All Comments on 'HIMYM Ch. 01: Couples Stamina'

by funsies85

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

To be continued?? When?? Write more. You write great blowjob scenes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Lily can suck!

I’d love to watch Lily sucking a cock!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Disappointed that this never got continued. Despite my reservations at the idea of Ted and Robin being together or anything of the sort, it was really good.

How I Met Your Mother..oh yes the show with that god awful ending and with the most annoying character. Despite how it ended and how undeserving he is, its no secret we miss out the relationship of Ted Mosby and the Mother, the beautiful and sexy Tracy McConnell. We miss out the sexual adventures between those two soulmates. It's not fair! Then we get stuck with that stupid ending and Ted gets back together with Robin! Disgraceful!

Anyway how about something different? How about some good old fashioned breast expansion HIMYM style. An idea for story is that Ted and Tracy tried to find ways to spice up their sex life and Tracy finding a jar of cream that is mistaken for something but ends up accidently enhancing her chest. And things escalate from there.

Or one where Tracy goes to a spa for a spa treatment or something, but also accidentally gets breasts implants with expansion cream treatment. This one came from an idea when Tracy told Ted she was pregnant which Barney mistook the news as Tracy getting a boob job.

Or one where Tracy buys experimental moisturizer cream which she mistook for skin cream but when she rubs some cream on her chest, it causes her breasts to expand. How it ends is entirely up to you.

Perhaps I'm getting a little over board and perhaps its a little impossible since we don't know much about the Mother and it's hard to make stories with her but all the more reason to write these stories because we were rob getting to know this beautiful and sexy character named Tracy McConnell. And Cristin Millioit is a very sexy woman. I still can't believe how the show wasted her. Unbelievable.

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