Lady in Red Pt. 03 Ch. 06


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"Let's get cleaned up and get out of here," replied Steve calmly. "You need to talk with some people, but first we need some breakfast."

"If you're willing, I want to go out the front and let the press see that you're doing well, or at least as well as can be expected," requested Gwen. "Your face is all bruised, and as colorful as the Painted Desert, but that's okay. People need to see what you endured to protect your family. They need to be reminded just how tough you are. I want your reputation to grow, and I want those cowardly terrorist bastards to fear you even more than they already do."

It was nine AM when Gwen and Steve stepped out the front doors of the hospital. Security had already cleared the area, and members of the press were bunched in the parking lot, waiting for the opportunity to speak with the First Couple.

Steve was smiling as he and Gwen strolled over to entertain questions from the press corps. He couldn't help but notice the shock on the faces of the reporters, all staring at his badly bruised face, but was still surprised when Heather broke down in sobs as he drew near. Instinctively, he reached out to her with a crooked grin. Heather flew into his arms and wept helplessly into his chest.

"I guess that pretty well answers my question about how I look," joked Steve as he held the crying woman in his arms. "Does anyone have any questions for me?"

The other reporters quickly overcame their surprise and began asking Steve questions, even as Heather continued sobbing softly against his chest.

"Steve, were you in that truck when it exploded, and if so, how did you avoid being blown to pieces?" asked Amber Stahl, using the back of her hand to wipe her cheeks.

"As I was backing up the truck, I saw a recessed doorway in the masonry wall, and I dove into it. I was trying to get to my feet when the bomb went off. The force of the explosion slammed me against a wall, and pieces of the truck embedded themselves into my legs and upper body. As you can see, a few also managed to hit my face, but luckily my eyes weren't injured in any way."

The video of that news conference would be played around the world. President Hammer's husband, badly bruised and battered, holding a sobbing, beautiful young blonde reporter as he responded to questions from the rest of the press pool. After a few minutes, Heather began to compose herself and realized how inappropriate her behavior was. She lifted her head from Steve's chest and looked to Gwen.

Without a word spoken, Gwen offered her arms and the young woman moved to embrace her. "I'm so sorry, Gwen. I'm way too emotional. It's just that Steve was almost killed, and he looks so battered. I was so scared. I still am!"

Steve had been watching Amber Stahl as she asked him her question. Her eyes were moist, and she was sniffling as she was obviously struggling to concentrate on his response, but her eyes continually scanned what she perceived as the tragedy of his face. When Heather moved away to embrace Gwen, Steve stepped closer to Amber and held out his arms welcomingly. The veteran newswoman let out a sob, quickly stepped into them and hugged him tightly.

"Steve, I was so worried! Look how you've been hurt, but you saved so many people, including Gwen and Chancellor Braun," managed Amber as she clutched Steve tightly.

"Listen, everyone. I know I look like hell, but I'm doing just fine, and the doctors tell me that I'll make a full recovery. Please report that," requested Steve as he held the crying Amber Stahl to his chest. "Heather and Amber have been friends of ours for years, and they're a bit emotional. It's okay. Reporters are people, too. Are there any more questions?"

"Where did you get the handgun, and how many men did you shoot?" asked a cable news reporter.

"I took it from the truck driver as he jumped from the truck. I will not tell you how many people I had to shoot. Sir, I'm disappointed that a professional journalist would ask such an insensitive question."

"Will you have any scars or permanent marks from this event?" asked a female reporter from a German station.

"It's a bit early to tell, but Gwen says my scars just give me character," joked Steve.

"Did you know the truck contained a bomb when you got into it?" asked another reporter.

"Yes, it was pretty obvious to me. There were bags of fertilizer showing beneath some tarps. I knew the truck driver wasn't doing any farming, so it had to be a bomb. The fact that the driver obviously wanted to flee the area indicated that he wasn't a suicide bomber, so I jumped into the truck and backed it away from the President and Chancellor," recounted Steve.

"How did you know that you'd have time to back it up and get out of it before it exploded?" asked reporter from a Berlin newspaper.

"I didn't," replied Steve succinctly.

"Madam President, if this attack is associated with a foreign nation, will you be issuing sanctions and trade restrictions as a result?" questioned a cable news reporter.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but make no mistake: The United States will never bow to the threats or demands of terrorists, or the nations that support them. We will always do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of our citizens," promised Gwen. "Personally, I do not believe in punishing the citizens of a country for the sins of other citizens, or even their government. I dislike sanctions. They create far too much collateral suffering."

"Will you give your concert in two days and if you do, will your husband be able to participate?" asked a network reporter.

"Unless Chancellor Braun indicates that she doesn't wish us to perform, we'll not only give a concert, but we'll rock this town like it's never been rocked before!" declared Gwen passionately. "Steve and I, as well as our friends, will not be intimidated by cowardly acts of violence. We were invited here to give a concert, and that's what we intend to do."

"What about the rescheduled state dinner tomorrow?" asked a rotund man in the back of the press corps. "Will you and your husband attend?"

"That dinner is being held in our honor. Of course we'll attend. Steve appears to be feeling better already," quipped Gwen as she smiled toward Steve as Amber withdrew from his embrace and kissed his cheek before walking away. "He wasn't hurt so badly that he can't comfort a beautiful woman or two.

"In case there's any question about this, unlike some former presidents we don't consider members of press to be our adversaries. We respect the work you do and appreciate your professionalism. Steve and I have known Amber almost from the day we met, and Heather for the past six or seven years. We consider them to be good friends. Watching an unconscious Steve loaded and taken away in a helicopter, and now seeing how battered he is, has understandably upset them," explained Gwen as Amber joined Heather at Gwen's side, placing an affectionate arm around Gwen's waist, a gesture which Gwen returned, including Heather in the embrace with her other arm. Photos of that moment soon appeared on the front pages of newspapers all across North America accompanied by headlines such as President Embraces the Press.

"Thanks for your time. Steve and I are way behind schedule now and have to get moving," closed Gwen as she gave Heather and Amber quick hugs before reaching for Steve's hand and leading him to their fresh, undamaged limousine. Secret Service agents continuously scanned the area as they closely surrounded the First Couple.

Patrons of a small diner on a Berlin side street fell to sudden silence as they watched several men in dark suits stride into the restaurant and move to the sides of the room as President and Steve Hammer followed them inside. The diners knew of the attack the previous day and were very surprised that Steve Hammer was out of the hospital, although it was readily apparent that he was badly bruised.

The couple smiled and greeted people as a stunned hostess escorted them to a table in the center of the room. Gwen knew Steve well enough to know that he had to be extremely hungry. His last meal had been lunch the previous day, so she had directed her driver to make an unscheduled stop at the local diner.

The couple ate a hearty meal comprised of traditional German dishes. Once they finished dining, they worked the room, shaking hands with patrons and staff. They posed for pictures and signed napkins, menus, and even receipts for the happy diners. Gwen made a point of stopping by the kitchen and thanking those inside for an excellent meal. Before leaving the establishment, Steve pulled out his credit card and covered the meals of all the customers as well as a large tip for the staff.

"It looked like you really enjoyed your schnitzel," observed Gwen as the couple resumed their journey. "I wanted people to see that even though you're banged up, you have a good appetite and you're feeling pretty good. We can't show fear or those terrorists will have won, so all the glad-handing we did in there was just the ticket. You can bet most of the staff and patrons will have posted pictures and accounts of our lunch all over social media. It'll be obvious to anyone that we haven't been intimidated by those wannabe assassins."

"Speaking of terrorists, I made a few calls this morning. There are some people that I want you to meet," announced Steve. "Charlotte has scheduled us to meet them in a secure room in our embassy later this afternoon."

"You're being deliberately vague," replied Gwen. "I know I could get you to tell me what you've got in mind, but I'll wait. I don't want to spoil your surprise."

That afternoon, Steve escorted Gwen into a private meeting room in the US Embassy in Berlin. Gwen quickly guessed that there were about twenty uniformed men in two rows on either side of a central impromptu aisle, standing at rigid attention as she entered. She slowly walked the length of the room and back, carefully examining the face of each man as she passed him. Each one's expression bore a remarkable resemblance to Steve at his military best.

"Okay Gentlemen, please stand at ease; no, better yet, stand easy," directed Gwen as she turned her attention to Steve. "Special Forces?"

Steve nodded to Gwen before addressing the group. "Men, my wife finds herself in a bit of a dilemma. We've traced the terrorist cell that attacked her motorcade yesterday to a small town in Northern Iran. She's reluctant to order drones in to bomb the training facility because as usual, women and children are living in close proximity to these terrorists, forced to serve as human shields. She's concerned about asking Special Forces to undertake the task of neutralizing these jackals because of the possibility of injury, death, or the capture of one or more of you men."

"Madam President, you're concerned about our safety?" asked a ramrod straight young man who appeared too young to be a member of such an elite team. "With all due respect, Ma'am, it's our duty to keep America safe. The scum that attacked you and your family were attacking the United States and everything that we stand for. It would be an honor to put an end to their miserable existence."

"But I'd be asking all of you to risk your lives," worried Gwen. "You're all such fine looking, healthy men, full of life, with friends and relatives that love you. How can I ask you to risk all of that?"

"Ma'am, I seem to remember some stories about your husband fighting in Columbia and Iraq, not to mention a pretty epic battle with a guy calling himself The Butcher on a ship in the Indian Ocean. He was fighting to keep others safe. We do the same only better, since we're Army," added the same young man with a grin as he finished speaking.

"Would some of you volunteer for this mission, knowing it's extremely dangerous, and your role in it may never be known by most Americans?" Gwen wanted to know.

"Madam President, I know you don't intend to insult us, but you're coming very close. We're a team. If one goes in, we all go in," insisted a man on Gwen's left. "I'd strongly urge that you never ask your soldiers if they want to go to war. We rely on you to determine what needs to be done for the good of our country. When called upon, we'll do our damnedest to make sure that your orders are carried out. Your husband understands this. I'm surprised he hasn't explained it to you."

"Actually he has, many times, and I always thought I understood it. But then it became my decision that would send you fine soldiers into harm's way," admitted Gwen.

"Madam President, your husband is the poster boy for undertaking dangerous missions. As his wife, or his girlfriend at the time, were you proud of Mr. Hammer's courage and dedication to family and country?" asked another young soldier.

"Of course I was!" declared Gwen. "His actions saved dozens of innocent lives."

"Then you need to grant us the same opportunity," replied the young man. "If these terrorists are allowed to carry on, many more people will be maimed or killed. With your authorization, we can prevent that from happening. It's what we do."

"I can see why Steve wanted me to meet you gentlemen," replied Gwen as she flashed her perfect smile. "Please let me invite all of you to one of our concerts in the not too distant future. We're able to save some room near the stage for close friends. Would you gentlemen please attend as my personal guests?"

"It would have to be backstage," cautioned Steve. "These guys don't want their faces flashed all over the internet. Anonymity is important for their continued safety."

"You're right, of course," conceded Gwen. "However, there's always room backstage for a couple dozen people, and you'd be able to see almost everything from the wings. Would you please come to one our shows? We'll make sure that you won't appear on any cameras."

"Would the fact that we're being invited to this show indicate that we'll be making a trip to Persia in the not-too-distant future?" asked yet another ramrod straight soldier that had remained silent up to that point.

"That's a real possibility, if my military advisors can make it work. Your safety will always be our primary concern, so no promises until Steve and I see some details. Thank you gentlemen, and please allow your President to give each of you a hug before I leave you to make the necessary plans. I realize that I may be letting the cat out of the bag, by telling you this, but meeting you has allowed me to make this decision with a clear conscience. Gentlemen, you are the best of the best, and I'm very grateful for your patriotism, courage, and skill!"

After ending her visit with the Special Forces but before leaving the American embassy, Gwen took advantage of secure phone lines to speak with the Joint Chiefs. As soon as she finished that conversation, she used a secure line for a conference call with Naomi, Kate, Lisa, Vince Rosen, and Jason.

Gwen turned to Steve when she completed her phone calls. "As you probably gathered from my conversations, our intelligence indicates, with no room for doubt, that the terrorist cell training in Iran was responsible for yesterday's attack on the President of the United States and the Chancellor of Germany. They cautioned me that Iran will be seriously pissed if we send troops within their borders. I replied that I'm already pissed. Iran really needs to be more concerned about how its actions are received in other nations, especially the United States."

"I know that wasn't an easy decision for you, but it was the right one," assured Steve. "Everyone has seen how sympathetic you are to the pain and suffering of others. The world now needs to know that there's another side to their Queen. You will not tolerate senseless acts of violence from terrorists, regardless of who encourages or shelters them."

"I know you're right, Steve, but I've just ordered the deaths of these terrorists, and that's a difficult responsibility to carry. I just hope no innocents are hurt and our soldiers return unharmed," replied Gwen.

Gwen and Steve finally made their way to their hotel for an emotional reunion with their family and friends. This was the first time since their arrival in Germany that they'd even seen it! Steve spent some time answering questions from Saint and his cousins concerning his bruises, stitches, and bandages. Once the kids were assured that Steve was fine, they drifted back into an impromptu game room to play.

Their departure allowed Paula to drape her arms around Steve and gently hug him. "Son-in-law, you're an amazing man. There's no doubt that you saved Gwen and the Chancellor and probably Saint, Vicky, Ted and me, along with a lot of security and law enforcement people."

Steve soon found himself closely surrounded by a group of grateful family and friends when Paula released him. "Family back in Washington has been worried sick. It was all we could do to keep them from flying back over here and skipping their hearings, which are scheduled to resume tomorrow. The attack on the President and her husband put things in Washington on hold for a couple of days."

"I was speaking with Lisa just before you came in," revealed Stephanie. "She was telling me that a lot of people are upset that terrorists would stage an attempt on our President's life. They're pretty angry, but proud as hell that Steve turned the tables on them so effectively. A lot of the reports in print and on the internet are simply referring to you two as the Queen and her Warrior.

"Lisa couldn't get over the way the nation reacted to Heather and Amber hugging Steve and crying on his strong shoulders. It always used to be that members of the press should remain impartial and impersonal when dealing with people. Obviously, Heather and Amber had stepped way over that line."

"Did they get into trouble for that?" asked Gwen. "I wondered how the public would perceive reporters showing so much emotion."

"Trouble? Hardly!" laughed Stephanie. "Their networks are constantly replaying the scenes of their star reporters in the arms of America's badly battered, but very heroic Warrior. And that photo of you arm in arm with Amber and Heather has gone viral. It's considered a good thing for them that they're both personal friends of yours. The line between news and entertainment has been blurring for years, but this is far beyond anything that's ever occurred before.

"Amber gave a special report a couple of hours ago. It was live on her network's morning news back in the States," added Stephanie. "She stated flatly that Steve had saved her life in that helicopter crash years ago and she was forever indebted to him. Then she went on to tell the world that Steve Hammer is about the best thing since sliced bread. He's pretty much everything a man should be: loyal, protective, kind, strong, intelligent, and fearless. She told the world that he was a great role model for every male on the planet. She'd had the good fortune to observe and report from the very beginning on the rise of the Queen and her Warrior. It was her opinion that you have far surpassed the traditional role of President of the United States. You and Steve now belong to the entire world. Your power and influence are unparalleled, and constantly increasing."

"Amber said all of that?" asked a very surprised Gwen. "She might be a little off kilter after all that's happened on this trip. I hope she doesn't lose her job or get reprimanded for broadcasting such a subjective point of view."

"Don't worry about Amber," chuckled Jordan. "As far as CBC is concerned, she's golden. I've been reading about this online. Viewers loved her observations this morning. As far as a good portion of the country is concerned, their President is their Queen. They're proud as hell that her Warrior husband kicks ass and takes names. You guys are in uncharted territory."