Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 23


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"You have no right to talk about him like that. Not after what you've done."

"You're right... I don't." she gripped his hand tighter. "I've been awful. But you know what? He's stood by me regardless, believing that I can be better. I love him." her eyes softened as she turned to look at him. "He makes me feel like no one else does! He's on my side even when the world - even when my own conscience says otherwise. And even when he's not its because he knows I can be better. I need that in my life Elles. I'm not... I can't give him up. I won't."

"Oh my god, Elizabeth."

"And that's why I can't give up on you either, Elles."


"Because there's only one person in this whole fucked up world who's ever cared about me as much as he does, who I've loved as much as I love him, and that's you, Elles. You were this perfect wonderful creature who stood by me no matter how much stupid shit I got into, and I'm not going to give up on having you in my life just because I fucked up. I... I love you, Elles.

I blushed in surprise.

"I... I've always loved you." She continued. "Everything about you. Ever since we were young. I've always looked up to you and admired you. You were smart and capable and funny and you always made me feel like I deserved to be who I was, even when no one else did."

"How can you say that?" I struggled to form the words. "How can you say that after everything you've done?"

"That's why I just want things to go back to the way they were! You and me, two best friends against the world. Like it used to be."

"No!" I screamed. "You ruined any chance for that the moment you tried to take Evan from me!"

"No, listen, it'll be great. You won't remember any of this... it'll all be like some vague dream. I'll turn you back - I've been tracking down the girls I swapped you with, I can swap... well I guess I don't need to swap your mind back anymore... somehow, which is amazing, a miracle, I'm so happy. But we can swap your boobs back, if you'd rather not take the upgrade. You'll be yourself again and we can be friends again and we can get up to adventures like we used to. We can be happy, Elles.

"Elizabeth." My voice wavered with emotion. "Listen to me. There is no going back. You can't just erase what you've done, and even if you do that wouldn't make it right."

"No, it'll be great..." she said, tears spilling down from her eyes. "I promise... I can make things right, Ellen. I can make things right..."

Evan wrapped his arms around her, being careful not to bump the device. She sobbed as she hugged him back.

"I'm sorry Elles..." she swallowed, trying to regain her composure. "Im sorry. I tried... I wanted this to be real. I wanted to do the right thing. I don't want to be a bad person. I'm not a bad person, am I?."

She looked up into Evan's eyes. He shook his head and smiled reassuringly.

"I- I'm sorry, Elles," she continued. "I really am. But you've forced my hand."

"I haven't forced you to do shit."

"Evan," she said, "give me the device. I'm sorry you had to get dragged back into all this... I promise, I'll explain when this is all over."

Evan looked down at her gently, but didn't break the embrace.

"Baby..." he said, softly, "look, I don't know what's going on, but is what she's saying true? Is our relationship some kind of lie?"

"It is!" I cried. "That's what I came here to tell you! This bitch stole you from me, Evan! She ripped out our history together and put her in my place!"

"Is it true, Elizabeth?"

"Evan..." She gripped him tighter, looking up at him with sparkling eyes. "Do you love me?"

"I... I do. "

"Don't you want us to be happy together?" She rested her head on his soft chest. "We can build our life together. Isn't that the plan? I... I'm sorry Evan, you used to know all about this, but I took that away from you to spare you. It was driving us apart; it was hurting you... I just... I thought I was doing the right thing. I just want us to be together. I've done terrible things, but I can be better. Don't you see? I've realized that because of you. You make me want to be a better person. Even though I hate it sometimes, even though its hard. I need you in my life for that. I - I love you. Maybe I didn't realize how much at first, and I mistreated you, and I'm sorry for that. But I want to be with you for the rest of my life! I want to have fun on some beach together when we're old. I... "

"Don't listen to her!" I yelled. "That bitch manipulated you, changed you, stole you from me. You and me, Evan. In a different life we were... we were so happy together. You were - you are - my everything. You're the reason I can keep going, Evan, no matter how bad things look. I... I was the one who got you into this. I should never have changed you. I never needed to change you. You were always perfect to me. Even if you didn't like shopping or makeup.

"Wait, what?"

"Evan," I continued, "you are my light and my sun. Whenever I wake up, your smiling face is the first good thing I want to see. You are my rock and my knight and I can't imagine a day going by without you, nor would I ever want to. You were the best thing to ever happen to my life. You're the reason I have to keep going, that I have to keep fighting, no matter how dark things get. Not so I can have you - you're not some prize to be owned - but because I need to save you from her. I know its difficult. You love Elizabeth, you only have eyes for her... but listen to your heart. You said it yourself that she's been cold and distant lately. That's because she doesn't know you, Evan, not the way I do. "

Evan stepped back, breaking the hug with Elizabeth. He looked lost, anxious, hurt, betrayed. My heart tore just looking at him.

"Don't you see though, Evan? I want to!" said Elizabeth "I want to be closer to you than anyone else. I want learn everything about you. I want to spend all of our days together, I want to laugh with you and grow old with you. I want to be a better person for you. Yes, I stole you, but I've spent every day since then wanting no more than to be worthy of your love. Evan, I need you more than she ever did. The love you feel for me... I never had the chance to earn it. Please, let me show you that I can be worthy of it, of you."

"This is all my fault, Evan." I took a step towards him "I didn't appreciate you. I loved you, but I didn't savor every moment we had. I got caught up in all my own bullshit about the device, about making you normal again, when what I should have been focusing on was just enjoying you, being with you. I'll never make that mistake again. Evan, I-"

"Stop!" Evan stumbled another step back. "Stop."

He was in the middle now between Elizabeth and I. His hands clutched tightly around the device. His eyes darted back and forth between me and Elizabeth frantically. Elizabeth reached out a hand for him, but he stepped away.

"Both of you, please... why... why are you doing this?" he put a hand to his head. "What you're saying is crazy. It's just a stupid box! What you're describing... it can't be real. Look!"

He pressed one of the buttons.


"Holy crap!" Evan's eyes went wide as he looked back and forth between the two of us. "It worked."

I looked down. I knew I wouldn't be able to tell what he had swapped, but I couldn't help but wonder. Everything seemed the same. I still had the same ridiculously sexy body, and I was still stuck wearing the dog's stupid skin tight jeans and low-cut top. I shifted my weight a little to adjust my dick. What had changed?

I looked over at Elizabeth. She was inspecting herself as well. She still had the same overly-perfect overly-sexual body that she had made for herself, with breasts the size of her head and an ass that went on for days. It occurred to me briefly that she probably wouldn't be able to slip in through that window now either.

She was still wearing nothing but the collar she had been wearing when she walked in. Sexy, but simple and designed to draw attention to her tits. She just fucking loved showing off her body. I was annoyed at myself that I almost envied her for what she was wearing. I had sort of gotten a little used to being naked, sure, but that didn't mean I wouldn't trade it away for even those clothes.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" cried Evan. "What have I done?"

"It's okay," I said, trying to sound calm and in control. "Whatever it is we can turn back. "

He looked down at the device in his shaking hands, scared, confused. He tried pressing the button again.


A look of relief washed over Evan's face.

"It's real Evan." I said. "I'm sorry. I know you don't want it to be. I know you wish this was all some kind of joke. But it's real."

"I just... I can't believe this. You're saying that everything... our whole relationship, is some kind of fabrication? Years of happy memories, all that time we spent together, the good times and the bad, all of it a lie?"

"Not a lie." I said. "Just not with her."

"No. Please, I need to hear it from Elizabeth."

"Evan... I... its true. I stole you. I thought I loved you and I couldn't have you, so I stole you. But then I fell in love with you for real. Our relationship may be founded on a lie, but my love for you isn't. Maybe this is for the best. You know the truth now. We can start all over, we can build a new set of memories together. We can find happiness together again for the first time. I can earn your love and we can be happy together."

"No! I won't believe it. This is some kind of trick. Elizabeth, baby... Come on." There was desperation in his voice. "When did we meet? What do I want out of life? What's the part of you I love the most?"

"Evan." Elizabeth shook her head. "I'm sorry..."

There was a long moment of silence as Evan tried and failed to cope with what he was hearing.

"Sociology." I said it quietly, but it almost seemed to echo in comparison to that deafening silence.


"Sociology." I repeated. "We met in Professor Hamilton's sociology class. We were in two seperate groups assigned two different group projects, but all of our group mates had ditched us and left us each to do the whole thing alone, and so we agreed to team up and help each other finish, even though there wasn't really any overlap between our assignments." I smiled. "We worked together on every group project possible thereafter."

"Huh?" He turned and looked scared.

"You want a kid." I continued "That's what you want out of life. I don't, and it was always a point of contention, but you always acquiesced because you were a gentleman. For all you say you want to go into academia, you know that's just because you don't feel any strong direction pulling you anywhere else. What you really want is to get married, have a kid, and to spend the rest of your life at home being as domestic as you possibly can."

He almost seemed to smile a little at the thought.

"And my eyes. Evan, you cheeseball. It's still my eyes. Throughout all of this, they're the one part of me that hasn't changed."

"How... how do you know all this?"

"Because she's not the girl you fell in love with. I am."

Evan looked back at Elizabeth, then back to me and then down at the device. He screamed. All of the heartbreak and frustration came breaking out of him like a thunderclap.

"I... I don't know what to do!" he cried out despondently. He turned to face Elizabeth. "Baby... In my head, my heart, I've always loved you. I'd do anything for you, you know that." he turned back to me. "So much of me says that I shouldn't care that the love isn't real, that I love her all the same. That even if she wasn't the girl I fell in love with, that I would still do anything for her, still sacrifice myself for that love. That I can find it in me to forgive her for everything she's done, to help make her a better person. Elizabeth," he turned back to her and looked deeply into her eyes. "I love you. You're a better person than you give yourself credit for. Never think that you're not worthy of my love. You tried to do the right thing and baby I... I'm so proud of you. You need to understand, baby, that that this doubt... knowing... thinking... that you're not the woman I remember... it doesn't diminish what I feel for you. It never will. I.. I love you so fucking much."

My heart dropped.

"Oh my god, Evan." Elizabeth's eyes were filled with hope. "Thank you."

"But..." he started to choke up "but if what you say is true. If you've inserted yourself into my memories... it means you're not the woman I spent all those nights growing closer with, falling in love with day by day." he was having difficulty speaking. "And no matter how close I feel to you, and how much I want to grow closer, how much I want you to be that woman... it means that there's somebody else out there who feels towards me the way I feel towards you. How can I turn my back on that person? How can I hurt them like that?"

"It's true." I said, wiping away a tear. "Since the moment we first met I've spent every day falling more and more in love with you. I'd face the worst the world has to offer just to be with you, Evan." I looked over at Elizabeth. "Sometimes I feel like I already have. I'm going to keep fighting for you, Evan, no matter what."

"Then how... how do you expect me to choose? Between the woman I love and the memories of the woman I fell in love with? You want me to betray the person I care for more than anything. How can you ask that? How can I do that?"

"I know... it's hard. But listen to me... look, you've always said you love my eyes. Evan... my eyes were the one thing that's never changed. Throughout all of this, they're the one thing that survived. I know you won't recognize them, but they're the proof that I'm still the girl you fell in love with. The girl you were happy with." My tears were flowing freely now. "Yes, you love Elizabeth, and I hate it, I hate her for it. I hate that you have to make this choice. But you wouldn't be you - you wouldn't be the man that I fell in love with - if you didn't always try to do what's best. If you didn't know deep in your heart what you needed to do, even when it's hard. Even when it hurts. I love you, Evan. I know you'll do the right thing."

He looked deeply into my eyes and smiled for just for a moment, as if reliving a happy memory.

"Elizabeth..." He turned to face her. "Baby... I'm sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry." And then he took a step towards me, holding out the device. I took it.

"No..." Elizabeth broke.

She put her hands on her head and fell to her knees. The look of agony on her face was a grim reflection of my own heart. As sick as it was, I actually felt bad for her. I was expecting this sense of victory... This girl had hurt me, brought me so low, betrayed me. Now she was getting exactly what she deserved. I should have felt great, but I didn't.

The love of her life just spurned her. He had just betrayed her for her best friend, when all she had been trying to do, in her own mind at least, was the right thing. I didn't feel sorry for her. I hated her too much for that. But in that moment, I knew her pain.

"Evan..." I gripped the device tightly in my hand as I pulled Evan in and held him as closely as I could. I was never going to let him go again.

"Evan... I'm so sorry for what I've done. I should never have let any of this happen."

"Shhh..." he said, brushing the hair from my eyes. "I still don't know the full extent of what's been going on... but it'll be okay. I promise."

The blood was pumping through me so hard I almost didn't hear Elizabeth rise to her feet.

"Fine." she laughed. It was a harrowed empty laugh. "I tried to be good... I tried to do this right. And you threw it in my face... the both of you! I didn't want to do this. I wanted to fix things properly. I wanted to do the good thing, and look at what that got me! You want me to be a villain? Fine! I'll be a fucking villain!"

I pulled away from Evan just in time to fall out of the way of her blow. I could feel the air rush past as she moved. She was crazy, desperate, swinging herself with reckless abandon. I crashed into the ground as she staggered to recover.

I tried to bring the device around, tried to aim it at her before she had another chance to attack, but it was too late. She was too fast. I flinched as her body came flying towards me.

I expected pain as she landed on me and began beating me down but instead there was a crash. I looked up. Evan had put himself between us. His lips were bloody and Elizabeth had her fist pulled back, ready to land another blow.

But that blow never came. Her arm wavered as her cold expression was subsumed with regret.

"Evan, oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please... Evan..."

"Elizabeth, listen to me." he said, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you. I know its not real, but I do, and I... I care for you, damnit. I care for you so fucking much. So listen to me when I tell you that you're not a villain. No one wants you to be one. Look, you did the right thing here. It hurts, I know. I fucking hurt too. But this... don't you see? This is your chance to be that better person that you want to be. All you need is to care about yourself the way I care about you. To love the way I love you. You don't need me for that, you never have.

"Oh my god." She put her fingers on his bloody lip and fell limp in his arms. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." She shook and all the rage and hatred seemed to drain out of her until there was nothing left.

I staggered to my feet and grabbed the device. When their hug had finally ended, I approached, device at the ready, just waiting for Elizabeth to do something else desperate, something else stupid.

"What... what are you going to do with me?" she asked. It was so quiet I almost didn't hear it.

I took the device and pressed it against the flesh of her shoulder.

I could make her life miserable. I could swap away her arms and legs, and each of her senses in turn. I could swap her ability to speak with the dog, or make her go through life crawling like the worm she was. What was the worst thing I could do to her? What would hurt her more than anything? I frowned. Knowing her it would involve having small boobs. Maybe I could make her hideous? Trap her in some morbidly obese shell? But no, I wanted to find a punishment that was fitting and ironic and I wanted her to suffer.

In that moment I wished that I was more creative just so I could reach into those depths to pull up some punishment, anything, that would even remotely begin to express the hatred and resentment I felt towards this girl.

But, well, that wouldn't have changed anything, would it? No matter what I did to her, she'd still be her.

"What am I going to do with you?" I said it slowly, trying not to let my contempt for this woman take me over. "I should swap you into a brainless sex addicted idiot. But I've been that, and you know what? I have too much respect for brainless sex addicted idiots. No, Elizabeth, what you already are is worse than that." I let out a frustrated growl. "Elizabeth, you have no idea the things I want to do to you. All the things I should do. All the things you fucking deserve after all you've done!"

She flinched and trembled as I adjusted the dials.

"But right now? Right now, you crazy goddamn bitch, your not worth wasting my fucking time on. Right now, I'm taking back my life."



There was a sudden flash of warmth as I suddenly went from nude to clothed. It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket fresh from the dryer. I didn't care that they were dirty and covered in dog hair or that they didn't fit over Slut's prodigious ass or these crazy stupid tits, they were clothes. My clothes.