Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 08


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Ellen just stood there, stunned.

"Seriously, Elles," Elizabeth continued, letting out a dreamy sigh, "they're great tits and all. Like, wow. Really, really great. And you know me, I appreciate the show, but you're not the sort of girl who just bares all like that. Like, if we were down at the beach or whatever, that's fine, but right now is the wrong place and wrong time, you know?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Ellen started to turn red as she brought her hands up, self-consciously trying to cover her boobs.

"I bought this shirt yesterday..." she said, stared down at her breasts as she clutched them to her chest. "I... I thought it looked kind of pretty. I thought I could get away with wearing it. I don't see what your getting at, what's wrong with the way it makes my boobs look?"

"I think it makes them look great." I said, giving Ellen a reassuring little smile. It did. The way it hugged to her body showed off every hard line. And sure, maybe it drew some attention to her chest, but that was hardly a bad thing, was it? I brushed the hair out of my eyes as I licked my lips. I wouldn't mind seeing her without it altogether, come to think of it.

"I just..." Ellen sighed and leaned down, burying her head in her hands. "I don't know what to believe any more."

"Holy crap." Elizabeth said, mimicking the gesture. "You guys."

"Here," Elizabeth slid the device over to Ellen with one hand. "Just... you swap yourself back, okay? This is all just too weird for me."

"No." sighed Ellen, sliding the device back. "That won't work. You made the change so you've got to be the one to switch us back. If I do it I'll still think that this was my original body and that would be..." She frowned. "That would just make everything confusing."

"Oh. Duh. Of course." said Elizabeth, slapping her forehead. "I should have realized that." She eyeballed the device. "This thing is so insidious."

"Exactly! That's what I've been saying. You have to be careful with it."

Ellen took a deep, controlled breath. I took her rough feminine hand in my own and gave it a little squeeze. She squeezed back firmly. Firmly enough that I could tell she was really worried, even if she was doing her best not to let it show. Ellen tended to know her own strength, but there are times, like this, where she reminded me of just how strong she was.

"Please, Elizabeth." Said Ellen, looking her friend in the eyes. "I'm asking you as your friend. As the girl who used to chase off Becky Stevens back in grade school; as the girl who covered for you when your mother found your porno stash in high school; as the girl who's always been there to hold your head above the toilet at all the stupid dumb parties you keep going to... please. Please... just, change me back, okay? Don't mess around or anything. I don't know if my heart can take it."

"Wow, Elles..." Elizabeth's eyes grew misty, but she blinked them away. "I didn't realize this was bothering you that much."

"It really is." Ellen gave a half-hearted smile.

"I'm... I'm sorry." Elizabeth glanced down at the device. "I really didn't mean to do this. I'll do my best to change you back, okay? No matter what it takes."

That seemed a little dramatic in my books, but I didn't want to spoil the mood so I bit my tongue.

"Thank you." Ellen smiled.

"It's just..." Elizabeth bit her lip in indecision.

"It's just what?" Ellen frowned.

"W-what do I do if this ends up, with, like, you in your old body but now you have Mike's head? Or like, it just switches your brains around? Or, or... I don't know, something weird."

"I thought I just told you not to even joke about that!"

"It's a genuine concern! Now you've got me thinking about bugs and stuff! You've got me all worried!"

"If something like that happens, Elizabeth, I want you to just..." Ellen looked around for a solution, but evidently found none. "...just keep swapping until things are back to normal, okay?"

"Really?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as she picked up the device. "That's your back up plan?"

"I..." Ellen sighed "Just roll with it. I trust you, okay?"

"O-oh. Okay. Right. I won't let you down."

"Good." Nodded Ellen. "Please don't."

Elizabeth took the time to carefully go over the controls.

"Okay." she said at last. "I think I'm ready. It's just, point and shoot, right?"

"Right." Said Ellen, holding out her arms out as if daring someone to shoot her. She closed her eyes.

"Wait... Elizabeth..." said Ellen, opening one eye. "Y-you'd tell me if something like that happened though, right?"

"I mean," Elizabeth gave a half-shrug, "as long as you promise not to get mad?"

"Deal." Said Ellen, closing her beautiful eye once more.

"Okay." Elizabeth held out the device. "Here we go."

Elizabeth hovered her thumb over the button dramatically, then closed her eyes as well, as though she too was afraid to look.

For some reason I expected the zzzzttttt to get drowned out completely by the background noise of the club, but somehow, I could still hear it, ever so faintly, at the edge of my perception.

"Did it work?" Asked Ellen, still not opening her eyes.

Elizabeth opened one eye to peak, then another.

"Oh my god!" she let out a low growl of surprise and frustration. "What the hell!?"

"Oh god," cried Ellen, eyes opening wide. "What now?"

"You've turned into a giant chicken!"


Elizabeth snickered, then burst out laughing.

Ellen and I just stared at her in stunned silence.

"Elizabeth!" I yelled, jumping out of her seat. "That's not funny! You've got to fix this before--"

"Relax!" she said, putting her hands up. "Relax! I'm joking! I'm joking! It totally worked." She turned back to Ellen and stuck out her tongue, playfully. "You're back to being sexy old you, babe."

"You jerk!" Ellen yelled, her breasts swaying beneath her blouse as she jumped out of her seat and smacked Elizabeth playfully. "I told you not to joke about it!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Elizabeth laughed, holding up her arms in a half-hearted defense. "You should have seen your face though! Oh my god!"

I let out a sigh of relief and sat back down. I hadn't even realized that I'd been holding my breath. I'm a pretty egalitarian guy, but I don't know how I'd feel about dating a giant chicken. Even if, I guess, she'd have spectacular breasts. Uhg. I was glad I didn't say that out loud.

Everything looked exactly the same to me as it had moments earlier. If it weren't for my own experiences with the device, I'd swear that we were all just playing some kind of weird game of pretend. I'm sure that's what it must have looked like to any onlookers. Just these three people passing around a weird box and laughing a lot.

Ellen's hands roamed up and down her body, groping her elegant curves in a desperate search for anything amiss, any sign of errant masculinity. "I don't feel any different." I don't think she realized it but with all her sensuous groping she was putting on a better show of it than the girl on stage right now. "Are... are you sure -- absolutely sure -- that it worked?"

"Elles, yes. I'm sure." Elizabeth said with a grin. She was also clearly enjoying the show. "You don't have a dude's body anymore. I promise."

"Elizabeth," sighed Ellen, half in relief half in frustration. "I'm going to ask you right now. Please, for the value of our friendship, never use that thing on me again unless I know what's happening, okay? The idea of just... of not being me..." she shuddered "It really scares me."

Elizabeth started to laugh a little but stopped when she saw just how serious the look on Ellen's face was. "Elles, I promise." she said, holding up her right hand to her chest. "I swear on my future boobs that I will never use this device on you unless you're like, actively asking for it, okay?"

Ellen leaned back in her chair and let a long breath. "Good." she said, a relaxed look finally returning to her face. "Thank you."

"Well." I chimed in, brushing the hair out of my eyes. "At least now you know how tricky it is to use." I let out a little self-depreciatory chuckle, hoping to help break the tension a little. "I tried using it yesterday and I just couldn't get anything right. It was a total disaster."

Ellen laughed and gave me a gentle little smile, squeezing my leg to let me know that everything was alright. I smiled back, but her eyes had already started to wander downwards. I grinned and arched my back for her, putting a bit of bounce in my chest as I gave her a full view. I really was glad I hadn't worn a bra today.

"Okay, so, now, with all of that out of the way," I said, bouncing slightly in my seat to give Ellen a good show. "how about we get on to the main event and figure out a way of getting you the chest you want?"

"Oh, good idea," said Ellen, holding out her hand for the device. "Here, I'd better take that back."

Elizabeth drew away from Ellen's hand. "Oh, come on," she said, "I wanted to take this thing out for a test drive!"

"What?" barked Ellen "What was all that just now then?"

"Oh that hardly counts!" Elizabeth raised a hand in her defense. "That was totally an accident! I never intended to swap you around, and, while I'm sure we all learned a very important lesson from the experience, I totally put everything back to normal! That's hardly what I'd call a test drive."

Ellen and Elizabeth stared each other down. Elizabeth broke first.

"Come on, Elles." She sounded like a child trying to get her mother to take her to a theme park. "I didn't even get to do the thing I was trying to do in the first place! You had plenty of opportunity to play around with the thing, right? Isn't it only fair that I get a chance to play around with it a bit too? Temporary stuff! Just like you said."

"Elizabeth..." Ellen sighed.

"Elles, please?" She was batting her eyes like a puppy. I don't think I'd ever seen this side of Elizabeth before.

"Okay, fine." Ellen conceded, with a face that told me it was against her better judgement. "But be very careful, okay?"

"Of course." Elizabeth grinned. She was already eying up the crowd. She was a sudden wellspring of energy, like a dog with a new bone.

"So, wait," I said, "what were you trying to swap in the first place?"

"I'm glad you asked!" Elizabeth then paused for what seemed like a minute while she experimentally fiddled with the device's controls. Finally, she gestured towards the stage. "See that guy going absolutely crazy in the front row?"

Ellen and I both turned to look. Maybe its just that I didn't really have a good angle, but somehow, in all that commotion, I had completely forgotten that there was a strip club happening behind me.

There was a new girl fresh on the stage now. It wouldn't surprise me, actually, if a few had come and gone while I wasn't paying attention, but this one certainly made an impression. The vivacious blonde currently rubbing herself wantonly against the pole had clearly decided to go hardcore down the sultry bimbo look. There was no nuance there, no subtlety. This was a girl whose appearance had been carefully cultivated to make men desire her. Her tits, each easily the size of her head, bounced back and forth hypnotically in time with the sway of her hips as she strutted confidently across stage. Her big, pouty lips sparkled with the same brilliant shade of pink found in both the streaks in her hair and the skimpy little babydoll that she wore. She had a small garter belt around her right leg, stuffed with bills. Her makeup -- especially around the eyes -- was completely overdone (because of course it was) but damned if she didn't pull it off. I was impressed. This girl was a professional.

I could feel the blood pumping through me as my nipples hardened. I may only have eyes for Ellen, but damned if I wasn't still a guy, and one with a bunch of stupid jock hormones at that. Right then and there, there was nothing I wanted more than for her to slam me down and stuff me full with...

Er... sorry, I was about to go off on another tangent, wasn't I? Where were we? Right.

I was a little surprised at how good of a dancer she was. She didn't need to be. Based on the reaction of the crowd to her mere presence it was obvious that she had that crowd right where she wanted them from her looks alone. And yet, it was abundantly clear that this was a woman who knew her way around a pole. Her every step, her every minute wiggle, her every coy wink, they were all maneuvers perfectly calibrated to make boys drool.

I grinned. I knew this because she was doing exactly what I'd be doing if I was up there. Not that I'm a fantastic dancer or anything, but I know what men like and I know how to give it to them. I couldn't even remember how many hundreds of hours I'd spent practicing all those same flirty little looks, all those sassy struts and sultry little wiggles in front of the mirror, trying to get everything just right. She made it look like she was a natural, but I could totally tell. What she was doing took dedication. This girl had my respect.

I did a bit of a double take as I caught a glimpse of one of the posters along the back wall. It featured this exact woman in this exact outfit and pose. Candy Coxwell, it said. I snickered a little at the name. I guess she was one of the headliners? She certainly seemed a cut above the rest of the girls we'd seen. This must be her signature performance.

"Sorry, what? Who?" asked Ellen, snapping us both back to reality. She too had gotten caught up in Candy's little show. Not only was she having a hard time looking anywhere else, but she was practically drooling as well. That's Ellen for you though. She never could look away from a pretty face. Honestly, I found it kind of cute, like she was a puppy dog eyeing up a big juicy steak. My smile took a sultry little turn. We'd both get plenty of opportunity to satisfy each other's hungers when we got home.

"The guy in the suit!" Elizabeth pointed again.

The guy in question was one of the older patrons. Well, he was older compared to the college crowd, at least. Honestly, even though he stood out, he didn't look too far removed. I remember thinking he had looked a little out of place when we had arrived. Like, he was wearing a suit. Did people wear suits to strip clubs? It wasn't the kind of suit you'd wear on a date or anything either, it was like, a business suit. Did he just come from some kind of Saturday afternoon meeting? Or was he just dressed like a professional to show off to the girls here? Maybe he just wanted to communicate that he had a job, and therefore more money than the rest of the guys here.

"The lawyer looking guy?" Ellen asked. I laughed. That was totally his look.

"Oh, please." Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "He's like, only just barely past the bar." She sighed. "And yes. That's the one. That's Marcus. He's one of the regulars here. One of the stupid asshole regulars here." She let out a rocky growl as she said this. I could see the anger boiling up in her eyes as she spoke. "He thinks he's god's gift to women just because he's got a whole bunch of his daddy's money to throw around and because he has, like, the biggest goddamn dick." She sighed again. "It's like... oh my god, just look!"

I turned my attention back to the stage. Sure enough, Marcus had taken out a wad of bills and slapped it down on stage. He was yelling something over the music to the girl and waggling his eyebrows lasciviously. I couldn't quite make it out what he was saying, but I could tell it was filthy.

"I thought you liked guys with big dicks?" chimed Ellen.

"Oh my god, don't get me wrong. I do. I totally do. Like, yum." Elizabeth bit her lip. "The bigger the better, that's my policy. But that's the part that pisses me off, is that the sex was mind-blowing. Like... wow..." I couldn't tell if the low sigh she let out was dreamy or angry. "But the way this guy behaves is just the worse. I like guys with big dicks who respect me as a person after we've had sex. Not who think aof me like some kind of disposable fuckdoll who's only there for their convenience. I want a guy with a big dick who also has some personality, you know? And who likes me for more than the things I can do with my body. Also, like, they gotta be rich... and great in bed... and they have to make me laugh. That's not too much to ask for is it?"

Ellen, her eyes still glued on the stage, laughed.

The dancer, Candy, had crawled off the stage provocatively, and now stood in the center of the small throng of lustful men. She gave a coy giggle and a smile, like there was nowhere in the world she would rather be than right there in the middle of that pile of horny boys. Then, when she was sure she had everyone's attention, she slowly started a little burlesque dance, waving her body in time to the music as she showed off her increasingly naked body to the boys, and to that guy Marcus in particular, who seemed to be right at the center of her attentions.

Before too long, her babydoll had come off entirely and, with a cheer from the crowd, her huge breasts were allowed to swing free for all the world to see. I couldn't help but notice the way her small nipples, tiny but hard in the cold air, just seemed to make her boobs look all the bigger in comparison. She cupped one hand over her chest and gave a faux-bashful wink at the crowd as she twirled her negligee over her head a few times and then tossed it back on stage.

"Wait," said Ellen, looking away from the show just long enough to give Elizabeth a disapproving look. "You slept with him?"

"Only, like, twice?" Elizabeth confessed. "There was a blowjob at some point, but that totally doesn't count."

"Twice?" laughed Ellen "Oh my god Elizabeth."

"It was no big deal, okay? He tipped good and well... he really does have the biggest fucking dick. Like, no offense, Elles, but it was even bigger than yours and you've got the biggest dick of anyone I know."

Ellen laughed. I shot her a sultry little smile and gave said dick a little under-the-table squeeze through her jeans. It was true, my sweet little baby really had the most magnificent monster of a cock. It pulsed back at me in appreciation. Damn, she was really enjoying this. I squirmed a little in my seat. Between this and all the excitement on stage I was really starting to get wet.

"But," Elizabeth continued, "It was a mistake. He's been a cocky cock asshole every since. Like, just because I blew him in the washroom on my break doesn't give him the right to treat me like I'm some kind of slutty whore whore-slut skank, you know?"

"I mean... what did you expect to happen?"

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "Clearly, Elles," she said, "I expected him to be so impressed by my skills as a fellatrix that he'd fall madly in love with me and change his badboy ways forever, showering me forever in money and affection and lots of crazy-hot big-dicked sex."

"Has that ever worked?" Ellen laughed.

"I could show you my skills first hand if you'd like," said Elizabeth, raising her other eyebrow and waggling them, "then you'd know why I'm so proud of them."

I coughed. Ellen just let out another laugh.

"No thanks." She said. "No offense Elizabeth, but watching you hook up with random guys wasn't fun in high school and it continues to not be fun now."

"Uhg." Elizabeth sighed. "The worst part about all this is that I can't even complain about him being an ass to any of the other staff here. We have to watch out for the place's reputation, so we're not allowed to sleep with any of the customers."

"So why do it?" I asked.

"Well, I mentioned he had a big dick, right? There were rumors... and I was curious... and then they turned out to be true... and then there we were in the men's room stall... and it was, just... it was a whole thing okay? It was like... right there in front of me. What am I supposed to do in a situation like that? Say no? Uhg. Look at him. Happy as a clam in butter."