Lost Girl: Julie's Story Ch. 03 Pt. 02


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He glanced at the portrait photo of Nia and Markie on the mantel, and did another double-take, making me grin. It intrigued me that he'd seen me first in Darryl's baby, but his reaction was all I could have hoped for.

"So you want to go to Bristol again, Lost Boy?" I prodded, and he grinned back at me, putting the camera and photo down so he could cuddle me against his chest.

"I think we should, as soon as I can arrange some leave; how does end of the month sound?"

It sounded fine to me, so we agreed I'd call Darryl and make a date once he had his leave confirmed.

With that out of the way, I got down to the business of seriously ravaging my man; sitting on Mark's lap is always a hazardous pastime, you never know what's going to come up (boom, boom!), and his finger in me earlier had started a fuse burning that was just about ready to go off. Mark recognised that look and once more slid his hands into my panties, cupping and spreading my cheeks, making me gasp and smile with sudden need for him. He kissed me madly as his hands worked their magic, only stopping to gasp: "The kids...!"

"Other room, fast asleep, keep going!" I panted, no less hot. Before I could say 'panties' he'd whipped them off, turning me around so I was now on my back on the couch, and sliding his trousers down, letting me get my hands on that thick cock of his.

"Upstairs?" he asked, and I shook my head, already beyond speech; I wanted him now, this instant, no foreplay, I just wanted him filling me, now.

With that, he pulled my thighs open, pulling me against him so he could run the flat of his tongue over my throbbing pussy.

"Nooo...!" I moaned, and he grinned, dropping onto his hands over me, the swollen, glossy bulb of his cock just brushing my slit. I reached for him, enjoying his deep groan as I squeezed his shaft and balls, then he was sliding into me, splitting my labia as he powered into me in one long, breathtaking surge.

I groaned in ecstasy, already on the verge of orgasm, and as he bottomed out and the base of his cock rubbed against my already sensitive clitoris, I came in a blast of white heat that nearly shrivelled me with its intensity; my head actually rang with the speed and power of my orgasm, and as I tightened involuntarily around him, Mark clamped his mouth over mine, roaring into my mouth as I felt him swell and twitch inside me, hot bursts of spunk filling me as he came, and came. I screamed along with him as my orgasm surged through me again, triggered by the feel of him filling me, and so we pumped and heaved against each other, drawing the moment out endlessly.

We lay together afterwards, our clothes pulled any old how, awed and gratified by the intensity of our lovemaking. Mark, as usual was toying with my hair, brushing it out of my eyes so he could see me properly.

"Was that to madam's satisfaction?" he grinned, and I grinned back.

"I should think so, Lost Boy; now all I want is for one of your boy-wigglers to get through and do his job!"

Mark reached down and jiggled my bum again.

"Well, if he didn't, we can soon send some more after him! I like making babies with you, Tinkerbell!"

Two weeks later, I was making that call, for the following Friday.


Mark decided to drive down rather than take the train, and save all that business with taxis and transport. When we arrived at the house, I hesitated; this was it, these people were family, but they were strangers, what if they didn't like us, what if they...

Mark cut short my dithering and pressed the bell firmly, nodding at the sound somewhere far away behind the imposing street door.

"The way to grasp the nettle, Wee Wendy, is FIRMLY..." he muttered, kissing the back of my head and pinching my bum, making Markie giggle, and setting Nia off as well.

The door opened, and there was the beautiful girl I'd seen in the pictures. She was several inches taller than me, and she was even more stunning than her picture. She smiled warmly, and I found myself warming to her immediately. Mark was spellbound, locked in place until I nudged him.

"H-hello, you must be Lena; I'm Mark Jameson, this is my...this is Julie..."

He trailed of in the face of that beautiful smile. Lena held out her hands taking mine and Mark's hands in hers.

"Julie, Mark, at last! Welcome to my home; please, come in, come in!"

We followed her into a large, elegant sitting room, Lena taking our coats and then kneeling down next to me to look wonderingly at Nia as she wobbled on my lap.

"She's beautiful, they both are! May I...?" she held out her arms, with Nia immediately climbing into a new pair of arms. Lena cooed and clucked at her, making her giggle, then gave her back to me.

"It's wonderful to meet you all at last; poor Emma has been looking for you for so long, Darryl too, and to finally have you here...!"

At that moment, a little boy, maybe no more than four years old, stumbled into the room, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He stopped dead when he saw us, then looked at Lena, who scooped him up onto her lap where he looked shyly at us, his thumb stuck firmly in his mouth. Lena smoothed his hair and hugged him.

"This is my little boy, his name's David; say hello to the nice people, Davey...!"

He was a beautiful little boy, fair skinned like his mother, and with her gleaming chestnut hair, but dazzling green eyes, just like his father and just like my children. He seemed fascinated with Markie, and she with him.

"Do you want to play, Davey?" asked Lena, and he nodded, sliding off her lap. Markie needed no further encouragement to play; she'd play with the cannibal kids in a jungle clearing, given half a chance, and next thing I knew, both children were rummaging in a toy-box like they'd known each other for years. I have no worries about Markie's future social skills, believe me.

Lena watched her son fondly, then turned back to us.

"There's been a slight change of plan; one of Darryl's colleagues called-in sick, so he had to rush into work and he'll probably be stuck there all day and half the night now, so I'm taking you there to meet him, but before we leave, there's someone who wants to meet you, she's been waiting a long time for this; I'll just be a second..."

She left the room, and we heard voices, then she came back in, with what could only be our aunt Emma; I was frozen in place for a second; she looked just like mum, but she was shorter, slimmer, her hair was darker, and she had a warm, happy smile on her face. Her eyes flicked from Mark's face to mine and back to Mark's, and her smile faltered as two big tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hello Mark, Julie, it's been so long, I..." she trailed off and pulled a tissue out of a box on the table. "I'm sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't, but..." She smiled gently, and swabbed her eyes once more.

"My name is Emma, I'm your mother's older sister; I came to see you once, when you were three or four, Mark. I tried to make Lois give you up, I was afraid she would...hurt you, I tried to help you, I swear! I came back, looking for you, but you were gone, I tried to find you, but I didn't know where you were, I didn't know where to look, I'm so sorry..."

Mark was looking strangely at her, the look he gets when he's trying to remember something, then he grinned.

"Golden bears! You had golden bear earrings, you let me hold them, and you gave me...you gave me...a red bobble-hat. I remember you! There was a park...and a sweet-shop, and...a pink blanket, you wrapped Julie in a pink blanket. I remember it now, it had ducks on it!" Emma was looking stunned, as was I. Mark, however, was transported, his face lit up as his memory unreeled.

"You took me to the sweet-shop, and you carried me home, and you told me you loved me, and I played with your earrings, and you showed me how you put them back in...! That was you, you really were there!"

Suddenly he hugged her in a crushing bear-hug.

"I wanted to go home with you, but mum wouldn't let me, and I was crying when you left, and she locked me in my room and she left me there all day and all night, and I wanted you to come back and get me, and you didn't, you didn't come back...!"

Emma was crying against his chest, her voice muffled as Mark held her close.

"I wanted you both so badly, I tried to make your mother see sense, you were so small, so helpless, and she was so angry with you, but she wouldn't let me have you, both of you, and it wasn't your fault, none of it was!"

By now I was in tears too, and so was Lena; our aunt really had wanted us, she'd tried, and our lunatic mother had hidden us away so she could never find us again; whatever hell she's in, she earned her place there.

Mark turned to me and held his hand out.

"Tink, I remember her now, how could I have forgotten, I remember!"

He pulled me closer, and then Emma, Mark and I were in a three way with her, Emma crying and smiling and kissing me all at once. I looked up, to see Lena grinning at me, tears on her cheeks too, then she winked and slipped out of the room while Emma was marvelling over how much Nia looked like me. When we'd all composed ourselves, Lena stuck her head in , then came back in carrying her own little girl, and I was amazed all over again; my Nia has short, straight, platinum hair, just like mine, and Mo-Mo has long, curly, silvery-blonde hair, but they looked almost like twins; they could easily pass for sisters, not second cousins. With her came another lady. Lena introduced her as her mother, who was going to watch her little ones with Emma while Lena took us to Darryl's place of work.

We took Lena's MPV, as it already had child-seats fitted, buckled Markie and Nia in, and Lena drove us the short distance to the hospital, then led us to the Cardiovascular clinic. We waited in a kind of plush waiting room while she went off to locate Darryl, and when he finally came in, dressed in scrubs and theatre boots though he was, even I had to suppress a gasp of wonder; his hair was a little darker, his chin was slightly more chiselled, but he was still almost the image of Mark!

Darryl's reaction to Mark was just the same, both wonder and amusement at seeing his double. Darryl shook hands with Darryl and said something about now they'd met, they could use each other for shaving mirrors. They both laughed at that, then Mark broke their gaze to beckon me. At that, Darryl turned to look at me, probably seeing me for the first time, and then the image clicked into place; I'd been here before, Mark and Darryl talking in a waiting room, then both of them looking at me, and I remembered clearly now that flash I'd had so long ago, that vision of Mark's double, but with green eyes, and now here it was for real.

Darryl was fascinated with Nia; he couldn't believe how much like his own little girl she was. Nia, who's wary of men in general, and only lets Mark, Jamie or dada Morrison carry her, went to him without a murmur, her little hands eagerly grabbing the stethoscope around his neck. Darryl grinned and let her sit on his lap and listen enthralled to his heart, then did the same for Markie; he was a natural with children, and when he took the two of them to show them his clinic, they lapped-up all the nurses and secretaries carrying and nuzzling them. Darryl was a big hit with my kids, always a plus point in my book.

Darryl managed to get away early, and so he and Lena took us out to dinner at a lovely, family-friendly Italian restaurant in Clifton; it was wonderful to sit around a huge table, all our family together at last, Emma and her husband, Darryl, Lena, Lena's mother, their children, and Mark, the girls, and me.



We stayed with Darryl and Lena for several days, eagerly learning more about each other, meeting my aunt Ellen in Australia on Skype, and trading family secrets. Lena took me aside and told me she knew about Mark and me, then told me about her and Darryl, who she really was, and why Darryl lived so happily with his mother-in-law in the same house. Exchanging vulnerabilities like that finally sealed us together as family; now I had two proper families, I had a history, and I knew, finally, where I had come from.

Of course, I'll never know the full story; my real father died and my crazy mother destroyed all evidence of him, so that part of my life will remain a blank, but, balanced against what I have now, it's not such a big blank, and I find I can live with it.

As for Mark, he's still my Lost Boy; but with the help of the family, and especially Jamie, Nia, and Mummy-Anh, our special family, he's finally beginning to recover from the hurt our mother did to him; every day he remembers more, all the things he blanked out or suppressed to try and be 'grown-up' for me are gradually coming back. Meeting Aunt Emma opened the floodgates, and a trickle soon became a torrent.

One final thing: before we left that first time, Darryl and Lena took us to meet his two fathers; his biological father, and the man who'd brought him up as his son, his grandfather, Lena's father. We went on his mother's birthday, because Darryl had a tradition that he wanted to share with us.

We stopped first to pay his respects to his grandfather, Darryl standing silently with his head bowed, and I could feel his loss and grief coming off him in waves, even so long after he'd passed away; it was a sobering thought, but also put my own feelings for my mother in perspective; Darryl had loved the man he'd called 'dad' with a deep and abiding love, and I felt privileged to share in this private moment with him.

After a while he roused himself and led us to the grave of his father, Robert, Aunt Emma's older brother. The monument was an ornate cross with the crest of the Royal Marines carved in high relief on it, and an inset picture of a smiling young man in Marine Dress Blues, with a white helmet under his arm. I was quite taken aback; apart from a few minor differences, he was the picture of both Darryl and Mark. Darryl knelt down and brushed leaves and other debris off the base of the cross, and laid a poppy and a white rose there.

"Mark, Julie, this is my father, Robert Darryl Fraser; he died before I was born, and I was given to my grandfather to bring up, because my mother was too young to look after me herself. She and Robert grew up together, they loved each other very much, and every year, on her birthday, he would give her a white rose. She can't come here, even after all these years, so every year, on his birthday, I give him a rose from her, and from me, and my children as well. He was only a boy when he was killed, but he died doing what he thought was right, and so we honour him in this way,"

He paused, obviously picking his words, before continuing.

"This is part of our family as well; even though we're apart, we're still one family, and he's a part of me, and a part of you as well; I just thought you should meet him."

He bowed his head for a few seconds, then stepped back, giving us a moment alone with our uncle. Mark knelt down and placed his hand lightly on the base of the monument for a moment, barely brushing it with his fingertips, then straightening up and running his finger slowly over the deeply incised inscription as he read it, before stepping back and bowing his head too. He turned to me, and I wasn't surprised to see his eyes bright with unshed tears.

"See here, Tink, it's good to know our family did some good as well; mum was what she was, but this makes up for all of that; she's finally gone now."


So that's our story; Mark and I still live near Mummy-Anh, she's still my mum, and I still lean on her when I need help, advice, consolation, or at times, a good talking-to; Mummy-Anh believes in helping her family, but she also believes God helps those who help themselves.

Nia and Jamie are talking about another baby now; after all, she wants to keep up with me. That's right, I'm pregnant again, and in a few weeks I'll know if it's a boy or a girl; my fingers are crossed for a boy this time; Mark says he doesn't care what flavour we get, it'll still be our baby, but I saw him looking at trains-sets, constructor sets, and slot-racing sets in Toys 'R' Us when we took the girls there the other day, and all of a sudden Jamie's son Jay-Jay's favourite playmate is Uncle Mark, so I think I know what he wants, even if he won't admit it.

Lena's also preggers. In fact, she's almost six months along, and she's definitely having a girl so she's ecstatic. We spend as many holidays as we can with Darryl; Emma lives not too far from him, ditto Lena's older sister Lizzie and her beautiful children, so we get to spend time with all the different aspects of our now much-extended family.

Darryl loves the idea of a house full of children, and as he seems to be permanently on-call or on stand-by, we go down to them, rather than they come up to us, but I think once Lena's had this baby, she'll want to take a long, long family vacation, and knowing how Darryl worships her, he'll make it happen for her, I have no doubt.

I said it before, but it bears repeating; we took the long way round, and we all took a lot of hurt along the way, but now, thanks to Darryl and Emma, our family has finally found its way back together, and we have a proper foundation for our children, and their children, to look back on and say "That's my family, that's where I come from!", and that alone makes it all worthwhile.

Long ago, Mark and I stepped out of that window, and took that flight, 'second star to the right, and straight-on 'til morning', and it led us here, where we should have always been, and I'm content.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Perfect combination of three storylines to finish up a complicated family history.

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 2 years ago

I don't know what else to say about this story everyone agrees that it is a beautiful story well written for the most part and the melding of all the different strands, it got me beat as to how that was achieved very clever and complicated each element being a different story, but, fused together makes them all complete. I have long been a reader of your stories and we have corresponded directly on various occasions I don't know if you still read these comments but if you do I'd like to wish you all the best and hope at some point you may drift back to these pages with another story to tell. Bob.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 3 years ago

Totally awesome! 👌 The best part of this was Mark recovering his memories of his Aunt Emma. I hope that he shared those memories with his surrogate mother Anh. Just a side note 📝 that tickled my fancy, one of my personal physicians is a Vietnamese woman, Dr. Anh Doan. I've known her for roughly 26 years or so and I love her to death. She gave me some excellent advice after my second wife imploded our marriage and it helped me make it through the pain. She's been not only my doctor, but also my friend. She's every bit the real life manifestation of the Anh in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank You

The thing I enjoy about your stories is that it is about Love, not just sex. They always are full of pain as well, you realy must stop making a grown man reach for a box of tissues!

DevilbobyDevilbobyover 3 years ago

A beautiful story

At least 5 stars

beachbum1958beachbum1958over 4 years agoAuthor

Re. your question, I think it's immaterial whether Julie's new baby is a boy or girl, I never really thought about it, but it would be nice if it was the boy Mark wanted, so maybe that's what they got. There's no more to tell of this story, and I think I'm done intruding in Julie's life anyway, much as I love her; I think she's earned her happy ever after.

WargamerWargamerover 4 years ago
Another great story

Another heartwringer, what a fabulous story. Like all your stories.

You are the author what was Mark and Julie’s baby, a boy or girl?

beachbum1958beachbum1958about 5 years agoAuthor
Darryl's mum

She lives with them; if you recall, Lena introduced Mark and Julie to her mother (who's also Darryl's mum) who was going to babysit David and Mo-Mo with Emma while Lena took Julie and Mark and their kids to meet up with Darryl at the hospital.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Darryl’s mum

Whatever happened to Darryl’s mum/grandmother, the woman who raised him? The last we heard was that she was moving back home after her husband died. She would have loved having all the little ones around.

goducks1goducks1over 5 years ago
i agree with anonymous below

Amazing........More! 5 stars. wish i could give it more. brilliant and fantastic. as always, i look forward to reading more from you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I wish I could give it ten stars. You really know how to tell amazingly emotional stories. Lost and found, Rag doll, big girls don't cry, all of them amazing stories that hit you squarely in the feels!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Another masterpiece

My No.1 author.This guy actually managed to almost write my life in Rag Doll.even the names of mother and another character were right.

It really spooked my partner and I.My mother and our story was in Alabama not New York but he's an amazingly talented author that should have recognition beyond this site.

oldnhornyoldnhornyabout 6 years ago

What can I say. The next in the long line of excellent hart worming stories, and another 5 should be10. Thank you.

beachbum1958beachbum1958almost 7 years agoAuthor
@TJSkywind, re. continuity errors

Thanks for spotting those, I didn't, so well done, and yes, I will repair and repost at some point soon, just not now; my new job and new location is taking too much of my time, but I will address them at some point.


TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 7 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyed

Quite the emotional ride. For the most part, very well edited, though this one had a few more than previous ones; though that happens. The open bracket on the first page, with 'he special' instead 'the special.' With the number of errors in my own tales, I'm hardly one to nit pick.

But there was one continuity error - or so it seemed to me. On page 2, after the shift to Darryl, he's making love to Lena, when the female references for two paragraphs are suddenly Nia.


"Mmm, you smell nice!" I grinned, her scent subtle and alluring, and wholly natural; Nia didn't use perfumes in case they irritated Mo-Mo's skin, but she always smelled wonderful, a little like ice-cream, that sweet, floral, slightly milky smell, but not overpowering, rather it was fresh and enticing.

Nia smiled at the compliment, once again that serene, enigmatic smile straight from the lips of a Caravaggio Madonna.

"And you smell nice too, Dar, your morning smell is delicious. Now come closer and play with me, big brother!"


Nia is in the Julie-Mark story, not the Darryl-(Mar)Lena story, so this one stuck out for me. Nia is either Julie's best friend or Julie's daughter, and at that point, baby Maureen (Mo-Mo) wouldn't have had a chance to interact with Nia yet. Typos and even dropped words or usage errors don't trip me up as much as continuity errors. In the entirety of the story, though, it's a small one. Pointing it out in case you decide to fix the errors and re-post...

The characters are unique, act in a believable manner, and the writing is spot on. Thank you for sharing. 5*


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
From the heart.

A very powerful and direct story. Whereas I do not condone the actions taken in this storyline, I have to admit to shedding a few years and for me, as a heterosexual male is quite an achievement for the author. Well done!

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