Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 10


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"Oh, you know what?" I gestured with my eyes "Those two over there would be perfect." The pair in question was that elegant, elfen looking girl that Elizabeth had been swapping dicks onto, and some bubblegum haired bimbo who I don't think we'd seen on stage yet. The elegance of the former was an obvious choice for my wonderful baby, and there was just something about the latter that really appealed to my feminine aesthetic. Like, I don't know if I'd want to be her, but she was undeniably the kind of sexy I wanted people to see me as.

"Oooh," said Ellen, drooling at the half-naked pair. "good choice, baby."

We put our hands on the device as Elizabeth adjusted the dials and took aim. For an instant I couldn't help but wonder if Elizabeth ever swapped that girl's junk back afterwards? Was she packing some dude's thing? Would that matter?

I closed my eyes as Elizabeth pressed the button.



Nothing happened. I don't know quite what I was expecting, but I was sort of used to the idea that getting swapped caused a kind of weird unbalancing rush.

"Hold on," I said, looking down at myself. "I don't feel any different." My body was still oppressively masculine.

"We're aware of the changes," Ellen said, "so we see through it, I think. But look, no one is eyeballing us anymore."

Sure enough all the awkward sexual tension in the room was now directed at the girls we had just swapped with. And Elizabeth, of course, but, well, you can't really blame them for that. She was so rugged and handsome I don't think there was a straight girl alive who could resist her.

"Yeah..." Ellen nodded "We should be good to go out on stage like this."

"I..." I bit my lip in jealousy. "I still kinda wanted a girl's body..."

"What?" Elizabeth laughed.

"I mean," I blushed. "Just to try out!" I brushed the hair out of my eyes as I tried to play it cool.

"Aw, baby." Ellen gave me a great big hug. "I'm so proud of you. I knew you'd want to use the device for that sooner or later"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"I mean... I think I'm ready for it." I hugged her back. I was kind of proud of myself, too. My head was a whorl of excitement and trepidation.

"Here!" she said, thrusting the device into my hands. "You should do the honors."

I looked down at the device and then around the room again. There were so many prime examples of femininity here. So many girls I'd love to be. I could look like any of them. I could look like all of them, a cavalcade of parts, the best of all worlds. Even dulled by the alcohol I could feel in the weight of the device a profound sense of possibility. Was this what Ellen had felt the other day looking at everyone in that bar?

But... but I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to get greedy, would it? I mean, we had to swap them all back after, right? It would be better to keep it simple... but on the other hand, how often was I going to get an opportunity like this?

"Okay." I said. "Hold on tight."

With Elizabeth and Ellen's well-manicured hands placed over my own, I spun the dials around to what I hoped were the right places and closed my eyes as I pressed the button.

It um. It took a few tries to get it right.

Luckily Ellen and Elizabeth were able to swap everything back. Thank god no one freaked out about all the mismatched limbs.

Third time being the charm, before long I was settling into my new body. My new, girly body. A complete package. And I didn't stop there either. Goodbye ugly male face, goodbye ugly mail hair. Goodbye, even, to my ugly male voice. Ellen laughed at that, since my voice changed when I swapped bodies anyway, but I insisted. My new voice sounded so perfect, so high and musical, like everything I was saying was in song.

It was a good thing I was sitting down, because as prepared as I thought I was for the sudden rush of foreign sensation, I was still completely overwhelmed by the sudden changes as we did swap after swap. This new body was very different. I was shockingly sober, for one. I think all the alcohol in me got swapped over along with all my blood. But more than that, the jock's body had been so athletic and this one, while clearly made for dancing, felt infinitely more dainty and delicate. Honestly? I loved it. It was like relaxing into a comfortable chair.

It was, um, sensitive too. Needy. Don't get me wrong, the jock's body had been too, but in a different kind of way. If I wasn't being observed by a roomfull of girls I'd probably have run off right there and just spent the next few hours just feeling myself up.

I took a look in the mirror, and smiled at the beautiful sexy face staring back, at the pink hair and the cute kissable lips and the doeful, expressive eyes, and even the delicate feminine nose. I smiled and the girl in the mirror smiled too. I was the girl next door, or, well, something close to her. I could pass as her slightly hotter sister. This was girl was me. This was really, truly me.

I struggled to hold back my tears. I didn't want to ruin my makeup.

Seeing my expression, Ellen gave me a great big hug. I sunk into her comforting warmth. I felt so small in her arms, so safe.

"Just remember, Cinderella." Elizabeth chimed, "This is all temporary."

I smiled. I liked being called a princess. Right now I certainly felt like one.

I took a deep breath to settle the emotions and hormones flooding through me. She was right, this was temporary, so I'd better take full advantage of it.

I'll be honest, looking back I think that that the time we spent in that little change room was probably one of the happiest times of my life. Getting to be a girl, and, more to the point, getting to be a girl and to girl out alongside my wonderful Ellen as we looked through heaps of slutty little costumes and clothes for the two of us... it was just so much fun. There wasn't a single outfit in there that wasn't custom tailored to make men drool. I wish I could have taken it all home with me. I chastised myself for maybe just having a little too much fun, but if I was going to turn back into a pumpkin at midnight, then gosh darn it I was going to enjoy myself.

I made Elizabeth turn around while Ellen and I changed. Honestly, she'd been eyeballing my girlfriend all night and I had to draw the line somewhere. Besides, it gave me a good view of her sexy little ass.

It was around then, when I was pulling up my silky garters and trying to get my little black maid skirt to look just right that I realized that I was going to be naked soon. Naked and on stage. A cold chill went down my spine. Naked and on stage and in front of... in front of all those people... had I mentioned that with my newfound body had come newfound sobriety?

But no. I shook my head. This was no time to be chickening out. Besides the only people who were going to see me would be all those cute guys, right? What better validation of my femininity? I could live with being up on stage if it meant showing off for some boys. That's all it was. Nothing scary about that, I told myself, nothing scary about that at all.

I looked over to Ellen for some emotional support and did a double take. She was wearing this slutty little school girl costume. Half the changeroom was giving her all these weird looks. I did my best not to laugh.

"What do you think?" She asked, giving an unsteady little twirl. Nervousness tinged her voice.

I gave her a big smile as I searched my brain for something supportive to say. She looked good - she even made those clothes look good, in fact - but they looked so out of place on her. Before I could say anything though Elizabeth turned around and let out a sharp laugh.

"Wait, hold on," she snickered "you're not seriously going to wear that are you?"

"What?" Ellen looked down at the slutty uniform "W-what's wrong with it? I mean... besides the obvious..."

"Elles, that's a school girl's outfit."

Ellen blinked blearily, then her eyes went wide. "Oh my god, right." she slapped her forehead. "That stupid crossdressing thing. Oh my god."

"What?" asked Elizabeth

"Its... it's a whole big thing." she sighed as she looked around the room. "Don't worry about it, just... here, where's the device?"

I held it out for her. She took it and started adjusting the dials. Elizabeth and I reached out to to touch it as well, but she pulled it away from us.

"Actually..." Ellen sighed, looking at the two of us, then back down at the remote. "I think this is a swap I gotta make on my own."

"What?" cried Elizabeth "Double standard! What about all that stuff about trust? What are you up to?"

"I know I know!" Ellen cried "It's just..." she looked at me and shrunk a little, "it's embarrassing..."

"Elles what could you possibly do that would embarrass you in front of us?" Elizabeth laughed.

I took Ellen's hand into my own and gave a supportive squeeze. Whatever this was, if this was about her wanting to wear women's clothing, I was behind her 100%. I knew what it was like to not feel comfortable with an aspect of your gender.

"Uhg, fine, I'll tell you." She sighed again, heavily. "Look, Elizabeth, you don't have any slutty stripper clothes that would really suit men - or me - do you?"

"I..." Elizabeth gave it some thought, then frowned. "No, you're right."

"So here, I'm going to go get changed back into my jeans, then I'll swap what I'm wearing with one of them." She gestured to the indian girl trying to squeeze into what could generously be called a policewoman's uniform. "That way I'll have something to strip out of, but no one thinks its weird or that I'm crossdressing."

"Yeah," Elizabeth laughed, "but you'd be wearing a skirt!"

"And what's wrong with me wanting to wear a skirt Elizabeth?" said Ellen, crossing her hands over her prodigious chest. "You do it all the time."

"Yeah, but that's different." Elizabeth paused. "No offense Elles, but I hardly think anyone is going to take you seriously if you're wearing women's clothing."

"Well thanks to the device, they'll take me about as serious as if I was wearing these," she said, holding up her tight little jeans. "Look, you're the only one here who has a problem with it, okay?"

Elizabeth started to laugh, but it petered out once she realized we weren't laughing too.

"Wait... you're serious?"

Ellen held up the device and raised her eyebrow daringly.

"Uh... Okay... I guess?" Elizabeth sat down, confused. "If that's what you want to do. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing..."

Before too long Ellen and I had managed to get her back into her jeans - the fact that her big girly dick was rock hard the entire time didn't help, but with a little teamwork we managed to get it back in there. Then, before the zzzzttttt of the device could even finish echoing in my head, Ellen was clad in a skimpy policewoman's outfit.

I chastised myself as I struggled not to laugh. If she wanted to express herself this way, then I was all for it, even if Elizabeth gave no such courtesy.

"You look great, baby!" I cheered. "How does it feel?"

"It feels like I'm half naked," Ellen blushed, "but I'm fine... I'm just... I'm starting to have second thoughts, you know? Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

"Right?" I laughed. "Me too. But you look great! And your going to be great out there, I know it. You're so beautiful and amazing that they're going to get one look at you and you're going to blow them all away. I mean, look at you, you're positively sparkling. Any guy would be lucky to have you dance for them, and that's not even taking the attractiveness swap into account."

"Aw." She gave me a big warm hug, squeezing her petite chest into my new boobs. "Thanks, cheeseball. You always know just what to say."

I smiled. God, I loved this woman.

Elizabeth sighed impatiently.

Once I had finished touching up our makeup - not too much, but enough to let those guys know we meant business - we proceeded backstage. Have I mentioned yet how lucky I am to have a girl who lets me do her makeup? It's basically the best thing ever. I considered offering to touch Elizabeth's up as well, but she wasn't going out on stage and she was already so handsome it would have been difficult to really add anything.

The actual backstage area was a bit of a mess. Lots of discarded costume pieces and props were just sort of littered around. A guy at a laptop nearby was apparently the DJ. As he saw Elizabeth, his transition from relaxed to alert was so sudden that he almost fell out of his chair. A handful of other stage hands seemed to jump to attention as well. I guess the club was starting to get a little busier, because it looked like they were making preparations to open up the second stage.

I looked over at the stage itself. Familiar, but from a different angle. I couldn't get a good look of who was out there, but I could hear the cheers from the horny guys. Oh god, so many horny guys.

There were a handful of girls there, desperately doing last minute adjustments to their makeup and costumes, stretching and generally getting themselves ready. I guess they were just waiting to go out on stage next. I guess one of the advantages of being friends with the boss though is that you get to skip the queue. Elizabeth was telling them all that I was going out next.

The time spent waiting for my turn seemed to pass in a blur. I'm sure it must have been a solid five minutes at least, but it felt like no time at all.

Before I knew it a naked latina girl in a fireman's hat strutted her way off the stage, winking to Elizabeth as she went. The crowd cried out, hungry for more.

And then... it was my turn.

To be continued in part 11: The Breast of Times; The Worst of Times.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I don’t know

I don’t know if I like the way this is going to. Elizabeth is such a bitch, she is fucking everything up, she is literally the villain.

As always, I loved the story, and the number of times I came reading it prove how I love this, but I hate when they change a character’s (sexual) orientation all of a sudden with no explanation, for example a guy that only liked girls his entire life and in the next day he is worshipping cocks, but I don’t mind if he became like that because of training or a control based theme (tl;dr plot development) or if that sudden change is only temporary.

BUT there is the point that this whole story concept is all about changing anything anywhere all of a sudden, so this is why I can keep up reading and enjoying. The only thing I’m hoping is that at least the main traits of the characters get reverted anytime, soon or even in the end, because it is rare to find a story where this happens. And obviously that some changes keep stuck till the end, because reverting all changes would be to throw away all the development of each character.

Please continue to submit more continuations. I enter your profile to check if there is something new almost every single day, but was sad that nothing was being released in the last months. Again, thanks for this masterpiece!

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