Love Me, Please


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Anna choked and started coughing. On the other side of the line, Leila had forgotten about her own misery and was laughing for a change. "Relax girl... God I forget how easy it is to pull your chain."

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up straightie...If I had you here in bed you wouldn't be laughing. More likely you'd be screaming!"

"Promises, promises...there's a lot of smoke but no fire!"

"Didn't your mom teach you not to play with fire? What? You wanna take a trip on the wild side now?"

"Well who knows...there might be a few bends to the road" said Leila coyly.

But for Anna this was no longer a game that she wished to play. Leila was probably just messing with her but as her previous visit had shown, all it took was the slightest of things for her feelings to get out of control. Was studying in Manchester the wisest of choices? Was she doing this for the right reasons? Yes, she would answer back to herself. Given the constraints it was the best possible choice for her studies. Leila was first and foremost her friend. Despite her playfulness and that past incident, she was sure that she was as straight as an arrow. Wasn't she?

"Anyways...leaving bent roads aside, that's not why I called you. I've accepted Manchester...Unless there is a dramatic change of plans, I'll be coming over there this September."

Leila started screaming in her microphone which came over as screeching in Anna's headphones. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Anakin! That's wonderful news! We'll have a great time together! It'll be just like the old times! I'll show you around! We'll go out together! We'll go shopping! We'll..."

"Hold your horses there chief. First of all, it's not a done deal yet. I said I'll accept their offer but it's conditional upon getting my final grades here...but I'm confident about that...Then...Partying? What partying? The course is supposed to be brutal from what I've read. Plus my folks are gonna fork a small fortune...I'm gonna have to study like a madman over there."

"Yesyesyesyesyes!! You can't imagine how happy you just made me! And...ehem...I promise to be good Anakin! I promise! See? I've made my angelic halo over my head!"

Leila's spectacular mood swing couldn't help but make Anna smile. Oh yes, it would be good news to have her best friend back. If only she could keep her heart at check...

Fall 2013


Leila had a familiar sense of Deja-vu waiting for Anna's flight to land at Manchester's international airport. Again, she had arrived way ahead of time and restlessly paced around the lobby shops trying to dissipate her nervousness. That was another unusual incidence for her; she was almost always in complete command and it was rare for her to be fazed by anything. Well, apart from when she was a couple of hours away from her period but that was something that couldn't be helped. But why was she feeling nervous? It was probably due to the excitement of having Anna finally come over for real. "Oh boy...A whole year together with Anakin..." she thought, smiling to herself.

Lifting her head upwards she checked the arrivals monitors and her watch. Yep, Lufthansa's flight from Frankfurt had just touched down. Now it was a question of waiting another twenty minutes or so. She'd probably be loaded with luggage in any case. Oh well, thank God for smartphones then. She tried perusing through her Facebook wall but couldn't focus. She tossed the phone in her bag and made her way to the arrival's gate through which Anna would emerge. Soon passengers started flowing out through the frosted glass doors but her friend was nowhere to be seen. Until...a pair of hands clamped over her eyes.

"Guess who?"


Leila turned and bear-hugged her friend, nearly tackling her to the ground in the process.

"Whoa, easy there girl! I'm happy to see you too!"

"I'm...just...oh so very happy to see you Anakin! And you look like a zombie girl. That bad of a flight?"

"Flight was okay, but it was long. I couldn't find a direct flight and the connection via Heathrow was two hundred dollars more expensive, so I went via Frankfurt which added a couple of hours. I think I'm still floating around. Legs are a bit wobbly, but I'll live. So what's the plan?"

"Well, first we take all these suitcases and dump them at my flat. Then, if you're up for it, we should head to the student accommodation office. Yes, they've pre-allocated you for my house of residence but it's a first come, first serve situation there. If we're lucky enough perhaps we could end up sharing the same flat. But it's important to head over there as soon as possible. It's the only way to be guaranteed a nice spot."

During their cab drive they had the chance to do some catching up. Leila filled her in on the gory details about Percy's infidelity and how she had finally given him the boot.

"...and well that was the end of that loser and not too soon that was. What about you, did you land any girl in your lap?"

"No, not really...I would have told you about it, in any case. I've been on a couple of dates but nothing came out of them. Do remember that I've kept a relatively low profile back home...I mean, yes I did come out to my parents and that went well thank fact it went impossibly perfect compared to some of the horror stories I've heard about. But anyways long-term relationship so to speak."

"Oh...okay...what's with that rainbow lapel pinned on your bag?"

"Oh that...well I guess that's me telling the rest of the world that I'm gay...I've decided to turn a page Leila. To come out of my be more outward and not hide about who I am. And that little rainbow is my first tiny step towards that."

"You've definitely changed Anakin and in a good way, I can tell. I really hope that this new beginning of yours brings you all that you wish for. I...errmm...I have a small welcome gift for you. I wasn't even supposed to tell you about it but you know me...can't keep these things secret...anyways, I'll give it you when we reach my flat."

"'re such a softie sometimes...a present you say...what is it?"

"'re not getting any more info out of me."

"Well I could tickle you..."

Mock terror filled Leila's eyes. "No you wouldn't know I'm ticklish...we're...we're...stop...we're in a cab...what would the cabbie think?"

Anna leaned over and whispered in her ear: "...I think he would find it hot to see you all red and flustered..."

Leila felt electric sparks shooting down her spine over every word that Anna had spoken in her ears. Her nipples hardened and her skin prickled all over. Why was she having this effect over her? She remembered their almost-kiss the night Anna had visited her followed by her post Room in Rome self-love session two weeks later.

Blushing wasn't in her repertoire, but blush she did when she replied: "eerrmm...I'm sure he would...You hungry or anything? You fancy a bite? I've got macaroni and cheese bake at home. We could nuke it and then head out for your applications if you want..."


It had been a hugely tiring day for Anna but Leila had been right; heading early to the student accommodation office had paid off handsomely. Although she hadn't gotten a room in Leila's flat, she ended up in an all-female one with five other roommates. Her window overlooked the garden and the pond and Leila's flat was just a short flight of stairs away.

Rubbing her eyes to stay awake, she resisted collapsing to her bed because she knew that this would only make her more jet-lagged in the morning. Instead, she spent her time stowing away her clothes and organizing her thoughts. This was the first time she was away from home and she felt excited about it. Leila had warned that the "blues" would start hitting her about a month later in the game, but then again they might not. Anna's foreign "adventure" as she put it had been decided at an older, more mature stage of her life. She had undertaken it after serious thought and not as a spur of the moment thing. Plus, she didn't have any relationship back home to pine to.

In fact, speaking of relationships, her biggest question mark so far was Leila's strange behavior. It felt like there might be some kinks in her straightness. Or then again it just might be her overactive imagination. She had to admit that Leila never ever blushed or was caught short for words. True, her "whispering" had been a bit more than simple playfulness, but her friend had reacted like a deer caught in the headlights rather than simply brushing it off with a glib remark of her own.

Again, the rational part of her brain flashed serious warning lights; going after a straight girl, or a girl which led a straight life was a recipe for disaster. Going after your straight best friend was tantamount to emotional suicide. At best, Leila might have some curiosity about girl to girl amorous interaction; they'd have a romp in the hay once or twice, Anna would get all emotionally attached and then Leila would tell her that she couldn't do this, she wanted to be friends and all that. Anna knew that this would simply break her heart into a million pieces. Was she willing to take that risk? She didn't know the answer to that question and that was the most troubling thought of them all.

September came and went and with its passing, the brutal realities of a graduate program made their appearance. Anna had her hands full with twelve hours per week of taught courses plus another four of exercise solving sessions under tutelage. Her professors went along at breakneck speed and assumed thorough knowledge of the mathematical tools required. Reading recommended publications from journals was not only encouraged but in some cases it was mandatory. Anna had to learn to her surprise that answering a question or an exercise correctly wasn't enough anymore. You had to show initiative and use multiple sources in order to really excel. In sort, that meant long hours of study and research.

Leila was also knee deep in work with her PhD and often spent twelve hour stints at her lab. She didn't get to see her often and maybe that was just as good because she really needed to stay focused at the moment. To clear her mind and to help her unwind, Anna took to the streets; she would jog for ten to twelve kilometers three times a week and she'd do fifteen hundred meters at the university swimming pool another two. Her body had really started to shape up nicely and for the first time in her life she felt extremely proud looking back at her idol in the mirror.

Then, in the midst of all her course work she met with Nora, a beautiful Spanish girl who shared some of her classes. Nora had a dark Mediterranean complex, complete with curly dark brown hair and eyes. She was shorter than her but had killer curves combined with a considerable bust. It was actually her little rainbow lapel which did the trick; apparently Nora had noticed it and queried her about it. One thing led to the other and they ended out for a cup of coffee at the student's union.

It turned out that Nora was gay just like herself and subtly hinted her interest towards her. Anna certainly felt flattered but wasn't really sure if she wanted an amorous involvement during her graduate course. However, she did agree to go out with her again; there was nothing wrong with hanging out with another gay girl. You could say and feel things on the same page for one; things which your straight friend might have difficulty understanding. Things which, in her case, you could never let your best friend know about.


It was a typical dreary Friday evening, with freezing rain pouring all day long. For a change, Leila had managed to escape lab duties that evening and had texted Anna whether she wanted to go out with her. They had hemmed and hawed about it for a while, until they both settled for the pub right next to their hall of residence.

The Flaming Lion was a typical British pub. Entering it felt like venturing in an old house. There were several sitting rooms furnished with polished wooden tables and chairs and there was a huge rounded bar in the middle which served an assortment of tap beers, wines and spirits. All the rooms featured several huge old-style windows and there was even a glass-enclosed sun room. Outside there was a lush garden with wooden benches and tables for those rare occasions when the weather showed mercy and allowed sitting outdoors. All in all, the atmosphere was casual and jovial at the same time. In one room they could be dancing, whilst in the other one they could be watching a football match or playing Trivial Pursuit.

Both girls were dressed in leggings and comfortable hoodies, they weren't out to have a big one, just a drink and a catching up chat. Leila ordered a pint of Guinness while Anna settled for Carling.

"So...long time, no have you been holding up so far?"

"'s pretty hectic so far. Course is quite demanding, I'll give them that. Very heavy into math too. As a matter of fact, I wonder why they bothered giving different names to our courses. It should just have been Math I, II, III and IV if you ask me."

"Well yes, it was like this for me too. Taught graduate courses are very should get easier for you though after your first exams. The second semester usually has a lot of electives which means you get to choose what you like best."

"So how have you been doing? Haven't seen you for a while."

" shall I put it? Nightmarish doesn't even cut it. My supervisor is funding both my tuition and paying me about two-kay a month so naturally demands are high. We're working on this paper now about mitochondrial matrices...errr...the power-houses of cells...I really got to make this publication or otherwise my PhD goes down the toilet and I'm given a friend MPhil pat in the back...but...enough of this crap...let's just forget about the uni for a while, shall we? What about your life in general here? Anything new? Something that I should know? Speak! Your princess commands you!"

Anna smiled and faked a bow: "Oh your most exalted highness...Let me think...Oh yes, there is something come to think of it. But nothing important really...There's this girl in my class...some of my classes anyways. We went out for a coffee the other day and tomorrow we're going out for dinner."

Leila had been on the process of chugging down a large mouthful of her beer and nearly chocked trying to gulp it all down. "Oh...really? And how's she? Do I know her?" she said trying valiantly to sound nonchalant about it, but feeling strangely prickled about what she had learned.

"Err...well...her name is Nora and she's in from Spain, not Latin American...She's fun to be with I guess...It''s nothing really..."

"But you are going out on a date so she must be important."

"I wouldn't go so far as to call it a date. I don't know what it is to be honest. Actually it was she that approached me in the first place. Remember that lapel you noticed on my book bag when I first came? Well she noticed it too and it turns out that she's gay and's nice to have someone to talk to."

Leila looked hurt. Anna was quick to notice. "I...I mean...I didn't mean it that way Leia...I know...errr...share some things with someone who's on the same team. I'm not making much sense am I?"

"No,'s fine. I get it. This lesbian chick comes along one day and suddenly I'm old news."

"Leila...If I didn't know you better I'd say you were jealous."

Leila snorted in her pint: "ME? Jealous? Jealous of what? We've got history, what am I to be jealous about? I was just piqued that you'd suggest you can't tell me anything that's on your mind, that's all."

Anna looked at her friend quizzically but didn't say anything. They changed the subject but Leila was clearly not having the time of her life. Finishing off her pint she feigned a headache and suggested that head back early.

"Are you sure? We've just had one pint."

"Yeah...sorry to be such a party-pooper but I'm not feeling all that well. I'll probably gobble up some ibuprofen and catch some early z's."

"You want me to come over to your room? We could watch a movie or something..."

"Not today Anakin...but thanks for your offer anyways."

"Oh...well okay...I'll be in my room...If you need anything just give me a ring and I'll be right over."

They headed back to their residence and Leila took off with a dry and cold "goodnight". She actually felt guilty about her behavior after seeing Anna's confused and hurt expression. Leila was angry with herself. Why was she jealous? Where had this possessiveness come from? Anna was into girls and Leila was straight. Wasn't she? If she was, why did she feel like slitting that Spanish chick's, what was her name, throat? She just needed a good shag, that's what she needed. Had she just used the word "shag"? She'd really spent too many years in this Godforsaken island, that's what her problem was, she decided.


The weather was holding still for a change; it was chilly but Anna didn't mind the cold. In fact, compared to what her folks had told her about the first major blizzard to hit them that season, this was summer weather. So long as it didn't rain for once.

Anna patiently waited outside Nora's house of residence for her; she had been typically early to arrive and was pacing up and down the sidewalk trying to calm her jittery nerves. Just relax, she thought to herself, it's just a friendly eat and drink occasion, isn't it? Yeah, she was just going out with a prospective friend, that's all it was going to be, she reasoned.

And reasoning had been something that Anna had done a lot of these past few hours. Leila's behavior had been outright strange. At first she had found it amusing that she should throw such a childish tantrum at her over such a trivial piece of information. Then she had been hurt by her behavior; she hadn't done anything wrong to deserve such treatment. Of course, once upon a time she had behaved similarly when Leila had regaled her with her romantic trysts. But it was so unlike her to be jealous; possessive sure, but jealous? Jealous of what? Leila was a straightie wasn't she? What if she wasn't? What is she was sending her signals to the contrary?

Anna tried phoning and texting Leila but all her calls and messages had been ignored. She had toyed with the idea of cancelling her date with Nora, but on what reasoning? Cancelling, because Leila was jealous and because there was a one in a million chance that she might be into her? Yeah right, not in this fairy tale baby. She was going out with Nora and Leila could sulk all she wanted. Plus, as she had read somewhere, love is only forgotten with love. She had a life to live, she couldn't hang on to childish crushes forever.

Immersed as she was in her thinking, she nearly jumped when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

"Hola chica, que tal?"

"Uhhhh...muy bien, y tu?"

"You speak Spanish Anna? That's a nice surprise!"

"And that about concludes the amount of spoken Spanish that I know. I took a class briefly during my uni years but I had to drop it due to work look really pretty by the way..."

And pretty didn't really begin to cut it; Nora was dressed in a dazzling powder blue smart hoodie which hugged her torso at just the proper places. Her hair was done back in a high ponytail revealing matching stud earrings. To complete her outfit she had chosen dollhouse jeans and a pair of black suede Pumas. She was dressed casually but neatly so and the earrings told Anna that she had given attention to detail. That and the very slight make-up.
