Honey Goes Down Under


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"That will be lovely darling. Lay out your things you wish to take in the guest room. Is your passport up to date?"

"Yes, I applied on-line for a visa to enter Australia on a temporary work permit available to persons under the age of thirty going on holiday and lasts for a year. Once there if everything works out I'll apply for permanent residency as a teacher with specialist qualifications for teaching of the hearing impaired. That qualification of course was gained through study to international standards so Australia is unlikely to demand anything higher whereas for basic teaching I probably would have to undergo retraining or perhaps they call it refresher training. I understand there is a demand for specialist teachers in areas of lower popular, which is probably where Flint lives."

"Well I hope Flint appreciates the trouble you are going to visit Australia with him. If this visa thing becomes too difficult just marry him."

"Yes I have that tucked aside as an option."

A week later Larissa came in from checking irrigation pipeline connection as part of ongoing farm maintenance work to find her father at the lunch table looking at her over his glasses and her mother looking as if she were about to soar through the roof.

"What's wrong?"


Very peculiar but she thought she knew what it might be.

Larissa changed and washed her face and hands and combed her hair and for the third time heard her mother call, "Are you coming?"

"I'm here mother."

"Thank goodness," Jessica said, face red with excitement.

"Has it come?"

"Yes, on the table where you sit!"

Larissa looked at the envelope, her calm suddenly deserting her. What if there was no invitation to go to Australia with him?

"Go on open it. No wait, I have to go to the toilet," her mom yelled.

Herbert her father just shook his head and said a letter was a letter wasn't it unless it contained a big check?"

When Jessica opened it her face seemed to swell in delight. She held up an airline ticket.

"Oh lovely, lovely," her mother yelled, wiping at tears. "Read the letter aloud."

"There's no letter."

Her father grunted and returned to reading the newspaper and her mother just gaped until she said weakly, "No letter. I cannot believe this."

"I can – he wants me to focus. Also that other letter was probably the first letter he's written since he began university in the first weeks when he remembered he still had a mother and a family. It probably took him ten hours and ten drafts over four days to write it."

"Then you should keep it."

"I have; it's pressed in my bible."

Jessica said carefully, "Darling, can you make me understand why he didn't enclose even a brief note and tell me about this thing you call focus."

Larissa clasped her mom's hand and explained Flint had a fine knowledge and would know decision time of this magnitude would place her at the crossroads as it might become more than a holiday or a working holiday. He wanted her to think of the decision and not some sweet words written on paper.

"He'd be smart enough to know if you like him enough you'd be thinking of little else."

"Good thinking mom but he's an aviator, trained to expect the unexpected, so he also would have thought perhaps I'd not really thought enough to be ready to make a commitment."

"God, you and your guy wouldn't need tongues to communicate," said Herbert. "You just look into the sky and exchange thoughts."

"What are you talking about Herbert?"

"Leave him mom; you know he's big into science fiction."

"You two confuse me; I'm serving lunch."

Herbert asked Larissa to fetch wine, as it was a special occasion. She asked what was the occasion.

He scowled over the top of her glasses. "Jimmy has left us and now you."

"It's only for a holiday dad?"

"That's crap sweetheart and you know it."

Jessica dropped a plate and bent over the bench howling. Larissa had to run to her.

Larissa called the airline and confirmed the booking indicated on the ticket, supplying the details required and confirmed her application for a work visa was in the pipeline. She received an email next evening confirming her application had been approved and documentation was in the mail. She waited three more days and then called Flint.


"God you took your time. I haven't known whether I'm Arthur or Martha."

She giggled and he said it was so wonderful hearing her voice. She almost had a meltdown. "Who paid for my ticket?"

"Mom, she's the one with the big money. She can't wait to clap her eyes on you."

"Then send her the photo of us."

"No, she mightn't like the look of you, a big mouth-of-teeth American with big tits, and cancel the ticket."

"No, oh no!"

"Honey, just kidding. She'll adore you – she's so much like me."

"And your sisters and father?"

"They'll reveal their reactions when they see you. Dad will begin looking at other women, Glen will scratch her butt and Anna will wonder if you are gay."

"Oh God...you're joking, aren't you."

"Some Australians call that pulling your tit. Yes, I was pulling your tit."

"My parents will come to see me off. I want them to see you and I know mom's keen."

"But your dad doesn't know if he's keen or not and wants to see me in the flesh. He sounds like a level-headed guy but then he is a rancher. So if they are bothering to go to LA I take it you're coming to Australia with me?"

"God yes. Oh, that's a tease isn't it? Its difficult to see a tease coming at you on the phone."

"I am delirious happy."

Larissa burst into tears.

Flint said he was sorry to curtail her joy but he was sitting in a roadside toilet somewhere in Arizona and needed to wipe his bum and re-board the 18-wheeler before the driver got shitty and left without him.

"Bye darling. I'll see you in two days – I can't wait."

"Bye, bye sweetheart. Tell your mom my mom knew they'd be going to LA to see you off. She'd booked them into a flash hotel for the night with her compliments."

"How wonderful... oh is that a siren – is your restroom on fire?"

Flint laughed as said it was the truck's air horns – the truckie was calling him to wipe up and run."


"Bye hon."

Jessica was standing nervously with Herbert asking if they were in the correct location. Larissa had gone off to the rest room to have what she called a nervous pee. Suddenly there was movement at her side and a guy said, "Hello Jessica?"

She jumped and instead of Herbert pulling her into him with a protective arm she heard him drawl, "Hello son, nice to meet you Flint. Recognized you by your photo and that black hat that's not a Stetson.

"Flint," yelled Jessica, hugging him.

"F-l-I-n-t" screamed Larissa, racing in and all but knocking the poor guy off his feet. He just grinned and licked her face. Yes, licked her cheek from top to bottom. Jessica wasn't sure she approved of that, well, not outside the bedroom. The two youngsters then buried themselves into a huge kiss. Herbert was grinning so Jessica smiled and her smile became warmer as the long kiss continued.

When conversations were underway again she asked how had Flint recognized her.

"From your wedding photo in your lounge."

"And you committed that to memory."

"Well I didn't really have to try. It's difficult to forget finely sculptured classical detail."

Jessica blushed and thought she really did like this young man although she knew he was out to charm her. But he'd recognized her from a photo taken thirty-three years ago so that earned him a heap of good points.

* * *

When Larissa in her window seat began watching her first in-flight movie, Flint rolled toward her and had two fingers into her before she'd even had time to wonder if that was his intent. God, she so much wanted him to do that. The need had been building up since she'd sighted the airport tower when she'd driven her parents into LA. She finally jerked and jerked and jerked, flooding Flint's hand and she lay back, eyes closed in embarrassment as he sucked his fingers.

For god's sake, there was a woman aged about forty sitting next to him and she'd know what that was about. Flint had to wait until the main cabin lights were turned off because she took him in hand and the ungrateful swine pushed away her hand at the end and squirted all over her black skirt. She could have strangled him but checking that the woman next to him was still turned away and sleeping she scooped up some of the mess and sucked her fingers and then scooped up more and made him suck, drawing a 'You are a very naughty woman' comment that made her feel depraved. She wriggled her ass in delight.


As the big Qantas jet began it's descent into Sydney International Airport, Flint leaned across the pointed out the cliffs and suggested Larissa look for the gap that formed the heads to Sydney Harbor. He wanted to ease her tension. As the city came into view Larissa surprised Flint, not buzzing around like a bee worried about her hair, asking was her lipstick smeared, saying she wished she'd worn a different top...nothing like that at all. She was sitting back calmly, holding his hand. So he had to check out was this really the situation: "Nervous?"

"No, I'm going to love Australia and your mom will just love me, I know she will. I won't be bothered if your sisters think I'm not right for them and you dad thinks I'm a dumb American broad. Your mom will cuddle me and say don't mind them, they'll come around."

The aircraft lurched and Larissa grabbed Flint for reassurance.

"Your mom will say many Australian's take time to adjust to change and that her family will soon want to cuddle me too but make sure her husband's hands don't wander too much. And she'll say I'll have little trouble adapting to a smaller community. I'll say I know the Sydney Opera House is something of an icon in the boastful minds of Australians. In my third summer break at college we went on a three-week tour and attended Opera in Milan and Vienna and the ballet in Paris so I do have perspective. And the great city of Sydney? Perhaps but I've been to a few of the great cities of the world including Paris and Rome and of course New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Then I'll put her and her family at ease saying if they are really interested in what interests me they should say tell me what your house is like, what the local schools are like and will the family dog like me."

Flint, mind reeling, mumbled, "We don't have a dog, we have a cat."

"Well your cat then. You look very nervous?"

"Yeah, I'm scared my family will reject the loud mouth American with big tits that I'm bringing home."

They heard the woman next to Flint suffer a giggling fit; they squeezed hand and grinned.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Yeah, a little. Australians tend to like big tits so you'll probably be forgiven for being a loud-mouth American."

"Are you okay Mandy?" Flint asked the woman next to him. They had spoken at times. She was writhing on her seat and gasped, "Oh you two, you are so funny."

They cleared officialdom and were about to enter the public area where Flint's family was waiting.

Flint stopped. "Oh god, I've left my jacket on the aircraft."

"You packed it in that brown backpack on your trolley at the airport before we checked in."

"Is my hair straight?"

"It's very difficult to straightened tight curls."

"Um, are you ready?"

"Yes, waiting patiently for you to deal with your nervousness. They'll like me, they'll all like me, even the dog."


"Well cat then. Let me pass."

"They won't recognize you."

"Your mom will recognize a loud mouth American with big tits as soon as she sees me. She'll confirm when she recognizes your cum stains on my skirt."


"Calm down Flint and lead the way. I sponged the marks off in the box they call a toilet."

"Flint!" was the scream.

His dad didn't even bother to open his mouth or wave.

His mom smacked Flint on the mouth with her big mouth, hugging him but with one eye on Larissa. Before his sisters had a chance of kissing him Flint was almost pulled off his feet by his 6ft 2in mom and as she plopped Flint in front of Larissa she said, "Introduction."

"Mom er Mrs Ella Jackson, please meet Miss Larissa Rossiter."

"Out the way Flint. Oh darling, you are so gorgeous. I'd thought he'd written that description of you when pissed. Call me Ella. May I hug and kiss you?"

"Yes, please – I've been waiting for this moment. Flint is so proud of his family, especially his mom."

"Really? Oooh what lovely perfume. It's so difficult visualizing you sweating on the Australian relentless sun and coughing out insects."


But before Larissa had time to wonder what else had Flint missed out in telling her about Australia she was swamped in a huge hug, smelt lovely perfume and Ella was kissing right on the mouth instead of delivering a wee tap on the cheek.

Breaking away Ella said, "Both of my daughters live away from home now. Having you living with us will be gaining a new daughter. Oh I'm so happy."

So the daughters didn't live at home. What else hadn't Flint told her?

The married Anna kissed her warmly and welcomed her to Australia. Glenys called Glen who lived with an aircraft maintenance engineer was only a month older than Larissa and took her hand after hugging and kissing her and said, "I do hope we'll become the greatest of friends."

Glen was the same height as Flint and Anna was two inches taller. The smiling thickset father was Flint's height. He lifted Larissa off the ground and kissed her and said admiringly, "Aren't you a real beauty."

"Put her down Jack, Larissa is not a doll or one of your drunken friend's wives."

"Ella nags me but she'd still the best wife in all of Australia."

Following that comment of lifting the wives of drunken buddies Larissa decided to hold her initial judgment of Jack.

The family then stood in a circle, a coin in their hands, and then turned them face up.

Three coins were heads, two were tails. Glen and Flint had tails so dropped out. The final was a call between Ella and Anna. Ella called heads but when turned up her palm her coin showed tails. Anna called heads and turned up heads.

"What was that about?" Larissa asked Anna and was told it was just a family tradition. They were all currently registered pilots and who won the final toss flew the aircraft.

They took off into rain on the six-seat twin-prop Beachcraft Baron that during pre-flight checks Anna had told her was the pride of their fleet, used mainly to fly local residents to sports events, family gatherings and on shopping outings to Sydney.

"Enjoy looking at rain darling," Ella called from the seat behind Larissa. You won't see much of it out our way. Well there is the occasional downpour."

After almost 400 miles Anna pointed out Kurra coming into view. Larissa had been unable to find it on any map but had been told the town of 5700 people that also serviced a sprawling hinterland devoid of villages or anything else apart farms and the ranches called stations and the occasional vehicle repair and service center called a garage that also sold all types of fuel and had a small store attached and sometimes a veterinary clinic was adjacent. She was relieved to see a small river snaking through the town but would find later it became a stony bed without water during a major 'dry'. The town had a six-bed hospital and the region was covered by the famous flying doctor service.

They drove through tree-lined streets – watered by artesian draw-off – to a almost stately looking sprawling white home encircled completely by a wide veranda and inside the walls were painted white and the high ceilings that followed the multiple pitches of the gray-painted corrugated iron roofing. It was light and airy, almost tropical in style. Well they were in an arid region and the tropic of Capricorn passed through Alice Springs, Anna told Larissa.

Larissa sat down for coffee and immediately fell asleep.

"Come on dear," she heard Ella say, "You are travel fatigued." She opened her eyes to find Ella lifting her as if she were a basket of washing. Goodness, she weighed 122 pounds!

Ella helped her off with her top and undid the skirt for Larissa to step out of. "That will do as you'll have a sheet over you but first, give me your mom's email address."

"It's no use, they have a computer but don't use it."

"Well phone number then, what time is it where they live?"

"I don't know, what time is it here?"

Ella laughed and said she didn't know but probably an hour before noon. "It doesn't matter; as a worried mum she'll take a call about her daughter at any hour."

"Are mothers called mum here?"

"Yes, aren't they in American?"

"It's mom, emphasis on the 'o'."

"Well, whatever. Scarcely any difference – just a cultural thing."

Larissa could hear faint talking and laughter. It was 5:05 on the bedside clock. She showered, put on a top and shorts and left her hair down and went to where the sounds were coming from and found everyone outside, the females sitting and drinking and the males gathering around the barbecue (cook-out) the Australians call a barbie where a quarter of a side of beef was on the spit. The guys were sipping beer from cans.

The women called hi, she waved to them and walked to the men as two newcomers were there. Neither male looked at her face.

"Larissa, this is Glen's better half Danny and this is Tom.

"Hi," said Tom, managing to lift his gaze and he actually shook her hand. "Anna's been talking about you coming all this week."

"I hope I haven't disappointed."

"No, surely not. You are a real beauty, what we call out here trophy class."

"Yeah, hi Larissa," said Danny, transfixed by Larissa's breasts.

"God, those guys have been too long out in the sun," Anna said when calling Larissa over to sit and have a glass of wine.

"It's just the phenomena of a new set of breasts in town," Anna laughed. "Our men like them big and you're anything but little darling."

They all laughed and the men stopped talking briefly to look at them.

"You scarcely have pimples on your chest Anna," Larissa said and another round of laughter followed.

"What's the joke," Tom called. The women fell silent and didn't answer.

When the men resumed talking Larissa asked, "Why fall silent if asked a question?"

"I suppose it's a cultural thing darling," Ella said. "It's just if the guys want to talk about sport and screwing women and of course the weather then we are unlikely to want to share our conversation as long as they stand aloof."

"Where I come from we keep the wine and the beer in the same place so everyone congregates together and in the first couple of hours the men are prohibited from talking about relative values of different values of beer, or sport or farming or women and the women refrain from talking babies, cooking, fashion and men with big dicks."

The women shrieked in laughter.

The men trooped over to sit with the women, the spit not requiring immediate attention because it was electrically driven.

"Tell me Larissa," Danny asked. "Where you come from do the women do it on first dates?"

A lively and hilarious discussion followed and the drinking pace of people lifted.

At one stage Ella buttonholed her and said, "I called your mom who was ever so happy you'd arrived safety and to hear we all believe we are going to adore having you here. We talked for over an hour, getting to know one another."

"Oh God, I'll pay for that call Ella."

"Thank you darling but it was a pleasure calling her."

Glen came up and placed an arm around Larissa's waist. "Why are you attempting to pay mom money?"

"Because she made a call to American on my behalf, to my mother, and talked for more than a hour."