Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 07


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"Oh, okay." She said reluctantly, as she shot me back a wry little smile. "Maybe a little."

"Yay!" squealed Elizabeth. "We're going to have so much fun!"

I laughed.

"But, wait, holy crap, this thing." Elizabeth said, leaning in close to examine the device on the table. "What is it? Where did you get it?"

"Alright, well." Ellen furrowed her brow in concentration "It's a little fuzzy, and it all happened so fast, but the long and short of it was that I was contacted by this guy on Thursday. He said that it was some kind of new technology and that they needed to test it out. I remember he made me sign a bunch of forms and stuff and... and that's about all I remember of the encounter."

"Wait," said Elizabeth, incredulously, "there's some kind of company out there making this sort of thing? How the hell does that work? I thought it was magic?"

"So, that's the thing." Ellen said, her breasts once again resting on the table as she leaned in close to peer at the device. "At first I thought it was some kind of weird quantum super tech or something, but the more I use it the less sure I am about anything. I mean, the stuff this thing can do, I can't even imagine a technological explanation for it. But like, is it magic? I don't know if I'm willing to believe that. At the end of the day I have no idea how it does what it does, but know that it does them well. That's the only thing I know for certain. It works."

"Elles." Elizabeth leaned in to match Ellen, "Do you have any idea what we can do with this thing?"

"I do." Ellen grinned. "But its not perfect. You kind of have to be careful with it or else you end up with unexpected consequences."

"Oh no!" Elizabeth recoiled, as though realizing just now that the device was dangerous. "Like, genie wish stuff?"

"Kind of?" Ellen shrugged. "Mostly just minor inconveniences you don't think about until its too late. Like, yesterday Evan and I woke up to find that none of our clothes fit."

I laughed. Calling it a minor inconvenience was a bit of an understatement.

"No way!" Elizabeth grinned "You used it on yourself?"

"M-maybe a little?" Ellen blushed a little but laughed off the question. "I wanted to see if it worked."

"What did you swap?"

"Oh my god," Ellen gushed, "like, everything."

"What!?" Elizabeth leaned back "But you look so... "

"I know, I know. To you I look exactly the same. The device makes it so that people don't notice the changes."

Wait, then what did you look like before?

Ellen gritted her teeth into a pained little grin. "I don't really want to talk about it right now, okay? The important thing is that now I look hot"

"Mmf." Said Elizabeth, biting her lip as she gave Ellen an exaggerated look over. "I'll say."

I put on a pouty little frown at this. In my mind, Ellen looked exactly the same as she always had. She had always had that straight little nose, that cute perpetual little wrinkle in her brow from all the worrying she did, those cute pouty lips, and of course, her brilliant hazel eyes. Oh. her eyes. I lost myself for a moment staring at them. We'd been so caught up in sex lately that It felt like ages since I'd last gone wandering in her eyes. She was the girl I loved and in so far as I was concerned, she was perfect. I couldn't imagine her any other way. And that's what bothered me.

It was a toxic line of thought, I know, but I couldn't help but wonder. If I could see what she looked like now, if I was aware of all the changes she had made to herself, what would I think of her? I had always told her that I found her perfect just the way she was. But if I saw a picture now of her old face, would I even recognize it? It felt so wrong that I couldn't remember how she'd used to look, like I was betraying the memory of our love.

Yesterday, when I was putting all of our clothes away, I had tried to reconstruct what she might have looked like based on the fit of her old wardrobe. It was kinda tricky given how loose menswear can be, but I think I did a pretty good job. She had been taller, I knew that much, and she had been... well, boxier? Bigger in general, with smaller hips and boobs and broader shoulders. She was probably closer to my old height, though I'd grown so accustomed to her being taller than me over the past two days that it seemed kind of a weird thought. That's all I could really tell. Maybe if I was more clever I'd be able to notice more clues or form a more cohesive image. I tried to picture her as she was now, except squished and stretched to those proportions, but I'm not an artist and I just don't have the knack for that sort of visual imagination.

Its funny, I'd always known that I saw something in her that no one else did. I guess now that was literally true. I still saw her as a beautiful sensual woman, mmm... with an overactive libido and a fantastically feminine dick. But to the rest of the world... well, I don't know what exactly they saw, but ever since she'd swapped our attractiveness with those two guys, women were drooling over her left and right. Did they see her as a dude? Some kind of frat-dude pretty-boy jock? That still seemed so weird to me.

"Oh my god." A realization dawned on Elizabeth's face. "That's why you guys went shopping! That's why you have new outfits!" Her mention of shopping snapped my attention back to the table. "Wait," she continued "What do you mean, none of your clothes fit? What about all that stuff you used to wear? Like, I totally remember you having this cute grey sweater that you used to put on whenever you wanted to downplay your boobs."

"Its no good." I laughed. I remembered that sweater. "I remember her wearing all kinds of stuff too, and it all fitting perfectly, but none of it fits. She tried putting that sweater on yesterday and It's the weirdest thing. Its like everything either shrunk or stretched in the wash. Not only were the arms way too long, but she couldn't even get it down past her breasts."

"No way," Elizabeth let out a howl of laughter, "you swapped your boobs?"

"Maybe" Ellen blushed a little, looking down at her perfect rack. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I couldn't help but feel like her breasts started bouncing in response to the attention.

"You mean to tell me," began Elizabeth, burying her gaze in Ellen's soft cleavage, "that those twin peaks I've been so jealous of my whole life aren't even yours?" How can that be? I was there when puberty hit, and girl you got run over like a truck. You grew like, what, two cup sizes that summer? All the girls were drooling over you the entire time. And your dick! You couldn't even go into the lake cause your swim trunks didn't fit right. Do you not remember that?"

"I um." Ellen furrowed her brow in surprise. "No. That's not how I remember that summer at all. Wait, was that the year I ended up making out with that weird glasses kid?"

"Oh my god, yes! What was his name? Todd? And then you found out he was totally gay. I mean, looking back we really should have known, but still."

"Uhg." Ellen rolled her eyes "Don't remind me."

"Wait, you were making out with a guy named Todd?" I said, raising an eyebrow in mock jealousy. "I don't think I've ever heard this story before."

"Look." Said Ellen, cupping her boobs. "The important thing is that they're mine now. And in so far as anyone is concerned that's the way its always been."

Elizabeth laughed again, still staring lecherously at the source of her jealousy.

"Oh!" Said Ellen, her tits bouncing as she pulled her hands away. "That brings us to why we wanted to talk to you about this in the first place."

"Summer camp?"

"What?" Ellen shook her head. "No."

"Hey, hold on one second." Elizabeth sat bolt upright, a look of dread dawning across her face as she eyed the device suspiciously. "Have you ever swapped me with that thing?"


"Because you know, I've always felt like maybe I was... I don't know... like I ended up in the wrong body, or with the wrong body parts, you know?" Elizabeth looked down at her slim, waifish form and frowned. "I don't... I don't always like the way I am."

"Aww, honey, no." Ellen put her hand on Elizabeth's shoulder. "No, I've never used the device on you. Not without your consent. I've learned my lesson. The only swaps I'm ever going to make are either temporary or aware. You're the same you you've always been. For better or for worse."

"Oh." said Elizabeth, unsure if she should be relieved or disappointed.

"But um," Ellen continued. "That does sort of bring us to why we're here, actually -- what I've been trying to tell you. We wanted to see if you'd be interested in, well, let's call it a business proposition."

"A business proposition?" Elizabeth, intrigued, raised an eyebrow.

"We, um." I said, clearing my throat. "We kind of ended up spending way too much money at the mall yesterday." I laughed. "You know how it can be, right?"

"I'll bet." Elizabeth smiled as she snuck a sidelong look at my outfit. I rotated my shoulders a little to give her a better view. "I've seen the way you shop. You, sir, are an insatiable fiend."

I laughed. The last time the three of us had gone shopping together I had run the girls so ragged that by the end of the night they had just crashed on a bench while I finished up with all those cute little stores down the north end of the third floor.

"So, you know how you've been squirreling away money for breast implants?" said Ellen.

"Uhg. Yeah, it's been tough." Elizabeth began. "I've had to make so many little sacrifices, and the things I've done for tips... uhg. But it's going to be so worth it. I've even got the perfect doctor picked out. I was down there a few weeks ago and the girls who worked there, Tess and Denise? Super nice. You could tell the doctor did good work just by looking at them. Just a little while longer," she held her hands out in front of her chest, as though cupping a truly massive pair of imaginary breasts, "and I'll finally be able to afford my own pair of huge... perky..." she trailed off as she stared at Ellen's boobs.

"Oh my god." She exclaimed.

Elizabeth looked down at the device, then back at Ellen's boobs, then back down at the device. Her eyes sparkled as the gears in her head started to spin. She looked like someone had just offered her a magic lamp and she couldn't decide what to wish for first.

"There we go." Ellen grinned.

"You..." Elizabeth stammered "You want to sell me boobs?"

"Well." Ellen's breasts jumped as she gave a little cough. "Basically. That was the idea, anyway. I mean, rather than you paying some doctor thousands of dollars, you could pay us half that amount or whatever and we'd use the device to get you an authentic pair of enormous stripper melons instead, just like you've always wanted."

I could see tears welling up in Elizabeth's eyes, but she blinked them away before they could ruin her makeup.

"And I mean..." Ellen continued, "It's better than surgery, right? No scars? And its more or less all natural, right? Well... for a given value of natural. I guess if you're swapping with someone who has fake tits, you'll wind up with fake tits? I guess. Then its like... I don't know. Anyway."

Ellen's ramblings were cut short as Elizabeth leapt out of her chair and tackled her from across the table, catching her in a great big hug that almost sent them both flying to the ground.

"Um." cried Ellen, caught completely off guard.

"Thank you" Elizabeth whispered, her voice struggling to hold back emotion.

"Of course." Ellen said, trying to half laugh it off. "We're friends, aren't we?"

"No. You don't understand." Elizabeth sniffed. "This... this means so much to me."

Ellen returned the embrace, reaching her hands around her friend's back comfortingly. This was a completely new side to Elizabeth. She was always so irreverent and bouncy that I don't know if I'd ever seen her get all serious and emotional like this.

A few moments later, Elizabeth pulled back, still misty eyed.

"What did I ever do to deserve you, Elles?" she asked.

"You helped me survive French class, remember?" Ellen laughed.

Elizabeth joined in the laughter as well.

"Elles," she said, still softly, "you know you can always come to me if you need money. You should have said something earlier. You don't need to sell me boobs. I'd have gladly given anything for you."

"Elizabeth," Ellen clapped her hands on Elizabeth's shoulders. "I'm not about to just borrow a couple thousand dollars from you without offering you anything in return. Don't be crazy. Besides, I know how much your boob job money means to you, I wouldn't take that away from you."

"Well," Elizabeth smiled "its yours now. Forget half, you can have all of it. If this works I won't need it anymore."

"Well, you'll want to keep some." I chimed in "After all, you're going to need to buy a whole new wardrobe."

"Oh my god, yes!" Elizabeth beamed "We'll all totally have to go shopping together."

"Yes!" My eyes lit up. "Oh man, there was so much stuff at the mall yesterday that would look great on you! Oh! I need to get a bunch of makeup stuff and I totally wanted to get my ears pierced!" Even though we had just gone shopping yesterday there was still a lot of stuff I wanted to get and checking out a bunch of sluttier stores with Elizabeth would be a whole lot of fun. I'd never have really admitted it to myself before, but she and I have always had similar tastes in clothing. If we were the same size we could totally swap outfits. Er, as in sharing outfits, not like, using the device or anything. That would be a bit weird.

"Okay, hold on." Said Ellen "We can't keep buying clothes after every swap. Its not sustainable."

"Aww," I said, pouting. "You're no fun."

Ellen gave me a chastising glare, which I returned with a sizzling little wink. I stuck my tongue out mischievously, so she knew I was kidding.

"Hey," said Elizabeth "If this thing works half as good as I think it will, money's going to be no object. I'm going to be raking in the tips hand over foot. Plus, I won't have to scrimp and save for my boob job, that frees up a lot of my income."

"Oh, right," said Ellen "I should probably mention. There is one teensy little catch."

"Ah." Said Elizabeth, deflating slightly. "I should have known."

"No, no, its nothing too serious." Ellen said, reassuringly. "It's just, well, playing around with the device for fun is all well and good, as long as you swap them back afterwards, that is, but anyone you swap for good... any, like, permanent swaps you want to make, you gotta do it with their permission. You can't just steal some poor girl's boobs, you need to find someone who is willing to give them up."

"Wait, hold on one second," said Elizabeth, "you've been telling people about the device before swapping stuff with them? Wouldn't that get out of hand quickly?"

"Er, well," said Ellen, gesturing nervously, "its kind of a new rule. A bunch of stuff happened yesterday and well, long story short, I feel really bad about what ended up happening. So now its like, it's an ethics thing. If you're going to use the device for personal gain, you have to use it responsibly. That's why we came to you for money instead of swapping our bank accounts with some rich dude.

I took Ellen's hand in my own and gave it a supportive squeeze.

"Aww." said Elizabeth, half frowning. "That's... that's really kind of sweet, actually. You're a good person Elles. And of course, you wouldn't be you if you didn't worry about that sort of thing. For you, sweetie, I'm willing to go along with that."

"Yeah." Ellen laughed softly. "Its something that's really been on my mind a lot recently. I guess I can get a bit philosophical about these things, huh?"

"So, wait," said Elizabeth, shortly, "how am I supposed to get someone's permission though? Its not like we can just go up to every overly endowed girl in here and go 'Hey, I like your boobs, wanna trade?' You don't want to go around telling everyone about this thing, do you? The fewer people who know about this the better, right?"

Ellen furrowed her brow in concentration. Have I mentioned how cute she is when she does that? She's very cute when she does that. Internally, I let out a dreamy little sigh.

"I..." Ellen pondered "I hadn't really thought it through that far."

"Oh my god, Elles." Elizabeth sighed "You're killing me."

"It's a shame we can't just use the device to make someone forget about the device" I chimed in, staring at the thing sitting in the center of the table.

Ellen's eyes lit up. "Evan, baby, that's genius."

"Wait," said Elizabeth, "It can do that?"

"Of course!" said Ellen.

"It can?" I raised an eyebrow.

"All we have to do," said Ellen, grabbing the device and pointing it by way of example "is swap Evan's awareness of the device's existence onto someone else, then ask permission for the boob swap, then swap their awareness back afterwards."

"Hold on, hold on." I protested "Wouldn't that mean I'd have no idea what was going on?" The idea of being so completely out of the loop felt majorly wrong. I mean, I trusted Ellen implicitly, but, well, that would mean putting myself in a very vulnerable position, wouldn't it?

"Er, maybe?" Ellen said, squeezing my hand gently.

I sighed, then laughed. You do a lot of crazy things for the people you love. I could feel, deep in my heart, that no matter how much I didn't like the idea, this was something I would be willing to do for her.

"All right." I sighed, begrudgingly. "For you." I then furrowed my own brow and looked down at my cleavage. "But, if I don't have any knowledge of the device, how am I going to react to, well, all this?" I gestured to my hyper-masculine body.

"All what? Your new outfit?" asked Elizabeth.

"Oh, damn, you're right." said Ellen, setting the device back on the table. "That's a very interesting question."

"I mean," I shrugged as I shook my head a little, letting my unrestrained chest bob and sway, "I'm still willing to do it, for you, but I don't want to freak out and make a scene or anything."

"If you can swap knowledge of the device around," Elizabeth chimed in "maybe we could swap the girls' memory of the device onto a neutral third party? Someone who wouldn't be able to do anything about the knowledge? Like a dog or something?"

"Can it do animals?" I asked.

"I don't know" said Ellen, frowning. "That's a good question."

""How do you not know something like that, Elles?"

"Well, its not like it came with a manual." Ellen scowled slightly, "I've had to kind of figure it out as I go."

"Yeah, but you've had it a few days now, haven't you? Knowing you, I'd have expected you to do all kinds of crazy testing with it in that time."

"Hey," Ellen countered "It's been a busy few days."

"It really has." I added, waggling my eyebrows and giving Ellen's thigh a squeeze.

Ellen blushed a little as her eyes ran longingly over my body. I leaned in close enough that I was sure she could smell my aftershave and gave her a little kiss.

"Clearly," Elizabeth laughed. "And clearly we need to start making up for lost time. I want to take it for a test drive."

"A test drive?"

Yeah! Like you said, nothing permanent, but I want to see what this little baby can do."

Elizabeth's hands made a grab for the device, causing Ellen's whole body to tense up, like someone had just drawn a gun. She calmed down a little when she saw that Elizabeth was mostly just trying to get a more hands on look, but I could tell she did not like the idea of anyone besides herself handling that thing.

"Oh," said Elizabeth in surprise as she lifted the box, "It's heavier than I imagined."

"Elizabeth," Ellen said, trying very hard to sound calm, "be very careful with that."