Hero's Lament Ch. 01


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He could see the imprint from where Kevin had grabbed her. "What was that about?"

"He was a mistake from my past. He wanted to rekindle something we never had in the first place and didn't want to take no for an answer."

"You okay?"

Nancy nodded with gratitude, thanked her boss again, and returned to her duties. It just wasn't her night, she thought; first the letter from the court and now Kevin...what next?

She didn't tell Tyler about the run-in with his nemesis. She wasn't sure what he'd do and didn't want him going after the jackass again. She just hoped she'd seen the last of him.

For the next month or so, things ran fairly smooth; then came the holidays. Tyler hadn't any plans for Thanksgiving. His folks lived half way across the country and Nancy was taking the kids to her parent's house. He wasn't much of a football fan but there was a British murder mystery marathon on PBS...hey, he told himself, it was better than nothing. He had also bought a turkey TV dinner for the occasion.

When Tyler returned the kids that prior weekend Nancy was waiting at the door. She braved the cold and ran out to the car with her arms wrapped around her body for warmth. She didn't want to take a chance of him driving off before she could talk to him.

When he saw her coming he rolled down the window of the car as the kids got out and ran into the house.

"Tyler, could you come in for just a minute. I wanted to ask you something but it's freezing out here," Nancy said between chattering teeth.

He followed her inside. The kids had already run up to their rooms to unpack. Nancy was hoping they'd still be downstairs. If she couldn't convince him she knew they could.

"Tyler, do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?"

"Ah, no-not really; I was thinking of driving up to my folks but I can't get Friday off and it's too far to make that round trip in one day."

"Well, my mom and dad wanted me to invite you to have dinner with us. They haven't seen you since..." she stopped. She didn't even want to think about that terrible day..."well, in a long time." She was hoping he'd accept. She still hadn't given up on getting him back and was praying a family holiday dinner might start him thinking.

He hesitated while thinking it over. It would sure be nice to spend the day with everyone. He wasn't really looking forward to being alone on Thanksgiving, but... but he didn't want to give anyone false hope or the idea that he and Nancy were somehow still a couple. Except for the kids, he had to separate himself from his former life. He needed to make a new start. He was about to decline when a high pitched, young voice altered his decision.

"Oh please, daddy, can you? Can you come with us to grandma and grandpa's?" LeAnn overheard her mother from the top of the stairs and was excited over the prospect of her dad joining them. She ran down the stairs and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I ah," he looked at his ex for help but she also had pleading eyes. "Are you sure it won't feel awkward for your folks? I don't want to spoil everyone's holiday."

"Don't be silly, Tyler, they miss you. They asked me to be sure to invite you," Nancy explained.

"Well, I...I guess it would okay," he relented.

"Yea," LeAnn called out while hugging her daddy.

Nancy was correct. Her parents welcomed Tyler as if he was their long-lost son. They fussed over him and made sure he had a second helping of turkey and dressing. It took a while but he finally started to relax and enjoy himself.

As he returned to his empty apartment that night, he poured himself a drink and sank down into one of the few items he took from the house, his favorite lounge chair. He took a sip of scotch and thought about everything he was walking away from. For the umpteenth time he wondered if he was doing the right thing. A lonely tear trickled from the corner of his eye.

As it always does, life seemed to speed up a little after turkey day. The first major snowfall made a fitting backdrop for the colored lights, wreaths, and big candy canes that adorned the streetlights, and shop windows. The Christmas season was in full swing. Many considered it to be the happiest, most joyous time of the year, but for members of a newly broken family, it could be downright depressing.

On the night before Christmas Eve, Nancy didn't get home until almost one in the morning. Thank God some of the stores stayed open until midnight, she thought as she slumped down on the couch. She'd had a good night at the restaurant. The plant workers were in a holiday mood which translated into some pretty hefty tips.

A week earlier her folks had given her a little money to buy the kids presents but they weren't rich either and the little they could spare didn't go very far. Nancy knew how badly LeAnn and Chris felt already, knowing their dad wouldn't be there when they opened their gifts. She didn't want to compound it by not having any gifts for them to open, so as soon as the restaurant closed she high-tailed it to the mall across the street and spent every penny she earned that night.

She was dead on her feet but she wouldn't let it keep her from making sure everything was wrapped by morning. It was a little after three when she slid the last of the presents under the tree.

Exhausted as she was, she needed a drink before going to bed. She poured herself a glass of wine and wandered back out to the living room to relax on the couch for a few minutes. As she admired her wrapping skills she remembered back to the previous year.

After spending half the night wrapping the gifts, she and Tyler took a break on the very same couch she was sitting on. Nancy closed her eyes and remembered the tender touch of his lips against hers. She laid her head back with a little sigh and could almost feel his loving kisses caressing her neck and gently nipping at her nipples. Her breathing quickened as she set her glass down and laid back to imagine they were his fingers working their way into her panties. She could feel his hot breath against her skin as she slowly pushed her finger inside the moistening gates of heaven.

Oh Tyler, I need you so," she whispered. Desperately she fantasized, trying to convince herself it was him making love to her but it was no use. Her finger was a poor substitute for the man she loved. Tears flooded her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she gave up. She couldn't even get herself off.

Nancy sat back up and took a couple sips of wine as reality set back in. Her heart ached for her man. He always made her feel so special, like...like she was the only woman in the world; his love surrounded her, wrapping her in a warm, safe blanket.

It had been more than six months...six months since that terrible day and the pain hurt every bit as bad as it did then. I have to stop, she asserted. I have to stop torturing myself. She wiped away more tears and decided to call it a night. As Nancy laid her head on the pillow, again she silently called his name but there was no answer. Drop by drop, regret leaked from her eyes as she finally drifted to sleep.

The next two days were bitter-sweet. Nancy's dad and mom came over in the evening to join the festivities. On Christmas morning, Tyler picked up the kids and brought them to his apartment where they went through the ritual of opening presents for the second time. As excited as Chris and LeAnn were with all the great gifts, they both would have given everything they had to have their dad living with them again.

A week later, Nancy prepared some special treats and non-alcoholic eggnog. She and the kids would ring in the new year sitting in front of the TV, watching the Times Square ball drop, together. At the stroke of midnight her young man and darling daughter both hugged and kissed her before going up to bed. It wasn't hard to see behind their eyes and know what they were thinking. Nancy was thinking the same thing... another year...so what. What was there to look forward to?

Tyler had been invited to a New Year's Eve party, but try as his friends did, they just couldn't get him there. He simply told them it would be no fun without having someone to kiss at midnight. Instead, for the first time since forever, he stayed home and went to bed early—before eleven. He just wanted the damn holidays over with.

Both Tyler and Nancy got their wish. The holidays were depressing, especially for the kids, but they were finally over. By mid-January they were pretty much forgotten and replaced with the trials and tribulations of a cold Chicago winter.

Tyler was sitting in his office going over some reports when he heard his cell ring. That was unusual. During the day he rarely got any personal calls. He glanced at the clock on his desk as he dug the phone from his pocket and hit "connect" without looking at the display...

"DAD, DAD, LeAnn's been hit by a car," came his son's voice blubbering from the speaker.


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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 1 month ago

TrainerofBimbos once again proving they are Timriv's cock-cage wearing twin.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

The thing about guys like Tyler that I don't like is that they don't try, even though they have kids. It's not like his wife is trying to corner him, she's remorseful and wants to try and make amends to him and his kids want the family to stay together, but he's so afraid of being hurt in the future that he won't even make an attempt to see if it's possible to reconcile. I can respect someone who tries and then fails, finds out that they couldn't do it, because then they can look at their kids and say that they made an honest effort. But he didn't, he just ran away from the problem and he's miserable because of it. I know the BTB's will call me a cuck because of this, but I think that's cowardly behavior because if you have children, then you have a responsibility to at least make an attempt. I'm not saying you have to "stay together for the kids" but you need to make an honest attempt to reconcile. If it was me, I could never look my kids in the eye and tell them that I put my fear of being emotionally hurt ahead of their ongoing emotional pain. I couldn't justify it. Maybe that makes me stupid, but if I need to get smacked twice to get the message, then at least I can say I did it for a good reason.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I like how this story illustrates the utter selfishness of a cheating spouse. You're not just cheating and betraying your husband, you're betraying your kids. Sometimes in some of these stories, after the wife cheats, the husband will tell the kids that what goes on between him and their mother is none of their business, but nothing could be further from the truth. Of course it's their business, their family is destroyed, their world turned upside down.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman5 months ago

good, but 6 pages? maybe 4 would be enough.

WargamerWargamer7 months ago

Great story told in your inimitable style.

Scores 5/5

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 1 year ago

I fell asleep, is the chapter over?

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 1 year ago

I feel this is a good read. Thanks for your writing.

miket0422miket0422about 2 years ago

I've never understood these women who don't tell their husbands when another man does something inappropriate because "they didn't want to cause trouble"

My wife has done it twice. The first time was a male family member and she kept the secret for more than a decade before she finally told me. Said she didn't want to cause problems within the family member. I still ended up disowning him because this was part of a pattern with him and any woman I was involved with. He slept with the next one. If I had known about the previous incident I could have kept the next one from happening.

The second time was when we were hosting a party at our place. We ran out of beer early in the party and my wife ran to the store to get more. A male co-worker of hers volunteered to go with her. He took it upon himself to pull his cock out and when she stopped the vehicle at a red light he grabbed her hand and put it on his hard cock. She waited several weeks before she told me about that incident. When I asked why she didn't tell me when they got back from the store her answer was "she didn't want to ruin the party".

What is it that women don't understand about their man having the right and the obligation to defend their woman's honor when another man disrespects them like that???

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

No... Just no... The children come first... I'd stay married to Godzilla to keep my kids from heing unhappy... Once you have kids the next 20 years is theirs... Period... What you want is immaterial...


hicountryriderhicountryriderover 2 years ago

You are brilliant in a capsolating the pain such events as As you unfolded with your story.

You are truly one of the 10 best writers I've seen on literatica

I can't reemphasize my desire and support that you should Get Siri's thought to write in a novel.

SignedBTWSignedBTWover 2 years ago
People Need To Forget About

The mythical apple in the Garden of Eden. No apple in the Bible, no apple in the Garden, just no apple no how. If'n it did happen think more like a fig.

I understand Tyler's thoughts regarding Kevin's demise, I was faced with a similar but much worse betrayal. I was thinking about a much more lasting punishment for him, I just hadn't quite decided about wether the permanent use of crutches or a wheelchair were in his future. The disadvantage of the crutches would mean he would still have the use of his hands and elbows meaning he would still be able to feed himself. The wheelchair would allow those things to taken away. Then there was the issue of what to do about her. In the end I had to decline the offers of help to accomplish what I was contemplating. Rather I proceeded to expose them to her family, gain custody of my two little girls and be the best parent I could. If I had gone ahead with my plans and gotten caught I would have in effect made two girls well under the age of ten orphans.I

My point in to all of you big, bad, tough guys out the who are all 'I'd kill them!', Is unless you don't give a shit about the ones you claim to love you had damned well better think of the consequences before you act. So unless you have never faced a situation like Tyler and unless you are now or have served a prison sentence for doing it you are full of shit. Just shut the fuck up, you wouldn't do it, you know it and we know it.

Tyler isn't one of men who hems and haws when he has the cheating literally slap him in the face. He reacted in a heartbeat, no waiting months, no waiting years for the children to go to college, not this guy. Deal with the situation in the here and now is our Tyler's response and I love the guy for that. My only thing I disagree with him about would be when he came to the conclusion that that he would have still have tried to save Kevin's life if he had known that Kevin and Nancy were cheating. Fuck that, not one tear, I need my belt to hold my pants up, bleed you son of a bitch. Said in another way, in EMT speak, they would have written in their report FDOGRT! (Found Dead On Ground Right There!). *****'s All the way LTW. Signed: BTW

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