Handcuff Sister


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"Slower, little one," Maggie said with a softly condescending tone. "You don't want to wear yourself out."

"Ok," Catria said faintly.

She slowed her pace, rocking gentle and smooth. Maggie played with her tits for a bit, then turned back to the tv and ignored her once more.

That was how they spent the next little while. Maggie treating Catria with a general air of indifference that totally got her off, and Catria riding her sister while longing for some attention, despite being thoroughly turned on by the lack of it.

Even Laine's arrival didn't stop them. Catria slowed down, then stopped as her brother came in the front door. Maggie, however, gently slapped her thigh a few times.

"Did I tell you to stop?" Maggie asked.

Catria bit her lip, then shook her head.

"Then why did you?"

Catria squirmed and glanced toward the doorway, expecting Laine to turn up any moment, but then resumed rocking. Every grind of the dildo inside her was magnified all the more by the anticipation of her brother appearing in the doorway.

As expected, Laine stepped into the room moments later. He stopped short at the sight before him.

"Hey," Maggie said in totally normal voice. "How was work?"

"It was alright." Laine crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "Seems like you two have been having a good time."

Catria felt the heat in her cheeks. She didn't know where to look. She didn't want to meet either of her siblings' eyes, but she was also desperate to gauge what they were thinking.

She peeked at Laine frequently, since she already had a decent idea what was going on with Maggie. Laine was curious and at least kind of interested, but he also hadn't approached yet.

And there she was, grinding away like a horny, naked sister-slut.

She felt Laine's eyes on her even when she wasn't looking. The longer he stared, the more intense the anxious feeling in her tummy got, and the stronger the urge to pleasure herself became. It was all she could do to maintain her calm, casual rhythm and not start pounding her sister's lap.

"You can't have Cat right now," Maggie said to Laine. "We're busy."

"Yeah, don't worry. I figured that out," Laine said. "Do you have any plans for supper?"

Maggie ran a fingernail up the centre of Catria's tummy and chest, right between her breasts. "Somehow I didn't get around to it."

"What a surprise."

They were so nonchalant about the whole thing. Catria was going a bit crazy about how casually her brother and sister discussed what to eat while she was acting the slutty little nymph in their midst. She was so turned on she actually ached.

Catria came again just before Laine left. The conversation died abruptly as both Laine and Maggie watched her twitch and convulse uncontrollably.

Laine smirked and left the room without saying anything else.

"You are a shameless little exhibitionist, aren't you?" Maggie said.

Catria slowly shook her head. "No. It wouldn't be any fun without the shame."

Maggie laughed, clear and unrestrained. She pulled Catria in for a kiss, which nearly toppled her delicate balance. "God I love you."

Catria didn't know how to respond. She stayed quiet and red, and shifted her weight to get back to ideal position. She resumed rocking her hips like there'd been no interruption at all.

Supper was a welcome break. Catria was still horny and ready to go, but her legs were tired and threatening to give out on her. She was content to stop, at least for a while.

Her siblings didn't uncuff her to eat. Instead, they sat her in the middle of the couch, sandwiched between them, and took turns feeding her. It was kind of a babying experience, particularly when a bit of food missed the mark and she had to be wiped up.

Maggie kept Catria claimed the rest of the evening, and ended up taking her to bed as well. Catria was pretty worn out by bedtime, but she wasn't really made to exert herself anymore.

Somewhat surprisingly, once Catria lay down on Maggie's bed, her legs were gently pried open and Maggie settled down between them. Maggie kissed her pussy, then gave it a long lick before pausing to consider.

"You don't have to do that," Catria said softly, wanting to forestall any sense of obligation her sister might feel to do something she didn't really want to.

"I know," Maggie said. "I want to."

"Do you?"

Maggie kissed the inside of Catria's thigh. "I really do."

Catria nodded. "Ok."

Unlike before, there were no games being played, nor any real internal conflict on display. Maggie was a little hesitant and unsure at first, but she got into it. She licked Catria's pussy slowly, tenderly, and with all the sisterly love she possessed.

Catria was brought to the slowest, most luxurious orgasm of her life. It was so different from what she was used to. It was somehow unexciting in the best way possible. Nothing but constant, gentle licks over and over.

Catria was practically falling asleep once she came. She smiled wide and lazy at Maggie, and accepted a kiss tinged with her own flavour.

The sisters curled up naked together and drifted blissfully off to sleep.


Part Five: Revenge of the Sis


Laine was pretty used to coming home to a casually misclothed Cat. It barely even registered as odd anymore, though he still very much appreciated it when he took the time to look.

He was not, however, used to finding her sitting out on the back step with no bottoms, lazily fingering herself as though it was the most private place in the world.

"What are you, like, trying to seduce the neighbours now?" Laine asked after he'd parked and exited his car.

Cat smiled. "Nope. Don't worry, no one's watching."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Well... I don't, I s'pose. But someone would have to be awfully nosy to get a good look at me."

"They'd really just have to peek over the fence."

Cat shrugged. "And so far, no one has."

"That's not really a good argument."

"Ok, so assuming someone sees. So what?"


"Like, you know, what're they gonna do? Call the police because someone's masturbating on their own property?"

Laine shook his head wearily. "You know what, I can't even argue this right now."

He patted Cat's head and stepped past her to go inside. She leapt up and tagged right along after him.

"I try to be good, you know," Cat said.

"I don't know that I believe that, but sure."

"I do. I just get bored. There's nothing to do when you and Mags are both still at work."

Laine arched an eyebrow. "I think there's plenty to do if you really wanted to. Like, you know, hanging out with your friends."

"I just did that yesterday." Cat hesitated. "Or maybe the day before."



"Housework. Netflix. Reading a book. Mowing the lawn. Playing with yourself indoors like a normal person. Making supper."

"Ok, ok," Cat said, squirming under the barrage of suggestions. "So maybe I was horny and hoping someone'd be home soon."

"Ah. Yes. I thought it might be something more like that."

"And it worked! You're home now."

Laine stopped and studied his sister. She was practically bouncing with excitement.

"What did you do?" he asked.


"I mean, you're always horny, but not usually like this. Not to the point of playing with yourself outside for the extra thrill."

Cat clasped her hands behind her back and wiggled a little in what might have been an innocent pose, if not for her total below-the-waist nudity. Bare pussy really limited a good-little-girl act's effectiveness.

"So..." Cat said, "I mighta, like, wore my butt plug to school today."

Laine's cock twitched. "Did you indeed?"

"Mmhm. I had to take it out at lunch. It got kinda uncomfortable after a while." Cat flushed. "And a little messy."

"That'll happen."

"But I'm all showered and clean now...."

Laine folded his arms and glared with mock severity. "So all this time you were waiting, you were just hoping your lack of pants and your story about wearing your plug to school were gonna make me want to fuck around when I got home?"

"Well... yeah. Basically." Cat beamed angelic and hopeful. "Did it work?"

"Of course it did." Laine pulled her in and kissed her. His hand snuck around to her naked bum and gave it a firm squeeze.

Cat melted into his arms. She returned his kiss passionately while sticking her butt out for more groping.

"Wearing my plug was so fun," Cat said as she nuzzled Laine's neck. "I felt it every time I sat down, and I sometimes couldn't help just, like, grinding around in my seat."

"You didn't play with yourself at school, did you?"

"I might have." She put her mouth to his ear. "My panties were so wet by the time I took my plug out," she whispered. "I took them off for the rest of the day."

Laine scooped Cat up in his arms, unable to wait any longer. She squealed and kicked in delight at being carried off to his bedroom for naughty times.

Laine tried to take his clothes off once they got to his room. Cat helped, which made the process take quite a lot longer than it should have. They eventually fell into bed together in mutual states of near-nudity. Their few remaining clothes came off as they wriggled around kissing and fondling one another.

"You really are horny today," Laine said. "Even for you."

"I warned you," Cat said.

"Yeah, you did."

Cat giggled as Laine kissed a line down her neck to her breasts. He nuzzled and sucked on her tits, then carried on downward.

Her legs spread wide for him as he made it to her pussy. He licked her wet slit, tasting her arousal. His baby sister was unquestionably in need of some play time.

Cat mewled happily and ran her fingers through Laine's hair while he gave her little pussy some loving attention. His fingers penetrated her easily, and he licked and fingered her to a nice, quick orgasm.

Laine lifted his head, chin wet from her juices. She grinned back through half-lidded eyes, still very much ready for more.

"So," he said, "you've been playing with your butt lately."

"Well you don't need to say it quite like that," Cat said.

"Why not? You have been, haven't you?" Laine kissed her inner thigh. "You've been a naughty little sister, playing with your butt so much."

He got exactly the reaction he expected. Cat flushed and bit her lip, while simultaneously spreading her legs subtly wider. He was starting to get the hang of how her deviant side operated.

"I thought you'd like it," she murmured.

"I do. But I don't believe for a second that you don't. Not after you bragged about your school adventures today."

Laine grabbed Cat's hips and rolled her onto her front. She shrieked and offered a token protest, wriggling in his grasp as he spread her ass cheeks.

A sharp smack on the butt settled her down, and a few more followed just for good measure. Her hips lifted a little more with each slap of his hand on her ass. She got her knees under her, but didn't move her top half. Laine gave her a final spank, then just sat and admired her wantonly raised bottom.

Laine had gotten better at using discarded shirts to tie Cat's arms back. Her cuffs weren't always handy, and besides the crude bondage had a certain charm all its own. It was less formal and effective as a restraint, but she loved it all the same.

Cat was getting all wiggly again by the time her arms were secured. She was stuck in her face down, ass up position, and clearly ready for some more fun.

Her butthole was right there, laid bare before Laine. He leaned down toward it and dragged his tongue along the cleft between her ass cheeks. Given her recent shower, it tasted mostly just like skin, with maybe just a hint of a fruity soap of some kind.

Cat giggled as he kept licking. "That's my ass, Laine."

"Yes, I know."

"You shouldn't lick it."

"Oh? And what should I do with it, exactly?"

That shut her up. A quick glance at her face revealed that she almost certainly had some ideas, but was reluctant to actually vocalize them.

Laine pressed a finger to Cat's tight hole. She gasped softly, but didn't protest.

"Would you rather I put a finger in?" Laine asked, gently circling her butthole.

"I don't know," she said in a soft whine. "Maybe."


Laine pressed a bit harder and felt her asshole nearly give way, but not quite. He probably could have done it with just his spit lubricating her, but that was unnecessary when he had some of the real stuff to use.

He felt Cat's eyes on him as he got out of bed long enough to grab his bottle of lube. It wasn't clear whether she was merely anticipating what was to come, or whether his naked, erect form was just that tantalizing to her.

He knew for sure that he liked seeing her all naked and tied up and patiently waiting. There was a time he wouldn't have admitted any more than that his baby sister was pretty cute. Nowadays he couldn't even pretend not to think she was adorable, the right amount of slutty, and just the sexiest little thing he could ever hope to have in his bed.

"You're staring," Cat accused.

"I am."

Her face had gone red. "Why?"

"Because you're beautiful. And in another timeline, I never would have seen it."

Cat squirmed. "All you can see is my butt."

"I can see more than that." Laine knelt being her and kissed her bottom where it was still warm from her spanking. "Though I do like your butt."

Cat squirmed some more, but she was fighting a grin.

Laine smeared some lube around her butthole, massaging the tight opening. He poked his finger in and out a few times, gradually transitioning into a slow finger-fuck. She was still pretty tight, but more accommodating that he recalled. Her self-training seemed to be paying off at least a little.

Two fingers went in almost as easy as one. Cat moaned softly at being doubly finger-fucked.

"You know what I really want to do?" Laine said.

"No," Cat said faintly.

"Yes you do. You've been expecting it. Possibly trying to tempt me into it, for all I can tell."

"Well it's been forever since you played with my butt the first time. And you still weren't, like...."

"Fucking it?"

Cat was bright crimson. She went quiet, but still held her ass up in the air.

"All you had to do was ask," Laine said.

"Why would I?" she mumbled. "You're the one who wants it."

"Don't try that game with me. I know better."

Laine thrust his fingers harder. Cat definitely seemed ready for him, and goddamn was he ready for her. He'd been wanting to try out her sweet little ass, but the time had never seemed quite right. Now that she was doing her whole 'passively begging for it but pretending she didn't care' thing, it was happening.

"So maybe I've thought about it," Cat admitted.

"You don't say."

"And maybe it'd be nice to know what it feels like."

"So what you're saying," Laine said slowly, "is you'd like your big brother to fuck you in the ass."

Cat tensed and arched her back even higher. Her eyes closed for a second, then opened all the brighter and wilder. "Please big brother. Please fuck my ass."

Laine grinned broadly. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Shut uuup," she whined. "Don't be mean."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

A few more thrusts of his fingers, then Laine pulled out. He grabbed the lube and got his hard, impatient cock all nice and slippery.

Cat watched with barely contained anticipation. Her eyes bounced from Laine's cock up to his face, then back again. Her hips were getting all wiggly by the time he was ready.

Laine grabbed Cat's ass to steady her, and she managed to restrain herself. She inhaled sharply as he pressed his cock to her butthole, then gasped aloud as he pushed it in.

He went gentle and slow, but still his cock disappeared inside Cat much faster than expected. Her ass accepted the intrusion like they'd been doing it for years.

"You really have been practicing, haven't you?" Laine said.

"Mmhm." Cat rocked back against him, eyelids fluttering in response to her anal impalement. "I told you I was."

"I guess I didn't realize how serious you were about it."

He fucked her a little harder, which in turn made her push back more firmly. If anything, Cat seemed less worried about going too fast and getting hurt than he was. But then, she knew her limits better than he did. Particularly if she'd been playing with her butt even more than he'd guessed.

Laine didn't fully let himself go. As prepared as Cat may have been, she was still new to anal. He did, however, allow his senses to be lost in the moment, and the sheer, amazing pleasure.

It was kind of insane that he was actually fucking his baby sister's ass. It was tight and warm, and so deliciously naughty. Even better, she seemed to be loving it just as much as he was.

Cat's eager writhing and rocking was one of the best parts. She was impaling her own ass almost as energetically he was, and only seemed to get more into it the longer they went.

"Does this really not hurt at all?" Laine asked.

Cat thought about it a moment. "A little, I guess," she said breathily.

"We can slow down if--"

"No," she said in a firm tone. "Keep going."

It was a bemusing request, but Laine was happy to abide by it. His sister's ass was addicting and compelling, and he really didn't want to stop. Besides, everything about her demeanor and expression screamed that, pain or no, she was fully enjoying herself.

Time slipped away. Laine gradually lost track of anything except for how amazing Cat made him feel, and how much he liked the little mewling noises she made when he fucked her just right.

Eventually, inevitably, Laine came hard in Cat's butt. His cock pulsed and spewed hot cum deep inside her. She let out an animalistic whine and kept rocking well after he'd finished and gone still.

He had to pull out, much to his sister's disappointment. He lay down next to her and reached a hand out to stroke her hair.

Cat, full of hope, stayed put for a moment after, then gave in and rolled to her side, then scooted right up next to him. He wrapped his arm around her as she nestled into his embrace.

"You came in my butt," she said.

Laine couldn't help smiling. "Yeah. I did."

"It was weird."

"Good weird?"

"Mmhm. Very nice. Weird, but in a sexy way."

"I'll have to do it again then."

"Yes," said Cat seriously. "You will."

Laine idly rubbed her arm up and down from elbow to shoulder. He was pretty happy that she wanted to do more butt stuff, and despite his post-orgasmic state, was kind of turned on by the idea. Naked cuddles probably contributed.

"Your graduation's coming up," he said.

"That's true."


Cat thought about it. "Yes and no. I'm kind of excited, but kind of nervous too. And I'm not sure I'm really happy about not going to school anymore."

"Really? I didn't think you liked it that much."

"I didn't. But, like, all the pressure's off now. I made it through grade twelve." Cat shrugged. "So I kinda wouldn't mind still going."

"That would be what post-secondary education is for."

"Yeah, but then there's pressure again. Plus my friends are all going to different schools, and I've partly just been enjoying school more lately because I haven't been seeing them as much."

Laine kissed her shoulder. "You've been spending too much time with me and Mags. You're allowed to hang out with your friends as much as you want. In fact, you should."

"Yeah, I guess."

Laine didn't know exactly what his sister was thinking. Her face was less readable than usual. He was quite certain, however, that she would never entertain the idea of going away to college, even if it wasn't too late for that this year.

"We could see about signing you up for the local college," Laine said. "You must know some people going there."


"Or not. Just a thought."
