Kicked Around


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"So, what are you going to do about that chick you keep eye fucking downstairs?" Bret asked.

"Jessica?" Erik responded.

"I don't know what her name is," Bret said. "I just know her as cafeteria girl."

"Like I said before," Erik started. "She's in my classes."

"So, why haven't you said anything to her yet?" Bret asked.

"What am I supposed to say?" Erik said defensively. "I have no idea how to start a conversation with her."

"Start with hi," Bret said.

"And then follow it up with?" Erik shot back.

"My name is. Air. Rick," Bret said in a slow mocking, childish tone.

"And then?" Erik shot back again.

Bret continued to respond in the same mocking tone. "Do you like baseball? I like baseball! Let's go play some baseball."

"Fuckin in em pussay," Steve growled. He was mumbling, and it was difficult to make out what he was saying. "Stop talk-ing an tha. All a bout it... and do it."

"What the fuck are you babbling about?" Bret asked Steve.

"Sen her a pick.. of yer dick," Steve managed to say. As he continued to talk, it became easier to understand him, as if his drug-induced coma state was now slowly lifting away. He spoke slowly. "She'll text back. If she wants to fuck."

Bret burst into laughter at Steve's comment. Erik didn't know what to think.

"Really?" Erik asked.

"Man, dick pics are for idiots and pedophiles," Bret said. "If a girl wants to see your dick, she'll start by feeling down your pants. Sending them a dick pic is like the same as saying I want to rape you. It's a fucking invasion. They didn't ask for it, so don't give it to them."

"Whateva," Steve said. "I sen dem all da time. I fuckin massa text tha shit out."

"And how many times did someone respond?" Bret asked.

"A nuff," Steve responded.

"What if they ask for it?" Erik asked, genuinely curious if Bret thought there was a situation where sending a dick pic was a good idea.

"Has a girl asked for a dick pic of you?" Bret asked.

"No," Erik responded putting his head down.

"No," Steve cut in. "They ass you fo a white pencil and dey die laughing when dey gets a pic wit yer pubes."

Bret smiled.

Bret angrily looked over at Steve. "Fuck you," Erik said.

"Lighten up whitey," Steve said jokingly. "Jus ask da girl if you can pee in der butt. Seri-us-lee, da chick dat doesn't slap you will fuck you, guaran-teed." Steve reached into his pocket and took out a pill bottle. He emptied the contents and then put them in his mouth. He swallowed quickly.

"That's fucking crazy man," Bret said. "How do you get out of there after it's over without her trying to chain you to the basement and keep you as a fucking pet or some shit like that?"

"I tell her that she reminds me of my sister," Steve responded in perfect English as if the last of the haze completely lifted. "And I love that about her."

Bret was stunned. "No fucking way," Bret said with a huge smile on his face, trying to contain the laughter.

"Swear to god," Steve said. "Works every time."

Bret shook his head snickering. "I'm just amazed a woman hasn't castrated you yet."

"Oh yeah, that's happened," Steve responded. Bret paused the game and both Bret and Erik looked at Steve, eyes wide.

"What?" Erik and Bret both asked in unison.

"That's when they yell a lot right?" Steve responded.

"No that's where they cut your dick off," Bret said.

"Oh... Then no..."

Bret and Erik looked at each other and shook their heads as they rolled their eyes. Bret unpaused the game.

"That's stupid," Steve continued. "All women want are the 3 C's: Compliments, Kisses, and Cock... in the ass."

"That's 2 C's and a K," Erik said.

"No Ciss, not Kiss," Steve said, pronouncing them both the same way. "It's when two girls kiss by rubbing pussies together. That shit is awesome."

"You are a serious fucking degenerate," Bret said.

"Dude, when does this shit kick in?" Steve asked changing the topic.

"You aren't waiting long enough," Bret responded.

"Do I have to fucking put in a workout or something to make it go faster?" Steve asked.

"You workout when you get high?" Bret asked.

"Does rabid masturbation count?" Steve said jokingly.

Bret shakes his head. "I walked right into that."

"Hey, at least when I'm done working out," Steve started to say. "I've got something to show for it; ya know what I mean?" Steve held up his hand and rubbed his thumb and first finger together.

"Sick fuck..." Bret said laughing to himself.

"Give me another one of those pills," Steve said.

"Dude, just wait," Bret responded.

"Fuck that," Steve said. He pulls out a flask and quickly downs the contents in large gulps.

"Yeah, that's going to fuck you hard in about 20 minutes," Bret said.

"Well at least someone's getting fucked tonight," Steve responded.

They all watched the video game for another minute. Then, Steve broke the silence.

"Dude, this shit isn't working," Steve said. "I need more."

"You just took it 5 minutes ago," Bret said. "Slow down or you'll fucking pass out in the shitter again."

"This stuff is shit," Steve said.

"Then go buy your shit somewhere else," Bret responded.

"Fuck this," Steve said standing up. "I'm bored. I'm gonna go jerk off." Steve left the room.

"Fucking moron," Bret said shaking his head. "Aww fuck!" Bret slammed hard into the wall on the last turn before the finish line. This caused him to lose the race. "Ain't that a bitch."

Erik and Bret played video games for an hour. Eventually, Erik went back to his room. Then, Erik fueled up on energy drinks and went back to work on Lara's website. This was the 3rd straight night in a row that Erik was working on it. All-in-all, between the time he put in after class and at night, he's spent three full days working on this website.

Erik didn't have much left. He thought only a few more days is all he needed. After that, Erik would need to have Lara set up the accounts for hosting and payments. Then, Erik could move it to the hosting company and test out the payments. At that point, everything should be done.

In the end, Erik's framework for the website was a popular open-source Content Management System (CMS) that would be easy for Lara to upgrade, maintain, and add to. Erik found several free plugins to build out the extra features that Lara wanted. The images, videos, backgrounds, and blog posts would not take long for her to figure out. Erik made a list of things he needed to show Lara when he met with her again.

The night turned into the early hours of the next day and Erik needed to get to sleep. He wrote Lara an email asking to meet up with her on Friday to show her what he had done. She responded right away to have him come over after class, same time as he did on Monday.

"Wow," Erik said. "She's a night owl too." Erik started thinking about seeing Lara again. "Maybe there could be something else there for me?" Erik thought.

Erik navigated to Lara's website and opened up a video titled "Whip cream Cowgirl". At the beginning of the video, Lara was wearing a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and a whip cream bikini that was complete with two cherries, one on each breast.

"Whoa," Erik said under his breath, frozen in amazement. Erik had not seen this video before. Somehow, he missed it when going through all the videos he took from her during their first meeting on Monday.

Erik fast forwarded the video. Lara was still wearing the hat, the boots, and the messy remnants of the whip cream bikini. She was having sex with the cameraman in cowgirl position. Erik took off his shirt and pulled his pants down and began masturbating furiously. In less than a minute, he came and turned off the video. Erik walked over to his bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Erik went to class. Jessica was already there talking to her friend. Erik walked past them and took his seat. Erik dreamed of fighting the guy and beating him up, even though the guy was much larger than Erik. After the battle, Jessica would run into Erik's arms and thank him. The two of them would kiss passionately and start tearing off each other's clothes to have sex.

After class, Erik went to Lara's apartment and knocked on the door. Lara answered. "What's going on?" she asked. "It's done," Erik responded.

"Oh shit, really?" Lara said excitedly. "Let's see it!" Lara let Erik into the apartment, and the two walked over to Lara's desk. The cat perked up from the futon when Erik walked in. The cat stared at Erik with a grin and watched him.

"Everything is up and running," Erik said. "But, I need your bank account to set up the payments and a credit card to set up the hosting account."

"Oh," Lara said bewildered. "I... don't have... my new checks yet. They won't come in for another few weeks."

"Few weeks?" Erik asked. "I got mine three days after I opened the account."

"Well, I'm getting the specialty checks," Lara said. "And they take longer... Nevermind. Just show me the website."

Erik opened the new website and showed Lara how it worked. Erik went through the ads and how to set up a new customer. Erik even showed Lara the content that was there for paid subscribers. "All we need is a way to let your customers pay you," Erik said to Lara. "I just need your bank information."

"Just set it up, and you can transfer it over at the end," Lara said.

"I can't," Erik said. "It has to be in your name."

"Look," Lara said leaning in close to Erik. "I don't have it right now. What I do have is several guys willing to pay me to see all of this. So I need your help." Lara's eyes became very deep and full of desire. "Can you help me, Erik?" she asked seductively.

"This costs money," Erik said nervously. "There's a startup fee. And I'm not sure how to transfer it once I open it."

Lara tilted her head slightly, keeping her gaze locked on Erik's eyes. "Erik, you like me don't you?" she asked with a whiny, pouty voice. "I need you to help me right now."

Erik was frozen. Lara pushed up against him putting her breasts in Erik's face, but still keeping her gaze locked on his eyes. She was now looking down on Erik. "Can you just set it all up and I'll pay you when it's done?" she asked.

Erik liked the feeling of Lara up against him. However, he felt under pressure and he his heart rate began to elevate. "But it's more money than we talked about," Erik said. "And I don't want you to be mad about the cost."

"Erik," Lara said sliding her body back below Erik's eye level, with her head tilted downward, but looking up at him with a pair of "come fuck me eyes." The red of the curtains provided the background to Erik's view of Lara, as they both eye-fucked each other. "I promise that I'll have all your money when you're finished." Erik looked at her intently, and his heart was beating faster. Erik knew this look well, and it was difficult to say no to.

"OK," Erik said slowly, mesmerized by the Lola charm that Lara was channeling. "I'll set it up for you."

"Great!," Lara said snapping out of the look. "How much longer before this is done?"

"I'll work on it tonight and through the weekend," Erik said. "But, I'm really going to need the money for this soon. Since I'm opening the accounts now, I'll have to put it on my credit card, cause I don't really have the money to pay for this stuff. Can you pay me for everything tomorrow?"

"I might not have it until next weekend," Lara said looking away from Erik. Erik felt like he wanted to help Lara, but he was concerned because he didn't have much in his bank account. Erik could always ask his mom for the money to cover it, but how would he explain this to her? "Hey mom, I need a couple hundred dollars to pay for hosting and credit card fees for this website I'm building for this really neat girl that I'm sort of seeing who happens to be a porn star. But don't worry mom, she gives great head!"

"Lara," Erik said trying to engage Lara seriously. "I really can't be paying this much money on my credit card without having the money to back it up. I'm really going to need it tomorrow."

Lara looked at Erik. "If you can finish it up this weekend," Lara started. "Then, I'll have people that sign up this weekend And then, I can pay you."

To Lara, it was that simple: Website = money from her customers. Erik wasn't so sure, but at this point, he already agreed to foot the bill. And Lara gave him a way out: finish the website. Erik felt that the pressure was on him to perform. Erik looked over at the cat who was still grinning.

"OK," Erik said. "Can I call you Sunday?"

"Sure," Lara said. Then, Lara walked Erik out the door. At the doorway, Erik felt awkward. He didn't know how to say goodbye properly.

"See ya," Lara said. Shutting the door, forcing Erik out. Erik stood there, staring at the door for a moment before turning around and heading to his next class.

Erik walked to his next class. When he arrived, Jessica was already there. When Erik sat down, his thoughts were focused on Lara. This was the first time since first seeing Jessica that he wasn't staring at her, thinking about her, or even glancing in her direction. Instead, Erik kept thinking about Lara. Erik felt like he had a connection with Lara, and she just didn't realize it yet.

"There's definitely something there," Erik thought. "I mean why else does she act like she wants me. I mean, she could be using me. That could be happening. But I don't think so. I think she really likes being around me, but she's scared. Yeah, that's it. She's so used to having to control guys that are just trying to fuck her that she doesn't know what to do when someone is actually trying to be nice to her. I can do this. I can win her over. Yeah..."

Erik's daily daydreams during class shifted over to Lara. The two were talking, playing video games, having sex, eating dinner, and just enjoying each other's time. It's as if Jessica was removed out of Erik's thoughts and replaced by Lara. Erik had a smile on his face all through class.

After class, Erik rode the bus back to the dorms. He went to the cafeteria and ate dinner alone. Then he went back to his room, put on his headphones and got back to work. There were some knocks at the door, and Erik knew it was probably Bret and Steve, but he decided to ignore them. Erik felt he had more important things to do right now.

Erik set up the hosting account and migrated to the website. Erik set up the payment account and integrated the website into it. He tested everything out, and it was working exactly the way it should. Now, he just needed to fix some small problems that came up along the way. It was 4 AM now, and the sun was coming up. "At least it's almost done now," Erik said. Erik couldn't stand, or think, or do anything anymore. He collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.

Erik awoke 6 hours later. It was 10 AM now, and he was starving. He went downstairs to eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Bret saw him and gestured to Erik to sit with him.

"So where the fuck were you last night?" Bret asked.

"I was working," Erik said defensively, not feeling like he needed to answer to Bret.

"Working?" Bret asked. "On a Friday night?"

"Yeah," Erik confirmed.

"Why?" Bret asked.

"Because," Erik responded. "I'm on a... deadline. I need to finish something by the end of this weekend."

"Sounds fun," Bret said condescendingly.

"What did you do last night?" Erik asked.

"Same shit," Bret said. "Games and weed. Some weird dark, or darkling shooter, mob game. It was strange but cool. We came looking for you."

"Where's Steve?" Erik asked.

"Don't know," Bret said. "That fucker passed out on my bed and pissed himself last night. I fucking punched him so hard in the gut that he puked on my floor. Then I kicked his ass out of my room. It took an hour to change my sheets and clean up the floor. Fucking asshole. If I see him this morning, I'll fucking kick the shit out of him."

Erik was laughing.

"What's so funny?" Bret asked.

Erik shook his head and stopped laughing. "Nothing," Erik said. "I should get back to work."

"You are so fucking boring," Bret said. "Go back to work. Get the fuck out of here."

Erik went back to his room and resumed work on Lara's website. Erik worked all day into the night. Erik set up a calendar on the site for members to book private cam sessions. The members would pay a premium that Lara could adjust whenever or however she wanted. Then, the members could see an open slot and book Lara for that time. Then, they would enter their Internet Video Chat Service IDs so Lara could invite them to a private session at that time.

The website was now everything that Lara wanted. Erik worked on this all week long for 8 hours a day. With the all-nighter on Friday and Saturday night, Erik had spent about 60 hours creating this website for Lara. Erik decided to back up the entire thing to a USB drive and put it in his desk drawer, just in case she did something careless and deleted the whole thing.

It was now 3 AM Sunday morning, and Erik was exhausted after another long night of working on the website. Erik shot Lara a text. "Your website is done," it said. Erik followed it with another text that contained the link to the URL. Then he passed out on his bed.

Chapter 8

The next morning, Erik awoke and checked his phone. There was a response from Lara. "You are the best! Come over now!"

Erik had a smile on his face reading the text. "See, I can win her over," Erik thought. Erik showered, jerked off, dressed and walked to Lara's apartment. She opened the door with excitement and pulled him inside.

Erik opened the website on her computer and showed her how it worked. He processed a test payment as a new user and taught her everything that the new website had to offer. Lara was so happy.

After Erik finished showing Lara everything he felt that she needed to know, he said: "OK, it's done. Now, I need the money."

Lara looked at him. "I don't have it," she said.

"Lara," Erik started to respond.

"You came over too early," Lara responded. Erik looked disappointed. "Look, I can pay you 100 now, and I can pay you more next week."

"Next week?" Erik said getting more upset. "I can't wait that long. I need the full 350 to pay off the credit card."

"I don't have that," Lara said sternly. "And, it's a credit card. You won't get the bill for another couple weeks."

"But," Erik became even more visibly upset. "But, I need the money for it so I can pay it off when I get the bill. I can't fall into debt over the summer when I should have had a job to save money in the first place!"

"You're not going into debt over $350," Lara said condescendingly. "You should see all the debt I'm in after being in college for three years."

"FUCK!!!," Erik screamed internally. "What the fuck!? I fucking knew it! She's trying to rip me off! Why is she doing this to me?? What the fuck!!!???"

"I need the money Lara," Erik said defiantly. "I need it now. I'm done with your website and I want my money."

"Calm down big dick," Lara said. "I will have your money next week. Why don't you just take your pants off, I'll blow you again, and you can stop acting like a little bitch."

Lara's comments disarmed Erik. "Uh, um, uh, wha?" Erik asked. Lara walked up to him and unbuttoned his pants. Erik was frozen. He just looked at her dumbfounded. Then she knelt down and started to give Erik a blowjob. Erik's emotions were all over the place. He was angry with Lara, yet she still managed to make him putty in her hands. Erik was conflicted, but the sensation of Lara's mouth on his cock melted away his fears and anger. Finally, he calmed down enough to enjoy himself.

Erik's internal dialogue kicked into gear. "Is she into me or is this just some sort of porn trick to get me to foot the bill?" Erik asked himself. Lara's tongue grazed over the tip of Erik's cock. "On second thought, I don't give a shit. This is fucking amazing," Erik thought to himself. Erik looked up and saw a red sweater on the counter. The color reminded him of the video that he watched, with Lara fucking a guy wearing the whip cream bikini, the red cowboy hat, and the red cowboy boots.
