Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 23


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No. No, that was stupid. Why wouldn't she bring the device? If she thought she was leaving to meet with me, there's no way she'd want to do it without the device. right?

The dog continued barking.

Fuck. I couldn't afford to not take that chance. I was here, wasn't I? All I had to do was slip inside and look around. I knew where Elizabeth hid all her important secret stuff. If she had taken the device with her, I'd know soon enough, and I'd still be off to Evan's with plenty of time to spare.

I snuck around the side, trying my best not to look like someone about to commit breaking and entering. Despite my best efforts I couldn't seem to dull the sounds of my footfalls. All the adrenaline ringing in my ears was making the whole world seem too damn silent.

I looked around to make sure no one was watching, then pressed my boobs into the fence as I reached over to grab at the latch, just like Elizabeth had shown me that one time. She had bragged about how she had a secret entrance set up just in case she was too drunk for keys, whatever that meant. Of course, she had trusted me not to abuse that information, but we were long past the point of broken trust.

I slid the little window in the back open. The dog was barking on the other side, having followed me around from the front. I'd always hated that dog. I was just glad that it was small. The stupid thing knew me, but if it thought I was breaking in who knows what it would do?

This was the tricky part. I had to climb up on the little planter then hoist myself up and over through the unlocked window. It had always been a tight fit, and I was naked, but Slut's body was way more athletic than I ever was. I took a few deep breaths and then made the plunge.

In a tree nearby, a squirrel chirped and flew away.

I groaned in frustration. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't manage to squish my tits down tight enough that I could squeeze them through. Worse, the stupid things seemed to be enjoying all the attention. My pulse had elevated and my nipples were jutting out like pencil erasers. Fuck this stupid goddamn body. Every little squeeze or fondle sent a tiny shiver of pleasure throughout my body.

Okay, okay, fine. I could think this through. It was just like a puzzle. If I couldn't fit my whole body through at once, maybe I had to do it piecemeal. I just had to take it one step at a time.

Teetering on the edge of the planter, I fed one breast in through the window, then the other. I could just imagine what this would look like from the other side. Like, suddenly you look out the window and there's just this giant pair of tits there out of nowhere. I was glad there was no one watching. Eventually I was able to contort myself enough that I could feed my arms and the rest of my torso through. It was an uncomfortable squeeze, but Slut was flexible.

The dog's barking grew even more aggressive as it realized I was coming in through the kitchen window and rounded the corner to come meet me. I could see the little thing now. It growled. I growled back. That little bitch was wearing my clothes! The stupid fucking dog was wearing one of the outfits I'd bought that day at the mall. It was absurd - the clothes had been a little skimpy, sure, but the tiny thing was practically swimming in them. I'd have been angrier but honestly it was just so silly looking.

I pushed off the planter and raised my butt, sliding the rest of my torso through. I kicked wildly in the air and wriggled around as I tried to pull myself further in, but I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried my hips just didn't want to go through. Fuck! Panic started to wash over me. My stupid goddamn ass.

I tried to push myself back out, tried to reverse the process I'd taken to get in here, but either I couldn't get the leverage I needed or my boobs kept catching.

Shit. I was stuck. Like seriously stuck. I was hanging in the window, tits in one end, ass in the other, unable to squeeze either end through. Oh god, I could just imagine Elizabeth coming home and catching me like this, helpless and red handed. This was a nightmare.


No! I couldn't let it end like this. I was struggling to breath. I wriggled, I squirmed, I gave into the rising panic and pulled with all my might. This was a cheerleader's body. Strong, flexible. There had to be something I could do.


I froze. That voice.

"Ellen? Everything okay?"


Oh my god, it was so weird. He sounded so different, so girly, so sultry and feminine, but I'd remember that voice anywhere. God, I had found it so seductive that first night. Sexy. The voice of the man I loved, gone and replaced by some kind of nympho phone sex operator, and all I had thought was how hot it was. I'd been thinking with my dick. He sounded like a completely different person, and yet... and yet there was no mistaking it. It was him.

And he'd said my name.

It was such a small thing and yet for anyone to acknowledge that I was me... for him to acknowledge that I was me. For a brief moment, things started to look like everything was going to be okay. My eyes started to go all misty. I don't think I realized how much I needed something like that right now.

I wanted to cry, to call out, but what could I say?

Then he rounded the corner, and the reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Ellen, stop barking! Come on. What is it girl?"

His eyes bulged as he saw me and my enormous naked melons hanging through the kitchen window. He stumbled, then froze. The narrative that played out on his expression would have been priceless if it wasn't at my expense. The look of surprise quickly turned to a smirk as he realized what had happened, then a laugh which turned into a guilty smile as he tried to suppress it.


"Uh. Hi, Evan..." My whole body was red in complete and total embarrassment. The wave of hope I'd been riding crashed against the rocky shores of reality. Of course. Of fucking course! He had been talking to the dog. That fucking dog didn't just have my clothes, it had my name too. It kept barking, wagging its stupid little tail in response to Evan's presence.

He had ditched the underboob-exposing crop top and micro he'd been wearing earlier in favor of a more casual t-shirt and tartan skirt. To describe it like that was maybe a bit of a disservice though. That shirt was tight. Like, the might as well have been painted on from the way it clung to his generous curves. He must have been cold, because his nipples were forming two very obvious protrusions. There was also a rather prominent bulge in his skirt. Somehow, I had missed that earlier. I tried to think back. He'd had that thing since the strip club, hadn't he? Elizabeth must have put it there. That bitch was always so obsessed with big dicks. As if all that wasn't sexy enough, his hair was damp and tustled and his skin was practically glowing.

I tried one last time to pull myself through, but all it seemed to do was set my tits swaying like the salacious udders they were. My shoulders sagged in resignation.

"I uh..." I said by way of explanation, "I thought no one was home. I knocked."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Elizabeth had to go out and meet someone. She said she'd be back soon. I was just in the shower."

"Oh." I said, trying to hide the wave of emotions coursing through me. Evan liked to shower after sex. That explained what had been taking Elizabeth so long.

"Do you..." he gestured awkwardly with one hand "Do you need help?"

I blushed all the harder and nodded. "I could use a bit of a push."

Evan's hands were delicate and hot as he pressed into my needy flesh. I had become so used to this perpetual naked chill that I couldn't help but melt as his warmth passed into me. God, I wanted to wrap that heat around me like a blanket and feel it on every inch of my skin. More than anything else in the world right then I wanted him to embrace me and to hold me tight and tell me that everything was going to be okay. I wanted those hands to do darker things too. Carnal things. But I closed my eyes to those fantasies.

Instead... instead he was being a gentleman, trying to give me a push with minimal contact, trying not to grope me, trying not to make things more embarrassing for me than they already were. If only he knew how much worse that made things.

With his help I was able to get the leverage I needed to squish my body down and push my way out. A surge of relief washed over me as my feet fell upon the cold grass. I took in several deep lungfuls of air, simultaneously trying to catch my breath and calm my emotions. It was good to be able to breathe again. I never wanted to go through that again.

"Slut?" came Evan's voice behind me. "Are you okay?"

I winced as he said that name.

"I - I'm fine. Can we just pretend that didn't happen?"

"Sure." he laughed. I couldn't help but smile.

I worked my way back to the front of the building. Sandra was still parked nearby. She gave me a curious look. I shrugged at her and turned back to the door.

"Okay," I said to myself, taking another deep breath. "Let's try that again."

I knocked. There was another muffled skitter as the dog jumped and began yapping anew. My heart pounded as the door opened.

"Oh, hi, Slut," said Evan, smiling. "Funny seeing you here."

"H-hi, Evan." Fuck, I felt like a schoolgirl on her first date. "Can I... can I come in?"

"Of course."

Okay, I had gotten here. Somehow this crazy plan had worked. Now what? What did I say? How the hell was I supposed to confide to Evan about everything that had happened? I had been so angry earlier, so righteous and ready for action. Now though, standing here before him, my emotions were a mess. It was only now, despite all my literal actual nakedness, that I really felt vulnerable.

I stepped inside. Elizabeth's place was surprisingly large, all things considered. I'd been here a million times before, but this time things were different. I was on edge. This time it was enemy territory.

We walked into the living room. The place had always been more than a little messy, but I frowned as I saw all the signs of Evan's cohabitation. There was a makeup case - the one Evan had been interested in from the strip club - sitting on one of the tables, there were photos of him and Elizabeth smiling, and, most tellingly, the place reeked of his sex.

He offered me a seat, then took one of his own. Good, he was going to need to sit down for this.

"How... how are you doing, Evan?" I glanced down. Fuck, why was this so awkward?

"I'm a little sore, actually, but that's not - uh, are you okay?"


"Are you okay? You're tearing up."

He was right. I tried to blink them away but I could feel them rolling down my cheek. Damnit. Hold it together.

"I... I'm fine..." I tried to smile but that just made things worse. "I just... I just..."

Evan's arms closed around me as he pulled me out of my seat and into a supportive hug, my sore and sensitive tits held gently against his warm soft bosom. He held me tight and close and long and cradled my head against his shoulder with one hand. I blinked in surprise, then dissolved in his arms. It was everything I had dreamed of. Everything I needed.

"Look," he said, his voice soft and hot in my ear. "I don't know what's going on, but I'm here for you, okay? Everything's going to be alright."

I don't know how long I spent there, crying in his arms. It was a luxury, I know. I didn't have time for this. I had to get a grip. I had to explain to him everything that had happened. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.


"What's wrong, Slut?"

"Evan." I stuck all my courage. "Listen. We need to talk. There's so much I need to tell you, and it's not all going to make sense, but it's important. I need you just to listen, okay?"

"If it's important do you want to wait for Elizabeth to get home? I'm sure she'll be back soon."

"No!" I pulled away. I was shaking. "No. It's best she's not here."

"Is everything alright between you two?" He had a look of concern on his face. Poor sweet Evan. "She's been looking everywhere for you..."

"Yeah..." I said softly. "I've noticed."

"It's just hard seeing you two fight. I mean, you two are best friends, right? You've been together for like, ever."

He probably didn't realize how much those words stung.

"Look, Evan, please, just listen, okay? I know the truth."

"The truth about what?"

"About... about everything! All the crazy stuff that's been happening over the past week!" I gestured aimlessly with one hand. "I know all about it."

"Oh. So you know why Elizabeth has been looking for you then?"

"Yes, exactly!"

"That's great! Then you should speak to her about it! I don't know what happened to put you two against each other, but it's been tearing her up inside."

"Evan, you were there in that restaurant. You saw it! She's completely out of control! Talking to her isn't going to solve anything!"

"Out of control?" he furrowed his brow.

"I mean, just look! We tried to do something about it, tried to get that thing away from her and she zapped my brain! I barely got out of there in one piece!"

"Wait what? What are you talking about?"

"Elizabeth used the device to zap away my education, Evan! To punish me for standing up to her, or to slow me down or... or something! She was going to do worse, but you got in the way and... and... I don't know, stopped her somehow."

"Wait, what? I don't understand. What are you talking about? When was this?"

"And see? Now you don't even remember it! She's been fucking with your head. She's gone completely crazy with that thing and there's no one who can stand in her way."

"What thing?"

"Evan, it's fine. You don't have to pretend. I know about the device. I know, I know, I'm not supposed to. It's a long, long story, and there just isn't time to explain, but I do. I know everything."

"No, I'm serious." he furrowed his brow harder. "I have no idea what you're talking about. What device?"

"Evan... come on."

He just stared at me blankly.

"Fuck. You really have no clue what I'm talking about do you?"

He smiled apologetically as he shook his head. Even with the difference in body language, Evan was an awful liar. I was pretty sure there wasn't a bone of guile in his whole body. If he was trying to play dumb, I'd know.

I stumbled back into my seat. I felt dizzy.

This was bad. Elizabeth must have gotten to him. She must have swapped out his awareness or knowledge of the device or something. She probably shoved them into a passing bird or something, knowing her.

Shit. This was a disaster. I was going to have a hard enough time trying to make him trust me even if he already believed what the device could do. Now though I was just going to sound crazy. Maybe I could make something up? Maybe I could come up with some believable lie that would convince him to try to get the device from Elizabeth? Something he'd swallow easier than the reality of the situation...

But no. After all this, I was done trying to hide things from him. No more lies.

"Evan..." I began, slowly. "What do you remember about the past week? Can you think of anything weird or out of place?"

He put his hand on his hip and tapped one foot as he thought. It was such a feminine gesture that I almost laughed. God, he was so weirdly graceful. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't twinge seeing him like this. It was as though I still couldn't silence that tiny voice inside saying this was an imposter.

"Like last Thursday maybe?" I probed, "or hell, even just a couple of days ago at the restaurant?"

He shook his head.

"Oh, come on, there was a big fight! You don't remember that at all?

"What? No. I remember. We went out to Albert's. We had dinner then chatted a bit and then I spent the rest of the night playing with the other dogs and chasing balls at the park like a good boy."

"And, of course," I pinched the bridge of my nose, "you don't see anything weird about that."

"No? Seems like a normal end to an evening to me. I certainly don't remember any fight or anything."

"Right." I sighed. "I don't know what I was expecting."

"Well..." he frowned. "You know what though? There is actually one thing that's kinda been bothering me."

"Yes?" I almost jumped out of my seat.

"I mean... It's Elizabeth... I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining it. She's been acting a little weird?"


"She's been behaving a bit, I don't know, distant? Like, all week she's been calling me by my name instead of baby? I'm probably reading too much into it." He was fidgeting. I was a little upset at how adorable it was. "I figured I'd done something wrong? Or that there was something she wasn't telling me or... I don't know. I've been trying to give her her space you know?" he let out a little anxious sigh.

"Evan, listen to me." I put my hand on his shoulder. "This is going to be hard for you to believe - hell, it's going to be hard for me to explain - but yes, something has been going on. Something big. And you and I and Elizabeth are all caught up in it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Have you ever seen Elizabeth playing around with a weird little device?" I held out my hands. "Like, about yay big? Black? Covered in little buttons?"

"I... Yeah, actually. I saw her put something like that in her bag yesterday. Why? What is it?"

"Evan... " I took a deep breath. "Evan, what I'm about to tell you is going to be hard to believe, but I need you to listen and to humor me at first and just... use your heart okay? You're smart and you're good and I have to trust that what I'm about to tell you is going to reach you, deep down, past all of... all of this..." I waved a hand at his nubile feminine body.

"I... I'll try?" He raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?"

"There's this... device. This black box. It can... It swaps things."

"Swamp things?"

"It swaps things." I repeated. Trying to let the weight of it sink in.

"It swaps things how?" He pressed.

"Like, magic."

He smiled incredulously.

Great. It was like I was back at the bar trying to explain it to him all over again. Only this time I wasn't going to be able to demonstrate, was I? From outside I could hear the sound of a car honking. I had to think. How was I going to prove to Evan that I was for real?

"Okay," I started to say, "it's like this-" but I was interrupted by the dog leaping to its feat and bolting for the front door, my errant clothes dragging along with it. I could just hear the front door opening under the sound of the horn outside.

"Evan?" Came a voice.


No no no.


I bolted to my feet. What was she doing back? It was too soon. Those cheer girls were supposed to keep her distracted, busy. Oh god, what if she'd torn through them somehow? Pictures flashed through my head of them in the bodies of overweight men, jumping and cheering and jiggling their elderly flesh like nothing was wrong.

I needed more time. I needed to escape; to run, to hide. But where? The window nearby taunted me. If it wasn't for this stupid fucking body I could maybe squeeze my way out. Could I scramble behind the counter? Under the table? I looked at Evan. He had a concerned look on his face. No, fuck. No matter where I hid, he'd rat me out. I hadn't won him over yet.

"I was right." I heard her say as she turned the corner. "They were at the dog park." Her voice was dark and deep. Somehow, somewhere along the way, Elizabeth had swapped it with some guys. It was intimidating and powerful. Villainous.

Elizabeth froze as she saw me. We were like two deer in each other's headlights. The look of surprise on her face turned quickly into such a smile though that were I not already inclined to do so, I'd want to punch it right off her stupid fucking face.