In Dreams


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As they left the cemetery, he pointed to a house and was surprised to see a sign in front that read, "McDaniel House: Home of the Youth Sports Program." All he said was, "That is where I grew up" but Hannah heard a timbre of pride in his voice. As they parked in front of the school, he said, "I would like to talk to Ms. Cushman alone. Is that all right?"

"That will be fine. You take care of that; I will go to the courthouse and see if there are any other issues to be dealt with."

They went their separate ways and Hannah found that the paperwork from the dealer had indeed come in two days after her last visit, confirming everything that might have been in question. The attorney was out of the office so she had nothing else to do and wandered around the shops around the square. Once again, she recognized the similarity of her own hometown. The town would never totally disappear but it would never again see its glory days. It would just continue to exist as each generation passed through. Some people left while others just stayed because they had no other place to go.

As if by intuition, she returned to the car just as Jeff was leaving the school. Based on the look on his face, the visit had been good. Once in the car, she didn't ask and he didn't say anything until they were half way home again. Then all he said was, "Thank God for people like Mrs. Cushman. Small towns like this couldn't survive without a few people like her." Hannah made a note to herself to pay a visit to her own high school and say thanks to some people the next time she was there.

On Sunday, they rose early and Jeff drove her to the airport. The plan was for her to spend two weeks working out the details with the lawyer in France before Jeff arrived for the meeting with the European core group to discuss how they might make this work.

At the airport, they walked to the security gates but before she passed through, Jeff said, "I will miss you. It won't feel like home with you gone."

The words shocked her but then she realized that the house had a much different feel when he was there. When he was gone, she had the run of the house to herself except when visitors came. She wasn't aware that he felt the same way but she cherished the idea that he did.

This time she leaned to him and gave him a hug before saying, "I know how you feel. But I will be back and so will you."

"Yes. That will make it right again."

Then the bustle of people forced them to say a quick goodbye before she passed through the security net.

The flight was uneventful which allowed Hannah time to process the things that Jeff had hinted at as she departed. The words and thoughts he expressed warmed her heart. She then turned her attention to the upcoming meeting. She was to be met at the airport by her host and then driven to his estate for a dinner with other interested people including several of the core people who she had come to know. She was looking forward to digging into the new chapter of Miles de Musica and perhaps the American version also.

Later that evening after the guests had departed, Hannah was invited to their drawing room for a brandy. She reflected on the delightful dinner and evening with almost twenty people. She had been surprised at the banter going back and forth between the musicians and the non-musicians. It was obvious that they each experienced the same piece of music differently. That became the starting point between Hannah and her hosts over brandy.

She had commented on the earlier back and forth and how interesting it sounded to her. Her host was a genial man of about sixty-five whose wife was a charming sixty. He replied, "This is common in Europe and I notice that you Americans often fail to understand it."

"Why is that, do you think?"

"In Europe, we accept things for what they are; you American have the habit of trying to label things and putting them in small boxes. A box has six sides and all of them limit the potential of its contents. To an American, a waltz is a serious piece of music that must be played a certain way or it fails to be good. In Europe, a waltz is a dance and demands that it be danced to and enjoyed for what it is. The more enjoyable the dance, the better the music sounds."

"That is an interesting point of view."

"Understand that most of what is called classical music originated here. But it was all originated as entertainment. There wasn't any radio or television to turn to; only live music and much of that was for the nobility. But many of the pieces were originally based on traditional folk music and many of those were dances. So, our tradition is to dance and sing when the piece is recognized and known. In America, you would be asked to leave if you began dancing in the aisles to the Blue Danube Waltz at a concert hall. That is the beauty of what Jeff has begun to introduce over there."

"Yes, he is slowly transforming things over there."

"Yes, and he is thankful for you for making this possible."

"Me! He is the one who has made this possible."

"Ah, you underestimate yourself, my dear. When I met Jeff four years ago, he was a man with a dream but limits to his capability to achieve it. Then one day, he arrived with a smile on his face instead of his usual business frown. Everyone noticed that he had come alive. Then he began talking about Hannah this and Hannah that. Surely you realize that he is totally in love with you."

Hannah was stunned! "I...he...we...I don't know what to say."

Madame, who had been sitting quietly listening, said, "Yes, this is true and it is just as obvious that you are just as much in love with him. You will make a good marriage."

"But...but...we haven't...he has never even hinted..."

"Again, you are being an American; nothing can exist until it is spoken, analyzed, and put in writing. Listen to what Jeff does, not what he says. He speaks volumes from his heart through his actions rather than words from his mouth."

"But what is holding him back?" Hannah demanded.

The elderly man replied, "It is Jeff being Jeff. That is all. He isn't ready yet. He is close but not yet."

Hannah stared at him until Madame once again spoke in her accented voice, "Most of the time, I would tell you to ignore that old goat but in this, he is right. Jeff is not yet ready to be the husband that you deserve. When he is ready, that will be the time. It took me five years of waiting for this one to be ready. It has been forty years and worth every ounce of wait."

Hannah could say nothing because her heart was beating faster than her mind and nothing came forward to her mouth. Shortly after that, she curled up in her bed and rethought everything that had happened that night. Just before she fell asleep, she finally admitted to herself that Jeff, indeed, had shown her love every single day since they had met. Once she accepted that, she smiled and said to herself, "Sleep well, my love." Then she fell into a very restful sleep.

The next morning, she woke with a smile and prepared herself for the day with a light heart. Once the meetings began, she reverted to her business persona but was surprised at how easily the discussions proceeded. Based on her host's words the previous night, she immediately saw the difference between a European's negotiation strategies and the way Americans approached a similar conference. Americans came with a rigid agenda and were prepared to fight for every last issue. The Europeans came with the attitude that we have a good thing that can only get better. Their primary concern was which of several options would be best. She found that very refreshing. Her only focus was Jeff's mantra: make good music and allow the audience to have fun; everything else was details. And that was her specialty.

Ten days later, she was waiting at the airport in Frankfurt for Jeff to arrive and was prepared to tell him everything that had been decided. When she heard that his flight had landed, her heart started beating faster. She hoped that she didn't embarrass herself when she first saw him. Then he was walking into the baggage area and was heading straight for her with a smile on his face that rivaled hers.

Per usual, she said, "Hi, how have been going?"

"Honestly? Miserable. I am not sure that I want to be away from you that long again." Then he leaned forward and lightly kissed her lips. Then he pulled back in horror and said, "Oh, I'm sorry." With the tingle still on her lips, Hannah pulled back and slugged him in the arm. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"If you ever apologize again for giving me a kiss, I will kick your ass until you can't sit down. That was one of the sweetest and most wonderful things you have ever done for me."

Jeff laughed but then stuttered a little as he said, "O...Ok, but nnn...ow you have to carry my bag. I won't be able to lift it."

She went on her tiptoes and kissed him back and said, "Suffer." A rush of people into the baggage claim ended that moment and gave both of them the time needed to collect themselves.

Hannah drove them towards the estate where they were staying but stopped at a German restaurant for lunch. She looked at him and asked, "Steak Diane?"

He smiled and said, "Not hardly; Sauerbraten. When in Germany, do as the Germans do."

"Make that two."

When they finished eating, he looked at her and asked, "So, what do I need to know?"

"You need to know that things couldn't have gone more smoothly. Everyone readily agreed to a corporate core with each region or country having an affiliate chapter. The financial structure works very nicely as we talked about. They all like the idea of guest artists from one region being available in other areas. That will encourage camaraderie and freshness. They even agreed on where the headquarters should be. That might be the one issue where you need to put your two cents in."

"I already know where I want it to be; so, what do they want?"

"Luxembourg. They feel that it is central and will avoid any political squabbling. What do you think?"

"I think that it is a perfect choice. In fact, I put a deposit down on a place where everyone can meet and we can set up the training program."

"Do what? You did what? Where?"

"In Luxembourg. I found a place at a great price right near the border with France and Belgium in the Ardennes. It is about 400 years old but has been modernized. It is central, convenient to everywhere, great banking and commercial activities. So that is a great choice.

"Back up. What training program?"

"The one we need to start both here and at home. We have depended on virtually the same people for quite some time. Some need a break for family reasons; some of their careers may go in different directions; all of those life-gets-in-the-way-things. So, we need to be developing new talent to step in and make a place for themselves. Here, we will be expanding more into eastern Europe and the Balkans. We need to train people from there. We also need to train our support people to do things the way we need them done. That training program."

"Now I know for sure that I can't leave you alone for more than a day or two. Let's get on the road and share all of this with the others."

For the next four days, Jeff listened to everything and agreed. Then he spent time explaining the new additions to the plan. Everything excited the others and by the weekend, the agreement was finalized and their host set about doing the proper documentation for the European branch of Miles of Music International, Inc. Hannah would be doing the American version when she got home.

As they left to go to the airport for their return, Jeff directed Hannah to a short stop at the villa he had agreed to buy in Luxembourg. If she was in love with the log home back home, she swooned at the sight of the ancient (by American standards) chateau that would be their European home.

Once back home, both of them stayed busy traveling and working out details for the expansion. It did not take long before rumors of the new operation leaked out and Miles of Music became the focus of intense media interest in their plans. Jeff simple handed all requests to Hannah with a smile which she returned with a threat to his manhood. But she dutifully gave interviews in Europe and in the States as her schedule allowed. Where she once was a minor media celebrity, she now became an international figure and spokesperson for the latest musical phenomenon but also the front person for the reclusive head of the organization. She repeatedly put off discussing the head man by saying that he would be announced when everything was finalized and in place.

When it became obvious that details about Jeff were not forthcoming, questions turned towards her and her background. A number of the media hosts asked about her life, which allowed her to talk about working her way through college and law school and then finding her niche outside of the traditional legal structure. She frequented touted the high quality of both of the schools she attended and encouraged students to follow their dreams even if they weren't clearly defined and to allow other opportunities to open up for them.

The final chapter in Jeff and Hannah's adventure began when Jeff returned from his most recent trip to find Hannah sitting in the great room with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He went to her and gave her a kiss which she readily accepted. Then she tersely said, "Sit. We have to talk."

Surprised, he sat down as she poured him a glass of wine. "What's up?"

"Jeff, have I ever asked you to do something personal for me?"

"No, you haven't and I feel a little guilty about that too. What do you want or need?"

She ignored his question. "You know that I graduated from Southeastern State, right?"


"Why have you never told me that this is where you graduated from?"

He began stuttering, "I...I...guess that it just never came up."

"Bullshit. You are still afraid to open up completely to me. I accept that you aren't ready but I kind of got floored this week and now I need to ask you to do something for me."

"Anything. What is it?"

"I was invited down to the school this week to meet with the President and Deans. Homecoming is in two months and they have all of the usual activities including the big dinner dance where they announce the Alumni of the Year. Jeff, they are naming me as the alumni of the year because of all of the positive things I have said about the school. Their applications have doubled and they are getting attention from people who usually ignore them."

"That's wonderful. You certainly deserve it."

"Shut up; I'm not finished."

He nodded.

"They also showed me a list of some of the major alumni who annually support the school and asked if I personally knew any of them to invite to the dinner dance. Guess whose name is in the top ten; a certain man named JB McDaniel, Class of 1999. I almost wet my pants when I saw that. I told them that I might have met you. It seems that every year you send them a check with a thank you note declining to attend."


"Don't say anything. I know why. This is different." She paused before she continued. "I have two things to ask. One of them is very important. First, they asked if it was possible for Miles to perform at the dinner dance. I explained how things work and that I couldn't answer for them. So, I ask you if this is possible. If so, please work about the details this woman. I don't want to be involved beyond asking you. If it won't work, see if you can book a good band for the night for them."

"Ok, what's else?"

Hannah's lip began to tremble and her eyes watered, "Jeff, I would be another nameless, faceless lawyer in some firm somewhere if I hadn't met you. Every single thing they are giving me credit for was only possible because of you and you hiring me. Being recognized makes me very proud but it will only be really meaningful if you are there. I don't care if you hide behind stage or sit in the back with a pillow case over your head, I would like you to be there." Then she dropped her eyes and waited for his reply.

"Look at me." She didn't move. He lifted her face and then gently kissed her lips. "For you, I would do anything. Yes, I will be there. I promise."

She broke into full tears and leaned against his chest as she cried. "I was terrified to ask you. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Hannah was so caught up in her emotions that she failed so see that Jeff's mind was very busy and far away from this moment before he slowly broke into a smile.

The next two months were busy as usual but both of them seemed to be re-energized. Little was said about the Homecoming but it seemed to hang like a fog in the room every time they were together. Finally, the Thursday before the big event was at hand. Hannah looked at Jeff and said, "I am leaving to go down for the preliminary things tomorrow. Is everything straight with you?"

"Hannah, go have a good time. I don't know exactly where I will be but I will definitely be there Saturday night at the dinner."

She smiled a shy smile and offered a timid, "Thank you." Then she left. An hour later, Jeff left also. He had a long list of things that had to be done in two days.

On Saturday, Hannah was dressing for the dinner but got a case of nerves. She quickly called Jeff but it went to his voice mail. She hadn't talked to him since she had left. She hoped that nothing major had distracted him but wouldn't be surprised if it had. She would be hurt but would get over it. Then she drove to the campus to find her parents waiting for her along with several of her old college friends. They shared a nice time getting re-acquainted before they went it to sit at the table in front of the room. It was gaily decorated in reds, blues, and golds. When dinner was over, the woman in charge of entertainment stepped to the microphone and spoke. "We are very happy to see such a great turnout for Homecoming this year but tonight, we have something special for our entertainment. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to have a really good time tonight." The lights went down and the first sound of Miles of Music started playing their signature opening number as the curtain opened. For the first time, Hannah relaxed. Jeff had come through as she hoped he would but also knew that it hadn't been guaranteed.

An hour later, the people took their seat again after dancing to waltzes, polkas, and a number of modern songs done in the Miles style while laughing at the antics of the orchestra. Without really thinking, Hannah sensed that Jeff was backstage running the show. There was just a precision and rhythm that was a notch above all of the others.

The President of the university started walking to the podium on the stage as the orchestra played "Hail to the Chief" to the delight of everyone in the audience.

"I'm not sure that certain high-level politicians would appreciate using that music for a mere University president." To which the orchestra broke into a rousing version of "Take this Job and Shove It" to an even greater round of applause.

The president himself had to stop laughing before he could begin. "Annually, I am asked to introduce our honored guest but tonight, I have been warned to keep it short or the orchestra will take it out on me." The unmistakable sound of "Lullaby and Goodnight" wafted into the room to laughter and applause. "Ok, Ok. I get the message." He was laughing again as he brought the attention back to the microphone. "I am always pleased to announce our Alumni of the Year and this year is special for several reasons. First, Hannah Bell has made a major name for herself in a very short period of time. More importantly, she embodies all of the values that we teach and preach as educators. None of us know what the future will bring but those who pursue will find opportunities and some will rise to the occasion. She is certainly one of those rising stars. Miss Hannah Bell, our Alumni of the Year."