Kiss of the Succubus Ch. 04


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Grace said nothing.

"He's facing charges," Joe added.

Grace stared off into space.

"Balko has his ways," she said, solemnly. She knew Joe would not understand. He hadn't yet looked death in the eye. He saw every problem as one that simply needed handcuffs put on it, and the day was done. The days when it was that simple for Grace were long over.

Joe held her hand for an hour, neither of them saying a word. She appreciated it, but it didn't make her feel safe. Not truly. Still, it was far better than being alone.

When Joe got up to leave, Grace finally spoke.

"You believe me, don't you?" she asked. Joe stopped, and turned back towards her.

"Just get well, Grace."

* * * * *

She stayed the night in the hospital, and by the next day she was ready to go home. Joe dropped her off in front of her house.

"Call me if you need anything," Joe said.

Grace looked at him and nodded. He didn't drive away until she was inside. She didn't cry, not even after she watched him disappear down the road. She walked from room to room, in a dazed, near-sleepwalk state.

Her crosses were still mounted on every wall, yet it was increasingly starting to seem there was little for them to protect. Half of her family was now dead. She walked from the living room to the hallway, accidentally tipping over an end table as she went. She didn't bother turning it upright again.

Down the hall, looking into each room, seeing it empty; she continued on. The bathroom. Kayla's room. And finally, Kristina's room. Grace paused tentatively, and went inside.

It was fully decorated. Grace's former office had been cleared out. The walls were pink. The bright colorful plastic letters of Kristina's name were mounted over the door. An empty crib sat expectantly by the wall, waiting for an occupant that would never come.

It was then, that Grace let out a scream. The scream led to a howl, and Grace knocked the crib to the floor, and kicked it hard, smashing her foot through the wooden bars. She kicked the crib again and again, smashing it to pieces, not caring if she lost a foot in the process. When the crib was no more than kindling she kicked the walls, the door, and ripped the letters of her never-to-be-born daughter's name from the wall.

When she had no more energy to spare, and the room was demolished, Grace collapsed to the floor and let out a long wail. She clutched her arms to her breasts and cried, pulling her knees to her chest and shaking.


She pulled herself up into a sitting position.

"Who's there?"

Nora stepped into the room, and gasped at the broken crib and smashed walls. She wore a thin beige jacket tied tightly around her figure, and she was wringing her hands hesitantly.

"Grace, I-" Nora didn't know how to continue.

"How long have you been here?"

Nora swallowed.

"Just a few minutes. I brought Kayla home, and when I heard you screaming I told her to wait in the car."

"Bring her in," Grace said, still crying. She jumped to her feet and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. She wiped the tears from her eyes and put on as cheerful smile she could muster for her remaining daughter to see.

Nora prepared dinner for the three of them. There was plenty of food; Grace had an abundance that had been dropped off by sympathetic friends and coworkers.

"Are you feeling better, Mommy?" Kayla asked, as she chewed her macaroni and cheese.

"Yes, honey. I won't be able to go back to work for another few days, but I'm much better now."

She prayed Kayla would not hear the anguish in her voice.

"What happened to the baby?" Kayla asked.

Nora, noticing the uncomfortable look on Grace's face, stepped in.

"Kayla, we talked about this. Your Mommy was in an accident and so the baby won't be born now."

"Sorta like Daddy? Is she dead like he is?"

"Yes, like that," Nora said. She took Kayla's plate away. "I think it's time you got off to bed, young lady."

Nora led Kayla of to bed while Grace attempted to finish her meal. Grace almost wished she hadn't, even if she found Kayla's questions disturbing. It was comforting to see her curious daughter alive and well.

"It's not going to be easy explaining everything to her," Nora said, returning to the kitchen. "Poor thing is so young to have to deal with this."

Grace stirred her food with her fork.

"Do you remember how to get to Grandma and Grandpa's cottage?" Grace asked.

"No clue," Nora said. "Been so long since we've been there. It was impossible to find to begin with."

Grace leaned back in her chair.

"I've been thinking. That might be a good place to get away. Take Kayla away from here. Stay there for a while."

Nora smiled.

"It was a great place," she said, reminiscing. "Every crappy thing that happened to us as kids went away when we were there."

Memories of Grace and her slipping into their bikinis and running down to the beach played in her head. She'd met a lot of cute boys at that beach. She even got her first kiss there.

"You know of any way to get directions there? Would Aunt Janie know?"

Nora shrugged. "I doubt it. The place has been abandoned for years anyway. It's probably all in shambles."

"No, Janie said Uncle Tommy rented the place out only two years ago. Right before he died."

"Well, he's the only one who'd know how to get there," Nora said. She thought for a moment. "I do have my diary still, the one I kept when I was a teenager. I might have some notes in there that might help find it. I'll let you know if I find anything helpful."

"Thanks," Grace said.

As she ate her food, she looked up at her little sister, and smiled with admiration.

"So how are you?" Grace asked. "You've been looking after me so much lately, I never seem to look out for you anymore."

Nora chuckled.

"Oh, same old. Booking agents driving me crazy at work, the usual. Which by the way, you want concert tickets, let me know, I'll hook you up."

Nora worked as a manager at the Hudson Hall Pavilion. More than once she'd gotten Grace and Ted free basketball tickets, even a skybox on one occasion.

"How are things with Evan?" Grace asked.

Nora sighed.

"They- could be better. I don't know what it is. I try and try, and it's like this with every guy. They disappear on me, in the emotional sense. Yesterday I ask Evan to take me to the Five Gardens, and he's like, busy going bowling with his buddies. They go bowling every week! I got to say, I really envy what you had with Ted. With you, it lasted. Tell me something Grace, what am I doing wrong? Why don't guys open up with me?"

Grace tried to hold her tongue, as she had many times before when having this conversation with her sister, and this time decided against it.

"You push them away," Grace said, and immediately regretted it.

Nora set her fork down.

"I do?"

Grace tried to find the right phrasing.

"Yes. You find a guy you're into, and you don't let up. Every time, you're all over him, acting like his wife when you haven't dated more than a few months. Guys can't deal with that."

Nora looked at her as if Grace suggested unicorns were real.

"They can't deal with closeness in their relationship?"

"I'm just saying, you should give Evan some space. I can tell he likes you. Let him have his bowling nights, and he'll make time for you too- when he's ready."

Nora looked at Grace skeptically.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Good, cause I don't want to lose him. He's not the best talker, but the sex is just- mmm!"

"Okay, that's a little TMI," Grace said, chuckling.

They both giggled.

After they finished eating, Nora stayed for another hour. She got Grace's spirits up, the best way she knew how. Laughing and joking, just as they had when they were teenagers.

"I can stay the night, if you need me," Nora said, standing by the door.

"I'll be fine," Grace assured her.

"You sure?"

Grace nodded. "I'm tougher than you think."

The two sisters hugged. As she headed out the door, Nora checked her phone.

"My battery's dead. You wouldn't happen to have a charger?"

"I left mine in the Jimmy. Another thing I have to take care of tomorrow." She sighed, dreading having to look at the totaled Jimmy in the morning.

"It's fine. I'll charge it when I get home. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

They hugged again, and Nora headed out the door. Grace watched longingly at her little sister as she drove away, and she walked back to the kitchen. The truth was, she wanted Nora to stay. She just didn't want Nora around if the worst happened. And Grace wanted to be ready for the worst.

She opened the hall closet, and rooted around through the boxes stashed away inside. One was filled with Halloween decorations. It was only two days away, and Grace hadn't gotten them out yet. She noticed the goblin mask Ted picked up the previous year. Many times she'd been tempted to throw it out, and now she saw it more as a precious keepsake. A reflection of the kind of man Ted was, at least before he was perverted by Gabby Becket.

Grace pushed the Halloween box aside, and found another box behind it. This was the one she wanted. She sorted through the old mementos inside; things from her childhood. High school yearbooks, a photo album, a trophy she'd won playing soccer in fifth grade. Her father had broken it in an alcohol-fueled rage, but she'd glued it back together.

At the bottom of the box, wrapped in newspaper, and wrapped again in a shirt, was the item she sought. Grace unraveled the old flannel shirt, and peeled away the newspaper. It was still there, after all these years. The dagger. It still had traces of her father's blood on it. The police had taken it after her father's death, and when Daniel Becket had been cleared, the knife was returned to her. Grace never even told Nora she had it; it was too painful to talk about, yet she couldn't bear to get rid of it.

The inscription on the blade reassured her, "silver plated." Perhaps not as effective as solid silver, but it would hopefully serve as an adequate weapon now that her wedding band was gone. Grace swung the blade around in her hand, and mimed stabbing motions. She prayed that when the moment came, she would have the nerve to stick it in Balko's chest when he gave her the opportunity.

She packed the boxes back in the closet, keeping the dagger tucked into her pants. Even with her crosses and holy water around the house, Grace would not feel comfortable taking a shower without the dagger within arm's reach.

After locking the door tightly, Grace stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower, placing the dagger onto the soap dish. She sighed deeply as she let the warm water drizzle across her body. It seemed like ages since she last had the opportunity to simply relax. Kayla was sound asleep in the next room, her coworkers and family had gone, and Grace now had the opportunity to enjoy the silence in peace.

When she shut the water off, she heard a distinctive rustling in next room. Her heart skipped a beat, and she grabbed the dagger and braced herself. She listened, and heard nothing.

Grace stepped out of the shower and quickly grabbed a bath towel, and wrapped it tightly around her body. She turned the sink faucet on and let it run as she quietly opened the bathroom door and shuffled out, dagger in hand.

Water dripped from her soaking wet hair and body, leaving wet footprints in the carpet. She peeked into Kayla's room, just to confirm the noise she heard was not her. Seeing her daughter sound asleep, Grace continued down the hall.

She heard footsteps in the kitchen, and was now certain she hadn't imagined the noise. Quietly, Grace tiptoed down the hallway, keeping her back to the wall and the dagger raised and ready to strike. She stood directly outside the kitchen and held perfectly still. The sounds of footsteps were coming closer to her, and she tightened her grip on the dagger's handle as they did.

When the footsteps stopped, Grace whirled around the corner and swung her weapon, and stopped mid- swing when she saw her intruder's face.

"Mr. Becket!" she exclaimed.

"Grace!" Daniel replied, taking a frightened step back. "I'm sorry. I knocked on the door but you didn't answer. So, I let myself in." He took out the skeleton key from his pocket.

Grace looked at Daniel open mouthed at his appearance. He was still in his white hospital jumpsuit, riddled with mud and grass stains. He looked exhausted and starved, and he looked to Grace pleadingly.

Grace dropped the dagger and wrapped her arms around him tightly, nearly squeezing the air out of his lungs.

"I'm so glad you made it," she whispered into his ear.

He could feel the rounded bulge of her breasts through her towel, and it was actually making it difficult for him to breathe. Daniel pulled Grace's arms from him, actually feeling lightheaded from her iron grip, and he grabbed a chair from the kitchen table and collapsed into it.

"Oh, you poor thing! You must be starved! I have plenty of food, let me make you something!"

"Thank you," Daniel said. Simply saying the words seemed to drain him.

The towel around her torso slipped a bit, and Grace became suddenly aware of how exposed she was.

"If you'll give me a minute to get dressed..."

Daniel didn't respond as Grace disappeared down the hall. She shut the water off in the bathroom and quickly dried herself with the towel. Hurrying to her bedroom, she slid her feet into a pair of slippers and wrapped a white terrycloth robe around her naked body.

"I can make you a sandwich or some soup," Grace said, hurrying back into the kitchen.

"Anything would be great," Daniel said.

Grace quickly assembled a sandwich and warmed up a bowl of chili, and placed the meal in front of the exhausted former teacher. Daniel ate the food up quickly and gratefully.

He regaled her with his tale of how he escaped from Havenswood. The skeleton key was useful for acquiring a car, which he soon had to abandon when a police car attempted to pull him over. He narrowly escaped into the woods, where he remained hidden for most of the night.

Thank you, Grace," he said. "You risked your daughters' lives for me."

Grace froze, and her hands shook. Daniel stopped, and suddenly realized Grace's belly was not as large as it had been the last time he'd seen her.

"Oh, Grace, I'm so sorry..."

Grace sobbingly told Daniel what Lukas had done.

"I'll kill him. I swear, Grace, I'll make him pay."

Grace made him seconds and thirds, and when he was full, she invited him to use her bathroom to get cleaned up. She provided him a fresh razorblade as well.

"I can give you some of Ted's clothes. You two are about the same size."

Daniel accepted her offer and made his way to the shower. As Grace looked through her bedroom for clothes, she spotted her Glock resting on the nightstand. Gabby Becket's voice echoed in her head.

You will kill him. And Kayla will be spared.

Grace pressed her forehead to the wall.

"Oh, Mr. Becket. Why did you have to come here?"

A tear trickled down her cheek and the reality of what she had to do sank in. She could kill him right now. He was in the shower; she would have the element of surprise. Grace reached towards the Glock, and when she felt the cold metal against her fingers she pulled her hand away, as if she'd been burned.

"How could I do this?" Grace cried to herself. She was about ready to tell Gabby, and Lukas, to go fuck themselves, but she thought of Kayla, sleeping soundly in the next room, and of how easily Lukas had tracked her down and taken her unborn baby from her minutes after helping Daniel escape.

She had to. There was no other choice. Not when Kayla's life was at stake.

Grace quickly changed into a shirt and pants, and picked out a belt, a pair of Ted's jeans and one of his shirts for Daniel to wear. She tucked her Glock into the back of her pants, and carried the clothes to the bathroom. She stood outside the bathroom door and waited.

She heard the water shut off, and Daniel step out of the shower. She readied herself as the bathroom door opened.

Daniel stood before her, naked, with his beard freshly shaved off. She had to avert her eyes, trying not to stare at him, and she handed him the clothes. He accepted them and quickly put them on.

She could do it now. But the sound would wake Kayla, and Grace did not want that. She could wait until they were outside. Maybe then, Kayla would not hear it, if she muffled the barrel.

When Daniel was dressed, Grace handed him some money, and drew him a map to St. Harold's Memorial Cemetery.

"The Balko Crypt is near the back," Grace said, handing him the map. "You can use the skeleton key to get in. When you're there..."

She gave Daniel a knapsack with a stake, mallet, crowbar, flashlight, and cross inside.

"...everything you need is in here."

Daniel slung the knapsack around his shoulder.

"I'll do it first thing in the morning," Daniel said, nodding to her.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you."

Grace wanted to hug him, but stopped herself.

"Let me walk you outside."

Daniel gave Grace an odd look, and the two of them made their way out of the house. Once they were on the front porch, Grace shut the door behind her, and drew her gun. She aimed it at Daniel. He turned towards her.

"Grace, what are you doing?" Daniel asked, staring at the barrel aiming at him.

Tears poured from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Becket."

Her hands shook; her entire body trembled. Daniel took a step back.

"Grace, I- you know I'll take care of this. You don't have to do this."

Grace shook her head.

"I can't take the chance!"

Her hands trembled so badly she realized it was likely that she might not even hit him if she fired.

"Grace, what do you think will happen if you shoot me?" Daniel asked.

She'd barely given the idea any thought. She would shoot Daniel. She'd go to jail. Nora would raise Kayla. If Balko kept his word, of course.

"If you kill me, Balko will win! You know that!"

"He's gonna kill Kayla if I don't!" Grace sobbed.

Daniel sobbed, and hung his head.

"Do it then."

Daniel faced her, with his arms outstretched to his sides. Grace felt her soul break into pieces. She couldn't bring herself to even raise the gun now, let alone shoot him. She let out a whimper.

"Damn it, Grace, do it already," Daniel demanded.

Sobbing, Grace shook her head.

"I can't," she mumbled.

"You have to," Daniel said.

"No, I can't," she said, and threw the gun into the bushes. "Go kill Balko. Do it now. I'll get Kayla out of here."


"GO NOW!" Grace screamed.

Daniel turned and ran, and as he disappeared down the street, Grace hurried back into the house.

She worked quickly, grabbing a travel bag and stuffing it with clothes. She hurried into Kayla's room and turned on the light. Kayla awoke.

"Mommy?" she asked.

"Kayla, we have to go now. Get dressed."

Kayla rubbed her eyes. Grace grabbed some of Kayla's clothes and stuffed them into the travel bag. As she did, she heard the shatter of glass coming from the living room. Grace froze in shock.

"Oh, God" she said to herself. "He's here already. Kayla, we have to go, now!"

Kayla clutched her teddy bear in her arms. Grace slung the travel bag over her shoulder, grabbed her purse, and then her daughter, and hurried down the hall. As she hurried down the hallway, she stopped dead in her tracks.

The living room carpet was on fire. The window broke again, and what looked like a Molotov cocktail came crashing through, landing onto the sofa and igniting it.

"OH MY GOD!" Grace screamed. Kayla burst into tears.

Grace peeked out the window, and she saw a young man, barely eighteen, standing in her front yard igniting something in his hands. He threw the flaming object at Kayla's bedroom window. Grace heard the shatter of glass coming from Kayla's room and the sound of a fire igniting.