Isla's Summer


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An organiser ran over in his high visibility coat and had a quick chat with Gary. I couldn't see what was being said through the heavy rain, as both had their heads down to keep their faces out of the rain.

"Cars are getting stuck in the mud, we'll leave the carriages over there and go the long way to the exits. There are too many stuck for us to reach them from here."

We pulled the carriages to a corner of the field and disconnected the carriages. Gary jumped up and stood on the footpad, to sit on the large mudguard of the rear wheels to direct me where we needed to go.

I drove us out to the exhibitor's entrance and exited onto the lanes. Gary directed me round the labyrinth of lanes until we reached the car park entrance and exit. Cars were littered everywhere, with the few stuck ones blocking even the 4x4s from exiting.

Gary pointed at the nearest culprit, and I headed over to reverse up close. Gary produced a towrope from the bottom of the toolbox. He soon had the car hitched up, gave the driver some instructions, and waved me off.

Fergie didn't feel a thing as I pulled him out onto the road, with Gary walking behind. We soon unhitched and returned for the next car. Slowly, car by car, we removed the blockage, allowing more cars to filter out.

We moved deeper and deeper into the car park, releasing stuck cars as the rain continued to worsen the conditions. Gary and I worked like clockwork together, Gary signing instructions and shouting at car drivers about how to drive their cars and not get stuck.

One stuck car we passed had Joanne's face pressed up against the window, waving. I reversed up for Gary to hitch the towrope on and we pulled it all the way out of the car park. Joanne was ecstatic as we set them free. We had a quick chat and signed goodbyes through the window before returning to work.

The sky was darkening further when we, with other smaller tractors, had finished helping the public leave, but now exhibitors were fighting the rain, with tents and marquees now struggling with the weight of the rainstorm.

We collected the carriages and worked our way back to the Barnes clan base camp, to find Gary, Mark's and Kevin's tents sat in a shallow pond. After initially laughing at the situation, we contacted Helen and Cat to find that they had retired to the beer tent.

The beer tent was full of sheltering exhibitors, all soaked through. Whilst I was wet and chilly, I wasn't cold and the temperature was still in the high teens. When we found Gary's two sisters and their boyfriends, they had been sheltering for quite some time and had warmed themselves with copious amounts of cider.

The atmosphere was typical British, full of humour at various people's rain soaked states and experiences. Everyone was discussing options of leaving or hoping that Sunday would bring sunshine and more paying visitors.

Just as we were discussing the same, everyone cocked an ear to an announcement by an official stood on a table. I couldn't hear it nor read his lips as he moved his head around to be heard by everyone in the large marquee.

As the announcement finished and the crowd discussed their options, Gary explained.

"The rain isn't due to stop until Monday and they've decided to not open tomorrow and advise people to pack up and leave, asking the larger tractors to remain available to rescue any stuck lorries and trucks."

"Cat and Helen are in no fit state to drive, so I can drive the Disco home. You can drive the Lorry, but what about Kevin and Mark?"

Cat and Helen laughed, reading my signing, "They can sleep it off, in Mark's car."

Neither Mark nor Kevin liked that idea once Helen had told them their option. To me, it was obvious.

"We can't load Fergie and the carriages in the rain, in this failing light. Nor can we leave the pigs and sheep here. I can take the drunken sisters home. Gary you being the pigs and sheep home in the trailer using the Land Rover with Mark, and Kevin."

Gary smiled and relayed the plan to the others, who all nodded in agreement. The foursome finished their drinks, Mark and Kevin went to collect the livestock. We went back to the base and Gary set about dismantling the tent.

Gary decided that as the tents and contents were already wet, there was no use trying to be gentle. He just pulled up the pegs, let them lie flat and rolled them up, poles included. The long wraps of tents, including contents he placed in the back of the Land Rover.

Gary suddenly motioned for me to look across the field. Lit by the show ground lights were Mark and Kevin, covered in mud carrying two filthy, dirty pigs. Both were wriggling, trying to escape.

With the two lumps of wriggling muddy pigs deposited in the trailer, Mark and Kevin explained how the piglets had escaped and evaded capture. During the chase, both had fallen many times in the slippery conditions.

Gary told them to get in the Land Rover and they'd go pick up the sheep. We had a chance for a wet, rain soaked hug and kiss as I climbed into the Discover to take Cat and Helen home. The Disco was already in four-wheel drive, so it was a simple trip to escape the muddy fields and make our way back.

Being deaf was a bonus whilst having to drive with two drunken sisters on the back seat. In the rear-view mirror, I could see them singing, arguing and laughing, trying to sign whatever the current joke was to me.

I dropped them off at the farmhouse and returned home to get in a hot shower and into some dry clothes. Mum and dad were home after leaving at the start of the downpour. They had seen us in the show ring but unable to attract our attention.

Thankfully, mum had a nice dinner ready for me to reheat and eat in front of the TV as Gary text to confirm he was now in a similar position. The tents were now hanging in a barn to dry and pigs were safely in their pen.

He'd dropped Mark, Kevin and the sheep off, but in the morning, I'll need to pick him up in the Disco, as Helen will return the Land Rover to Kevin. Our live chat continued as much as we'd chatted a thousand times before, but there was something more to it.

I wondered if Gary had the same thoughts as myself over our future relationship and children after meeting Joanne. His texts read more loving, with sporadic kisses, `x's and even some emoji.

After breakfast the next morning, I drove the Disco down to the farmhouse to collect Gary. It felt strange to be driving to meet him, when it would have been so much easier if we'd slept together and far more desirable from my point of view.

Gary was waiting in the door's porch out of the rain as I arrived. He ran out and jumped in the passenger seat, more than happy for me to drive. He signed that Helen had already left to pick up Kevin and Mark to give a hand.

As we arrived at the showground, everything had changed. Muddy fields were now bare of more than half the exhibitors and marquees. Queues of lorries and trucks were making their way to the exits.

Helen, Mark and Kevin were waiting, all of us now dressed for the weather and keen to get out before getting soaked again. It became apparent that once more chaos was going to reign, with the four working in four different directions.

I pressed the large klaxon on Fergie to attract their attention. I ran through how I thought things should work and in what order to get us out more efficiently. Gary translated whilst Helen nodded. After a little horse-trading on jobs, we all got on with our roles.

This time, we all worked as a team to get everything safely loaded and we started on our way. Gary led in the Lorry towing the trailer, with Helen following in the Land Rover and I in the Disco.

Eventually we were back at the farm and unloading Fergie. We left the carriages on the trailer and reversed it into the barn. We retired to the Kitchen for some tea and Sally cooked up some bacon sandwiches.

Just as we had dried out and eaten, Cat burst into the kitchen to announce she had been walking the farm and thought we could revise our wetland estimates. The heavy rain had proven the trial ditches worked better than we had experienced earlier that week.

She also thought we could revise our plans, but we had to get out and map the current conditions as she also had measured rainfall over the farm, giving us accurate data. I got the app downloaded to Cat and Helen's phones and we set off into the rain.

We all had set watercourses to map out. Gary and I chose the one furthest from the farmhouse. We started at the bottom, near the river, and walked either side of the ditch that was now a deep torrent, up to its source.

We were soon slogging through deep mud and separated by hedges. I took photos, realising that we can link the photos to maps, which we could use later for reference. Noting where ditches ran under lanes, or paths in culverts.

We had only managed three watercourses, by the time we were losing light and I was exhausted. We were the last to return to the farmhouse. Sally had made dinner, which we all enjoyed with a few glasses of wine.

We sat around the dining table comparing notes and I showed everyone how to link photos to maps. After exporting the maps and converting, we loaded them on the laptop. I overlaid them onto the ordnance survey map of the farm, and we all agreed that we needed to revise our estimates.

Now we had real-time data to back up our estimates and could add this all to the application. The four of us poured over the information and mapped out how we should amend our original application that was still waiting for submittal.

Once we had sufficient planning in place, we all retired to the lounge, glasses in hand, to chat. Once more, I felt that warm fuzzy, comfortable feeling being around Gary and his sisters. We were all signing and lip reading, whilst joking and laughing about our weekends adventures at the steam rally.

Gary and I were sharing a large lounge chair with me once more on his lap. Helen and Cat could now hold their own signing and reading what either Gary or I signed. I've only ever felt this included when within deaf BSL groups.

It was only then that the enormity of what I had achieved that weekend hit me. I had stepped way outside my previous comfort zone, with it being such an enormous step for a shy hermit, but had slipped past without me noticing. To be out amongst such sizeable crowds, without mum, and dad as my safety net and with me taking charge.

After a few glasses of wine, I was getting too comfortable. If we were alone, I would have suggested me staying the night, to spend it with Gary. That time to speed up was just proving too elusive. I don't think I could wait until autumn and a spa weekend as a party of six with Helen and Cat.

Gary must have developed a sixth sense, as he lifted me up off his lap and got up, returning with our coats, saying he'll run me home. My legs felt like lead as we pulled our coats on. Cat and Helen each came in for a big hug, and I followed Gary out into the rain.

A few minutes later, once again, we found ourselves parked outside my parent's house, with that damn centre console between us. After a few furtive kisses and hugs, I repeated my usual farewell, stood in the doorway, watching Gary disappear into the darkness.

That night I dreamed of Gary waving me off as I took our children to school in the carriages pulled by Fergie. There were dozens of them, boys and girls, far more than the carriages could carry. Once at school, they just kept coming out and walking into school, until the school was full with our offspring.

The next few days were busy. I caught up on work, whilst also amending the DEFRA application. Cat, Helen and Gary caught up with the last of any maintenance, as the rain finally stopped.

The texts we swapped and the few evenings we saw each other just ramped up the excitement for the following weekend's summer ball. One evening, we practiced our dancing, which only amplified our excitement.

Gary came up and under mum's supervision; we waltzed our way around the lounge, with Gary tapping the beat with his finger on my back. Gary's level of dance ability impressed mum. He even had the cheek to tweak my technique.

He even text Helen, who must have broken the world record for driving up a farm track to arrive so fast. She burst into the house, full of excitement. First she insisted she watch, then she and Gary demonstrated and she exaggerated the points she wanted me to improve on.

Once moving, Helen's size disappeared, she span as if she were floating, rising and falling with the dance steps. Mum enjoyed Helen's energy. We practiced until both Helen and mum were satisfied. Helen confirmed they would pick me up from home in the limousine they had previously booked for the ball.

On the Thursday afternoon, Mum and I popped into Hereford to collect the ball gown. Then went on to both get our hair done and my nails. We were lucky to have appointments, as both salons were busy with women also preparing themselves for the ball.

Back home, we gave my ball gown pride of place in my office, as it dwarfed the wardrobes in my bedroom. Having texts and WhatsApp messages from Cat and Helen just added to the buildup of excitement. With them having more time to prepare, they had Saturday morning appointments for their hair and nails.

Friday was unbearable, being overexcited. Once I had cleared my desk of work, I just found myself looking at the ball gown, desperate to try it on. Trying to sit by my pond writing wasn't enough, so like many days now, I walked down to the farm and rode George.

With the use of the app, we could walk out of the paddock, avoiding vehicle traffic and around the harvested areas of the farm, so we could also trot around fields of stubble. Now being ridden more often, George's temperament had softened over the last few weeks, although neither Cat nor Helen could encourage him to allow them to ride him.

It had taken some getting used to riding bareback, but still George would not allow us anywhere near any time we tried to place a saddle on him. He responded with a canny knack of knowing what I wanted him to do or where I wanted him to go.

Once back in the paddock, I enjoyed rubbing him down and grooming him. Once finished, I wandered back to the farmhouse to call in for a chat with Sally. I felt more at home on the farm and to welcome to wander in and out with no hesitation.

Later that evening, Gary and I went out for a quiet drink at 'The Trumpet.' It was a nice pre-ball affair with just the two of us. He looked a little edgy, making me realise he was excited too.

"Are you as excited about the ball, as I am?"

"Maybe not quite as much, as I've been to a few... But yeah, I'm excited. We have dry weather forecast and I have the prettiest girl ever to take."

"Aw... Come on, you must have taken dozens of girls to these balls?"

Gary blushed. Once again, it was unfair of me to press him on his past.

"No... I always went alone. There was never any need to invite anyone, as I would have the pick of the bunch once I arrived." He admitted, avoiding looking me in the eye.

"Sorry honey, I meant it to be more of a tease."

"No... It's okay... Isla, you are the most wonderful woman I've ever met... In fact, the only one I've ever wanted to take to the ball with me."

We spent the rest of the evening like a love struck couple... Well, that was what we were... Although once again I wished I could whisper sweet nothings to him, but the noise, even in the quiet pub, was too much.

Gary sensibly called it an early night, even for us, as we will need all our energy for tomorrow's ball. Gary had borrowed Cat's Audi estate, so for once there was no central console to irritate us. In the car park, things got a little amorous, as his warm hands swarmed over my willing body.

Even in the evening's warmth of late July, we were steaming the windows up. I never wanted a man as much as I wanted Gary now... But with the odd car or pub's clientele passing, this wasn't the place.

"Isla, as much as I want you, this is not how I want our first time to be." Gary acknowledged.

Red faced, we both rearranged our clothes. Gary let the windows down and we left the car park. As he drove me home, we passed several locations, we could have parked up and done the deed. But, I agreed with Gary, I too wanted our first time to be the one to remember...

Saturday was unbearable. All the clocks seemed to run slower than ever. I tried everything I knew to pass the time until I needed to get ready. As instructed by Helen, I didn't wear my sexiest panties, as she was adamant that I was going to ride the rodeo bull.

Mum helped with my hair and my favourite necklace she had brought me for my eighteenth birthday all those years ago. I wore a plain strapless bra, to ensure no loose bra straps would spoil the dresses look.

After a last cup of tea, I wriggled into the ball gown, with mum fussing over me, pulling hems and edges straight. Dad's jaw hit the floor when I walked downstairs into the lounge. I felt like a million dollars.

I had some lovely red semi-high-heeled shoes to wear and a nice scarlet clutch bag. The door bell rang earlier than expected, but when mum answered it, Gary walked in, wearing a full tuxedo. He looked more handsome than ever before.

The suit fitted him perfectly, and he had cleanly shaved, wearing smart black polished shoes. He had walked up the drive. His jaw joined dad's on the floor when he saw me.

I span a few times and asked, "Do I look okay?"

"Abso-bloody-lutely," he gasped, but after gathering his thoughts, he signed, "You're beautiful."

Mum got her camera out and got dad to take photos of me with her, outside in the sunshine. Then one with Gary and I. As dad took the photos, I noticed a flash of emotion and a tear in his eye.

"You okay, dad?"

He nodded, as both his eyes filled with tears. Mum took the camera off him and I gave him a big hug, trying not to smear my makeup. Gary took my photo with mum and dad. Dad spent ages propping the camera on a post, getting us to stand in exactly the right position. He pressed the button and ran to join me to take a photo of the four of us.

It was lovely to see the change in dad. He was looking at Gary with pride and chatting with him as he would my brother. Before we could get over emotional, Kevin came around the corner, having arrived with Cat, Helen and Mark in the limousine.

Before we could make a move to the car, Cat and Helen burst around the corner in their dresses, with Mark shadowing them, trying to implore them to return to the car. Cat in an ivory white dress and Helen bursting out of a buxom lilac dress.

After another round of photos, we finally boarded the enormous car parked outside. Inside were flutes of champagne and we all settled down. The excitement of Helen and Cat was almost unbearable. With Gary have to shout for them to tone it down.

As we talked and signed, coloured lights flickered on and off around us, showing me there must have been some music playing. When we entered the grounds of the agricultural college, you could see the enormity of it.

The college was an old Victorian building. Very grand, with huge tall windows and turreted corners. Built out of red brick and stone, with high stacked chimneys. A long line of limousines of all shapes and sizes queued up, disgorging guests.

Even a few tractors and trailers carried groups of guests in. The grounds that were normally open sports fields, now held a huge illuminated fair ground that was ready for the guests. Gary helped me step out of the limousine. Once out, the excitement all around was palpable.

Cat and Helen went into overdrive, almost needing reins to hold them back. I felt sorry for Mark and Kevin, although I think they were used to it by now. Guests walked up and down, greeting friends, grouping people for photos.