Irresistible Buzz Pt. 02


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She raised one eyebrow, looked down at her crotch, and then looked back up at me, grinning with just her lips and nodding very slightly.

Oh, shit. My cum was still inside her ass.

I glanced away from her, and my mind was frozen, locked up, like an engine without oil. I couldn't get past the idea of Aryn, my student, sitting at her desk with an ass full of my cum.

I had an activity—something with those markers—but I couldn't remember it. The students watched me stare at the box of markers on the podium. The images in my mind possessed me. Desire took hold of me with irresistible force.

A few students laughed uncomfortably, and I finally spoke.

"Break out your journals and write a paragraph about...about a superpower you would want and what you would do with it. Be prepared to share it."

I sat down at my desk, grabbed a yellow sticky note and wrote, "Go to the main gym, walk in the south gate, cross over to the west stairwell, go down and wait there." I folded it and wrote, "Aryn: Read this."

I picked my phone and dialed a colleague who had plan this period. We spoke briefly and I thanked him and hung up.

I stood up and said, "McGrath?"

Aryn looked up at me.

"Could you take this note to the office for me?"

She walked over and I handed the folded yellow sticky to her, making sure she read the top. She gave me the briefest of glances and left.

I took a marker and wrote a few notes on the board:

-Minimum ten sentences—good topics, supporting ideas, and clinchers

-When finished, share with two others, have them sign it and leave one comment

-Get in Monday teams and read aloud, choose two

-Share the two with the entire class

-Turn in

Then, I rifled through one of my desk drawers, found what I needed, and slipped it into my pocket.

Just then, my colleague arrived. I had asked him to cover for me for the rest of the period, making up some excuse about my father in the hospital and needing to make some calls.

"Hey, thanks man," I told my colleague.

"No problem," he said.

I explained the project and pointed to the white board.

"Got it. Go ahead," he said.

I left for the main gym. I walked in the south gate, but I took the east stairwell down and walked through the boys locker rooms. No one was there. I knocked on the football office door. Nothing. I unlocked it and looked in. No one. I closed the door and continued through the lockers to the west doorway.

Aryn was there, standing at the bottom of the stairs. I waved her over. She followed me into the coach's office, and I locked the door.

I turned to her, burning. At first, Aryn looked confused, but when she saw my face, her eyes widened.

I could barely talk. "In you—the—its inside you? Still? My cum."

She nodded.

I leapt at her and we kissed. It was a furious, attacking kiss we shared. She moaned, and I broke it and said, "Again. Now. I have to fuck your ass now."

She searched my eyes and breathed, "Yes. Fuck, yes. Fuck my ass now."

We kissed again with redoubled energy. My fingers worked on her pants, hers on mine. In moments, we were both flipping our shoes off and kicking off our pants, still kissing.

She grabbed my cock, and I groaned and sucked on her neck. Nearly hard already, she tugged me complete.

I pulled back from her. She whispered, "I don't have anything. Do you?"

I reached back for my pants, stuck my hand into a pocket, and drew out a small tube of vaseline lip balm. I showed it to Aryn. She nodded and turned around.

I squirted a dollop on my finger and coated Aryn's asshole with it. Then, I took more and rubbed it on my cock. I added more and stroked it a few times. It was ready.

She craned her neck around to look at me. Her chest rose and fell, rose and fell, and she whispered, "Just put it in." She leaned forward and put her hands on the arm of the couch.

I put the head of my cock against her little hole and pressed. It slipped inside and Aryn gasped. I took her hips and fucked her.

She turned her face towards me again and we locked eyes. The surrender in her face—the impassioned submission in her eyes—sparked me. I whispered, "Oh, fuck I love your ass, Aryn."

She moaned, and it was loud. Instantly, I covered her mouth and hushed her. Her eyes were like fire in that moment. I stopped thrusting and pulled out. When I drew my hand away, she whispered, "No. Keep your hand there."

She arched her back, pushing her ass to me. I moved forward reached around her face. I closed my hand over her mouth with one hand; I put my cock back against her asshole with the other.

When I pushed inside, I felt her muffled scream on my palm. I heard her sniff deeply. I drew back and plunged until I could go no further. She gasped into my hand.

"Take it, little slut. Take it and shut the fuck up."

Aryn moaned into my hand and nodded. I watched my cock slide in and out from between the magnificent bulbs of her ass, and I never wanted to cum and to never cum so badly.

Every thrust brought me closer. Every muffled howl from Aryn took me higher.

I knew I could not stop it, and I decided to embrace it. I fucked harder and faster. Aryn bit into my hand, screaming. I gasped.

Then, my cock began throb inside her. Each successive burst was stronger, and it was like adrenaline pumped through me, setting me on fire as it passed into her. I stopped thrusting so as to feel every pulse course through my cock. I felt Aryn's asshole expand ever so slightly with each surge from my shaft.

And then I was empty, and Aryn full. My hand slipped away from her mouth.

Aryn was repeatedly whispering, "Oh, shit."

I held her hips, keeping my cock inside her, and we stood in the coaches office, recovering. When my cock slipped out, I backed away.

I asked her if she liked it.

"Shit, I loved it," she huffed, "My ass is so full of cum right now."

I smiled and said, "I thought it was pretty amazing, too."

"And it was so hot, getting ass fucked in school," she said, "and by my teacher."

"And during class," I added, and we both started laughing.

Cum slowly leaked from her ass.

I took off my shirt. "Damn, I"m hot." I used it to fan myself.

Aryn turned around and began dressing.

I looked over at her and asked if she was going to clean up.

"Fuck, no. You don't know how sexy it is, the feel of cum in my ass."

I shook my head and felt her staring at me.

She said, "I love your body. You're a gorilla of a man."

I quickly slipped my shirt on. "Thanks, but I think you're rare."

"You think women don't like it?"

"A lot don't."

"Any girl who doesn't like your body is scared."

"Scared?" I asked.

"Too many boys are pussies anymore. Too many girls want them all to be skinny and weak. They want crybabies."

"But, not you?"

"No. I want a big fucking beast."

I kissed her and said, "I'll let you out and you can head across to the girls locker area until fourth period. I need to get back."

"Let's come back here during your free period, so I can suck your cock."

"Okay, let me know when you're coming down. Walk by and give me a little signal."

She nodded.

When we were both ready, I opened the door and peeked out. All clear. I signaled her to head out. When she was safely away, I walked back through the locker rooms and went to my classroom.


During my plan period, I tried to work, but I couldn't. I had a nagging feeling, a feeling like I'd pushed things way too far, taken too many risks.

I remember getting the feeling when I was a teenager. A few friends and I had gone out late at night, egging the houses of the assholes we hated. We'd finished up and had one egg left. All had gone well, and we were walking home when one of my friends stopped and pointed at another house.

It was the house of a kid in our grade, but one we really didn't even know. My friend wanted to get rid of the last egg. I got the feeling right then: it said, "Don't."

I told them I didn't want to do it.

But that one egg, sitting there in an otherwise perfectly empty container, called to us. When I shrugged my shoulders, my friend picked it up and chucked it—just as a man emerged from behind the corner of the garage.

That night, I didn't listen to the feeling, and I got caught.

Sitting at my desk, I knew I needed to pay attention to it, but fuck, I wanted Aryn again.

I looked up at the doorway to my classroom, and there she was. Aryn was just walking by with Naida.

I wouldn't say no. I couldn't.

Aryn glanced in at me and shook her head, no, surreptitiously pointing at Naida.

It was off.

Aryn disappeared from view.

I sighed. Good.


Someone was knocking on my back door; it was nearing midnight. I was on the couch grading papers. I got up and walked over. Aryn.

I opened the door and she stepped inside.

About to make a little joke, I stopped myself. Her face gave me pause; it was awash in concern.

"Aryn, what's the matter?" I closed the door behind her.

"Naida knows."

Oh, fuck. "What? What does she know?" I asked.

"She doesn't know it's you. She knows I've been fucking someone, fucking a guy."


"The cum. She found it."

It was not an answer I was expecting, and it was so strange, it left me speechless. I couldn't conceive how Naida had found cum. Surely, I thought, it had all been washed down some shower drain. Had Aryn saved it or something? Put it in a fucking jar?

Aryn clarified, "From my ass. The cum in my ass."

Her explanation didn't help, and I tried to speak, but I didn't know what the hell to say.

She read my confusion. "Some of it came out while she and I were fucking after school."

"You still had it in there?"

She nodded. "Some. I didn't have time. She was all over me when I got home."

"Okay," I said, searching for the right words, "I'm sorry, Aryn. It's my fault you're in this position. Is Naida upset?"

"She's really pissed. She wants to know whose cum it is, but I won't tell her."

"Thank you."

"But, then she said she's going to break up if I don't tell her. And, I told her it wasn't like I was in love, that I was just experimenting, and that its over."

I asked if Naida was okay with that.

Aryn sighed. "No. She wants to know, but I told her that I would never do it again as long as she didn't make me tell her until summer."


"She'll have graduated," Aryn explained. "You'll be in the clear."

"Probably," I said, "Aryn, that is really nice of you to cover for me, but are you sure there's no way to just say it was someone else?"

Aryn shook her head. "No, she knows it's someone who lives around here."


"Naida went out looking for me Sunday. She found my car. So, if I say it's someone else, it's got to be someone who lives near here, near you. And, she'd confront them."

"She stalked you?"

"She was worried."

I threw out an idea. "Say you just got picked up there and went somewhere else—downtown or something."

Aryn responded, "Won't work. I didn't think of that when she started asking me. She knows it's someone around here."

"Shit. What about just not telling her?"

Aryn stared at me like I was something she'd never seen before. Then, she said, "I love Naida."

"Oh," I said, "I'm sorry; I didn't understand."

"I'm going to marry her."

At that moment, I realized that I had been hearing everything Aryn said, but never listening. She had told me she was a lesbian, but I assumed she just liked the idea of being a lesbian. I figured she was really bisexual, possibly even straight. I also assumed Naida was just some friend she made out with sometimes. And I assumed that I was her target, her goal.

And I was totally, totally wrong.

I was the experiment, the fling. She really was a lesbian. Naida was the goal, the long term partner. How ridiculous I must have sounded when, Sunday, I had told Aryn she could continue to see Naida and that I wouldn't be upset. No wonder she looked at me like I was a moron when I said it.

I found words again. "I'm happy for you both, Aryn. Naida is a lucky young lady."

"Thanks," she almost whispered.

"So that's it, then?"

"It has to be. I came here to tell you."

"Good of you to do that," I said, and then I added, "Look, I understand. I do. I'm not pissed or anything. I like you, Aryn."

She smiled. "Thanks. I really like you, too."

I nodded, and she kissed me, turned, and left.

In a way, it was a relief that it was over. In another way, I was stunned. The more I thought about it, the more I decided that Aryn was a lot like a college friend of mine. The guy always had a girlfriend, and his relationships were always deep and serious. But, anytime we made a road trip, he totally cut loose, taking any pussy he could get.

Nowadays, he's married and in marketing. He's as dutiful a husband as one can imagine: loves his wife, takes care of her and their kids. They're always together. When he zips off to a convention, though, he cheats like hell.

Once, he was pretty drunk, telling me the story one of his out of town conference flings. By the end of his tale, he had made enough slips and corrections that I began to suspect it had been a homosexual liaison.

So, I had been Aryn's vacation from Naida, but the trip was over.

I was happy for her. I really was. Was she really in love with Naida? Did Aryn even know what love was? At nineteen?

Who was I to judge? I wished her well.

A female colleague of mine once said that inappropriate relationships between teachers and students boiled down to one thing: vanity. It was the teacher's vanity—their self-congratulations that they "still had it"—that enabled the liaison to begin in the first place. I suspected my colleague was right. But, I think my relationship with Aryn may have been an exception. For whatever reason, our bodies had called to one another. It was never pride or vanity for me. It was a chemical calling that I could not resist.

I hoped I could find it again—that buzz.


The next Saturday afternoon, it was exceptionally warm—rare in mid-October. I took off my shirt when I cut the grass. I was a hairy slab of man—a gorilla of a man—and I didn't give a fuck anymore.

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dasgoodshitdasgoodshit12 months ago

I've been on Lit for 8-9 years. That said, I don't care for anal, but the way this anal encounter unfolded is the best I've ever read.

But the ending was shit.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 year ago

Needs a better ending

BgDaddy33BgDaddy33almost 2 years ago

Very well done. Lots of memories came flooding back from reading this. Loved your descriptions. I agree that another part would be very welcomed. Not with Naida, but another stolen moment with Aryn. Months later maybe, she needs to be sure.. or she just misses him and is plagued with what ifs.. lots of possibilities.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story.

And a cucumber is a fruit, by the way.

Just sayin’. ;)

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

good story, 1st anal as she bent over your bed, pants part way down, you should have told her it was your desk and if she wanted to pass she had to take it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just when I think I’ve read about every permutation there is, a totally different hot 🥵 story like this comes along.

Well done! Brilliant! Erotic as hell!


4certain4certainabout 3 years ago

Please continue with a third installment with Aryn and Naida, or perhaps a subsequent lesbian love interest needing a father for their children. A hairy beast seems the perfect person to father any children for one, or both, women, whether as a throuple, or as a couple with dad's ongoing participation only with the children. The chemistry certainly calls for an ongoing relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
As several say --

As several say, a sequel would be interesting. It could go in many directions. You are inventive enough to pull it off. Very erotic story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Please continue

You must unleash the story otherwise, I will forever wonder what happened...

Great writing!

GhostfreakGhostfreakover 5 years ago

I am lookimg forwarf to a part 3 if there is one because this was very good honestly. I love both Aryn and the mc. Plot is flatout amazing.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
A creative conclusion

The younger of the two was ultimately the most reasoned and mature. I didn't expect her to be the one to end it. But considering how risky he was pushing the behaviour at school it's a good thing she did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story

I hope this isn't the end of this series. It was a great read and would love to see it continued.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Moreeeee!!!! Please!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well done.

Please write more!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very Original

One of the most creative, original and well-crafted stories I've read in a long time.

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