Hero's Lament Ch. 02


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"No, I didn't know. How is your daughter?"

"Yeah, she broke her wrist when she fell but she's going to be just fine. We're all so indebted to Susan..." he was starting to choke up and had to stop talking about it. "So," he said taking a deep breath, "where do we start?"

For the next hour Tyler just tagged along behind the real estate woman while she thoroughly inspected the house, taking notes here and there. She had a few questions but unfortunately Tyler couldn't answer them.

"That's okay," she told him with a smile, "they're not that important anyway."

When they were all done, Abby graciously thanked him and they parted in different directions. He was surprised to see her so soon after that when he stopped in to visit with Susan like he had for the last several days after work.


"Hi, Tyler; I still had a few questions so I thought I would take the opportunity to come and visit."

"She walked in just a couple minutes ago," Susan commented.

Tyler noticed her voice was stronger than in days past. She sounded more like her old self and he could see some of the swelling in her face had gone down. "You sound better today, Sue."

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little better too; not quite as weak as I was," she said with smile.

Just then two nurses entered the room.

"I'm sorry but we have to take care of some personal procedures," one of them said. "We'll need about half an hour then you can come back," she said while starting to pull the curtain closed around the bed.

Always the gentleman, Tyler asked Abby if he could buy her a cup of coffee in the cafeteria.

"So," Abby started the conversation as she stirred her coffee, "I was talking to Denise, the friend that Susan and I have in common and she was telling me about a guy named Tyler who saved the life of Susan's husband...was that you?"

Tyler really didn't want to be reminded of it. He took a sip of brew and restarted the conversation so it was more to his liking. "So-how long have you been selling real estate?"

Abby was a little taken aback by Tyler's obvious and abrupt change in subjects. Quickly her mind flashed back to several months ago when Denise told her about Susan's marital problems...the neighbor...oh, my gosh, she thought as she remembered the rest of the story and put two and two together. Embarrassed over the fact that she hadn't realized Tyler was, "that neighbor" until then, she tried to follow his transition as seamlessly as possible. "Ah, let's see, how long? Five years now."

For the first time, Tyler was actually starting to notice the woman across the table. She looked very prim and proper but even in her business suit he could see she had a great body. She wasn't bad looking either...red hair with green eyes, he was a sucker for green eyes. "How'd you get started?"

She chuckled. "That's kind of a funny story. I had to sell my house after my divorce. When Jean-that's who I work for; she was the agent at the time. When she brought over a prospective buyer I did more selling than she did. After the sale she offered me a job. That was a God-send because I had no idea what I was going to do for a living. She tutored me so I could pass the real estate test for my license and the rest is history, as they say. I've been working for her ever since."

"You like it?"

"Oh I love it. I don't think I could survive working in an office, seeing the same people and doing the same job day after day. This gets me out and around. I'm constantly meeting new people and today is never the same as yesterday," she said with a smile.

"So tell me the funniest thing that's happened to you so far."

"The funniest thing? Oh, gosh, there's been a few. I almost sold the wrong house once. And then there was the time a prospect and I walked in on a couple while they making love..."

"What?" Tyler broke in, "This I have to hear," he chuckled.

"They were supposed to be gone long before we got there," she said with a small laugh. "We walked in and there they were...both naked as J-birds...on the couch going at it."

Tyler noticed his storyteller blushing and thought it was cute. "So how come they were still there?"

"They had forgotten all about it."

"Both of them? How could they both forget?"

"I don't know," she said, shaking her head. "I made the appointment the week prior. I even called and left a message on the wife's cell phone earlier that day, but she never checked it."

"So what happened? Did you make the sale?"

"Believe it or not, I did," she said with a broad smile. "We both turned right around and hustled ourselves out of there as the owner said to give them ten minutes. This time we knocked before going back inside. By that time they were both dressed and said they were going to a motel and the house was all ours."

Abby took another sip of coffee and looked at Tyler with a grin. "They were the horniest couple I think I've ever seen...but I got'em their asking price for the house."

She was easy to talk to...personable. She had a bright smile and eyes to match. Tyler found himself enjoying a woman's company for the first time in months. Ah, but all good things must come to an end. He glanced at his watch and wondered where the time went—a sure sign that he was having fun.

"It's been forty-five minutes already," he told his female companion. "We better get back up there. I don't have much time. I'll run up just to say hi then I have to get going."

"Yeah," she replied. I can't stay too long either."

By the time they got back to the room, Susan was wondering where they were. They all three talked for a little while but Tyler had things to do and excused himself telling Susan he'd be back the next day, again.

After he left, Sue and Abby talked for a little while longer. Sue told her Denise, their mutual friend, had been in earlier in the day to visit.

"Yeah, I talked to her the other day," explained Abby. "She didn't know anything about the accident. She said she tried calling you and was starting to get worried because she'd left a couple of messages that you hadn't returned. Now that she knows, I'm sure you'll get lots of visitors. You know Denise; the news will be all over town in no time."

Both women laughed.

"She does like to talk," Susan confirmed. "So, you and Tyler were gone for quite a while. He's a nice guy isn't he."

"He seems to be, although I can see he's still hurting."

Susan knew Tyler well enough to know he wouldn't talk about his marital problems but Abby's comment didn't surprise her. "I figured Denise would have told you all about it by now. You know then. It was his wife that was sleeping with my ex-husband. He divorced her and I divorced Kevin."

Abby suddenly had a thought that was disheartening. "So...are you and him..."

"Oh no, never!" Susan said, already knowing what Abby was about to ask. "Not that I would mind; Tyler is one of the good guys...there's just way too much baggage for us to ever get together. I hope I never lose him as a friend though." Susan looked up at her visitor. "That doesn't mean you can't pursue him though. Like I said, he's one of the good guys."

"Mmm, I don't know. Like you said, he has a lot of baggage. When you're in sales you've got to be able to read people pretty good; he's still hurting—big time. His body language says he's building a wall around himself. I did that for a while after my divorce. You want to protect yourself so your little inner voice tells you not to let anyone get close ever again."

Her words hit home. "Yeah, I guess I'm guilty of that, myself," Sue admitted.

"I think everyone goes through it for a while after a divorce. I had numerous offers after my ex and I separated but I didn't start actually dating again until last year," Abby replied. "Hell, I know of one guy who built that wall so high and so thick, no one will ever penetrate it. It's sad but it happens."

The next day, Nancy was surprised to see a for-sale sign looming in the yard of her former friend. A tear rolled down her cheek as she pulled into her drive. She knew, of course, that they'd never be friends again but seeing her move away was yet another reminder of the life she had lost. She knew the kids were home so she sat in the car for a couple of minutes and dried her tears before facing them with a brave face like she had every day since losing Tyler.

For the next few months life just seemed to merge from one day into another. Nancy was still going to school during the day and working at the diner at night. Not a day went by that she didn't long for her ex and the life she once had. There seemed to be no end to her loneliness. She never looked toward the future because she saw none and it was depressing. Her one joy was her children but she saw so little of them now. The only thread to which she clung was the thought that someday Tyler would forgive her and return; they would be a family again. She could hold out and do her penance for as long as it took, but she needed to believe in the dream.

Tyler was still making his daily visits with Susan, although the venue had changed. She had been released from the hospital and was now residing in a rehabilitation center where they put her through rigorous and painful therapy three times a day. It was working though. She was walking with the aid of a single crutch and would soon be able toss it away.

Susan was deep in thought as she sat in the recreation room looking out the big window, watching the early summer rain. The insurance would pay for no more therapy. It was time to go home.

Abby had sold her house three weeks after putting it on the market, then found her a first floor apartment. She even helped move some of her furniture and put the rest in storage. The two had only met a few times before the accident but now had developed a deep and lasting friendship.

As the dull grey sky wept nature's tears, she wondered what life held instore. It was at that moment when she heard a familiar voice.

"What do say, beautiful; ready to get out of here?"

She turned to see Tyler's smiling face. He had volunteered to take her home. "Let's do it," she replied with a slight sigh.


"SURPRISE!" shouted everyone as Tyler held open the door for Susan to enter her new digs. Surprise was an understatement. In shock she looked around at the many faces of those who were truly glad to see her recovering. Among them were Chris and LeAnn. She was in tears as they both carefully hugged her in gratitude.

"You've got a couple of great kids there," Abby remarked as she strolled up, handing Tyler a beer.

He had talked to her a few times over the phone while making plans for the party but he hadn't seen her since that day in the hospital. "Yeah, thanks. They're my world."

"I hope you don't mind but I was talking with them while we were all waiting for you guys to arrive. Little LeAnn is smart as a whip and Chris seems so grown up for his age."

Tyler was almost glowing with pride as she went on.

"They both think the world of you, that's for sure."

Tyler watched with a big smile as his kids helped Susan into a chair. "I can't take all the credit," he said. "Nancy plays a big part in their lives as well. I never questioned her judgement when it came to the kids and she never questioned mine. We didn't have to; we always seemed to be in sync when it came to them."

A slight knowing smile curled the ends of Abby's lips as her eyes showed her disappointment. It was just as she thought. He still wasn't over his ex-wife, not by a long shot. "Well," she said with a tinge of sadness in her voice, "most of these people are from your old neighborhood. You probably haven't seen most of them in a while so I'll let you mingle and catch up."

Abby left his side and joined Denise, who was doting over their mutual friend.

Tyler looked around. He had given Abby the names of former neighbors for her list of invitations and she was right, there were several people he wanted to say hi to. Most of the conversations started out, "How are you doing, Tyler. I was so shocked when I heard about you and Nancy;" or, "heard about Nancy and Kevin." Each time he shrugged it off and changed the subject. They all caught the hint immediately and found other things to discuss.

All in all, it was nice to see some old friends. He hadn't even realized the time until Abby came over and told him Susan was getting tired and she was going to close things down. He volunteered to stay and help with the clean-up but she insisted he spend some time with his kids and promised she and Denise would make sure everything was spotless before leaving.

As it turned out, after everyone left, Susan realized she wasn't as tired as she thought and even pitched in with as much of the clean up as she could. When they were all done the three sat down over coffee.

"So that's the famous Tyler I've heard so much about? He seems like a nice guy," Denise remarked.

"The famous Tyler?" Susan questioned.

"Yeah, well as far is Abby's concerned...right?" she said looking at Susan's newest best friend.

"I ah, I think he's nice, that's all."

"That's all, my ass," scoffed Denise. "You'd spread your legs for him so fast it would cause wind shear."

"I think that's overstating it a bit," Abby countered, sticking up for her virtue. "Besides, I think he's having second thoughts about his divorce. He still talks about his wife, and not in a negative way. Earlier he was telling me how good she was with the kids. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't wind up going back to her."

"Oh you don't know him as well as you think you do," responded Susan, and it's his EX-wife," she said, correcting Abby. "He'll never reconcile with that bitch, especially if I have anything to say about it."

Both ladies were a little surprised at Susan's comment.

Denise had to play devil's advocate. "It takes two to tango, Susan. Kevin's as much to blame as the woman."

"I don't care. She was supposed to be my friend. Friends don't steal husbands. She should have come to me as soon as she knew what Kevin was up to. That's what friends do." She looked at the expressions around the table. "Oh I know-of course it was Kevin's fault just as much if not more, it's...I don't know. Every time I think of her and him over there going at it, I..."

She let her words hang as she took a deep sigh. "It...well it just wouldn't be fair. Kevin and I are through for good. If he goes back to her it...it's just not fair, that's all."

"So how long before you'll be able to walk without the crutch?" asked Denise, changing the subject with all the subtlety of a freight train.

The three talked a little longer, then before leaving, Denise and Abby made certain that Susan had nothing more to do for the night other than relax and go to bed.

Over the next couple of weeks both Tyler and Abby stopped in periodically to check on Susan but never at the same time, until...

"Are you following me?" joked Abby when he pulled into the parking lot right behind her.

He was smiling as he exited his car. "I can think of worse ways to spend my time."

"Oh really; that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me...I think," she replied, ferruling her brow in mock concern.

During their visit, Abby noticed something different about him. He seemed happier, more at ease. After he left he remained the topic of conversation.

Susan, who was now off the crutches and walking with only a slight limp, poured more coffee for the two of them. "So-when?" she asked.

"When what?"

"When are going to make the first move? You know he won't do it, it's going to be up to you."

"I doubt that I'll get the chance. Did you notice how happy he was? I have a strong suspicion he's decided to get back together with his ex."

"No, no way, Abby; I can't believe he'd go back to her. You didn't see the hurt in his eyes when he found out; he damn near killed Kevin."

"Yeah, I know...and I really do like him but..."

"But nothing," interjected Sue. "Maybe he's happy because he realizes it's time to get on with his life."

Abby took a sip from her cup while she thought about it. "Possibly, but even if that's true I still don't know if he's ready for another relationship yet. I don't have to tell you how much betrayal like that hurts. Hell, all three of us have been there. The pain follows you for a long time."

"Listen, girl, you think you're the only one interested in him? If you don't at least throw your hat into the ring you're going to be left out in the cold when he does decide to start dating...besides, I could tell just by the way he was looking at you today that he's interested. I'm telling you, Abby, you need to make a move—what's the worst that can happen?"

Abby didn't want to offend her friend but she had to ask. "Sue, I don't want to make you angry and I know how this is going to sound, but...well, you're pushing kind of hard. Are you trying to get us together just so he won't go back to his wife?"

Susan knew it was a fair question. "I...I'll admit, in the beginning—yes. I just couldn't stomach the thought of them reconciling and I thought by getting you two together I'd be able to stop it from happening."

She looked at Abby with sincerity. "But that's not the case anymore. Over the last few months I've gotten to know you both, much better. You guys can't see it yet but I telling you, you're made for each other. I truly believe you two are meant to grow old together."

"Alright," conceded Abby. "I suppose I could be in the neighborhood next week. I guess I could give him a call to see about having lunch together."

For the next few days Susan's words haunted Abby. She really did like Tyler but something kept holding her back from making that first move...fear; but the more she thought about it the more she realized it wasn't his baggage she was worried about, it was her own.

Finding out about her husband's infidelity was the most heartbreaking thing she'd ever gone through. Although she now dated from time to time she never went out with anyone who was a candidate for any kind of real relationship. They were all nothing more than pussy hounds and she knew it. Hell it was the reason she went out with them.

Tyler was different. In spite of the limited contact they'd had with each other she had already developed strong feelings. It would be real easy to fall in love with him. Was she ready for that? Was he? How would she be able to handle his rejection if he wasn't? All good questions; so much so that they followed her to bed and repeated themselves over and over throughout the night. It was a little before dawn before she decided there was only one way she would find the answers.

"Tyler, Miss Smorek's on line one," called Charlene through the doorway of his office.

"Hi, Abby, what's up?"

He was obviously in a good mood again. She could almost hear him smiling through the phone. "Hi, Tyler; I, ah...I'm going to be in your area today and I—well I just wondered if you'd like to have lunch."

"Sure, where and when?"

Well, she thought; that was easy. "There's a nice little restaurant not far from you called Plato's Place...

"I know it well," he said before she could go any further.

"Good," replied Abby. "How about twelve thirty."

"Plato's at twelve thirty, you're on."

Plato's was a little more upscale than the usual luncheon restaurant. Even during the day the lights were turned down for just a hint of intimacy. Abby was a little early so a brief scan of the place while the hostess grabbed the menus told her she beat him there. "Ah, do you have something a little secluded?" she asked.

The hostess gave her a small smile. "Sure, come right this way."

When Tyler came in a few minutes later he spotted her at a small table for two in the corner, next to a window. She gestured to him just as he started in her direction.