Life after the Lottery Ch. 56


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"That's fine, Brenda. Make sure you bring everything you need for Saturday when you come Friday. Also, bring enough to stay Saturday night, I am sure we will be getting back late."

"James, will you do me Friday or Saturday night?"

"Not with Sherri here."

"Can I come back one weekend?"

"We'll work something out; we will be gone the next weekend."

"Maybe one night next week after I start working for you."

"We'll see. Are you ready to start working hard?"


"Sherri gave me some numbers today."

"I know we worked them out. My numbers will be about the same."

"Okay. Maybe the three of us can go over them Sunday morning."


"I'll see you tomorrow," I told Brenda.

"I'll be ready."

I hung up and thought about what Brenda had said.

"Who was that?" Dawn asked sitting down next to me. I looked to see if the girls or Sherri were close.

"That was Brenda. She wanted to tell me something."


"She told me that when Sherri was at her house with her roommate, the three of them ended up having an evening of sex."

"And Sherri's roommate is a girl, right?"


"I thought so," Dawn said.

"What were you doing to her earlier?"

"Just playing with her breasts."

"And in the bedroom?"

"I had a talk with her. She asked me if I had a problem with her showing her tits to you."

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her she could show her entire body to you if that was what she wanted to do again."

"Honey, don't encourage her."

"Oh! I don't need to encourage her! She told me she had dreams about having sex with you."


"Honey, you need to fuck her sooner or later, she wants it. And, as soon as you do, the girls and I can do her, we all want to."

"You're no help!"

"I think I helped a lot," Dawn said.

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her it was fine with me if you wanted to have sex with her."

"Dawn, I didn't need that."

"Well, if you are going to be traveling with her or Brenda, you need to order a couple of mile high club pins for them."

"Thanks, Dawn."

"Don't mention it!" Dawn said as she got up giggling.

This was all I needed.


"James, come and eat," I heard Amy say.

I got up and joined them at the table. I knew I had trouble when I saw all of them smiling.

"Okay, you four. What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing," Sam said and giggled.

"I know better," I said.

"Honey, they were just cutting up," Dawn said.

While we ate, I watched all of them. They kept looking and smiling at me. After we had finished, Sherri offered to stay and help clean up. Dawn told her no, and she left.

"You three spill it," I said while they were in the kitchen.

"James, it's nothing. We had been talking in the bedroom, and the girls got silly," Dawn said.

"Talking about what?"

"Sherri not wearing any underwear!" Sam exclaimed and laughed.

"What did you three tell her?"

"I told her I thought she looked sexy," Amy said.

"I did too," Sam added.

"Did one of you make a pass at her?" I asked.

"No...we are going to let you have her first!" Sam said and started laughing.

"Please don't encourage her," I said.

"We don't have too!" Amy said and giggled.

"You three are no help." They all started laughing.

I went to the study as they all laughed. I spent the evening looking up phone numbers for the limo manufacturers.


"James, come and sit with us," Dawn said standing in the door about 9:00.

"Honey, you three were no help."

Dawn walked in and sat down.

"Honey, she is very pretty. I know you want to do her," Dawn said.

"She works for me."

"I reminded her of that. She told me to tell you to read her non-harassment contract."

I opened my drawer and pulled it out and flipped through it. On the last page, Sherri had made a note above her signature.

'I want James Smith to fuck me if he wants to. I am willing and want to do it and will not sue if he does.'

I showed it to Dawn.

"Then stop worrying about her working for you," Dawn said.

"I'll think about it," I said.

"Honey, do her one day when it is just the two of you here."

"Brenda will be here all the time starting Monday."

"Find something for Brenda to do one afternoon," Dawn said. "Now, come and sit with us."

I got up and went to the den with Dawn. Amy and Sam were sipping wine. I sat with Dawn.

"When will Linda be here tomorrow?" Amy asked.

"Around lunch. Olivia and Sam are coming for dinner. I asked Linda if she and Rachel wanted to stay."

"Will they stay the night?" Amy asked.

"I don't think so."

"Can I ask her to stay?"


"I'll be home about noon. James, don't let Brenda and Sherri know Linda and Rachel have a room upstairs," Dawn said.

"I don't plan on it."

"Are we going to work with you tomorrow," Sam asked.

"No. I have to meet with my advisor so I can get started," Dawn said.

"James, can we help you?" Sam asked.

"It will be busy in the morning with Brenda here."

"Can we do anything?" Amy asked.

"Fix lunch for everyone."


"I'll try to get back before noon then," Dawn said.

"Don't rush. I think Linda and Rachel will have eaten before they get here. Brenda and Sherri have a lot to show Linda and talk to her. She is supposed to be bringing one of her buyers," I said.

"Shit, then she probably won't be staying," Amy said.

"Just wait and see."

"James, are you going to do Brenda?" Sam asked.

"He probably already has," Amy added.

"I'm sure he will," Dawn said.

"You three are not helping me at all," I told them, and they laughed.

"Brenda has hinted at wanting to join us in bed for years," Dawn told them.

"Do it then!" Sam said giggling.

"We will," Dawn told her.

"Since they will both be here tomorrow, why don't you do both of them at the same time!" Amy said and started laughing.

"What is with you three tonight?" I asked. They started laughing.

"Nothing, we are just having some fun," Dawn finally said.

I couldn't have a sensible conversation with them the rest of the night. I took Dawn and went to bed about 10:30.

"I need your help tomorrow," I told Dawn as she got in the bed.


"We need to nail down a day for Sam to go and get her things from her house. She is avoiding it like mad. I would like to do it next week on Wednesday if we can get her to do it," I said. "It is getting near time for school to start and I don't want to be dealing with it then."

"Okay, I'll talk to her," Dawn said.

"Please do. Maybe she will tell you why she doesn't want to go."

"I think it is her dad. I hear her talking to her mom at night and on the weekends. They seem to get along."

"Neither her or Amy have really said anything about it to me in private, but I suspect their father was a problem. They both told me all he does is get drunk."

"I'll corner Sam in the morning," Dawn said rolling to me.

"You want anything before we go to sleep?" I asked.

"Not tonight."


Thursday morning

I awoke about 6:00 because the bed was bouncing. Sam was naked and straddling my legs and bouncing up and down.

"Sam, what are you doing?" I heard Dawn ask.

"Waking him up!"

"You did that," I said.

"Dawn, can I fuck him first this morning?"

"Sure honey. I'm going to shower," Dawn told her.

"Don't you want to watch?" Sam asked.

"Do you need my help or something?" Dawn asked as she got out of bed.


Dawn went to the bathroom while Sam got on her hands and knees and started sucking my morning hard-on. I watched as she sucked and looked at me occasionally.

"Emmm, I like doing this in the morning," Sam said. "I'm wet now."

Sam climbed on top of me and straddled my cock. She took it in her hand and fed it into her pussy then slowly eased all the way down.

"I don't get to fuck you every morning like Dawn does," Sam said. I was hoping this was not going to be a continuation of her previous argument.

"Sam, for one thing, you don't get up as early as Dawn does. Also, you don't sleep with me every night."

"I want to sleep with you every night," Sam said looking me in the eyes.

I had to be careful with her now.

"You sleep in here a lot."

"I know, but wives sleep with their husbands," Sam said.

"You're right, but Sam, I am not going where we went the other day about this. We had a long talk."

"I know."

"Have you talked to Dawn about the idea of sleeping with us all the time?" Sam's eyes got big.

"No. You mean I can!"

"We can work something out I am sure, but what about your sister. Shouldn't she sleep in here too?"

"Of course!"

"Have you two talked about that?"

"A little."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Sis is okay with not sleeping with you all the time."

"I see. But you want to do that?"


"If you do, how is Amy going to feel about that?"

"I dunno."

"I think you should talk to her about it first. But, most of all, if this is where we are headed, you two and Dawn need to have a long talk."

"Okay, but I can do it, maybe?"

"You three talk about it."


Sam was smiling now and starting to ride my cock. I watched her perfect body move as she worked her hips nice and slow. I wouldn't mind her sleeping with us every night, but I had to see how Dawn felt about it. Things were starting to get more complicated.

"Oh...oh...oh," came from Sam as she worked.

I didn't feel much from Sam but arousal. I decided she just wanted to fuck like Dawn does. I watched Sam as she sped up and started working toward getting off. For about 15 minutes she fucked me hard as she moaned.

"Honey! I'm going to come! Come with me!" Sam exclaimed.

She rode me hard as I pushed up into her.


"Come Sam."

"Ahhhhh! I'm coming!!"

I felt her orgasm start, so I lifted her up with my hips and started shooting cum into her.


Sam jammed her pussy onto my cock over and over as she came and I pumped cum deep into her.

"Ahhhhhhh!! Yes!!"

Sam shook for a few seconds then stopped.

"Oh, just what I needed," she said.

"Honey, that was different for you. Did you just need to get off?" I asked.

"Yes. I had a dream about us this morning, and I woke up horny and wet. Oh? Was that okay?"

"Sam, sure. Dawn does the same thing. She will just climb on top and fuck me quickly when she needs it. You are fine doing that."


"I need that sometimes, too," I heard Dawn say. We looked, and she had been standing there running a towel through her hair and watching.

"But it's okay to do that?" Sam asked her.

"That is what his cock is for, sweetie!" Dawn said smiling. Sam smiled real big and looked at me.

"Oh, you are right about that!" Sam said.

Dawn walked over and sat on the bed.

"Sam, we have to go and get your things from your house," Dawn said.

I felt a huge change in Sam's energy suddenly.

"I know."

"School starts soon, let's do it next week," Dawn told her.

"There is not much at the house, just some things still at the apartment."

"Well, make plans for Wednesday. I think James and I should meet your parents."

"You don't have to do that."

"I think we should," I said.

"Sam, get with Amy and plan on going Wednesday early. We are both going with you. How much stuff do you have?" Dawn asked. "More than will go in the Escalade?"


"Okay, we will make arrangements. We will drive in early Wednesday morning and get your stuff. Maybe we can stay overnight," Dawn said.

"Okay...I guess."

Sam's sexual high had been burst by Dawn. She eased off my cock and headed down the hall.

"You spoiled her orgasm," I said.

"James, she is still a teenager sometimes. I got her while she was in a good mood."

"Well, she's not now. You should have felt the change in her energy when you brought it up." I told her.

"I did."

Dawn got up and went back to the bathroom, I got up and followed her and showered and shaved while she combed out her hair.

"Are you leaving soon?" I asked.

"My meeting is at 9:00."

"Are you ready to start working on your doctorate?"

"I guess. I will need to be at the school most of the days after next week."

"Okay. Take the girls if you need help until school starts."

"I will. That guy you had me meet at the bank, Ian? Amy thinks he is cute. What does he do there?"

"He is some type of financial manager or something. He said I could use him."

"Before I left, he mentioned you asked him and his wife to come to the house for dinner. He wanted to know when."

"I'm sure he did after he met you. I told him I thought it would be a good idea and we could talk. He does a lot of things for Linda."

"Maybe we can invite them over some night," Dawn said.

"Okay. I had suggested a Friday night."

"Honey, he got a strange look when I said I was your wife. Why?"

"Because I introduced Sam to him as my wife. She thinks he is hot."

Dawn turned around and looked at me.

"You did?"

"Yes. That was the day Sam got all upset because she felt like I treated her differently."

"Honey, is that something you want to put out in public? I don't have a problem with it, but I didn't think you wanted that to be public."

"What else can we do? We have told them we would treat them as wives. We also told them we were not going to hide it, that is what got things started with Sam."

"We weren't hiding it, we were still working on how to handle all of this," Dawn said.

"I know. The four of us are going to have to have a long talk."

"Yes, we are," Dawn said. "If that is the way we feel and you are okay with it being public, we will need to have a long talk."

"I'm open to ideas."

"Well, before you get busy next week, make time," Dawn said.

"Okay. I have one other thing you and I need to discuss."


"Sam said my wives should sleep with me at night."

Dawn smiled and started laughing.

"Don't start with the laughing again, please!" I said.

"I'll be interested in how you figure that one out honey!"

"Well, I told her it was something her and her sister had to talk with you about!"

"Don't put it on me!" Dawn said laughing.

"Dawn...this is something you have to talk to them about," I said seriously.

"You're right."

We walked out of the bathroom and got dressed. By then it was 7:30. Dawn headed downstairs, and I went to check on Amy and Sam. I found Sam in Amy's room sitting on her bed talking. They were both combing out their wet hair.

"Good morning you two."

"Hey," Amy said.

"Dawn went down to start breakfast; you two get dressed."

"Okay. James, if Sam has to go get her things Wednesday, can we just get a van and go together?" Amy asked.

"You mean just the two of you?"


"You two, what do your parents know about where you two are and what is happening?"

"Mom knows we are living with you and going back to school," Amy said.

"That's it?"

"She doesn't know about our living arrangements."

"Who does she think I am, or have you not told her that much?"

"I told mom we are living with a nice family that has a lot of money and they wanted to pay for our school," Sam said as she combed her hair.

"I see."

"James, we can't tell them the truth," Amy said.

"You will have to one day," I told them. "We will talk about this tomorrow."

I left them to get dressed and went down to the kitchen.

"Do you know what the two of them have told their parents about where they are?" I asked Dawn.

"Not really."

"They told them they were living with a rich family that wanted to pay for them to go to school."

"That's close," Dawn said as she cooked.

"I told them they would have to tell them sooner or later."

"They will."

"They asked if the two of them could get a van and go and get Sam's things. What do you think?"

"I will leave that up to you. You are the one that talks to them and knows about their situation. You will know better if we need to tag along." Dawn replied.

"I'll think about it this weekend, but I think we should," I said.

Dawn and I were working on breakfast when the gate intercom buzzed. It was Brenda, and I let her in and went to the door. She pulled up and got out.

"You weren't kidding when you said you had a big place!" She said.

"Come on in; we are cooking breakfast."

Brenda came in, and I walked her over to the kitchen and her and Dawn said hi.

"Dawn, I love your house."

"I'll show you around after we eat. I don't have to leave until about 8:45," Dawn said.

"Where are the girls?"

"Getting dressed," I told her.

Dawn and Brenda talked for a few minutes until the girls came down the stairs.

"Hi, Brenda!" Sam shouted.

"Hey, you two!"

Amy and Sam greeted Brenda, and I left them talking when I heard Sherri come through the gate. I went to the door to let her in. She got out of her car and came in.

"Good morning," she said.

"Good morning, Sherri."

"Hi, Sherri!" Sam yelled from the kitchen.


"Brenda is here?"

"Yes. Let's go eat."

Sherri and I went over and talked to everyone.

"You two ready to work today?" I asked.

"Yes," they said.

"James, when will Linda be here?" Brenda asked.

"Around lunch time. She may be bringing one of her buyers."

"That will be good."

We all sat at the table and had breakfast.

"I can't wait to meet her again," Sherri said.

"You two, I need to tell you a few things about Linda you need to know," I said. "She is always accompanied by her bodyguard now. Her name is Rachel, and she is a sweet lady. Rachel always has a gun, so don't let that make you nervous when she is around."

"Why does she have a bodyguard now? She didn't when I first met her," Sherri asked.

"She just does now. She has had to tighten security around her. Rachel even lives at her house all the time. When we go to New York, don't be surprised if there are other security people there to go with her around town."

"Wow," Brenda said.

"There is one other thing you two need to know. Anything you see, hear, or talk about around Linda is strictly confidential. No cell phone pictures or anything like that. She may need both of you to sign a non-disclosure agreement," I told Sherri and Brenda. "Would either of you have a problem with that?"


"James, are you going to have them sign one for us?" Sam asked. I knew where this was going.

"I'll let you decide that Sam," I told her.

"James, would that be because the four of you live together and have sex?" Sherri asked.

"Mostly," I said.

"Don't worry about that. It is not my place to tell anyone about that."

"Mine either," Brenda said.

"Thanks, you two."

Dawn got up, and she and Brenda went around the house for a few minutes. Sam and Amy talked with Sherri while I started cleaning up. I kept my ears open to their conversation just in case.

"I'll show you the rest tomorrow," I heard Dawn say coming from the hall. "I need to get going."

I walked over to Dawn and kissed her then she grabbed her purse and went to the garage.

"Your house is impressive," Brenda said.

"We have 300 acres," Sam added.

"That's big."

"It keeps us private," Sam said.

"I'm sure you need it!" Brenda replied and got smiles from Sam and Amy.

"Sherri, you, Amy, and Sam talk for a few minutes, I need to talk to Brenda," I told them and took her to the study.

"We will be working in here. It is our office for now. Have a seat."

Brenda sat on the sofa, and I sat across from her.

"Brenda, the front door has an electronic lock on it now. Before you leave today, I will give you a code to the front gate and the front door. When you get here in the mornings at 8:00, just come on in the house."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Sherri does now."


"A few things I need you to know. When you are here, the house is yours too. Eat or drink anything you want. We have a small gym downstairs; you are welcome to use it or the pool or hot tubs."
