Jason's Story Ch. 05


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"Bria, it was really nice to meet you, and Nigha, it's always a pleasure. We'll leave you two to your lunch."

"Hold on there little brother! Nigha, since Jason informs me that you're already off the market, please don't feel offended when I ask your sister out in your presence."

"Bria, if you're not busy, or attached, would you like to have dinner with me sometime? I'm actually in town to visit my little bro, and for an interview with Smith, Smith, and Simon."

"Oh, so you're a lawyer! Well, no I'm not attached, and if your predicament is the same then yes, I'd love to join you for dinner sometime soon. Could I hold your cell a minute?"

Nigha just stood there shaking her head at her nutty sister and Jason's equally nutty brother. They were made for each other.

"Sure, as long as you don't get all stalkerish on me!" he joked and handed it over to her.

She was laughing too when she took his cell and put her name and number in his phone book.

"Here you go, and that stalkerish thing goes both ways! Give me a call and we'll hammer out the details of our dinner."

"I'll be sure to do that Ms. McShay" he said as held her hand again, and read her last name off of his cell phone.

"I look forward to it" he said as he flashed her a killer smile and winked at her as Jason started to drag him away.

"Girl, thank you!"

"Thank me for what?"

"For bringing my future husband into my life by cheating on yours" she said as she gave Nigha a wicked laugh.

"Bria, that is so not funny. You two could've got a room right here the way you were eye-fucking each other."

"Well, next week you and Jason will have a room, so there" she said and stuck out her tongue.

"So, how long was it before you two fu...you know. Damn, those are some good looking men. Isn't it weird how much they look alike? If I'd only seen one of them, you couldn't have convinced me that there would be another one as hot, but then again I've heard that same thing about us."

"I wonder what Kane looks like out of those clothes."

"Well, if he's anything like his brother; fan-fucking-tastic!"

"It's like that?"

"It's like that, and then some. I've been dying to tell somebody about it. Not like gossiping, but just to get it off my chest."

"So, let's get down to it -- how was it? How did it happen? How long did it take before you gave in? How many times has it happened? Where has it happened? How big is it? How long does he last? And finally, how are you dealing with it?"

"First of all; Damn! Barbara Walters."

"Well, I'm going to try to answer your questions in order. Friggin' unbelievable, he tricked me into it, about eight months after we first met, twice, at my house and the copy room at work, I swear it's like a foot long and three inches thick, I'd have to estimate it at four hours for the first encounter and at least three for the second, and I'm not dealing with it well at all. There's just something about him, I can't resist him when he's all over me. It's never happened to me before, he just makes me melt."

Nigha waited for a response from her sister, but when she looked in Bria's face, her mouth was just hanging open. Finally, Bria said, make that almost yelled, the three words that summed up the whole situation perfectly.


"Oh my damn, indeed."

"So how did he trick you into it?"

"Well, think about it, how many hot looking guy friends do I have? In the fifteen years that Brett and I have been together, how many times have I cheated on him? I'm not a cheater, well, I wasn't anyway."

Bria just nodded her head, intent on hearing all of the juicy details.

"I've told you how Brett likes it when we role play, right? Well, when he took the boys to visit his parents in Jersey about 8 months ago, Jason drove me home one day and somehow got into my house. He laid out this present and a note and I just figured it was Brett so I played along. I had on a blindfold, and I was so caught up in the moment, that I ignored the little warning signs that should've let me know something was up. Oh my gosh girl, he made me feel soohhh good before I realized what was going on...

"Look Nigha, I know Brett's no slouch, but how could you mistake Jason's monster of a cock for Brett's?" Bria interrupted and asked in a loud whisper.

"Because we weren't...because while I was blindfolded he ate me out for like an hour, and he made me cum like I never have before. I honestly didn't know it wasn't Brett."

"So you found out before penetration occurred that he wasn't Brett, so why didn't you kick his ass and get him out of your house? He ought to be glad that you didn't have his sneaky ass arrested. So..." she waited impatiently for an answer.

"Well, I did kick his ass, but I really can't explain it, we were just too far gone. My brain seizes up, and my body takes the driver's seat when it comes to that man. To tell you the truth, I'm glad I went through with it because it was AMAZING! Now, though, things have gotten a lot more complicated."

"Because of the whole "love" thing?"

Nigha gave her sister a shocked look.

"It's obvious that he's in love with you too, he just had this look in his eyes when he looked at you. It's like he doesn't see other women but you. I bet he couldn't even tell you what I look like. Damn girl, you're in deep. What are you going to do?"

"I've decided that I have to let him go; it's not fair to him, to me, or to Brett. I'm not going to leave my husband, no matter how much I love Jason, and it's not fair to him to be missing out on finding someone that's right for him. He deserves it; he's such a good guy in spite of what he did. I can see what his kids would look like, and I can't imagine someone that beautiful not pro-creating. It would be a crime against humanity!" she said with a laugh to try to lighten the situation.

"Damn, you really do love him don't you? I take back what I said earlier, I'd hate to be in your shoes right now. How are you going to let him go? If he went through all that to get to you in the first place: what makes you think he'll give you up now?"

"After we get back from Miami, he's going to be given a promotion and moved to the Atlanta office. I've made sure of it."

Bria looked at her sister with concern. "How did you manage that?"

"Our boss called me into his office and told me that Jason and I were going to be promoted after the successful pitch in Miami. He cared enough to give me the first opportunity to either move to Atlanta for more money, or take the same position here. Of course, you know what I chose" she said staring blankly at the ice cubes floating in her iced tea.

"So, what's going to happen in Florida?"

"Everything: it'll be my way of saying goodbye. Regardless of what's happened between us, he has become a really good friend. I'll miss him" she started to tear up a little when Bria jumped in to cheer her up.

"Well, there's nothing like going out with a bang is there?"

Nigha smiled a sad little smile at her sister.

"You know, great minds think alike."


Jason and Kane had found a table on the other side of the restaurant and Kane could see the obvious look of distress on his brother's face.

"Hey man, I'm sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself; when I saw her I just had to..."

Jason cut him off mid-sentence for effect.

"Welcome to my world! I just couldn't help myself when I saw her, I just had to. It's not like I have a problem getting chicks, but I HAVE to have her. She's how I imagine crack; you know good and well it's the last thing you should be doing, but when you're doing it, it's the best thing in the world and you just can't stop. You don't want anything else, and you're constantly thinking about getting it again. I'm so crazy about her, I'm about to get hard just talking to you about her."

"Shit man! It can't possibly be that good, can it?"

"Let me put it to you like this, you know I love you and everything, but if I found out that you'd been trying to get in on that action, with my girl, I'd get locked up for trying to kill your ass! And I know you'd never do anything like that to me, but I'd still kill your ass if you did!"

"Good God! Dude, you know...she's not your girl. You're not having homicidal thoughts about her husband are you? Even though I'm a lawyer, I'm not that kind of lawyer."

"Please tell me you haven't completely lost your mind and told her how you feel about her."

"I told you I was crazy! Not crazy enough to go after her husband, but crazy just the same." he said as he smiled at Kane.

"Oh, and she is my girl. I've already done things I never thought I would do just to get her, and I know she's married, and she's a mom, but she's mine too."

Kane looked at his younger brother in a whole new light. He was afraid for him and his obsession with Nigha. He was scared of what the answer might be, but he had to ask the question anyway.

"What "things" did you do to get her? Should I start calling in some favors?"

"No, thankfully she got over it. I can't talk about it; I just can't believe I let it get that far. I just had to have her."

"You just need some pussy...other than hers, to get it out of your system. Come on man, snap out of it. You have women throwing themselves at you constantly, take advantage."

"I can't get it up unless I'm with her, or I'm thinking of being with her. There hasn't been anybody else since I met her."

He looked down and ran his finger across the table, then looked up at his brother as a helpless expression crossed his face.

"I'm in love with her, and I can't get over it. I've been trying for almost a year and a half."

"You have got to be shitting me. You: the man that can't go two weeks without pussy, have only gotten some from her once in the past year and a half?"

"You're in love with a woman who's married with children; and is a co-worker no less. The only place this can go is "messy land", seriously. In five days you're going to be boarding a plane to spend a week with her in sunny Florida. Man what are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to try to keep my distance. I can't get too close to her without trying to tear her clothes off. I want her to come to me this time."

"This time? How many "times" have there been?"

"Two, and they are the best times of my life. I wish I was with her right now, man you just don't know. Don't get any ideas either!" he said as he shook a finger at Kane.

Kane shook his head and smiled at Jason.

"Oh, I've got ideas: fortunately for you, they're about Bria. That chick is hot as hell! For both of them to be that hot, their mom must be smokin'! I can't believe how much they look alike, it's crazy."

"Really? I didn't even notice."

"Are you serious? Dude, you really are hopeless."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you" Jason said as he laughed with his brother.

He really hadn't noticed Bria; she was just someone that was with Nigha.

He was hopeless.


The remainder of the week flew by, and it was Sunday before they knew it. Jason got to the airport and checked in at the ticket counter. He was happy to find that they were flying first class, because at least he wouldn't have to hide his erection from a whole bunch of people.

When Nigha checked in at the ticket counter, the clerk informed her that Jason had already picked up his ticket, and then she was pleasantly surprised that they were flying first class.

'Thanks Jack' she thought, instinctively knowing her boss was behind it. After she checked her bags, she started to make her way to the gate.

"Well, here we go" she said to herself.

Jason found his seat on the plane, but opted to take the aisle seat instead. He wondered if he and Nigha would be sitting together.

He couldn't get her out of his head and he was half-hoping that she'd be on a totally different flight. He leaned back and closed his eyes in an attempt to relax when he heard an all-too familiar voice.

"Excuse me sir, but I think you're in my seat."

'Of course when I want to be away from her, fate is conspiring against me' he thought as he sighed aloud. He opened his eyes, not expecting the sight in front of him.

It was Nigha, but he'd never seen her like this before.

She had all of her hair piled high on her head in a big messy ponytail. She wore a tank top, clearly with no bra underneath, a pair of baggy jeans, some white Nike Shox, and not a bit of make-up.

She looked like some college kid going home on break, not a business professional getting ready to make a pitch to some of the most high-powered people in their business.

He couldn't help but grin at the sight of her.

"What? You were expecting someone else?" she said as she smiled down at him.

"No, just trying to figure out how a kid like you has kids of her own" he said laughing.

"Baby, you know black don't crack! Did you really want the aisle seat?"

"No, that's alright, you can have it" he told her as he started to stand.

He underestimated how close she was, and he bumped into her so hard, she started to fall backward.

He sprung into action; caught her arm, pulled her close to him, and wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her.

He just froze with his arms around her, and he could feel her almost bare breasts pressing into his chest. They were both breathing heavily from the excitement and their proximity.

He looked down at her, and stared at her breasts peeking out of the dip in her tank top from being squeezed against him.

She felt his cock stiffen against her belly and knew that she had to break the tension between them.

"Well damn! If you really wanted the aisle seat, you could've just said so: you didn't have to try to knock me on my ass!" she said trying to look as serious as possible.

Jason laughed, let her go, and moved over to the window seat. She seemed so relaxed, almost like she used to be when they were together. Her demeanor calmed him down, and his anxiety about the week ahead started to fade.

He had no idea what she had in store for them.

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Marklynda2Marklynda212 months ago

Sounds like a fun week ahead! Not sure her plans will provide the planned outcome but this should be fun. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

6King6Kingover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
great story

i've read this story quite a few times, my love. this story is great.

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 10 years ago
Incredible work!

Easily a 5. There's so much detail about how she looks, what he feels and your dialogue from all the characters flows so naturally. It's a sweet and sour kind of torture.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
I love this story

Jason is going to be devastated when he finds out about the move.

I'm glad you haven't focused on the husband. It makes it easier for me to root for her and Jason, when her husband and kids aren't really real.

Kane and Bria. I would like to read more about their story.

In love with two men, some women have such hard lives....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
this is love

I want her to leave her husband to go with Jason you haven't really talk about her and the husbands relationship so I say she needs to be with Jason even though I don't like cheating its a hot story can't wait till the next part

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