Isla's Summer


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The crowds were thinning by the time light was showing in the east. I couldn't believe how quickly the time had gone. We had done so much and yet still seemed full of energy. The nightclub was running down, and the cafeteria was offering breakfasts.

Gary was keen to keep going, knowing that once we stopped, we would struggle to get back going. We surveyed the photos, taken by the professional photographer. The initial entrance photo of Gary and I was lovely. We looked like a perfect couple.

There were many photos of the dinner and the first dance. Then lots of Gary and I, dancing. The photo of me receiving the 'Belle of the Ball,' tiara was perfect. Not only had I felt like a princess, but I looked like one too, even in scarlet. We ordered a few prints to be delivered to my Parent's house.

Eventually Gary had to give in to his stomach. Admitting defeat, we all headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. After breakfast and copious amounts of tea, we realised Gary was right. Our joints were seizing up and my arms ached.

Outside, the sun was now up and reaching for the sky, with fatigue gripping everyone. Helen called the limousine, that was on call, and we made our way to the entrance with various soft toys won on the fairground stalls.

Gary walked me to my front door when they dropped me off. This time I didn't need to feel any guilt inviting him in, with the sun now higher in the sky and knowing mum and dad were already up. Gary waved the limousine on, still with the other four on board.

Mum was pleased to see us, showing me the on-line headline for the local news, on her tablet...

Local Woman Dances Her Way to Being the First Deaf 'Belle of the Ball'.

The following article skimmed over the first dance, making the first dance more of a friendly display of my dancing skills, rather than a spiteful spat.

The main photo was of me receiving the tiara. The article was full of the glitz of the evening. There were dozens of photos of guests, including a few of our group. Once photo was the type Helen had warned me of... A woman upside down, dress inverted, covering her head, falling off the rodeo bull, her legs spread, bearing her cheeks, thong and stockings to the world.

"She'll be a pinup for a few lads in the local farms for years," joked Gary...

Mum made us coffee as I ran upstairs to remove the ball gown. That was now becoming tiresome and heavy. Returning in a dressing gown, to find Gary, mum and dad, sat in the conservatory chatting. Seeing dad, more than comfortable having Gary for company.

I cuddled up to Gary, as we told mum and dad of all the events of the evening. Mum took a photo of us, with me still wearing my precious tiara, but with both of us looking worn out. We continued telling our stories of the evening and morning over coffees.

Cuddled up to Gary's shoulder, I felt my eyelids drooping; his warm body and vibrations of his chatting were hypnotic. I curled my legs up under me and gave up to my fatigue. I slept deeply, but I don't know for how long. I struggled, drifting back into the world, feeling hot and uncomfortable.

I could feel warm breath on the back of my neck and a hand resting, cupped on my breast... Gary was spooning me, led on the sofa. I opened my eyes, seeing Gary's polished shoes kicked under the table, mum and dad gone, with the coffee cups...

Not being able to hear anything, I couldn't tell if mum or dad were home. I checked my smart watch. Normally mum sends me a note if they pop out, but none waited for me... Well, we must be here at with their consent, or the rug wouldn't be over us.

I kicked the rug off my legs and opened up my dressing gown to cool down. Not wanting to disturb Gary's hand, as I cooled, I snuggled deeper into his spoon and tried to settle back to sleep. I drifted back to sleep; I dreaming of us lying in bed together every night.

The next time I drifted awake, I felt Gary breathing a little faster behind me. He was awake, as he tried to withdraw his morning wood from digging into me. We were still in the same positions we were in when I first awoke. I peeked through my eyelids and could see from the position of the sun it must be late afternoon.

A finger drifted across my thigh and drew, 'Hi' on my exposed skin. I snuggled back deeper into him, and pressed by buttocks against him, enjoying the stiffness of his manhood. Gary squirmed, a little embarrassed. Realising I had done it on purpose, he pulled me in tighter, massaging my breast.

I hummed to show my consent and tried once more to tell him what I thought.

"This is... Nice," I squeaked out, hoping the conservatory was quiet enough.

"Mmmm Humm..." Came the vibrations behind me, as his finger wrote, 'Yes' on my thigh.

I couldn't hold back. I squirreled around to face him. Pulling my arms out of the sleeves of the robe and letting it fall on the floor, I wrapped myself around him. He pulled the rug over my shoulders and we settled together, kissing.

It was too comfortable, with us linked together. Our legs wrapped around each other meant there was an obvious middle wicket between us, exhibiting stiff signs of wanting us to be closer. I wished the same, but we were in a public area of the house, with no idea of where mum and dad were.

It was lovely to give Gary's hands unrestricted access and, whilst I desired to respond in the same way, our location played in my mind. I felt a change in Gary's mood. Opening my eyes, he mouthed what I was thinking...

"Isla... This is lovely but... You know? What if, your mum or dad, were to walk in? Plus, I don't want to leave any stains in these hired trousers. I'll go home, shower and change and lets go out for a meal or something?"

He was right... I nodded and untangled myself from him, seeing his eyes bulge in appreciation, to see me stood in my underwear, plain though it was. I pulled my dressing gown back around me as he got up and slipped his shoes on.

We had one last hug and kiss before he left. As he left, heading down the garden to take a shortcut through the field, past the pond, mum and dad appeared from behind some bushes they were trimming.

I gasped in relief, now knowing that they had been close by, so whilst a painful choice for Gary to leave, perhaps the safer option. I folded up the rug and headed for the shower. After a lovely hot shower, I couldn't help but lie down and was soon back asleep.

Over the next few weeks, the farm absorbed all of Gary's time. We still met over sandwiches, but spent more time cuddling than eating. Gary scoffing his sandwiches in his cab as he drove off. I continued to follow progress through the app, watching the numbers slowly dance around the screen.

We managed a few evenings together for a beer, but later than normal. On one precious evening, I alluded to Gary that one event I enjoyed at this time of year was the annual Perseids Meteor Shower. These Meteors are predictable and appear late July until mid-August, but this year is due to peak around August twelfth.

When younger, dad and I would lie out and watch these meteors burn up in the earth's atmosphere. It was magical for me to see something that seemed fairytale. Now it reminds me of how enormous the universe is, and how insignificant we are, as the shooting streak across the night's sky.

Gary suggested that on the twelfth we return to the field where we watched the sun go down. With it being the furthest from the farmhouse, road and the highest, we should get the best possible view.

I thought nothing more of the conversation, no more than any other date. As the day's clicked by, I continued to watch my app screen, sometimes playing a game of predicting when I could see the combines and tractors pass across any view of any chosen window.

They would work late, often late into the darkness, when I could see their lights searching across fields, now ploughing the stubble fields, as well as harvesting. Some evenings I would see Cat and Helen's car parked at the farmhouse of even off the map, Whilst Gary's truck remained stationary.

Gary would explain that he was doing urgent maintenance late into the night. I couldn't understand why these relatively new, enormous machines needed such regular work, but he always commented that pumps or conveyor belts needed constant attention in the heat and dust.

Cat and Helen were lovely, texting me with friendly comments, and teasing over any mistake Gary made. When Helen caught her one trailer in a ditch, both Gary and Cat, whilst coming to her aid, teased her beyond what was fair to anyone but a fellow sibling.

Gary's sisters would remind me that the lack of dates during August was typical for any farmer's girlfriend and was the same for them and their partners. I wasn't sure, but they seemed to have more rest time that Gary.

Finally, the twelfth came and over lunchtime sandwiches, I made sure Gary was still okay for that evening's shooting star watch. He confirmed and suggested picking me up at about eight. With it now being predicted a dry, cloudless, cooler night, I wore jeans and thin polo neck jumper, much to mum's disappointment over dinner.

My smart watch buzzed at eight and I grabbed a warm hoody, signed goodnight to mum, and dad then left. Outside, Gary was also wearing a thick jumper but had come in his beat up old Toyota pickup. He saw the disappointment on my face, but smiled to reassure me. This time, the rear had a tarpaulin pulled over it, held with bungee cords.

The inside smelt as bad as previous trips. Thank goodness, this trip would be short, only across the farm. We bounced down the lane and along a track. The truck's headlights guiding our way along the unlit track in the failing light. It wasn't until we turned through the open gate into the stubble-strewn field that I saw Bessy parked in the middle.

Gary turned and smiled, showing he'd been keeping a secret from me. He drove up as close as he could to Bessy, parking up tight alongside the left-hand side. I could get out of the truck, but Gary had to climb over and exit through my passenger door.

He had parked with the rear of the truck stuck out, just slightly overlapping Bessy's rear porch. I walked around. Gary had cleaned up Bessy and painted her, wrapping her in Christmas lights and the wheels chocked safely.

The front door had bunting hanging around it, looking very similar to Sally's 'Happy Birthday,' bunting. I noticed Cat and Helen's handy work, with the letters moved around, changing a 'y' to a 'g'... Now the bunting read, 'Shag Shed.'

"Those two... I'll kill them." Gary signed, shaking his head.

He invited me up the steps to the door. He flicked a switch, turning on Christmas lights, inside and out. Gary must have renovated it inside and out. The rickety shelves had gone, but the potbelly stove was now clean, with kindling stacked alongside.

The windows were clean, freshly painted and with floral curtains pulled back. The holes in the roof had been repaired and fresh paint everywhere. Dotted around were Jam jars of flowers. Beneath the side window was a little sink set into one cupboard. Either side were now clean, painted cupboards, containing plates, mugs, coffee and tea.

At the back was a double bed, with duvet, pillows, storage underneath and curtains to separate it from the rest of the hut. The insinuation struck me and I glanced at Gary to see a nervous, guilty look, which I deflected with a smile and a hug.

Two coolers sat in the front corners under the windows, one with ice surrounding bottles of wine, cider, and milk. The other had some peanuts, crisps, cheese, crackers and bread, deeper down eggs and bacon. Once again, Gary gave me a wry, nervous, guilty look.

"Sorry... I wasn't servicing tractors at night... I was renovating Bessy. She now also has solar cells and batteries."

"I can see that now... She's beautiful."

Gary pulled out a bottle of wine to uncork, pouring us each a glass and grabbed a packet of peanuts. Outside, Gary switched the lights off, but stopped me from sitting down on the porch, handing me his glass and the pack of peanuts. He jumped down.

Gary worked around the rear bed of the truck, undoing the tarpaulin. Once undone, with a wave of his arm, he flung back the cover, flicking it over the cab... To reveal the rear, formed into a rug-covered sofa. He pulled back one corner of the rug to show the straw bed beneath.

"Kick that plank over to the side of the truck." Gary asked.

On the floor of the porch was a wide plank. I easily slid it over with my boot, to cross the gap between truck side and porch. Gary climbed up and held my hand, inviting me across the plank to join him on the truck bed sofa.

I carefully stepped across and settled down into a seated position. Gary had some timber as sideboards to rest drinks on. Sat here we could look across the shallow valley to see the lights of the farmhouse and my parent's house in the distance.

The straw beneath the rug sofa was warm and comfortable. We snuggled into a hollow and toasted the night, whilst nibbling peanuts. This was perfect, with us both led together, me crooked into Gary's shoulder with his arm around me, as we watched the sky darken.

Whilst the sun had dipped down beneath the far hills, the sky was still too light, giving us some time, before any shooting stars would be visible. Seeing some spare rugs folded up in the truck's corner bed, I knew how we could spend the time.

Notching things up was long overdue. The more I thought about it, the more my body began gearing up for what was about to come. I could feel my breasts softening and nipples hardening as I yearned for Gary.

I set my empty glass to one side and slid my hand over his waist and under his jumper... His stomach jumped in surprise, as I started undoing his belt and his hands also started to walk... I'd never taken the lead in any sexual encounter before, but this time I wanted him to know, I was ready.

I cocked my leg over him and slid over to sit on his thighs, looking down at him, smiling. His belt undone, I slid my hands up under his jumper and ran them over his beating chest. Drifting my hands up and down his chest, I teased him, to drop them down to unzip and peal his jeans away.

As I pulled his trousers down, he lifted his bum with a grin... "You are a naughty princess."

I have enough experience to know, cocks aren't the most attractive thing, but this one, I wanted, so when I pulled his out of his boxers, I just had to wrap my lips around it and show him what us shy girls can do.

His large hands ran through my hair as I sucked and played with his cock in my mouth. I could feel Gary and his body responding, as my own desired me to go further. Releasing him, I sat up, licking my lips, knowing I wanted to keep him on that edge. His eyes were hungry for me...

I ran my hands back up under his jumper, but this time I lifted it up, to pull it off over his head, complete with his T-shirt. His chest was impressive. After a summer of hard work, he was fit, with tight abs. I held his stiff shaft and rocked forwards and backwards, whilst stoking him, inviting him to go further.

His hands were on my hips, and he reciprocated. Sliding them up my body, I could feel his strength and warmth. I raised my arms up as he pulled my thin jumper off. His eyes were bursting out of his sockets as he saw my torso naked except for a lacy bralette. I could feel my nipples grating on the soft lace, aching for his touch.

His warm hands fought the chill of the late evening from my body as they caressed up to my tender, waiting breasts. Now it was my turn to jump in shock as electricity ran through from his light touch to my toes.

Feeling his shaft edging closer to eruption, I released him and slipped my bralette over my head. Previously, I would have done this in the dark or under the covers, but I wanted to see his reaction to me. How would I compare to his previous conquests...

I had nothing to fear. As I dropped the lace bralette to one side, his eyes popped out on stalks and he pulled me down to him to suck on my breast. He teased my nipple with his tongue and lips, even nibbling with his teeth. He kissed and sucked with caution, knowing exactly when to satisfy and when to tease...

I rolled off him, pulled my legs up to unzip my ankle boots, and pull my jeans off with panties. Gary alongside me was fighting to release his clothes from his body. He rolled over, side on to me, and we passionately kissed. His eyes told me he was happy with what he saw.

His one hand slipped under my shoulders to pull me in to kiss and the other played down my body to reach between my legs... But, rather than diving in like other he pulled free, to sit low down between my legs. Surely, he wasn't going to just plunge in like some novice?

No, he lifted my feet and kissed my toes... Not since having seen the Royal Duchess Sarah Ferguson having her toes sucked on the tabloids, had I ever thought this would be erotic... But Gary made it so exciting, sucking and kissing my toes, then working his way up my legs.

I giggled when his kisses tickled my thighs, then he reached my freshly shaven pubic region. No previous boyfriend had ever done this. I had only read about it in erotic stories and I was nervous as to if the reality could match the fiction.

Gary's tongue searched out my most sensitive parts. Like all girls, I had explored myself and his tongue was now retracing those playful times. He found the trigger, and it flooded me with a spasm of sheer joy, causing me to arch my back and press his head deeper into me.

He also knew how to bring me to the boil. My body ached for him, and I pulled him upward and thrust my hip into him. His hand expertly guided his shaft into me, sending shivers of electricity through me. His shaft slid in and my body ran with electricity.

Never before had I felt so in tune with another person. We were almost telepathic, knowing what to do next to satisfy the other. Gary didn't just flop on me, thrusting wildly. He glided over my body as we coupled, writhed and curled on the soft, warm bed.

I felt eruptions of ecstasy burst repeatedly inside me as I climaxed more times than I could remember, and each time continuing with renewed vigour. I felt Gary's body convulse and a deep warmth in side.

We held each other for a few last furtive grinds. We fell apart, both panting and gasping for air, but continuing to kiss and stroke each other's bodies. Gary reached over to the spare blankets and pulled one over us.

We led there in the dark, looking across the fields, kissing and cuddling, keeping the chill at bay. It was dark enough to see the completely star ridden sky, with the moon rising over the hills almost behind us. Everything was now a silvery blue and we could see for miles in the bright moonlit night.

Gary slipped out from under the blanket, crossed the gangplank to disappear into Bessy. He returned with the wine bottle... Naked he looked quite the Adonis and he was all mine. He pulled the other spare blankets over us as he rejoined me.

We snuggled back into a hollow in the straw and refilled our glasses. I settled into Gary's naked body, holding his arm, as his one stroked me, then wrote with his finger on my thigh, 'I love you Isla... I think I always have...'

He kissed the top of my head, as I squeaked, "I love... You... Too... I do..." He rewarded me with a tight squeeze and another kiss.

We settled down and watched the night sky as stars shot across the sky.

Gary's hands rose to sign, "Do I pass my romance exam with this test?"

I giggled and squeaked, "Yes... I think... With flying... Colours."

I snuggled deeper into his warmth and kissed his chest.

This was magical, lying there, basking in that post sex glow, whilst watching the cosmos debris flash across the sky. This was hundreds of times better than anytime with dad. Earlier in spring, I could never have imagined that the stone thrown across the pond would end like this.