Happy Ladies Book 01


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"The Sybian," Cynthia said. "I'd say have enough space for three."

"Oh yes, can't forget that," Dorothy said. "And then we'll hand that list to the design department at Derek's company and they'll work out the details. We'll then review their plans and decide if we want to make any changes; once we approve the plans the blueprints will be made."

"Showers," I said. "We need a shower area."

"Of course," Dorothy said. "You're getting all this, right Nicole?"

"Yes," Nicole said.

"We should be able to send the list for the temporary rooster house to Derek's design team today," Dorothy said. "Any other areas the TRH, let's call it that for now, should have?"

"How many private rooms?" Donna said.

"Good question," Dorothy said. "What does everyone think?"

"Seems like a lot of the rooms in the back could be split in half or, possibly, thirds," I said. "We'd probably end up with more than twenty. And those could be permanent."

"We're going to use some of those for offices," Dorothy said. "But I think you're right that we can make most of them permanent private rooms."

"What about lockers?" Samantha said. "So everybody's stuff doesn't get strewn around."

"Good," Dorothy said. "We can put those next to the shower area."

"What about a hot tub, spa, whatever you call them?" Patricia said.

"And a cam room for the exhibitionists among us," Cynthia said. "With a live feed to the Internet."

"Excellent," Dorothy said. "We're doing great here."

There was a long period as we sat waiting for someone to speak.

"I guess that's it then," Dorothy said. "We'll get this list to Derek's design team. And if anyone has any other ideas just let me know. Now for the restaurant."

"Is it really going to be a full-scale restaurant?" Anne said.

"Probably more of a café, I guess," Dorothy said. "Light meals, sandwiches, usual beverages, no alcohol, more of a place where people hang out than go to dinner."

"Are we going to run this place?" Charlotte said. "Food service is complicated."

"I have a manager in mind," Dorothy said. "And if she doesn't meet with the board's approval we'll find someone else. But whatever the case we'll find someone experienced to take care of the café."

"What's the café's name?" Samantha said.

"We have to think of one," Dorothy said.

"How about Happy Lady's Café?" Donna said.

Several of us made faces.

"The Red Rooster Café?" Cynthia said.

"That's not too bad," I said. "I don't get why the rooster's red, though."

"It's from a blues song," Cynthia said.

"Oh," I said.

"The Rooster House?" Charlotte said.

"I remember we had a restaurant where I grew up called Chanticleer," Nicole said. We all looked at her in surprise; she hardly ever spoke. "I called it the rooster place because there was a big statue of a crowing rooster on the roof. I loved going there."

"And now you love going to another rooster place," Cynthia said.

"Yes," Nicole said. "But this one's a bit different."

"I like it," Charlotte said. "Complete with the rooster on the roof. We could tell people to just go to the rooster place."

"I like it too," I said. "But what does chanticleer mean?"

"It's from some old story, I think," Nicole said. "Chanticleer was the rooster's name."

"Chanticleer," Dorothy said. "It does have a nice ring to it. What do you think ladies?"

A motion was made and carried. Our restaurant was now called Chanticleer.

"I'll have to talk to Derek about getting us a rooster statue," Dorothy said.

"I thought of a couple of things for the list of areas in the TRH," I said, "a room where women can borrow toys. We could have a selection of dildos, battery powered toys, and plug in toys. And we should have outlets along the walls of the orgy rooms so women can plug in toys."

"I like it," Dorothy said. "Nicole, did you get that?"

"Yes," Nicole said.

"We need some double headed dildos," Patricia said.

"And a toy washer," Anne said. "I don't want to have to wonder where a toy has been."

"I was thinking we'd have an attendant," I said. "She'd keep track of who has what, wash and sanitize each toy when it's returned, and replace the ones that get broken."

"We could call it the Toy Box," Cynthia said. There was some laughter.

"Works for me," Dorothy said. "Anything else?"

There wasn't and the meeting was adjourned.

I missed the seventh party too. But again the reports were good. Ellie and I went out to lunch together during the week and I filled her in on what we'd discussed at the board meeting while she told me about some of what happened at the party.

"We're getting more newbies than regulars now," Ellie said. "But it seems to be working out. For one thing the roosters aren't stretched quite as thin."

"They don't all stay huddled in the living room?" I said.

"No," Ellie said. "We have as many regulars as are willing get naked. Dorothy does the greeting naked now. And the newbies seeing Janet naked seems to really help. So by the time the roosters come out about half of them are ready to participate."

"Good," I said.

"We've negotiated a lease purchase contract," Dorothy said, opening the board meeting. "You'll find a copy of the paperwork in front of you. We currently have the funds to carry the lease for eight months without any new income. We will, however, have new income. Plus we have backers who have pledged to make up the difference if need be. We also have backers who are willing to pay the cost of remodeling. I'll give you some time to read the contract and the other paperwork."

For the next hour we slogged through the pages of legalese, occasionally asking questions.

"It looks good to me," Charlotte said finally. "It is a better deal than I'd anticipated. It's still a gamble but we've got all the angles covered as much as possible. If we're even half as successful as it looks like we'll be we'll do fine."

"I'll go with your recommendation, Charlotte," Anne said. "Most of it was gobblygook to me."

"Let's have a vote," Dorothy said.

A motion was made and, after a deep collective breath, we all raised our hands in support of accepting the deal. The next twenty minutes were spent signing paperwork.

We felt sobered by the responsibility we'd just taken on but excited by the possibilities that were opening up.

"The closing will be Tuesday," Dorothy said, gathering up the papers. She put them at her place at the head of the table and picked up another stack. "This will be more fun," she said. "These are the plans for the temporary rooster house."

"Wow," Anne said, after Dorothy had passed them out, "this is so cool."

"Yeah," I said, "they got everything and I really like how it's arranged."

"I agree," Cynthia said. "The social area is in the center so you can either go to a private room or the orgy area. And I like how some of the showers are open and others are enclosed."

"And there are twenty four private rooms," Donna said. "That should be enough."

"I like the offices," Charlotte said. "We didn't think of having a conference area but they put one in."

"Does anyone see anything that needs to be changed?" Dorothy said.

We looked at the plans for another fifteen minutes but none of us saw any problems.

"Well," Dorothy said, "these are temporary so we can make changes if we need to when we start putting the permanent rooms in. Are we in agreement that we want to go ahead with this plan?"

A motion was made and carried.

"Derek told me something that kind of blew my mind," Dorothy said. "I don't know if we'll really want to do this or not. But he said that he could split the main room into two stories so we'd have double the area."

"Holy shit," Cynthia said. "That's a lot of space."

"Yeah," Dorothy said. "It is. I told him I didn't think we'd need that much room and he said that what he'd do is build everything on the first floor as if a second floor was going in so that if we decide in the future to add a second floor it could be easily done."

"That sound great," I said. "It's nice to know that we'll have that option if we need it."

"Can you imagine what that place would be like if we did need the second floor?" Charlotte said. "We'd have to have hundreds of roosters at the very least."

"Doesn't seem too likely," Anne said. "We've got twenty two now and I can barely keep track of them."

"You never know," Dorothy said. "Only time will tell."

A short time later the meeting was adjourned.

Dorothy emailed us on Tuesday to let us know that the closing had gone off without a hitch. At the same time she said that Derek and his crew would start building the TRH on Wednesday morning.

A couple of days later Barb sent out a newsletter to all members describing the progress we were making. She wrote that the first remodeling project that Derek and his crew were tackling in the new building was to create office spaces for the club officers and the staffers.

I went down on Saturday and saw that they'd already torn out some of the walls between rooms in the warren area and created a large open space. Several crew members were just beginning to rough in the permanent walls.

"You need a hard hat, Melissa," Derek said, walking up behind me. He handed me the hard hat he had in his hand. "Well, what do you think?" He said as I put on the hat.

"Doesn't look like much now," I said. "But I can see the possibilities. Dorothy said you could put two floors in out there."

"Yup," Derek said, leading me out of the warren and into the echoing expanse of the main room. His crew had cleared away all the loose debris and swept up the dust and dirt so it was even more of an echo chamber than before. "Those are thirty foot walls," he said, pointing, his voice booming. "So we'll be able to have almost fifteen foot ceilings in some rooms although we'll probably bring most of them down to eight or nine feet. I could even put in three stories but it would feel cramped and it would be more space than we need."

"Two stories will be plenty," I said, looking into his warm brown eyes.

"This place used to be filled with machinery," Derek said, "with iron walkways all around the perimeter; all that was taken out about twenty years ago and scrapped. A couple of other businesses have been in here since but nothing stuck."

"And now it's going to be a sex palace," I said.

Derek laughed. "Yeah," he said.

"I just had an idea," I said.

Derek looked at me. I had the feeling he was following the drift of my thoughts. "And what would that be?" He said.

"We need to christen this place," I said. "Have sex in the future sex palace."

"Right now?" He said.

"No," I said, laughing. "Tonight, after your crew is gone?"

"I'm a rooster tonight," Derek said. "Or I'm going to try to be. Putting in a full day's work tends to slow me down."

"Oh yeah," I said. I was definitely getting out of the habit of going to parties. "Tomorrow then?"

"Okay," he said. "I'll sleep in so I'll be rested up." He smiled. "Let's say around three o'clock tomorrow afternoon?"

"Great," I said, kissing him. He walked me to the front door, took the hard hat off my head, and we kissed again.

I arrived a little early the next day only to discover that he'd arrived earlier. The door was unlocked so I pushed it open, walked in, and then made sure it was locked after I'd closed it. He was sitting, naked, on some kind of platform in the middle of the room. As I moved closer I could see that he'd laid out an unzipped sleeping bag to cover a foam rubber pad. He stood up when he heard my footsteps.

"What if I'd been a building inspector?" I said; "or one of your crew?" I pulled my t-shirt over my head.

"Then I would have been caught bare assed," he said, "wouldn't be the first time."

I took off my sandals and shucked my shorts. "You're really a romantic at heart, aren't you?" I said, gesturing at the candles at all four corners, the three bottles of champagne, and the two flutes standing next to the bottles.

"I am," he said, "in my way. If I were a real romantic though I would have brought in a brass bed with silken sheets strewn with rose petals. And hired a string quartet to play in the corner."

"That sounds like poetry," I said, sitting down on the sleeping bag.

"I'll leave the poetry to George," he said. "Would you like some champagne?"

"Sure," I said.

He popped the cork, shooting it out onto the open floor, and poured the wine.

"This is romantic enough for me," I said as he handed me one of the flutes. "I'm pretty down to earth, for the most part."

He picked up the other flute and sat down next to me. "To a palace filled with beautiful sex," he said. "And many many many very happy ladies."

"I'll drink to that," I said. Our glasses rang as we touched them together.

"I brought the candles so we'll have light if this little rendezvous lasts until after dark," he said. "And one of the bottles of champagne is to be used for christening."

"It just might last that long," I said. "I'm in the mood."

"And after last night slow is good," he said.

"Oh yes," I said. "How did things go last night?"

"Pretty much the same as usual," he said. "I was fucked by a bunch of women."

"Poor boy," I said.

"That's more or less it," he said. "Most of the new women seem to really like what you ladies are doing. It's too much for some of them; they'll either adjust or never come back. But I don't think you'll ever lack for membership. There are too many women who long for the freedom to openly explore their sexuality in a safe environment."

"You sound like Dorothy," I said.

He chuckled. "I'm not surprised," he said. "Most of our pillow talk consists of discussions about the right of a woman to be a sexual being in whatever way she chooses."

"What about you, Derek," I said. "How do you feel?"

He looked at me with those warm brown eyes. "Ah Melissa," he said. "I haven't had an easy life. I've worked hard since I was twelve. I got lucky when I met xxx, Dorothy's husband; without his help and advice I wouldn't have made it as far as I did in the construction business. So part of this is for him." He paused, sipping from his glass. "He adored Dorothy. He used to call her his wildcat. I didn't know what he meant back then but now I do. And I adore her too. So part of this is for her. But mostly it's for me. For most of my life I haven't made time for pleasure. And a lot of the work I did was for people I didn't respect. Many of them saw me as only a tool. So with this project I can experience pleasure in a way I never have before as well as use my knowledge and skills to create something very special for people I care for and who care for me."

"Oh Derek," I said. I put my soft white hand on his calloused brown one.

"I think of this," he said, raising his other hand to include the building, "as my true legacy. It's going to have my heart and soul in it when it's done."

Tears started in my eyes.

"More champagne?" Derek said, turning away.

"Sure," I said.

We didn't speak for awhile after he'd handed me my glass.

"Well," I said, finally. "Why don't we get started with this christening." I set my glass on the floor beside the pallet.

"Good idea," he said, setting his glass beside it.

I stretched out and he stretched out beside me, taking me into his arms. His lips melted against mine. I could feel the hair on his chest brushing against my breasts. He was gently running his rough hands over my body.

Neither of us felt any sense of urgency. We were like two people on a raft in the middle of an ocean with nothing but time. As I savored the soft sweet heat of his lips on mine and the provocative probing of his tongue I reflected on the man that he'd revealed to me. I'd always thought of him as 'Dorothy's friend' and as 'the construction guy' but now I was looking deeper. I was seeing a passionate man who longed to pour his essence into a project he truly believed in. I ran my hands over his back, feeling the ropes of muscle.

"Ah Melissa, Melissa," he said, pulling away slightly. "Sweet Melissa." He put his left thumb against my cheek. "Thank you for listening to an old man's crazy talk."

"It wasn't crazy, Derek," I said. "I thought it was inspiring. And you're not old."

"A lot older than you are," Derek said.

"But young where it counts," I said, "in your head and your heart."

"But maybe not my cock?" he said.

I found his cock with my hand. It was hard. "It feels plenty young enough," I said. "Put it in me." I spread my legs and he got between them. A moment later I felt my vagina expanding around him.

"Oh God," he said, leaning on his arms looking down at me. "There's nothing else like this, is there?"

"No," I said, running my hands over his buttocks. "You feel so good inside me, filling me up."

He slowly withdrew and then slid back in. "I love giving a woman pleasure," he said; "seeing it in her eyes, watching her face and chest flush."

"Hmmm," I said, looking down at my chest.

He began moving in and out. I lifted my legs to give him better access and felt him go deeper. After a few more strokes he stopped and then pulled out. My vagina felt abandoned. He held my legs in position and began to kiss my thighs, light tender kisses that moved ever so slowly towards the center. Then his tongue flickered softly across my clit and down between my labia. Suddenly his tongue was burrowing into me.

"Oh God," I said.

His mouth was making wet sounds as he used it to stimulate as much of my pussy as possible. He was shaking his head from side to side, sliding his full lips over my sensitive surfaces. He pulled his tongue out of me and zeroed in on my clit, sucking on it and then teasing it with his tongue. I came. But he didn't stop. I came again.

He turned me over on my side, lifted my left leg, straddled the other, and slid his cock into me.

"Fuck me," I said. "God yes."

He place a balled-up fist on either side of me and began to thrust in earnest. I looked up to see that his eyes were closed in concentration. His belly smacked against my thigh.

"Goddamn," he said. "It feels so good."

"Fuck me, Derek," I said.

He was thrusting faster. Making little grunting sounds. I sensed he was close to coming.

"Give it to me, baby," I said. "Come inside me."

"Ohhhh," he said, clenching his buttocks.

I felt the spasms and the sudden sensation of him filling me.

He shivered, relaxed, and then a minute or so later stretched out beside me.

"Well we've completed one part of the christening," Derek said, pulling me close. I laid my head on his chest. "We mixed your juice and my jizm in an orgasmic communion."

"I love the sound of that," I said.

"I loved the reality of feeling it happen," he said.

"So did I," I said.

I ran my fingers through the hair on his chest. It took me several minutes to realize that he'd dozed off. I lay there in a daze of contentment, watching the sunlight fade from the high windows. Sometime later I dozed off too.

I awoke to feel Derek gently trying to extricate himself from my embrace. I watched sleepily as he fumbled through his clothes in the half darkness and then went to the closest candle. A flame flared and I saw he was holding a lighter. He touched the flame to the candle wick and it bloomed with golden radiance. He looked like some native nomad tending his fire, his cock and balls hanging. His huge shadow swept the far walls as he moved to the next candle.

"You're awake," he said, snuggling up against me from behind after all the candles were lit.

"Sort of," I said.

"We probably should get going pretty soon," he said.

"I still have to do the non-orgasmic christening," I said.

"Yes," he said. He cupped my left breast with his calloused hand.

We lay there for a long time enjoying each other's presence. I contemplated the primitive beauty of the candle flame. Finally I pulled away from his comforting warmth, got up on my knees, and picked up the remaining bottle of champagne. "Let's see," I said. "What's the right way to do this?"
