I Enter a New World with My Son Ch. 02


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"Thank god for that. I was starting to get quite worried. You went rigid and stopped breathing for about thirty seconds, then your face went red and your mouth was contorted. I thought you were having a heart attack or something... You ok Mum?"

"Am I ok? Am I ok? That has to be the stupidest question of the year. Ok doesn't come anywhere near. That was so good it was scary."

"I was starting to think about calling for an ambulance. I was getting worried seeing you like that!"

"Let me get my breath back for a moment." I was still kneeling on the red marble floor with my son's cock buried deep inside me and my hands on his chest. My nipples were solid, which didn't go unnoticed by Terry; he gently palmed them which almost felt like an electric shock. "Oh you sod." I said as I started to grind on him again, this time slowly but still rubbing my clit firmly against him. I was so worked up I had another, tiny, orgasm quite quickly but this time it was so gentle that I didn't change the tempo of my grinding on Terry.

Terry was starting to make small humping movements. He looked serious and asked, "Mum you are on the pill aren't you?"

As I answered: "Yes, oh Yes." He pumped a bit harder and came in me. Pushing his hips up off the floor, I was completely supported on him with most of my weight on my clit. I had a third orgasm as he was still making his last deposits in me and lowered himself and me back down to the floor. I leaned forwards to lay on his chest and we cuddled on the floor, Terry's feet were against the front door. The alcohol took its toll and we both dozed off

Terry woke with a massive reflex jerk; this in turn threw me off of him, landing heavily on my shoulder on the hard floor. The time was 9:40pm and we had been asleep for about fifteen minutes.

"FUCK." Terry shouted, he sat up and held onto his leg, "Shit, look at that mess." He turned to look at me, "Bloody hell Mum, are you ok?"

"I'll be fine, bruised but fine." I sat up "What the hell was that all about?"

"I think the cat dug her claws into my leg as she came through the cat flap." I looked at his hand and the blood dripping through his fingers.

"Stay there." I got a roll of paper towels from the kitchen, made a pad with a handful which he held in place to stem the flow. I wiped up the puddle then laid some more towels on the floor. There were five deep cuts, all of which were bleeding, I cleaned them with antiseptic wipes and dressed it with a big plaster and a pressure bandage. We then wrapped it tightly in cling film and Terry went for a shower and to bed, while I cleared away all evidence of the spills on the floor and the dinner things. I showered and cuddled up to him in his bed.

Terry woke at 7am in a lot of discomfort so I removed the dressing and said: "I'm taking you to the hospital, that does not look nice." Lucky for us we have a small injury unit fairly near and there was no delay. They found two broken claws, cleaned the wounds, applied some steristrips and dressed it. He was given an anti tetanus shot, instructions to keep his weight off his feet for a few days and a prescription for antibiotics.

On the way home I collected Claire as her car was still on the drive and she laughed at the injury. We didn't of course describe the circumstances. Fortunately getting to grips with his new job, most of it was computer based for a while and he could do it from home and didn't have to take any time off work.

We slept together most nights but due to his long working days and the problems with his injury, we didn't make love for about two weeks.

A good friend of ours got married and a couple of the other guests were flirting with me something rotten, one of who I had fancied for a long time and I admit I was quite flattered. I felt a bit worried when I saw Terry take each of them in turn to one side and have a long chat, after which one stopped flirting. The other guy however took that as a signal and tried even harder. All I could think was 'what the fuck did Terry say'.

After the reception we got home, showered and went straight to bed. We were both horny as hell and fucked like rabbits for four hours. We did so many things and I had so many orgasms that I completely forgot about the two guys from earlier.

10am on the dot, Terry was in the bathroom and his phone rang "Hello Valerie speaking... oh hi... what lunch? ... today? ... Terry did? ... Are you sure? ... Can I call you back in a few minutes please? ... Thanks bye."

"Terry what the heck is that all about?"

"You fancy him don't you?

"What happened last night? I thought you scared him off or something."

"Simple Mum, I wanted to fuck the arse off you one last time so told him, quite truthfully, you didn't like being pressured and I also told him to watch the way you treat the other guy. You played it beautifully and did wonders trying to push him away. I suggested that I meet him for a drink today to talk business and carefully manipulated him to suggest you come too."

"Oo you stirring little shit."

"So Mum Sunday lunch out?"

"I don't know."

"It's simple Mum. As much as I love what we have and what we're doing, I realise how wrong it is and how we need to move on. He seems like a nice guy and we do know him. He's hoping but not expecting it to be a date with you."

"Terry, I don't know. I have just about got used to being with you."

"Do you see us sleeping together forever?"

"I hadn't given it a thought but I'm loving it for now."

"Me too, but your choice, no pressure."

I picked up the phone, called him and made arrangements to meet at a local posh pub.

"OK you win Terry, meeting him one o'clock at the Black Dog."


"So what did you say to the other guy?"

"Bored him silly with my promotion. He's in sales too and been trying for promotion for years, poor sod I was really rotten to him."

"What are we wearing?"

"That depends on what you want the outcome to be."

I dressed in a dark blue skirt about four inches above the knee and a pink blouse. "What do you think Terry?"

"Stay just there and don't move, not a muscle Mum." Terry left the room and came back with a mirror.

"Mum you moved," Terry put his hand on my shoulder and moved me into place, "That's it there." He positioned the mirror.

"Oh shit." I could see my top half and the down lighter illuminated my breast perfectly through the fabric. "I think I need to wear a bra then."

We laughed, "As I said Mum, it all depends on where you think you want to go with this.

I put a pink strappy top under the blouse. "This ok Terry?"

"Jiggle a bit Mum." I shook my shoulders. "Much better."

We met at the pub and had lunch. There was a lot of business type talk and we broke up after three hours with a promise of meeting on Wednesday evening, without Terry.

We fitted in a little bit of shopping before the supermarket closed at 4pm and got home shortly after. All the way from the pub to home Terry and I only spoke about shopping, other than that we were in a weird silence.

We put the shopping away and sat at the kitchen table with a coffee. "Oh god Terry, this is stupid. What's going on here?"

"We are being sensible and you are doing the right thing Mum."

"So why does it feel so bad then?"

He reached over and held my hands; they were very warm from where he had been holding the coffee mug. He smiled a big beaming smile at me. Without a word we both stood and went to my bedroom, stripped and sat on the bed together. Our lips met... bing bong bing bong.

"Shit." Said Terry, jumping up and pulling his trousers back on... and headed for the front door.

"Uncle Terry." Was screamed in unison as he opened the door. He walked back into the lounge carrying both of them, followed by Claire.

"We have just got back from the Black Dog and I was getting changed."

Mum entered the room redressed in the skirt and blouse "Hiya tea, wine, juice?"

"Nanny." And the kids ran to greet her.

"OO wine please Mum. But we don't have long."

"Apple juice Nanny."

"Orange Nanny. We picking daddy soon."


"Please Nanny." They said together.

Terry took the children to the toy room and they were all lost for a while leaving me with Claire. "We were going to come round earlier but we saw the car at the pub and I'm waiting for a phone call to pick Colin up when he's finished with his friends."

"Do you remember Henry and Margot?" I asked.

"Oh yes from the shop. How are they?"

"Margot had an affair so they got divorced. We bumped into Henry at the wedding yesterday and went to lunch with him today. I'm seeing him again on Wednesday."

"Oh that's a surprise; I thought you and Terry were... erm."


"Oh, erm you two seemed to be very close recently and the other day you said celebration fuck on the phone."

"What? You thought I'm sleeping with your brother?"

"I'd have put money on it. Sorry if I've got that wrong."

"I'm gob smacked that you could think that of us."

"But I'm right aren't I Mum?"

"Was it really that obvious?"

"I knew something was going on somewhere when I saw the box of condoms on the table, after that it all fell into place. I don't blame you Mum. He is a bit fit."

"It's all over now, well I think it is. Terry seems quite keen for me to see Henry."

"Don't tell me you're seeing him because Terry wants you to?"

"No of course not but he obviously approves and I really wouldn't want to see someone he doesn't approve of or you too for that matter. Do you think it's too soon to see someone?"

"I don't know him that much, only from the shop, so I can't comment on him but it's more than two years since Dad so I don't think it's too soon. It's only you that can know that. Persuade Terry to come round on Wednesday for dinner if you want him out of the way."

"What do you think I am? It's going to be our first date. I'm not jumping into bed with him."

"Just saying Mum. Just saying. I thought it might be awkward bringing him home as you've been sleeping with Terry."

Claire's phone rang "That's Colin." She took the call. "Come on kids, time to get Daddy. Good luck with Henry Mum and with Terry."

We all did our good bye hugs and kisses and they left, Terry and I hugged and waved as they drove away. "She's known for a while."

"Known what?"

"About us."

"Really? What did she say?"

"Not a lot really. Now come back inside and fuck me silly."

"Careful Mum, someone could hear out here."

Without any further words we returned to my bedroom and stripped. I pushed Terry to the bed on his back and getting into my favourite position kneeling astride him dropped directly onto his hard cock sticking it straight into my fanny. I was so turned on by the day's events and conversations that I was soaking wet and came in about thirty seconds of grinding against him. "Oh fuck... I needed that. Now it's your turn. What do you want to do?"

"I quite like this, I love watching you taking your pleasure and I know it's where you like to be."

I started humping again and felt Terry get back to fully hard then leant forward to rest my hands on his chest and play with his nipples. He raised his hands and started rolling my nipples in his fingers. "Ever think any more about getting these pierced?" The thought of that made me step up the grinding and went stiff as I had a massive orgasm.

I leant forward to lay on his chest "There's a girl comes into the shop most weeks with pierced nipples and we always talk about them. She has shown me the different jewellery she wears several times now. I love the thought of them but I'm not sure I fancy the hassle."

"I wonder if Henry would like them."

"Whooaah there slow down..."

Terry stopped me. "Just wondering, nothing more. Not everyone likes them."


Terry turned us sideways and slipped out of me, placed a pillow in the middle of the bed then turned me onto my stomach so my bum was raised a little. He knelt astride me and I assumed he was planning to do anal. To my surprise he started positioning his cock without any lube and I was just about to comment when he slipped back into my fanny and started humping. It felt so tight as my legs were closed and he was humping with his knees outside my hips. All the time he was running his hands up and down my back shoulders and bum and I had several tiny orgasms before he shot his load in me.

"That was nice Terry."

"I remember seeing it once in a porno but I think it needs another inch or two to make it work properly."

He slipped out of me and we laid on our backs, side by side, holding hands.

"I'm still not sure about seeing Henry; I don't think I'm ready."

"Your only going for a drink, not to an orgy. You have known the guy for years and you know where he works and lives."

"It still seems too soon."

"Do you know what Mum? I miss Dad too; I think of him most days one way or another."

"Do you? You don't mention him these days."

"Oh yes... I think of him..." Terry drifted off somewhere for a few moments, "I think of him most days Mum." He drifted off again in thought and so did I. "And I think he would approve of you seeing Henry. Not only is it two years since he died, but it's four years since he fucked Jasmine."

That quickly brought me back to the present, "You're right." I pulled Terry's head to my shoulder and hugged him, in turn he held on to a breast. We stayed like that, in silence for some time. I was deep in thought thinking of lots of things Neil (my husband) and I did together over the years and remembered saying we would move on if we lost each other.

I held Terry tighter which forced his head further down my shoulder and he moved down to suck on my nipple. He still had his hand on the other breast and played with the nipple, nipping it between his middle and forefinger and stroking with his thumb. "Oo, that takes me back to when you were tiny. That was just how you played when I fed you."

"I wonder what pierced nipples would be like Mum?"

We stayed like that in silence for a while, maybe half an hour. "Time for a wee." I got up and went to the toilet.

Terry called out: "Drink Mum?"

"Coffee please." I met him in the kitchen and leant against the worktop while he made the drinks. "You're right Terry, what should I wear on Wednesday?"

"I wouldn't go dressed like that!" I looked down at my naked body and we both laughed. "It's only a drink Mum, whatever you're comfortable in."

"Thanks Terry." I took the mug, "Your not trying to get rid of me, are you?"

I saw Terry wilt like the wind was knocked out of his lungs. "Fuck NO, I don't want you to see anyone else, I want to keep you to myself, but I'm being realistic."

I moved over and wrapped myself around him. "Then I'll call Henry and cancel."

"I can't be that selfish Mum; I can't expect you to put your life on hold for me."

Terry's phone rang and he went off in conversation with someone about a meeting the following day. No more was said about relationships that day. We slept together but there was no sex, the following night we made simple, almost casual love and Tuesday Terry was away on business.

Wednesday evening we had a light snack for tea as I was not really sure what to expect with Henry. I had arranged that Terry would drive me and Henry to the pub which turned out to be a rather nice restaurant and he would pick us up again when I phoned. I looked at Terry with a sad feeling, knowing that as I left the car it may possibly be the action that brought an end to our love life. We kissed, far too enthusiastically for the situation. "Your date is waiting, go have some fun." I turned toward the door. "Mum." I turned my head back toward Terry, hoping he would stop me. "Mum I love you and that will never change."

"See you later."

"Thanks for the lift Terry, catch you later." Henry said as he tapped the roof of the car twice.

As we entered the restaurant I looked over my shoulder and saw Terry pull into a lay-by. He stopped and cried.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 2 years ago

This is a beautiful love story between mother and son. It is well written because the plot and actions of the characters are logically developed and are allowed to mature. The son is will to sacrific what he wants (his mother) for what he believes to be her long term well being with someone other than himself. The mother realizes her son loves her unconditionally. Chapter 2 rated 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Come on stop leaving stories without a conclusion. You are doing too often.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Next Part Please

WTF...was that ending...i can understand him being sensible but not so early....what they fucked like 2-3 times in like 2-3 days and he is done with his mother??...personally i would love a chapter 3 where they get together again and don't separate ever...they don't need to have a child, they could always adopt one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Don't understand Terry, cuck holds himself.

Actually liked the story but hated the ending. Terry must be retarded to do that.

linnearlinnearover 5 years ago
Pretty Amazing

This is a fine piece of writing and a very good story. I hope you finish it some day and I look forward to reading more of your other works.

Turtle1952Turtle1952almost 6 years ago
More please

I think dating Henry will be a one time only thing and mum & son will stay together. Maybe sis will join in too when she catches hubby cheating.

Harvey_32Harvey_32about 6 years agoAuthor


I've just read the story again, for the first time since it was published, with the intention of starting a sequel.

I'm almost scared to admit that I'd completely forgotten this chapter and I had wet eyes at the end, no wonder I couldn't get back into it when I tried.

Harvey_32Harvey_32about 6 years agoAuthor

OMG is it really 2 years?

I had written a initial draft which I think was OK but unfortunately the memory stick it is saved on got broken.

I have tried to re-write but don't seem to be able to get back into the frame of mind as it just turns into a second rate porno.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Any news on chapter 3 for future

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Pls write, I luv it and hope you still fuck your son and maybe you let your daughter join in and family should fuck together

rightbankrightbankabout 8 years ago
There MUST be a follow-on chapter


symtronsymtronabout 8 years ago
Continue this ...please

I agree with the other comments. This should continue with the new male friend, bring Terry into it also (mom's bum is still virgin) and see where it goes. Daughter seems open too...hmm there is a thought.

SymmonsSymmonsover 8 years ago
Great! Keep Going

I think Terry and his mom should keep their romance going. More please!

gaynudist50gaynudist50over 8 years ago
Disappointing End

I think the end was kind of disappointing really. I don't think there's anything wrong with incest romance as long as both are adults. There is no reason why her son's relationship can be permanent, and they can be a couple. No reason to bring anyone else in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
And her boy enters a new world--the world of

his own mother's warm wet deeply loving and supremely beautiful cunt. For a son his own mother's cunt--that hairy hole between her thighs he came out of--is the most exciting and desirable anything in the whole fucking world.

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