Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 10


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"I want you to go up and help fill in with the dancers for the rest of the night, okay?"

"What!? But, my shift is over! And- and I don't want to be a dancer! I'm happy being a waitress! I can't even dance! Who would even want to see me?"

"Aww, don't be so hard on yourself." She grabbed his butt. "They'd love a ham if it wore a skirt like that."

"N-no, seriously." He blushed. "I'm done with my shift. I should be going home. My wife is going to-"

"Nonsense." she grinned "Consider it mandatory overtime. I want you up there on stage and that's final. Think of it like an audition that your job might depend on."

"What!?" he gasped. "You can't do that!"

"Can't I? Let's face it Jack, your work's been less than stellar."

"I- What? That's not true!" his hands shook as he squirmed under the gaze of Elizabeth's looming form. "I... I..." he sighed and lowered his head. "Yes ma'am."

"Oh, and honey," she bent down and whispered in his ear, "I want to see you in my office afterwards. If you're going to strip here you've gotta give me a... private show."

He yelped as she squeezed his junk. Elizabeth just laughed as he then scampered away. She turned back to the table as we all sat down.

"Wait..." I said, hand in my head "What just happened?"

"Was one of your strippers really getting angry at you for dancing?"

"Waitress. And yes, I guess?" She sat back down, looking down at the way her suit loosely pooled around her. "I mean, I guess they don't like it when I take their jobs?" she looked fascinated at the watchband dangling from her wrist. "But like, its my club, right?" her already deep voice dropped another octave. "R-right?"

We nodded.

"So I can strip whenever I want, right? I can strip whenever I fucking want!" she laughed. "And I can get whoever else I want on stage!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement. "Like you guys! Come on! You've got to try it!"

Ellen and I exchanged a worried glance.

"Wait, hold on, don't try to change the subject," Ellen said, "what did you just swap? You can't just grab it and fire it off like that"

"I... I'm sorry." Elizabeth's eyes darkened. "I was just so mad. Look, it'll be fine though. You trust me, right?"

"Yes." Ellen sighed. "But you make it so hard sometimes!"

"I just... I couldn't take it anymore, Elles. I was so angry... I... I was about to do something stupid."

"Okay," she laughed, "that doesn't surprise me."

"So... instead... I got even."

Ellen frowned as she seemed to give the matter some consideration, then sighed again. "Look. I'm too drunk to deal with this right now." she said. "Just... just change everything back when this is all over, okay?"

"You got it, Elles." Elizabeth smiled as she leaned down to hug ellen, crushing Ellen's head into her breasts. "Thank you."

"Now," she said, parting, "let's get back to the matter on hand. I want you two up on stage and I'm not going to take no for an answer." She looked down at the device in her hand and grinned as she hid it behind her back.

"Elizabeth, I don't think that would really work." Ellen smiled diplomatically, but I think it may have come across a little crooked. "I mean, guys just don't find us attractive, you know?"

"I..." Elizabeth frowned, looking back and forth between ellen and myself. "I... yeah... I guess...?" She did some mental math. "Oh my god, guys are so stupid. Ellen, you're... you're really really sexy, you know that, right? I've always thought that."

"Aw," Ellen laughed, "thank you. You're not so bad yourself."

"No, I- " Elizabeth blushed. "I really mean it." She put a hand on Ellen's shoulder.

I let out another cough. I hadn't quite expected to have to be on such high alert. Normally I'm the one pulling Ellen away from other girls, not the other way around.

Elizabeth pouted as she seemed to realize what she was doing. She withdrew her hand. "That's a good point though, Ellen." she said. "We should see about swapping you two into like, sexy girly bodies before sending you out."

My heart skipped a beat at the idea.

"Temporarily, of course." she added hastily.

I looked up at the girl on stage. The cheerleader that had been on stage when had arrived was back out for another set. I just had to love the confidence with which she was teasing the crowd as she ran her large hands over the bulging muscle of her hulking feminine body, tantalizing them by sometimes going lower, teasing the sizeable bulge that was threatening to burst out of her bright-pink side-tie thong. Maybe getting up on stage wouldn't be so bad if it meant I could have a girly body like that. I tried not to look too excited.

"I don't know, Elizabeth." laughed Ellen, "I don't think I'm nearly drunk enough for that."

"Oh, why didn't you say so?" Asked Elizabeth, looking around the room at some of the other patrons.

And then I could have sworn I heard the faint Zzzztttt of the device, but it wasn't sitting on the table. Wait, Elizabeth had it last. Where did she put it?

"Come on, Elles, please?" she continued.

"I... I dunno..." Ellen slurred. My poor baby had obviously had too much to drink. She was struggling. "What- what would Monsieur Laurent say?"

Ellen and Elizabeth both burst out into a fit of giggles at the in joke.

I smiled. Mr. Laurent was an old teacher of theirs. He had been one of those people that really encouraged the two of them, and Ellen had always really looked up to him. Apparently, he had once caught the two of them in some kind of teenage escapade and Ellen really took the subsequent prudence lecture to heart. She still corresponded with him from time to time.

A naughty grin struck Elizabeth's face as she glanced back and forth between Ellen and the cheerleader on stage. "I think..." she laughed, "I think that your role model would totally want you to get up on stage and dance, Elles."

"Huh? But-"


"I..." Ellen twirled a lock of her hair and let out a sexy little drunken sigh. "Dammit, Your right. What would Jessi D Lite say? She probably wouldn't turn down an opportunity like this, would she? She wouldn't be shy about it would she? This is, like, totally a chance to make her proud, isn't it? Mmm, and then she'd probably find some way to turn it into an orgy or something!"

The two of them laughed. Ellen had looked up to Jessi D, the pornstar turned advice columnist, ever since she had had a crush on her back in school. Apparently, the two of them had once written to her for advice about one of their teenage escapades and they really took the subsequent sexual-positivity lessons to heart. She still followed her blog religiously, and not just for the pictures.

She had learned a lot from that blog, believe you me.

Suddenly, the girl on stage stopped and stared at the room like she didn't quite know why she was there, then, a moment later, she fled the stage. The guys in the crowd all looked around confused.

"Oh my god," laughed Elizabeth "Looks like we really are going to be short staffed. Come on, we could totally use you."

Ellen and Elizabeth both stood up, excited.

"Coming, Evan?" Elizabeth turned and looked at me.

"No," I laughed "I'm still going to sit this one out. As fun as parading around in a cute girl's body sounds..." I sighed "I, I think it hits a little too close to home, you know?"

"What's the matter?" Elizabeth stuck out her tongue. "Don't you want to drive all the cute guys wild?"

"Okay, first off," I glared at her. "I don't need to be on stage to drive guys wild. Second, I'm not into dudes - and even if I was into dude's I've only got eyes for Ellen, okay? Plus, I mean, let's face it, those guys are hardly -


- even that cute. I mean, sure, some of them are pretty hot, I guess, but like, most of them aren't even my type."

"Really?" asked Elizabeth, giggling. "So what's your type."

"What can I say? I like guys with a little muscle on their bones, you know?" I flexed my arm by way of demonstration.

"And a little money in their banks?" Ellen giggled.

"Umf." I bit my lip. "Exactly!"

We all laughed.

"So you're saying" Elizabeth said, slowly, "you don't want to get up there on stage and flaunt your hot sexy body for all those guys? You don't want to get up on that pole and lose yourself in a haze of music and lust while all those cute guys are so in love with you that they're just ready to throw their money at you? You don't want to feel their lustful stares as their eyes roam over every inch of your flesh while they imagine all the dark sexy things they want to do with your body?"

Mmf... Geeze, when she put it like that. I looked over at the stage. It was true, there were a couple of really cute guys in the audience. I bit my lip again. What would it feel like getting them all hard for me? What would it feel like knowing that it was me that was getting them so worked up... I mean... I knew what it felt like, guys have been getting hard for me all my life and I loved it. But this was different. Wasn't it? Up there I'd be a woman. I'd be... wait, I'd be sexy, wouldn't I? Wasn't this exactly what I had been pining for as I'd been staring at those girls all night?

What was my objection again?

"Fine." I conceded, trying to sound a little more disinterested than I was. "I'll get up and dance." Elizabeth grinned wide, hand still behind her back.

"Great!" she smiled. "Oh my god you guys, it's going to be so much fun!"

At that point, Mike, our hunky waitress walked by to gather up our drinks. God, he was so hot.

I fumbled my way through his idle flirtations and blushed as he winked in my direction. I wasn't even really paying attention to what he was saying, I couldn't stop staring at his rippling abs, and those muscles... mmmf. If it wasn't for those ridiculous boobs he'd be the complete package. God, I'd love to run my tongue stud along every inch of that rock-hard-

I shook my head. Stupid jock hormones. What kind of boyfriend was I, ogling guys right in front of Ellen like that? Uhg, it could just be so hard sometimes.

Now don't get me wrong, I love Ellen. I love Ellen more than life itself. She's the world to me. But her enormous breasts and curvy girly butt just don't do anything for me. She's this perfect feminine beauty, and I'd love to look like her or to be her, but she just didn't provide what I was looking for, sexually. I just wasn't into girls.

It's been hard on both of us, really. We just can't satisfy each other's physical needs - and lord knows we've both got a lot of physical needs these days. So... as much as I hate myself for it, sometimes I catch myself looking at cute guys, or enjoying their attention a little more than I should. It just... it helps me blow off some sexual steam, and there's nothing wrong with that, right? I just wish I didn't feel so guilty afterwards...

Elizabeth ushered us to the back of the club, through the doors in the back, past the staff changing room and into the stripper's changing room, which was down a little hall and to the left. The code to this door was also *6969*. Elizabeth could be so childish sometimes.

Stepping through those doors was like that heavenly moment when you walk into a perfume shop. It was a thousand different feminine smells all fighting your nose for attention.

Now, this, this was more like it. The change room we had seen before was very to-the-point and businesslike, it was a place to get changed. This place though... this place was like something out of a fairy tale, a place where girls went to become beautiful. Light-rimmed mirrors lined the walls as half-naked beauties preened and primped around half ready. All available table space was completely occupied by makeup, beauty products and cute slutty outfits.

If it wasn't full of naked women, I'd could have believed that this was heaven.

The girls looked up as we entered, clearly a little perturbed by the sudden appearance of a fox among the hens, but they calmed down a little when they saw that I was with Elizabeth. I laughed. I wasn't the one they had to worry about.

I held Ellen's hand tight, as much to give her strength as to remind her that, while I'm sure she wanted nothing more than to dive into the fleshy display in front of us, we had more important things to do right now. The poor thing was literally salivating. I could only imagine how bad it must be for her, she hadn't gotten off in ages and all the teasing that's been going on lately probably just made things harder and harder. It probably didn't help either that all these girls were so obviously into us. They kept giving us sidelong glances then whispering to each other and giggling.

We settled into one of the corners, displacing a girl who looked strangely out of place without her genie outfit on. She wasn't happy about being moved, but Elizabeth whispered something in her ear and she took off like a shot. I... I was beginning to have my doubts about how good of a boss Elizabeth was.

The poor girl took off so fast, in fact, that she completely forgot her cosmetics kit. Oh god, the makeup. I was trying very hard not to geek out about the makeup. There was an identical kit sitting in front of each girl. Did the club provide them? I was kind of expecting them to just have a cosmetics artist on staff. But this... this was good shit, and there was so much of it. My heart ached as I thought about my missing collection. It would cost a small fortune to replace it. Maybe Elizabeth would let me borrow some of this stuff? I'd need to remember to ask her about it before we left.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on," said Ellen, drinking in the sight of these women like a sailor who had just returned from sea. "We... we're not going to be cute. Sexy, I mean. Attractive. Out there, on stage."

"Are you kidding me?" Elizabeth laughed. "Look at you!"

"For guys I mean" Ellen chastised. "It's a device thing." she paused, then started looking around. "Wait. Shit. The device. Where is it?"

"Relax," said Elizabeth, pulling it out of one of her suit pockets. "I've got it."

"Oh! Oh thank goodness." she leaned in on Elizabeth. "Oh my god, I thought we almost left it back there. Thank you Elizabeth, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"No problem." she laughed. "What do you mean you won't be sexy because it's a device thing?"

"I swapped our... our attractiveness," she struggled with the word, "with some jock guys at the mall. So now we're all sexy as hell like we're guys, but really we're not."

"What? How does that work?"

"I don't know," she laughed, "but it totally does! Before that no one was really interested in us despite our new bodies, but girls have been checking us out left and right ever since! Oh my god, It's been so great!" Her face turned into a sudden pout. "Except when they hit on Evan of course."

"Yeah," I laughed, "that part's been pretty terrible."

"So wait," Elizabeth blushed as she looked at the device, "You're saying that despite having a body like that, no one found you any more attractive until you went out and made yourself more attractive?"


Elizabeth looked down at her boobs and frowned. "Elles, baby, I wish you'd mentioned that earlier."

"That's what I was trying to say about the dicks! They can't be for better tips because no one would even notice!"

A few of the strippers turned and looked in concern at the cute drunken girl rambling about dicks. Ellen smiled back at them, her gaze firmly glued to their chests.

"Wait," I said, "so having a girl's body wouldn't do the trick? Stripping wise?" my voice betrayed more disappointment than I'd have liked.

"No, no, I mean... maybe... " Ellen shook her head. "Sorry. I'm having a hard time thinking. Even if we got a girly body for you baby, no one would even notice. If we do an attractiveness swap though, then they'll think we're hot."

"You're so smart, baby," I laughed, "I'm glad you've got all this figured out." The idea of going out on stage and having the guys not like me was perhaps more rejection than I could have bared.

"Aw, thank you baby." Ellen leaned in for a kiss and I gave her a chaste peck on the lips.

Elizabeth shot us a jealous look then started fiddling with the controls on the device. "Well, that's no problem, I guess. There's plenty of attractive girls in here we can swap with."

Just then someone walked in from the door labeled backstage. It was that waitress that had been arguing with Elizabeth earlier. His face was completely red as he teetered in in nothing but his high heels. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. He yelped in embarrassment when he saw Elizabeth. Desperately trying to avoid eye contact, he scampered over to a corner to get dressed.

Elizabeth, for her part, just gave him a hungry grin, and I can't say I blame her. Naked and sweaty like that he was really something. Statuesque abs, muscular build... I was kind of disappointed I'd missed his show. And uh, I was trying not to stare, but he had a nice big dick too. Just the way I like them. Okay maybe I could stare just a little... It was doing - zzzzttttt - absolutely nothing for me, but I'm sure all the guys out in the audience loved it.

"Here," said Elizabeth, her sexy baritone sending a thrill down my spine. "Let's get started swapping you two then." she held the device out in her rugged, dainty arms. My pulse quickened as her breasts bounced in my face. She caught me staring and gave me a wink and a laugh. I swallowed hard. Why did Ellen's friend have to be so... hot. It was bad enough she was so scantily clad in that suit, but now I couldn't help flashing back to the way she kept shaking her big sexy dick around on stage earlier as well. I sighed, but it came out as more of a needy whimper.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. This was not the time. I needed to think about something as un-sexy as possible. Luckily, the backstage area was full of beautiful naked women.

"See anything you like?" Elizabeth asked, looking around.

Oh god, there were so many choices. In fact, there were way too many choices. I knew these girls were all very sexy, but it was so hard to say who was the sexiest, who was the most attractive - I mean, I just didn't see women that way. Was it qualitative? Like, if I went for that cute hawaiian dancer girl, would I seem more exoticly attractive than if I went with the girl next door?

Actually, come to think of it, right now the girl next door was getting dressed up as a slutty teacher while the hawaiian girl was doing up her makeup to perfect her slutty cat girl look. Would the qualitative nature of their costuming come over as well? Or would that be on me to wear something appropriate?

"I... I think I'm way too drunk to make this decision." Ellen chimed in. "Can you pick for me, baby?"

"Really?" I laughed. "I thought you'd be an authority on this. "

"It's a shame those cute twins aren't here," she said, "that would have been fun. we could have been, like, attractiveness twins." I smiled as she giggled awkwardly at her own joke.

"How about her? I said, motioning towards the cheerleader in the corner. She looked somewhat uncomfortable to be here and was struggling to fit her muscular thighs into a pair of skinny jeans that she looked very concerned might rip at a moment's notice.

"Um." A look of embarrassment spread across Ellen's face as she stared at the girl. "You know what? How about we go with someone else?"

I laughed. She had certainly been interested in her when we first walked in... maybe it was too close to home?

"Okay, well," I said, looking at the rest of the girls. That red-haired girl from earlier was out - she still had that creepy looking man-face that we had never swapped back. That guy from earlier, Candy, was evidently very popular, but honestly he wasn't that attractive.