I Promised Mom


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I promised Gwen that she would always be in my heart and a part of my soul, and I knew I'd see her again one day, but for now I was going to live my life. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off of me. I would be okay.

I went back to the cabin where Trina and I spent the rest of the weekend making love and talking, both ways of getting to know each other.

I proposed to Trina just 3 months later. She eventually got her special needs certification and got a job at the local elementary school. I asked her to work for me but she had a calling that she had to follow, and I supported her every step of the way.

It had been about 2 more years when it happened. Trina and I were in the kitchen making dinner when Haley came in the door after soccer practice. As if it meant nothing at all, she came through the door and said 'Hi mom, hi dad' and went straight on to her bedroom. Trina, of course, was in tears within seconds and collapsed on the floor.

Up until that moment Haley had never called her anything but Trina, so to hear the word 'mom' come out of her mouth so effortlessly was simply more than she could stand. It had been her unspoken desire that Haley would think of her like that, rather than as dad's wife. She didn't want to replace Gwen; she just wanted a part of her own. This was beyond her wildest dreams.


Trina and I have been nothing short of deliriously happy since we've been together. As we cheer Haley's walk across the stage and come to terms with her getting ready to fly the coop for the U of M, we are thankful for the many blessings we have in life.

Right now, Trina's best friend, Joanna, is watching our twins at home while we take in the festivities. Kelly and Katie are 18 months old and are bundles of energy. We wanted to leave our other daughter at home too, but since Trina is still carrying her in the womb, and will be for another couple of months, it wasn't really possible.

Joanna actually dumped Steve when she found out about how the guys tried to keep us apart. She's been dating a guy named Dylan for about 9 months and I think it's got some potential. Of course, he has some incentive to treat her right: I'll fire him if he doesn't.

Bree finally captured Ben, though it was primarily because he knocked her up. They got married and it's mostly been good. He still doesn't like her fake boobs, or so I've heard.

Laura works at Wal-Mart and apparently is still a fairly easy piece, or again so I've heard. Trina hears about her old friends now and again but hasn't seen most of them in some time.

And what of Steve, Tommy, and Alan?

Tommy got caught putting his thing into the girlfriend of a local biker. Apparently he wasn't aware of her being in a relationship but that didn't seem to concern Big Ed, who strongly suggested that Tommy find another state to live in once he got out of the hospital. Tommy apparently took that advice.

After getting dumped by Joanna, who he was apparently completely in love with, Steve fell into a serious depression and started drinking. He seemed to be pulling himself out of it when his car hit that concrete retaining wall. The cops say he probably didn't suffer.

Alan actually apologized for his part in trying to keep us apart. He says he had wanted to give my info to Trina but was overruled and signed the letter, though he wasn't really behind it. Was it true? Hard to say but he was the only one of them to express any remorse and Trina and I agreed to forgive him. We see him around town on occasion but we've not heard about him seeing anyone.

I hope you found the story as interesting to hear as I do telling it. I never expected to find a love like I have with Trina after Gwen died. I won't insult either of them by comparing how much I love them: they are different, and that's all there is to say about that.

Trina is considering becoming a stay-at-home mom once the new baby is born but hasn't made a final decision. She still has a desire to work with special needs kids and is one of few with the patience and skills to do it. One possibility is hiring on a full-time nanny. Joanna is a strong possibility if we go that route.

Whatever happens, we will face it together and we will do it with love and devotion to each other. I'm as happy as I've ever been and only expect things to look up from here.



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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

I failed to follow up on a 'love at first sight' in college at 19 yr old (she was a month younger). At 67 I regret it still. I lost my friend to cancer 18 months ago. I was fortunate to have told her how I felt before she passed. 'Falling for each other' isn't THAT far fetched - truth can be stranger than fiction.

somewhere east of Omaha

bigurnbigurnabout 1 month ago

After a second time reading this one, it is still a solid 4 Star ⭐⭐⭐⭐ story. The overnight ' falling for each other ' seems a bit far fetched, but it's your story, so why not !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Fantastic story again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I'd love to see your LW stories grow a little hair and get more intense, but boy can you write wonderful romance stories!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

After reading the story(more than a few times) even reading the title brings tears to my eyes. Damn! To me, your best and most moving tale.

somewhere east of Omaha

Harvey8910Harvey89105 months ago

What a lovely and unexpected love story! I really enjoyed it and gave the story five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Anyone with a beating heart would have feel the incredible emotions in this tale. Thank you BigGuy - 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

woodrangewoodrange8 months ago

made it to my favorites list. five star story

willyk1212willyk12128 months ago

wow very good one of the best here more please you have a gift

newford9bnewford9b8 months ago

I agree with anonymous from about a month ago, it really isn't very nice to make older peoples' eyes water excessively. Other than that comment, a very nice tale indeed.

NoBullAlNoBullAl9 months ago

Not really into romantic stories but this is one of your really good ones!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It's not nice to make old people cry! Good stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story - one of the top 20 on Literotica. Great author, great plot and great style. Brought more than a tear to my eye (but no sobbing!). More please

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNo10 months ago

Had t9 w8pe my eyes a rew times. Couldn't help it. Just a hopeless romantic, under certain circumstances, real or imagined. 5.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman10 months ago

Excellent! 2nd reading for me and still good. Amazing what a child can understand at 11 yrs. old when her Mom passes and only 13 when Trina appeared at Henry and her house. "I promised Mom" Not sure what story "all right" read or his reading comprehinsion.

Alright_alright_alrightAlright_alright_alright10 months ago

It started off good till the kid came into the picture, kids don't act like that. Then all three of them were crying when she should up at their home, sounds creepy.

Quaker0186Quaker018610 months ago

Excellent Romantic story and the way the daughter was included into fulfilling her promise to her mom was a really nice touch and tugged at my heartstrings. Well done keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

As someone else said, why is it always twins. I agree, these stores have a far high rate of persons having twins than anywhere on the planet.

The story was just run of the mill. Ok but not good.

Btrying2Btrying211 months ago

Very good story. I enjoyed very much. I was somewhat disappointed that the story was short of details and failed to delve into interesting areas that would give depth to the story. The story as presented seemed to be more like a very good outline rather than a fleshed out story. I still enjoyed just wanted more. Like what precipitated Haley’s acceptance of Trina as her Mother figure.

Still a good read. Thanks for sharing. John

Anita71Anita71about 1 year ago

A lovely and touching story.

You write really well, and you get pretty good details into the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I rated this at four stars.

But then realized I had no reason to not give it five. So, I did.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I’m a romantic at heart, enjoyed the emotion of the daughter fulfilling her promise to her mom.

SorchakSorchakover 1 year ago

Gruh!! I hate it when MC's are barely into middle age and call themselves old. 35 is NOT old, dammit! And eleven years difference is not that much. Yes, if she was 12, *then* it's a big deal. But when she's 24 and he's 35, not so much. Plus, if your first child comes with their own body double, don't have MORE kids. Who really needs more than 2 these days, away?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story, i loved it! It made me tear up. I could visualize this as I read it. iMHO it would make a great movie. I'd like to give it more than 5 stars+ !

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

I don't remember reading this story! But I should have.


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