I'm assuming is a lot of pressure from the alumni who like to fondly revisit their old haunts come homecoming weekend. They also apparently had the best wings in town, as I would soon come to learn.

So, full disclosure. Prior to that point I had never actually been in a strip club before. I'm just not one of those guys -- I've only got eyes for the girl I love. So maybe I was a little nervous, and maybe I was a little distracted by the rather suggestive anatomical proportions of the various statues set up in the foyer, so maybe I wasn't quite paying attention when I crashed tits-first into the bouncer. Luckily, my plump ass broke my fall, but it was still kind of surprising to suddenly be on the floor, looking up at the tall black dude blocking our path. He smiled at me apologetically, but his posture made it painfully clear that the collision had been entirely my fault. Thankfully he wasn't mad or anything. If all the statues and pillars in the foyer were faux-marble, then his chiselled muscles, visible even through his tight uniformed shirt, were the real deal. I mean, I don't think me crashing into him had made him budge even an inch and I literally had the body of a quarterback.

Ellen gave me her hand, pulling me up to my feet. Between the way the weight on my chest kept shifting around and my five-inch heels, standing from prone was a bit tricky, but we made it work. It's a bit of a pain, no matter how used I was to that body, there were still some situations where I wasn't quite sure how to move. I had kind of realized that as long as I didn't think about it too much, everything moved fine, but as soon as I actually had to give consideration to how I was moving or balancing I couldn't help but get thrown off. I was just grateful my wardrobe hadn't slipped out of place.

Embarrassed, I stammered out an apology to the bouncer as he asked for our IDs. I instinctively batted my eyes at him and thrust my heaving chest out suggestively as I dug around in my little purse. Guys always appreciated that sort of thing. I managed to draw Ellen's attention, but professional that he was, the bouncer completely pretended not to notice.

Stepping from the foyer into the warmth of the club proper I could see what Elizabeth had meant about it being somewhat classy. For starters, the place was remarkably clean. I had been expecting a cramped skeezy little hole illuminated primarily through blacklight and strobe, but it was both surprisingly spacious and well lit. It would later get explained to me that most clubs rely on the dark to hide the flaws of their dancers and to play upon the imagination of the patrons, but that the dancers here were sufficiently hot that they didn't need to rely on such tricks and could instead focus on having a friendly and inviting atmosphere, which was essential given how many nervous first-timers the place saw. Maybe it was just early and the place hadn't really gotten a chance to get going yet, but honestly it felt more like I'd walked into a hooters than a strip club. This was driven home by the telltale scent of wings and beer hanging in the air. My stomach growled, reminding me that while I'd devoured a lot of meat that day, hardly any of it had been actual food.

The main room was set up as a kind of W shape surrounding two central stages which both disappeared behind the enormous curtain that served as the north wall. An elaborate mural ran along the remaining three walls, creating the rather nifty illusion that the room was in the center of a Greek ampitheter. A large triangular island bar was set up near the south wall, stationed such that no matter where you sat, you could still easily see the stage. Faux columns in the Greek style completed the look as posters aligned the walls and stage advertising various events and dancers. Apparently, Tuesday was toga party night.

As we walked in, only one of the stages seemed in use, the speakers nearby blasting out an alarmingly raunchy pop song. The girl dancing was a blonde vixen in a short-cut little cheerleading outfit that must have been at least three sizes too small for her. Her chest was all but bursting out of her tight little top. I had no idea how she even got into it, but I was impressed. She looked surprisingly young, but I think that had more to do with the faux-innocent look she had going on with her makeup than anything else. She looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't for the life of me quite place from where.

Ellen stopped dead in her tracks as soon as she laid eyes on the girl. I almost crashed right into her. She just couldn't stop staring.

It looked like the girl was just starting to get into things. As we watched she threw her head back and shook out her long wavy hair as her hips gyrated along the pole. True to form, the dance she was doing felt like a cheer routine that someone had modified to incorporate the pole and (more to the point) to show off as much as physically possible that no, this cheerleader was not wearing anything underneath that skirt. Elevated as she was you could easily make out Her half-hard dick and big meaty balls jumping and swaying below her hemline in time with the music, and as we watched she practically tore off her tiny little shirt and began rubbing her 6'5" frame against the pole, giving the handful of leering patrons a perfect view of her voluptuous chiseled pecs and small brown nipples.

Honestly, I was impressed. You could tell she wasn't giving it her A-game, especially not for the early crowd, but I still completely bought into the idea that she was one of the school's cheerleaders. Lord knows their dancing is provocative enough.

Whatever she was doing, it was working for Ellen. Her jaw had dropped completely. I laughed a little internally. This was not quite the first time Ellen had been in a strip club, but this was more or less the reaction I had expected from her. Actually, come to think of it, hadn't she been eyeballing a bunch of the cheerleaders or whatever at that bar on Thursday? Did Ellen have a thing for girls like that? I made a mental note to maybe pick up a skimpy little cheer uniform of my own. Ooh, and I could get her a football uniform too and we could do some roleplay. Or, I guess she'd prefer something a bit more feminine? Were football skirts a thing?

While Ellen feasted on the eye candy I took a look around at the rest of the club. There were about a dozen patrons seated at the various tables facing the stage. They were mostly fresh-faced students, probably too shy or too busy to venture here during peak hours, but a few older looking regulars stood out to me as well. One guy, seated right next to the stage and clearly very much enjoying the show, must have just come from a weekend meeting or something because he was still wearing his dark blue suit.

A waitress, a tiny little Asian girl with a little too much eye-shadow on, flitted about between the bar and the tables with a pitcher like some sort of Greek beer fairy, making sure everyone was good and drunk. While she was cute, especially in her silky little toga-themed uniform, no one was really paying her any mind. She just seemed to lack the raw sex appeal of the girl on stage.

Standing behind the bar was a slightly older woman. Maybe it was her age, or maybe it was the fact that her uniform was a little more conservative, but she seemed to have an air of respectability about her. She looked like she had probably been a stripper at some point -- she was still undeniably sexy, especially given the size of her tits -- but she looked so confident and in-charge of the bar that I had a hard time imagining her on stage. Without any customers clamoring for drinks, she had her full attention directed to the girl on stage, and she clearly liked what she saw.

"Oh my god! Elles!" came a cry from nearby. We turned around. There, standing at the cash till near the foyer door, was Elizabeth. Somehow we had walked right past her. The loose waves of her long bleach-blonde hair bounced against her flat chest as she ran towards Ellen. She was dressed in a similar outfit to the waitress on the floor, but it had clearly been modified to have a more daring neckline, not that it did much good. She had also clearly gone to town on her makeup -- she was really trying to sell this kind of smokey-sultry look and I had to say it was really working for her. I had always felt kind of bad for her. She had a really great face, but she totally lacked the body to go with it.

She half-tackled Ellen into a crushing hug, bouncing with excitement in such a way as to set Ellen's boobs bouncing along with her. I smiled at the sight, half wishing we had just stayed in bed so I could be the one squeezing those breasts against my chest. Ellen, of course, returned the hug but with only a fraction of the vigor.

I laughed. Elizabeth could be... enthusiastic.

"Oh my god, Elles, your face!" Elizabeth leaned back and gave her friend an appraising look. "I love what you've done with it!"

"W-what do you mean?" Ellen stammered, giving a shy blush even as her brow furrowed in concern.

"Look at you! You're wearing makeup!" Elizabeth pointed a dainty French-tipped finger at Ellen's eyeshadow. "You, like, hardly ever wear makeup."

I laughed.

"Oh. Oh, right!" relief washed over her face. "Evan did it. I was talking to him about it last night, and, well, this morning one thing led to another. What do you think?"

"He did a great job, you look amazing!" I smiled as she said this. Honestly I wasn't super proud of it. I was working with a limited toolset and it was a disaster trying to get her to sit still, she just couldn't keep her hands to herself. We tried to compromise at one point with her fondling my dangling chest while I leaned over to work on her face, but that just got me all horny and then well, by the time we were finished I had to reapply both our makeup.

Elizabeth broke off her hug from Ellen and turned to give me a great big exaggerated hug as well, squeezing me so tight she was squishing my tits. I returned it with a friendly pat on the back. She held the embrace just a few moments longer than I would have liked, inhaling deeply as she did. One of the reasons I was kind of wary of her was that it was hard to tell when she was being creepy and when she was just being friendly.

"And..." she said, tearing herself away from me and turning back to face Ellen. "I'm totally digging those pants! I don't think I've ever seen either of you dressed up like this before."

I grinned and struck a suggestive little pose for her, to give her a better view of my outfit. I was glad she had noticed.

"Wait, this is dressed up?" Ellen asked, looking down at her blouse and jeans.

"For you it is!" Elizabeth laughed. "Turn around, girl, let me get a look at that butt!"

Ellen laughed as well and did a little spin for her friend, showing off what was, indeed, the world's most beautiful butt.

"And damn!" Elizabeth added, gawking at Ellen's meaty bulge. "Look at the way it shows off your dick!"

"Elizabeth!" Cried Ellen, blushing and covering her crotch with both hands.

"Hey, I'm just calling them like I see them." She said, raising her hands in mock innocence "I'm sure your boyfriend doesn't mind, aye?" She elbowed me gently in the chest. "You've probably been sneaking peaks all day, haven't you Evan?"

"Well, you're not wrong." I confessed, shooting Ellen a knowing little glance.

"No offense, Elles," Elizabeth continued, "but the stuff you guys normally wear is just so boring. Even if you, mister," she poked a finger towards my ample chest, "are always trying to show off your manly good looks."

I laughed, sending my unrestrained chest jiggling. It was true. I really did like to show off. Sure, my clothes had always been kind of plain, but I'd always done everything else I could to really sex myself up. Yesterday in the mall had been a kind of revelation. It was like... I'd always loved it when people looked at my body, so why not actually wear something that shows it off? Especially since the body I was in was in looked amazing. And it was great. I love my new wardrobe. I couldn't even imagine going back to my old clothes now. I felt like I'd been dressing like some completely different person my whole life.

Looking down, I subtly adjusted my top a little to make sure I was showing off as much cleavage as possible. I could tell that the girls were both sneaking glances out of the corner of their eyes, and that made me feel pretty good about myself. I arced my back towards Ellen a little to give her a better view. Elizabeth pouted slightly. Was she jealous?

"Oh! Oh my god." Elizabeth said, snapping back to attention and slapping her forehead. "Welcome to The Forum! Let me get you a seat. You have great timing, I'm just finishing my shift. I'll get changed and come meet you guys, then you can tell me whatever is so important it had to be in pers-- oh my god. Oh my god."

Elizabeth froze in her tracks.

"Oh my god, Elles," She said, Eyes sparkling as she turned towards Ellen. "Elles, don't tell me. Don't tell me. You got Evan pregnant, didn't you?"

If I was drinking anything I'd have done a spit take.

"What!?" Ellen cried "No! Oh my god, Elizabeth!"

I blushed a little at the thought as my hand instinctively went to my belly. Was it wrong that I wouldn't really mind if that was the case? Ellen didn't really want kids -- yet, at least. but I know she'd make a great mother. Maybe one day. Right now we just weren't ready for that kind of responsibility. We wanted to graduate first, get married, travel a bit, have lots and lots of sex of course, then we'd look into it. I know Ellen was maybe a little more down on the idea than I was, but I was kinda hoping she'd come around in time. I blushed a little as I pictured myself fat with her child. Mmm... God, I'd let her knock me up any day. Why did that make me so wet?

Er, I should probably mention at this point that even with all the sex we'd been having, we didn't really have to worry about that sort of thing. Like any responsible dude, I was on the pill, and Ellen was generally pretty good about always wearing condoms, even if I preferred it when she didn't.

"Sorry! Sorry!" Elizabeth laughed as she walked us over to an out of the way table. "I was Just checking. The way you guys are being all googly eyed at each other today I just assumed it was something big and -- Oh my god Elles," She stopped once more in her tracks "you proposed didn't you!?"


"Fine! Fine! Sorry, I'm just excited." She laughed again. "You know you two are my favorite couple. You guys are going to have the cutest wedding, I just know it."

I smiled. That was another thing I wouldn't mind. Mmm... seeing Ellen walking down the aisle in her beautiful tuxedo, and me in my... well, normally when I've pictured our inevitable wedding I've seen myself in a very traditional wedding dress, but lately... well, I don't think they'd let us get married in a church with what I had in mind, but I'm sure Ellen would love it.

"Go get changed!" Ellen demanded, practically pushing Elizabeth away. "Then we'll talk."

"Okay, okay, geeze." Elizabeth said, sticking out her tongue. "Don't go anywhere. Enjoy the view. I'll be right back."

I smoothed down my skirt and crossed my legs as I took my seat. Ellen crashed heavily into hers. I gave her a sultry little smile and scotched my chair closer to her so that I could rest my hand on her thigh. I could tell she was nervous.

"You okay, baby?" I asked, squeezing her leg reassuringly.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." she sighed. Her eyes scanned the room. With all the flesh on display in this place I could tell she was having a hard time deciding where to look. Eventually her gaze settled on the girl dancing on stage. The cheerleader from earlier had evidently finished her routine, because the girl that was up now was a be-freckled red-head with cute little devil horns sticking out of her short messy hair and a surprisingly realistic pair of devil wings sticking out of her bared back. She was doing some very inventive things with a very phallic pitchfork. If this is what was drawing Ellen's attention, I couldn't help but feel like I should be taking notes. "I just..." she continued "I hope this is the right decision."

"I'm sure it is." I said, rubbing Ellen's thigh gently. "I mean, you said it yourself, we need the money. We may have a gone a little overboard yesterday."

"Totally worth it." Said Ellen, letting out a short laugh and looking over at (and down) my top. "And, I mean, it's the ethically right thing to do, right?" She paused, her attention returning to the stage as the girl's red bustier came flying off. "The ethically right way to get money, I mean. I just hope we can trust her, you know? She can be a little... unpredictable."

"Sure, she's a little weird," I laughed, rubbing her leg a little harder, "but she's your friend. She wouldn't want anything bad to happen you, right? Besides, we're all responsible adults here. She's not some kid who's going to see the thing and immediately go mad with power."

"I know... I know... I'm just scared." She glanced at her bag. "There's so much that could go wrong."

"True. But no matter what happens, we'll deal with it together. You and me. Always."

"Aw." She wrapped an arm around me and pulled me in closer, so I was resting my head on her shoulder. "You cheeseball."

I grinned and arced my back so that she could get a better view down my top.

"Its just..." she sighed, "What if..." she sighed again, "what if... ah..."

"Hmm?" I smiled coyly

"Okay, okay." She said in a sweet little gasp.


"That's... ah... that's enough. Cut it out."

"Cut what out?" I teased.

"I - If you don't stop... I'll..." she gasped again "I... I didn't bring a change of clothes..."

I laughed as I stopped stroking the bulge running down her leg. As fun as that would be I guess we didn't want to make a mess. Not yet at least. Maybe I could slip under the table? I bit my lip. No, the table cloth wasn't long enough. Anyone looking over would be able to see me. Maybe later she could take me to the lady's room and we could finish up in there?