Lady Justice: Cult of the Moche


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Justice finished her thought before helping Daniel stand. "We shouldn't worry ourselves about fixing their home until we can fix our own though."

"Daniel, baby, are you alright?" Alanah asked tenderly.

"Did I fall down?" Daniel asked in a haze.

"Yes dear, you did. Took a nasty bump on the head," Justice lied. "We need to get you home. Can you walk?" She and Alanah cradled Daniel between them, and the three naked lovers slowly walked back to their cottage.




Chapter Eleven


Alanah woke suddenly in the night. The bed sheets clung to her sticky body. As she slid to the edge of the bed, the chilly breeze from the Sea outside turned her boiling sweat to ice. She hopped to her feet to draw the shudders closed, but as she did, she felt her body fall endlessly into an icy pool of water. The sudden shock filled her lungs with frozen water from an instinctive gasp. Her body sunk lower into blackness.

Deeper in the water, she focused on a soft orange glow growing brighter. Against the blazing backdrop, a tiny black silhouette appeared. She could sense Daniel's mind from afar, and despite her impending suffocation, began pushing deeper to reach him. As she struggled, Daniel turned sharply towards her.

"Alanah, no!" he cried. He raced towards her as the last ounce of oxygen was expended in her body. The ball of light dimmed, and Daniel's silhouette disappeared. The freezing temperature suddenly began to fade, as she felt warm breath enter her lungs.

"Alanah!" Justice screamed.

Another warm breath pushed into her lungs, and Alanah felt her heart pound out of her chest.

"Justice!" she cried as she sat up suddenly in bed.

Lady Justice was hovering over her. The Time Lady cradled her desperately and wept. "It's alright, little girl. I've got you. You're alright."

Alanah coughed violently, expecting to spew sea water, but it was only her own choking lungs deprived of air. "Justice," she croaked. "Where is Daniel?"


Arm in arm, Alanah and Justice raced to the beach nearest their cottage. They frantically slid down an incline, scraping their delicate skin against rocks and roots in the embankment. They hit the sand running toward the echoing crash of the sea. Their bared feet felt the icy tide water as they met the Sea of Moche.

"Look!" Justice shouted. Daniel was standing several yards into the water. His body swayed lazily against the rippling waves. The two women dove into the water, paddling themselves out to their distant lover.

"Daniel!" Alanah cried. He turned absentmindedly toward them and smiled. Alanah clutched him feverishly, but his body did not respond. "He's in a trance or something!"

Justice held Daniel's face and focused intently on his eyes. They were open, but she sensed a glim haze over his conscious mind. She touched his forehead with her hand and closed her eyes. "Come back, dear. Come back to us."

Suddenly, Daniel spoke. "He is here. He is displeased with us."

"Who?" Alanah asked.

"Moche," Daniel answered with a possessed smile.


On the banks of the icy cold Sea of Moche, Alanah cradled Daniel's body in her arms. His eyes were still open, but he had not said another word after they had pulled him ashore. Justice paced nervously, as Alanah ran her hands smoothly across Daniel's head.

"We need Pilau," Alanah concluded.

Justice did not want to resort to that, but she feared the girl was right. "I don't know, Alanah."

"I can go to him. I can ask-," Alanah pleaded.

"I will go," Justice explained. "You take Daniel to the TARDIS. Hurry!"

With that, Alanah helped Daniel to his feet. Despite his stupor, he was able to walk unassisted with Alanah back to the ship.

Justice marched boldly to Pilau's home. She was formulating a plan to end this calamity once and for all, but it was going to require Daniel's help, not Protector Pilau's. This was just the diversion.

Lady Justice rapped impatiently on the door to Pilau's home. A series of lights began to illuminate the entryway. The door creaked open, revealing Dion, Pilau's priestess. She looked at the Time Lady quizzically.

"Lady Justice, is everything alright? Where is Alanah?" she asked.

"Fine, dear. I just needed to have a little chat with the Protector. May I see him?"

"The Protector is indisposed at the moment, Madame Time Lady. I think the morning would be better," Dion explained.

"Unfortunately, the morning will be too late. Please, I am only here to offer an apology and beg our leave from your system," Justice offered.

"Leaving?" Dion answered with a startle. She stammered unintelligibly for a moment before turning back into the house. "Please come inside, Lady Justice." Dion left the Time Lady in the Protector's foyer. After several minutes, she returned with Protector Pilau in tow.

"Lady Justice. Is everything alright? It's quite late."

"Yes Protector, everything is fine. Please forgive me about the hour, but we've been called to an emergency in another system. My companions apologize for their absence, but I thought it might be best if you and I came to an understanding before we left," Justice clarified.

"Yes, you may be right. Let me be the first to apologize for my actions and my words at our supper earlier. I understand you have an emergency in another system to attend to," he explained, unconvinced. "However, if what transpired tonight had anything to do with your abrupt departure, I am truly sorry. We value the work that you and your companions do, and I value your friendship."

"Of course, Protector. I also regret any disrespect that I, or my companions, have shown you and your people. This moon and its inhabitants are truly wondrous. When our business has finished elsewhere, we would certainly be honored to be invited back," Justice apologized.

"Consider it an open invitation, Lady Justice," Pilau proclaimed with a warm smile.

Lady Justice embraced the Protector, and gave him a long kiss, letting her bared chest push against him. She felt his cock creep out between the fold of his robe and run along her inner thigh. Justice ran her hand along Pilau's cock, tickling it from base to tip. The thick meat engorged longingly against her touch.

"I also regret leaving you unsatisfied," Justice breathed. Pilau let out a low moan as the Time Lady's mighty grip enveloped his cock. Pilau pulled her closer and kissed her. His cock ran along Justice's pelvis, amidst her soft, red bush.

"Oh, Lady Justice, please-," he begged.

Justice let out a convincing sigh. "I'm afraid it may have to wait until next time, Protector. I'm sorry. We are in a bit of a rush." She dropped his raging hard-on, and backed away seductively.

Pilau's hand jumped to his abandoned prick and pulled as he watched Justice from a distance. "You are an impossible tease, Lady Justice. Something of an oddity on our moon."

Justice grinned as she watched the Protector stroke himself in her honor. "I will ask you one final favor, Protector. Something you must promise if you ever wish to see me or my companions again." She stepped closer to Pilau. His stroking intensified. "You must promise to answer our call to aid if we ever need it." Justice knelt below Pilau as she spoke. "No matter the sacrifice. No matter the cost. You must be an ally in our darkest hour, and you must help us if we ask. Do I make myself clear?" Her mouth was inches from the tip of his throbbing cock.

"Oh yes!" Pilau cried as he prepared to unload.

"Say it then." Justice grabbed his cock and waved it over her mouth, taunting him. "Promise that you will help us. Promise that you are our ally, and not our enemy."

"I swear. I am not your enemy. I assure you," he begged.

Without another word, Justice swallowed Protector Pilau's cock deep into her throat. His balls smacked against her shapely jaw as their contents dumped into her stomach.

"Oh yes! Oh thank you!" Pilau cried. His cock began to soften, lodged firmly inside Justice's throat. She released him and stood, giving him a small kiss on the lips.

"Good. Then we will return when we shall. Thank you for your loyalty." Justice made her way to the door, but stopped short of opening it. "Understand that those who collude against us, or betray our trust, are left in ruins. The Tarot. Scallion XIV. I would leave this moon as ashes before I would allow someone to harm my family. If you have anything to say to me before I exit this door, now would be your opportunity."

Pilau only stood frozen.

"Good. Then we understand one another. Goodbye Protector."


Alanah guided her dazed lover to the door of the TARDIS. As they approached, Daniel dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

"Oh Great One! Please take mercy on us!"

"What the fuck?" Alanah exclaimed. "Come on! Get up!" She tugged at Daniel's arm and brought him back to his feet. Daniel shied his eyes from the TARDIS as Alanah dragged him inside. Before entering, she took another look and saw the relief of the orange sun emblazoned on the side of the ancient time machine.

After a few moments waiting inside, they were joined by their Time Lady mistress.

"Justice, what the fuck is going on? What happened to Daniel? Where's Protector Pilau?"

Justice was busy at work at the TARDIS controls, setting their destination.

"Wait! Where are you taking us? Stop, Justice!"

"Don't worry, Alanah. We're not leaving. Just moving." The thud of the time machine indicated that their move was finished. At that, Lady Justice ran to Daniel's side and stared deeply into his eyes. "Alanah-," she started and held out her hand. Alanah had already produced Justice's sonic probe, and placed it in the Time Lady's hand. Justice smiled proudly at Alanah, before turning her focus back to their boyfriend. Justice flashed the red light from her probe across Daniel's visual field, but his eyes never reacted. She twisted the end of the device, and then scanned his skull. A brief flash of life flickered behind his mesmerized glare. His eyes twitched, and Justice met them with another scan from her probe. Suddenly, Daniel's breathing became rapid, and his eyes darted alarmingly.

"Wh-wha-wha," he stammered.

"Yes, love. Almost there," Justice encouraged.

"F-F-Fucking shit!" he cried, as he grasped the sonic probe tightly in Justice's hand.

"There we are," Justice sung.

Daniel struggled with disorientation as he began to stand. "Justice," he called.

"We're right here, dear. We're in the TARDIS. You're safe," she assured him.

"I was- I was-," he muttered.

"Catatonic, darling," Justice explained.

"Dead," Daniel corrected. He clutched at Justice and Alanah, and the three lovers embraced tightly.

Later that evening, Justice called Alanah and Daniel into the lounge. She was dressed for war; black corset, black boots, and a look on her gorgeous face that screamed "no more fucking around." Her sudden change in demeanor put Alanah and Daniel on edge. Even on some of their more harrowing adventures, Justice's campy appearance and behavior seemed to boost the group's confidence. Seeing her like this ran a current of doubt through Daniel and Alanah's minds.

Though her exterior beamed confidence and purpose; inside, Justice was at a loss. She was no closer to understanding Daniel's condition, the motives of Protector Pilau, or the mysteries of his people. The time for action was upon them, but they were without a directive. Despite her infinite knowledge and centuries of experience, she was baffled.

"Daniel," Justice finally started. "I believe you have the floor, dear."

"Me? What? I don't know anything," he explained.

"You know vastly more than any of us. What do you suspect?"

Daniel stared at Justice and Alanah's eager eyes, and backed away frightened. "No. I can't. You won't believe me."

"Oh stop it!" Justice scolded. "Don't be daft. You're our only hope, and the only hope of the people on this moon. Now speak up!"

Daniel hesitated, allowing his thoughts to congeal into a concise statement, summarizing all that he had dreaded and suspected for days now, finally birthing them out loud. It was only now that he had even been able to mold all of his feelings and assumptions into a cohesive thought.

"Moche is real. He lives at the bottom of the Sea."

They sat in silence for several minutes, allowing that prospect to sink in. Finally, Daniel elaborated.

"It started with the dreams. Always drowning. Always sinking beneath the Sea. Then a bright orange ball of light called to me. It was magnificent, but something told me to flee. Whenever I tried to escape, something pulled me deeper. Justice, you wrote them off as stress. Normally, I would agree. That's when I remembered the relief on the TARDIS. The beaming sun. And again in the Great Temple. A solitary glowing orange ball against a blue backdrop. You said it couldn't be a sun, Justice. You were right. It's Moche. It has to be. Why would the dreams I am having also inspire the Followers of Moche to paint a relief of the same nightmarish orange ball unless it was real?"

Justice mulled it over for a while, arguing bitterly with herself before answering. "It's all we've got," she concluded. "I could bore you to tears about the collective unconscious, dream states, even the side effects of a certain perfunctory hallucinogenic orange berry, etc. I don't know that there is a meaning to any of this, but something tells me we are out of options. The people here are in danger. What can we do?"

"Do you have scuba suits?" Alanah answered, and immediately felt ashamed at the simplicity.

"Probably, Alanah, but we don't have a hundred fucking years to try and squeeze these gigantic tits into a scuba suit." They all laughed.

"Moche is pleased," Daniel uttered.

"Don't start that bullshit again," Alanah scolded.

"No! That's what they always say," Daniel explained. "Maybe it's not a god, but there is something keeping whatever it is in line. If Pilau's followers are so intent on making it happy, I say, let's displease the motherfucker!"

Justice smiled wickedly. "Oh Daniel, you are something." She threw herself against him, swallowing his lips with hers.

"Wait a minute!" Alanah interrupted. What's to say that if we displease Moche, he won't destroy the whole moon or all the people there? There had to be a reason they were so afraid all these centuries. They built an entire society around keeping it at bay."

Justice slid down from Daniel and pouted. "You're right dear. We're taking a huge risk. We can save these people, but there is a strong likelihood that many of them could die. We need the support of Protector Pilau."

"What?" Daniel exclaimed. "He's in on it, Justice!"

"Perhaps. Or maybe he was confronted with just such a dilemma. Take a risk. Many people could die, or millions could survive. What lies would you tell to protect that truth? I don't believe the Protector is innocent, but I also know that he may be the only chance to save the people of that moon when it goes tits up."

They met in the control room. Justice fretted at the controls. "When?" she asked aloud.

"When is the festival over? We could use the party as cover?" Alanah suggested.

"Very good, Alanah! Welcome back, fearless leader! Two days, I believe. Two days after our dinner party with Pilau."

"So we show up during the last night of the festivities at the temple under cover of darkness, grab Pilau, and head to the beach," Alanah instructed.

"Just like old times, boss," Daniel teased as he grabbed Alanah's curvy ass.

"No fucking around this time, you two," Alanah warned.

"Ay, Captain," Justice saluted. "The helm is yours."

With that Daniel and Justice stepped away from the control panel. Alanah hurriedly set the levers and switches, adjusted the monitors, and slammed the throttle. "I'm taking us in," she called out.

Justice's hand dug beneath her black short skirt and fingered frantically at her twat. "God she makes me fucking horny when she does that." She gripped Daniel's arm tightly as her body threw into convulsions.

The TARDIS re-materialized several miles away, and two days later according to the calendar of the Followers of Moche. Justice had pulled herself together, but not after a drawn out protest that they should have had a good long fuck before heading off to their certain doom. Daniel did not object, as his cock strained to escape his pants watching Justice beg Alanah to eat her pussy. Alanah had fully transformed back into their commander. She promised whatever Justice wanted, so long as she kept them all alive. They stood at the doorway, and Alanah gathered them together for final instructions.

"Daniel and I will meet you at the beach. You bring Pilau to us. That way we're far from the festivities. No funny business, Justice."

"Yes, my love. I promise. Just be careful," Justice pleaded before slipping out the door.

Alanah returned to the control panel, and ignited the TARDIS's engines once more. They settled with a thump. "Are you ready?" Alanah asked excitedly.

"I am," Daniel answered. He grabbed Alanah as she moved past him, wrapping his arms around her. "I love you, Alanah."

"I love you, too. I'm sorry everything went awry for a minute there. It really feels good to all be on the same page again," Alanah stated.

"I know. We make this look fucking easy," Daniel bragged, as he opened the door to the starship and walked out onto a lonely, desolate beach.

Only the beach was not lonely, nor desolate, at that moment. The sand was covered with writing, naked bodies. Everyone from the village had met on the beach for one final sendoff to the Festival of Moche. Alanah tripped over a pair of bodies as she stepped out the door. They were fucking and praying and crying out in ecstasy. They pulled Alanah into their embrace to absorb her into the orgy. Daniel fished her back to safety, and they stumbled backward onto the sand.

"Daniel!" Alanah whispered.

"I know!" Daniel answered. "Not even an invite?"

All across the sand, and into the sea, the Followers of Moche fucked their way into their god's grace. By Daniel's estimation, Moche would be very pleased, indeed.

"We've got to get out of here!" Alanah ordered. "Where's the TARDIS?"

"I don't know. It's fucking invisible," Daniel lamented.

"What do we do?" Alanah panicked.

"Blend in?" Daniel suggested cheekily.

Alanah slapped his arm in protest, but he had a point. Gawking at the scene would only alienate them. Alanah began quickly discarding her clothes. Daniel slathered his lips with his tongue hungrily, as he stripped. Alanah turned to survey the celebration, proudly displaying her backside to Daniel.

"Come on, help us blend in while I look around," she teased. Daniel pounced at the opportunity. He began a steady thrusting into her from behind while Alanah studied the mass of revelers. Near the front of the pack, on the coastline, was Protector Pilau. He was perched above the herd with two young blondes on his lap. His wives were nowhere to be seen. "There's Pilau," she whispered to Daniel. "We need to find Justice."

Daniel laughed. "If I know Justice, she was probably the one who started this orgy. She won't be far."

"Don't be stupid. This changes our plan. We need to leave!" Alanah urged.

"Just another minute longer. Oh shit! Just wait," Daniel suggested as he approached his end.

"Be serious. You're as bad as she is," Alanah scolded. She turned back to the party, and noticed a group of people passing in front of the Protector. He watched them anxiously and nodded his head as they passed. "Something is happening," Alanah cried.

"Oh yeah! Cum for daddy, baby. Give it to me," Daniel called as he finally emptied his nut into Alanah's unconvinced pussy.

"Finally!" Alanah celebrated. "Now look up there. There's a group of people getting into a boat."
