Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 10


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"Well, isn't that basically what we said before coming here in the first place?" she smiled and looked down at the device. "And it hasn't turned out so bad if you ignore that stupid mix up earlier."

"True." I looked around at the relative peace and order within the club. "I was expecting her to go absolutely crazy with the swaps, but now that she's sort of settled into it everything seems kind of tame."

"More beer for you cuties?" Asked our waitress, batting his short eyelashes at us flirtatiously as he started gathering up our empty mugs.

Ellen glanced at the empty beer mugs on the table then up at the door Elizabeth had just left through. "You know what?" she said, "Yeah, let's do one more. Something tells me it's going to be a long night."

To our surprise, we didn't have to wait very long. No sooner had the cute girl next door exited the stage, naked and wonderful as the day she was born, that Elizabeth's favorite song began to play. It was some old Lords of Acid track, with a heavy, fast, 90s electric sound. Ellen perked up in recognition at the song selection, and a moment later Elizabeth burst out on stage, grinning ear to ear as a cheer went out from the crowd.

Somehow in that short amount of time she had managed to change into this ridiculously undersized slutty nurse's outfit. You could tell it was a sexy nurses outfit because she had a little hat with a red cross on it. The rest of the outfit was, well, it was not something you could get away with wearing in a hospital, let me put it that way. Probably for the best, I don't think Sexy Nurse Scrubs would be a popular stripper outfit.

The outfit was white with red trim and consisted of a tight, cleavage-hugging top, a short pleated skirt, a pair of thigh-high white stockings with red ribbons tied cutesely at the top, and red heels that were higher than they were long. There was another little red cross icon on display on the front of her top, but it was buried by the cleft of cleavage spilling out of her generous cups.

That said, it was pretty obvious that the outfit was not the right size for her. The skirt was too loose and too long, and though the pleats did a great job of hiding that fact while still showing off her shapely legs, it was still probably longer than her little toga skirt had been. The stockings really helped make up for that though, as she was showing off the perfect amount of skin between her skirt and stocking - just enough to tantalize with flashes of flesh and create the implication of more to come. I was just glad that the skirt was long enough that it didn't look like she was going to just spill out everywhere.

The same couldn't be said for her top, however, which her flesh was literally bulging out of. I couldn't begin to imagine how she had managed to shove herself into that thing. The straps were digging in at the shoulder and back and it looked like she was one good stretch away from tearing the whole thing to shreds. At least it made her boobs look bigger. She needed all the help she could get.

There she was. Standing on stage, dressed like a tramp in front of a crowd of cheering horny men. She looked uncomfortable, she looked drunk, and she looked embarrassed. But then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and all that emotion washed away. She grinned, and in that grin you could tell that she didn't care one bit about any of that.

She strutted up to the pole, blowing little kisses to the audience as her heels clicked on the stage floor. She bounced her hips back and forth in time to the beat as she walked. I was impressed she could move so well in those things given how much she'd had to drink, but I guess if Ellen is to be believed, she'd had a lot of practice.

She winked to the guys in the front row and began her dance.

There was nothing very advanced or impressive about the way she danced. At first, she seemed content to just wiggle the parts of her that the guys wanted to see as she paraded around the pole, and that was more than enough for them. I couldn't help but feel though that she was kind of awkward when it came to her tits. Like, the bounce and sway of them seemed to keep taking her by surprise. I mean, at one point it looked like she almost took one to the face, but thankfully she managed to recover from it gracefully.

Eventually though she found her rhythm, and not long after that she managed to free herself from that top. Turns out it unzipped in the back. I was glad. I thought she was going to need a team of engineers to get her out of it without somehow breaking it.

And then, nervously, she tried the pole.

Now, I have to give her credit, she knew what she was doing. Leg up, hooked around the bar, then the other hooked around it and spin. Leg up, bend at the knee and lean back, spin. Leg out, back to the pole, hold yourself aloft and arc your legs up in front of you. It was a handful of beginner's moves strung together into a passable routine. She smiled. She seemed to be enjoying this. I just don't think she had quite been expecting her dick to pop out like it did when she performed that last maneuver. I mean, I can't imagine that thong she was wearing was really expected to hold quite so much girth, but that's the danger of sexy underwear.

Her whole face went red as her throbbing cock erupted from her tiny pleated skirt. I guess she really had been enjoying this after all. I politely averted my gaze. I mean, I like to see a girl's junk as much as the next girl, but when it slips through by accident like that... well, it would be rude to stare.

There was a momentary pause as Elizabeth stood there in embarrassment, hanging out for all the world to see, and then a huge cheer erupted from the crowd. They loved it. Elizabeth laughed as she fell back into her dance, now swinging and bouncing her dick around for her cheering fans as well. Honestly, she was just as awkward with it as she was her boobs, but the guys seemed to eat it up anyway.

"Oh my god." I heard from the direction of the bar. "What the hell is that girl doing this time?" I looked over to see Mike and the twins had stopped in their tracks and were staring at the amature routine going on onstage.

Still trying to politely avert my gaze from Elizabeth's waggling girl-junk, I looked over at Ellen. I mean, I get that Elizabeth clearly didn't mind me seeing her dick at this point, but she was my friend and that made it kind of awkward. Ellen apparently had no such qualms. She had this proud little smile on her face. She noticed me looking at her and laughed.

"Wow," she said, "she's..." she struggled to find the right word. "She's actually doing it."

"I'm super happy for her." I laughed. "She's very... uh... enthusiastic." Even though her dancing wasn't the most amazing in the world, it was clear that she was having a good time, and that's what counts, I guess.

Ellen gripped my hand tightly as she tried not to laugh. "You know what? I was kind of expecting her to be like, secretly really good at this? Like... maybe she had been practicing in the off-hours or something, but yeah... enthusiastic is a good way of putting it. Still. I'm super proud of her!"

"You know I think it's fine that she wants bigger boobs and all, and I mean," I glanced over at her bouncing mellons, "I can kind of see why, but I don't think she'd be half bad if she just learned how to use the ones she's got."

"Honestly, baby?" Ellen raised an eyebrow flirtatiously. "I think yours are way better."

"Aww," I blushed. I jiggled them a little and smiled. Its true, they were pretty nice. "Thank you sweetie, yours are my favorite too."

She laughed and leaned in towards me, I brushed my hair out of the way and she put her arm around my shoulder, pulling me in tight. I rested my head on the bare skin of her bosom. She was soft and warm. I couldn't wait for this night to end so I could just snuggle up with her in bed, never wanting to leave. I glanced down along her body, past her big perky tits, past her taught navel, and down at the mouth watering monster squirming around in her jeans. I smiled as I reached a hand out surreptitiously.

On stage, Elizabeth continued to dance, but we were too caught up in our own little world to pay her much mind.

When an especially loud cheer went out from the crowd, I looked up. Her skirt was gone and now that she'd worked up some confidence she was trying some trickier stuff on the pole. She didn't look especially graceful, but she was determined to see it through. She glanced over at us, cuddled up as we were, and our eyes met. Was that jealousy?

If it was it was gone a second later as she turned her attentions to one of the patrons who had begun to throw money up on stage. She fumbled the bills as she stuffed them into her garter, but made sure to give him a real good show anyway.

By the time Elizabeth rejoined us she had put back on the loose nurse's skirt - even if the way it was tenting under the pressure of her hard dick told me she wasn't wearing anything beneath it - but she had opted to wear one of the club's t-shirts as a top instead of that disaster of a thing she had worn up on stage. Someone had evidently taken a pair of scissors to this shirt though, because it cut off shortly below the nipple, seemingly with the intent of showing off as much of Elizabeth's prodigious underboob as possible. Honestly, with the way that that nurse's top had dug into her skin, I couldn't really blame her for going with something a little more comfortable. In fact, I was a little jealous. That top was totally my style.

A few of the guys in the crowd turned to look at her as she walked back over to the table. One nervous looking guy in particular had his gaze firmly glued on her ass. She caught him in the corner of her eye and turned to blow him a sultry kiss, his blush was luminescent.

"Oh my god!" she laughed as she arrived at the table. She was sweaty and out of breath. "Did you see me up there? I can't believe I just did that! That was crazy!"

"You were great!" Ellen said, standing up and giving her friend a hug. "How did it feel?"

"Elles, it was amazing! It was everything I imagined it to be." Tears started welling up in her eyes. "All this time I thought it was something I just wasn't good enough to do, but getting out there... It was embarrassing, and I was self conscious the whole time, but I kept thinking about what you said and I didn't let that stop me and it was so so so much fun. I can't even begin to describe it. Elles, I loved it."

"It seems so strange," Ellen laughed "to see you self conscious about anything."

"Hey, even I have my limits." Elizabeth beamed. "I guess I thought that bigger boobs would give me more courage, but it wasn't the boobs that did it." She gave Ellen a big hug then pulled back and looked her deeply in the eyes. "Your talk earlier..." She leaned forward, putting her nose-to-nose with Ellen as the bottom half of her huge boobs spilled out of her shirt and pressed against Ellen's own naked tit-flesh. "Well, I- I could kiss you right now, Elles." I could see the blood rushing through Ellen's body. Elizabeth slowly inched her lips forward.

I coughed, loudly. Elizabeth shot me a predatory glare then let out a heavy sigh of pent up sexual energy as she stepped back. Then, as though she hadn't just tried to steal a kiss from my girlfriend again, she smiled happily. Ellen just blushed.

"It was... It was..." Elizabeth took a deep breath and turned back to face the stage. "It was like everything I've ever wanted. Oh my god!" she gave a cute little hop that sent her chest heaving. She grabbed Ellen's hands, her eyes sparkling. "You guys have got to try it!"

"What?" I choked out.

"You guys are like, my best friends in the whole wide world!" She turned to look at me, still clutching Ellen's hands. "And that was the greatest thing I've ever experienced. I want you two to know what that feels like, I want to to share that with you!"

"I- I don't know. I just..." stalled Ellen, still blushing madly at her friend's act of sexual forwardness. She looked to me for escape.

"I-I don't think it's really us." I shrugged incredulously. "I mean... look at us."

"Are you kidding me?" She laughed "It's nothing to be embarrassed about - its fun! And it's totally up your alley! I mean, you especially Evan."

"Hey!" I cried, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"No offense or anything," she held up her hands innocently, "but I've seen the way you move. It's like, rawr, everything you do... you're always trying to show off that sexy little body of yours."

I mean... that was true but it's not like I was-

"Its okay though!" she continued enthusiastically, bouncing on her heels, "You don't need to be embarrassed by it! That's the point! That'll just hold you back! There's nothing wrong with being a bit of a slut! You gotta embrace it!"

"Hey!" I barked, my breasts jumping as I stood up. "I am not a slut!" I don't know what surprised me more, the fact that she had just said that, or the fact that it hurt so badly. I couldn't decide if I wanted to punch her in the face or start crying.

"Okay, okay." she said, stepping back. "Maybe slut is the wrong word. But look at you, you're a total tease, Evan." I pulled away as she slid up next to me and tried to run a finger along my bicep. "and the sooner you can embrace that fact the happier you'll be. That's what I've learned today."

"Look," I roared "I may be a... okay, yeah, I like to show off, but I'm not a slut! and I'm not a tease! And I'm certainly not about to get naked for a bunch of random dudes. Elizabeth, I'm glad you're happy with yourself and I'm glad you got a chance to live out your dream, but that's exactly what it is - your dream. Not ours."

She frowned.

"Besides" chimed in Ellen, getting between the two of us, "It's not like they just let anyone up on stage. You work here, they know you, we're just two random -"

"Elizabeth!" came a deep, angry cry from the club's rear doors. Elizabeth winced.

Quickly closing the distance was an angry man in a cheap suit. See, this was more in line with what I was expecting to see in a strip club. From his gold watch to his bleached-white teeth to his fake tan, this was one of those guys who came across as the type who obviously cared way too much about their appearance. He wasn't even all that bad looking. Beneath his suit you could even tell he was statuesque, even if it was the kind of muscle you get by lifting for aesthetics rather than strength. He'd be downright handsome if he wasn't obviously such an complete slimeball.

Elizabeth sighed as she turned to face the man. Even in her heels, he loomed over her. Ellen and I both stood up, ready to defend our friend if it came to it. The man gave the two of us an appraising glance as we did so. I put my hands on my hips and batted my eyes at him as I gave him a smouldering glare. He wasn't the only one around here who could come across as intimidating.

"Elizabeth, what in hell's name do you think you're doing!?" he bellowed before catching himself and continued in a stage whisper. "I've told you a thousand fucking times you are not allowed on stage! Not with that body of yours!" he all but grabbed at Elizabeth's haunch. "and not with those tits!" he waved his hands around in front of her breast. "We have standards!"


"No buts!" he stomped his foot in mute rage. "Why does it always come down to those flimsy excuses with you!"

"Look, we're short staffed tonight, right? I was just trying to help!"

"I don't care! I'm sick of hearing it! I don't care if the club is burning to the ground, it doesn't give you the right to go up on that stage!" His face was getting redder and redder. "Why is that whenever I turn around I catch you involved in some new misadventure? Why can't you just do the job I pay you to do and be happy about it!?"

Elizabeth gritted her teeth.

"I don't pay you to strip, Elizabeth." he said her name like it was an insult. "I pay you to wait on tables. No one wants to see you out there on the pole! And don't even get me started on how much paperwork you need to sign now! Do you have any idea how much trouble I could get in for that stunt you just pulled?"


"I don't want to hear it! This is the last straw Elizabeth! How many times do I have to write you up before you learn!? You're already at two strikes! And that's not including that batchelor party you ruined, or that german student you kidnaped, or that time you were having sex in the men's room - yes I know about that, don't you even try to deny it!"

"What!? I wasn't- That was just a blow-"

"I don't want to hear it!" he shouted. "The only reason I even keep you around is because no one else wants to work the day shifts. You're lucky I don't do what I should have done a long time ago and fire you on the spot! What are you even still doing here? Your shift is over! Go home! No one wants you here, Elizabeth, and no one wants to see you up on stage!"

Elizabeth took a slow deliberate breath, her hands shaking with barely controlled rage. Her face had gone red, but if it was from embarrassment or anger I couldn't tell. There was clearly a lot she wanted to say, but this was not the first time she'd been in this situation, and if she knew what was good for her she'd know to stay quiet.

"They... they loved me." she said, softly.

"What?" he raised an eye, daring her to talk back one more time.

"On stage." She clenched her fist. "They loved me."

"Oh please," he rolled his eyes, "they'd love a ham if it wore that skirt. If you could think with something besides your dick for more than 10 seconds you'd be able to figure that out. You're nothing special, Elizabeth, you're just a stupid girl who makes a lot of dumb decisions, and the sooner you get that through that little hormone-riddled brain of yours, the better off we'll all be."

Elizabeth's eyes flew wide in outrage. I flinched as she pivoted, half expecting her to throw a punch or to kick this asshole like he deserved. Instead, Ellen and I backed out of the way as she stormed over to the table.

"This is what I was saying, Elles," Elizabeth whispered, her emotions only just barely contained, "sometimes people really really deserve it."

"Elizabeth, don't." Ellen warned.

"Hey, asshole." She held up the device and pointed it at the manager. "Fire this."




There was a moment of silence. Crap, what did she just do? I suppressed the urge to feel like the device hadn't worked... something had changed, I just couldn't tell what.

"W-what?" the man looked around confused. "Fired? What did I do?"

Elizabeth looked down at her ill-fitting suit, her heavy gold wristwatch dangling loosely from her left hand, then she laughed as she looked down at the short man in front of her, his bronzed thigh muscles bulging out against the sides of the little white skirt that he was stretching to its limits.

Ellen scowled.

"M-Ma'am?" the man wobbled slightly in his heels.

"Uh." Elizabeth let out a nervous laugh. "Sorry, what was I saying?"

"I was just reminding you, ma'am," the man tried and failed to meet Elizabeth's gaze, "that it's a big paperwork hassle when you get on stage like that."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow threateningly. He winced. Elizabeth let out another laugh.

"I-I mean, I know we're short staffed tonight and all but -"

Elizabeth took a step towards him, he shrunk back as far as he could, but between his tight skirt and his high heels she was upon him in an instant.

"You know what, Jack?" Elizabeth gave a predatory grin as she loomed over him. "You're in luck. I think I'm finally going to give you your chance to really shine tonight."'