Maia Laaning Ch. 21

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Maia and Riina celebrate the end of high school.
8.2k words

Part 21 of the 26 part series

Updated 05/06/2024
Created 06/01/2023
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Note to reader:

The last half of this chapter contains a graphic description of an extreme water sports sexual activity. Some readers might find such contents disturbing perhaps disgusting. If that's the case with you, then don't read that last part; or for that matter you can skip this chapter entirely and just go on to Ch. 22. You will not miss out on the continuity of the plot should you skip any part of this chapter. All you need to know is that the title character is a female who is willing to try anything from which she could derive sexual pleasure, provided that it is consensual and does not result in bodily injury. That apparently is consistent to the philosophy of the modern consummate hedonist of sexual pleasure.


After Maia and Riina returned from the orgy at Prague, they resumed their attendance at school. There were about ten weeks left before the end of their secondary school education. Maia resumed her three fuck dates per week affair with Harri Kutsaar. In the previous week Harri wasn't available for their usual mid week date, as Harry was called in to do an overtime emergency repair work assignment at the Lamborghini dealership. And on the weekend Maia was unavailable because of her attendance at the orgy in Prague.

At the start of this ensuing week, Maia started practicing two hours a day on the tennis courts provided for her by the Estonian Tennis Association (Eesti Tennise Liit). She was determined not to embarrass herself at Wimbledon like she did at the Miami tournament. For her coaching needs, Toomas Tamala was indeed able to fulfill his promise. Having made contact with the former great Estonian star, Anett Kontaveit, the latter did agree to take on the assignment of overseeing Maia's practice sessions as well as accompany her to the Wimbledon tournament. Anett and Maia got along famously as mentor/coach vis á vis student player. Under Anett's tutelage, Maia gained sufficient confidence in herself, that she believed that qualifying to the main draw of the tournament was a realistic goal.

As the last term of the high school academic year was coming to a close, during one afternoon in June, while Maia was in the midst of a tennis practice session, Riina Mölder came to watch. At the conclusion of the practice session, she approached Maia to invite her to have a beer in a nearby tavern before Maia had to get home to prepare the evening meal. They naturally ordered Maia's mother's beer: Viviani Originaalpruul.

Riina started the conversation as they clinked glasses, "Here's to the completion of our secondary school education. After the Thursday night ceremony when we will get our diplomas, we should do something this weekend to celebrate."

Maia answered, "Well I'll be with Harri on Friday night, but my Saturday night will be free. Harri along with his mother and sister are going to visit Harri's aunt at her farm in Saaremaa. Her aunt plans to hold a party to celebrate the completion of his long stretched out high school education. I gather you don't have a date for Saturday night either. You want to come to this bar and see if we can pick up a couple of guys to fool around with?

Riina replied, "No I'm not in the mood for that. We can always do that many times over when we start going to the University in Tartu. You are by the way still committed to going to college, aren't you?

"Oh yes! I am practicing my tennis intently to merely prepare myself for Wimbledon, so that I won't embarrass myself. I'm certainly geeked at the opportunity to play at this prestigious tournament. No matter even if I don't win even one match, I'm sure I'll treasure the experience forever. Now if I should actually win this tournament then I might just change my mind and pursue a professional tennis career. However realistically, a snowball in Hell has a better chance of remaining intact than I have of winning the tournament. So, I can confidently state I'll be in Tartu with you come this September." I'll k

Riina responded, "Well that's good, I'm sure we'll have a blast in Tartu. Nevertheless, you know that I'll be cheering for you to do well at Wimbledon. In any case, I want to celebrate the end of our high school days by doing something unique, thrilling and something we'll never do again."

"OK! I'm down for that. What do you have in mind?"

"I'd like us to try some extreme water sports."

"What? You want us to play some water polo? Where? And against whom?"

"Don't be coy Maia. You know or at least you ought to know that I mean pissing on each other and drinking piss to achieve sexual pleasure and rubbing piss on our naked bodies. What do you think? Or does it disgust you?"

Maia actually did initially think Riina was suggesting they engage in a game of water polo, especially considering that Riina was training and endeavoring to make the national team to represent Estonia in water polo at the next summer Olympics. Naturally Maia would not have been interested in such an activity considering her preoccupation with tennis. The suggestion to indulge in something sexually kinky, though, did intrigue her.

Accordingly, Maia replied, "Well no I'm not disgusted. My mother once told me about the one time she had engaged in what you call 'water sports'* (*air quote). It happened right after she lost her cherry. She engaged in a threesome sexual activity with Aunt Erica and Aunt Erica's boyfriend who subsequently became her first husband. They did this outdoors at a small copse located at the outer edge of the Laaning farm property in Wisconsin. Sometime during their afternoon frolics, Aunt Erica proposed a spanking contest with my mother with the loser to submit to being peed upon by the winner and Aunt Erica's boyfriend.

"Apparently, Mom was the wuss since she gave up as soon as Aunt Erica's boyfriend increased the force of his spanking slaps from his initial series of blows administered by a spanking paddle. Mom said it was fun and she didn't mind even inadvertently swallowing some of the urine. However, it was not a pleasure she would go out of her way to seek. So like Mom, I'm willing to give it a try and keep an open mind. So, what are you actually proposing?"

Riina replied, "In your mother's case, since it was outdoors, they did not have to worry about consequences of pee stains. Even if they did not do the deed on bare ground, a covering blanket could be easily washed. Now in contrast, I do propose we have our fun at your house, since your mother will be with your dad at the Stenbock House for the evening."

Sensing where Riina was going, Maia answered, "Yes we have our sauna, where we can easily pee on each other without worrying about permanent pee stains. As an added bonus, the heat of the sauna will make our kinky sexual activity literally hot!"

Riina continued, "Well, although I would like to end our night in the sauna, still I want to try something truly outré. I would want us to pee on each other while we're making out on your bed."

"But Riina that does bring about the problem of pee stains and possibly the resultant permanent odor of urine. I have no doubt that the smell of pee during sex is tolerable and even exotic during sexual play, but still, it is off putting under normal conditions. It is of course easy to wash bed covers and bed sheets to get rid of the pee stains, but it's a different problem with the bed mattress. I find that it's virtually impossible to truly remove a stain of any kind from my bed mattress.

"As for the presence of the latent smell of urine, I suppose you can eliminate that odor by application of a disinfectant sanitizer. Still, it is a hassle to apply it continuously, and not to say very embarrassing if forgetting to use it beforehand when I happen to 'entertain'* a lover." (*air quote)

Riina laughed as she mischievously responded, "You never know, but for some I believe the exotic odor of urine contained in a bed mattress might just act as an aphrodisiac. The resultant sex might prove to be of the shooting stars and fireworks kind. Seriously though, they do make waterproof mattress pads constructed with a rubbery like material. If you don't have such a pad, we can buy one for our date."

"Our date? What do you envision?"

"Remember Maia, the point is that we are celebrating the passage of an important milestone in our lives. Therefore, it behooves us to do it right and with a flair. Of course, the actual peeing part will naturally be memorable forever, especially if we don't repeat doing anything similar during the rest of our lives. But I say that the occasion still calls for an elaborate ritual to offset any negative reaction either of us might feel by engaging in an activity which most other people would consider tawdry and depraved.

"So, I say we should dress up in our best gowns and have an elegant meal at I suggest the Mimosa Restoran. That will start the evening. Our biggest challenge will be to drink the optimum amount of beer without using the restaurant bathroom facilities. I understand that beer is a most effective diuretic."

Maia chuckled as she answered, "Yes and of course it will be helping my mother's business as I dare not drink any other beer than Viviani Originaalpruul."

"Me neither, especially since it is the best beer available. Another hurdle we'll have to overcome is the ability to drink the urine either inadvertently or deliberately without flinching and thereby spoil the magic of the kinky sex play. I suggest we practice by drinking our own urine for the next few days."

Maia opined, "I don't know if I can do that. I mean I've no problem in swallowing semen, but that's because my mind realizes that it is only available when having sex. Thus, I've grown to crave its taste and smell. But pee is readily available without having anything to do with sex and the smell is definitely off putting."

Riina countered, "Well, I guess you're going to have to try and get used to it. I think if you set your mind to acknowledge the bold kinkiness of this activity, you can derive some pleasure."

Maia replied, "Well OK then! I'll give it a try. I don't go for intensive practice of drinking my urine for the next several days. Surely once should be sufficient to ascertain the taste of pee. It will give an idea of what to expect, so that I won't flinch or gag when the relevant time occurs."

"I guess you're right."

With that said, Riina went on to elaborate some of the things they could try during their kinky sex play. She outlined the general sequence of action she would suggest they follow, but still left open the possibility of unanticipated and spontaneous action that could not be planned ahead of time. In listening to Riina's proposal, Maia got mildly excited. Since despite the Prague orgy in April, she was still objectively really a novice at sex. Therefore, since losing her virginity, she had made her mind up to be willing to try anything sexual which her partner and she would consent to. The only caveat was to refrain from taking part in anything dangerous which could cause bodily injury.

Having agreed to participate in this kinky sex act, Maia did subsequently save up a full liter of piss before drinking it all at once. She managed to gulp it all down without undue hesitation and she did not retch. The taste certainly was problematic, but she knew then that she could tolerate it. She agreed with Riina, that so long as she could successfully keep it in mind that she was engaged in an exotic sensual sexual activity, she might even enjoy the experience.

Before the planned celebration with Riina, as she had advised, Maia had a date with Harri Kutsaar, the night before the proposed water sports event. Since her memorable nineteenth birthday party and her incredible sex with Harri in the sauna, Maia and Harri had become a recognized couple who most believed were probably sexually active. Their relationship was an enigma to their school mates. Maia was considered the most beautiful and popular girl in the school and was the daughter of the Prime Minister of Estonia to boot.

In contrast, although his physical appearance was not off putting, still Harri Kutsaar was considered hopeless without any estimable quality. That universal consensus was based solely on the belief he had been held back not once but twice in his high school grades. As a result, when he finally would finish his secondary school education, he would be two years older than the norm. It was common knowledge that Maia had achieved the highest scholastic success, so that it made their union seem totally incomprehensible to their peers.

As we've seen, Harri was not really held back two years for lack of academic achievement. Instead, he was allowed to take half the required course load per year, so that he could work full time to help support his family. His grades were actually quite good given his out of school employment. Everyone at the school thought he was a virgin because he did not seem to have a girlfriend or known to have even gone out on a date. However, unbeknownst to his classmates, he was an actually skilled veteran lover who had benefited from having a year long affair with a married woman thirty years his senior.

His skill in lovemaking coupled with their mutual chemistry and attraction to each other was never more evident than this celebratory occasion marking the end of their mutual secondary school education. Since, Raimond Kruuse had indicated he would have no official governmental duties to attend to this weekend, Vivian saw no reason why she could not spend the entire weekend at the Stenbock Maja. No one dared contradict her intention and so Maia had their Tallinn house all to herself for the weekend. Since the intensity of their relationship of about six months had now been well established such that they saw no need to prolong their ultimate sexual intentions by beforehand seeing a movie, or to go dancing.

Besides Maia had prepared an elaborate smorgasbord of succulent finger foods which would surely satisfy any and all hunger pangs either one might desire or need to fulfill. The spread especially featured distinct Estonian open faced sandwiches on dark rye bread. For this evening and especially for the next evening's enjoyment Maia had acquired a half keg of Viviani Originaalpruul draft beer. They were all set for truly an evening of enjoyable sex.

They started off with a hot foreplay preamble. Once they were completely naked, they were each positioned on Maia's bed kneeling upright on their knees. Harri was situated directly behind Maia adhering to her back. With his bent thighs enveloping Maia's relatively closed thighs, Harri was in a position to reach around and caress her front torso. Naturally, he paid special attention in stimulating her breasts and nipples. In reaction, Maia sighed deeply and was breathing heavily as she reached back to slid the palms of her hands along his thighs.

Harri applied his tongue first to licking on Maia's neck and then commenced to nip on the ear lobe of Maia's right ear. The result caused Maia to whimper as the stimulation was electrifying and she felt that her brain was figuratively melting. She automatically raised her left hand to rub and massage his hair and scalp, as a signal of encouragement. Then with his tongue, he stabbed her aural aperture of her ear and swirled and lapped her inner ear. Maia gasped as she climaxed for the first time that evening. Telltale sweat started forming on her forehead as a result.

The most breathtaking and intriguing aspect to this intimate foreplay was the fact that Harri's erect cock was making its presence known to Maia. Without the assistance of any manual direction by either of them, his cock was freely engaged in rubbing against Maia's labia, seemingly without any conscious direction by either of them.

The resulting tingling feeling of euphoria that such contact produced, spurred on a fresh orgasm for Maia. She groaned emphatically as her passion rose to a higher level than she could have possibly anticipated or imagined. Taking advantage of Maia's temporary stupor, Harri upped the excitement ante by grabbing a hold of his penis and causing it to slide along the folds of her labia without a hint of an attempt to penetrate her vagina.

His action was reminiscent to what occurs when a man stimulates a woman's breasts by utilizing his penis to slide along her cleavage. In any case, she slapped at his hand to prompt him to let go of his cock, so that she could take over manipulating his phallus. She was averse to being erotically teased. So, she grasped his cock and felt some of his moist precum had oozed out of the pores of the skin of his cock head. Maia wiped the precum onto the back of her hand and brought her hand to her mouth to suck in the fluid.

Having done this, Maia sighed and uttered, "As you know Harri, my mother says, 'good tasting cum is a terrible thing to waste' and I say precum is not to be sneered at either."

Harri merely uttered, "Your mother sure is a sexy lady and I so envy the rapport you have with her."

Ignoring his non sequitur comment, and without further ado, Maia kept a hand on Harri's cock as she started to maneuver her body around Harri's upright kneeling posture. Deftly, she ended up facing Harri situating herself between the valley of his spread apart thighs. While remaining on her knees, Maia bent down to take his cock into her mouth so she could continue giving him head.

Maia's bed was located parallel to the wall containing the built-in closet. A full floor length mirror was installed attached to the inside of the closet door. With the closet door wide open, Harri in his upright position resting on his knees and calves with his hands clutching the sides of Maia's torso, was privy to watching Maia in a full kneeling position methodically administering fellatio on his manhood. What made the sight even more erotic to his senses was witnessing her butt provocatively shake higher up in the air than her active head. That position of Maia's derrière up in the air provided for Harri an enticing view of both her anus and her vulva, which in turn produced a most sensuous reaction. It caused him to mutter, mostly to himself, "Oh that's hot!"

As for Maia, she had reached a stage where just sucking on Harri's cock was enough to produce for her an exquisite orgasm. The anticipation that he was sure to cum in her mouth shortly, was a mind blowing prospect. That in turn caused her to squirt. The discharge of her female juices was not in the form of a steady full bodied flowing stream. Instead, it was in a string like tentative emissions oozing out of her vulva, and dripping down to soil the bed sheet. That picture was too much for Harri's libido to handle, and thus, was the trigger that resulted in a forceful ejaculation quickly filling Maia's oral cavity.

Maia was cognizant that she had squirted, but she was unperturbed. She had fitted on the bed the waterproof mattress pad which she had acquired the day before for the planned water sports activity with Riina. In any case she was planning to use a fresh clean bed sheet for the next night's festivities. However, she was surprised by the copious amount of sperm Harri was able to blast into her mouth. In self defense she quickly swallowed the first two full loads of cum, in order to contain all his ejaculate in her mouth without allowing any drops to dribble off her lips.

At this point, Maia had a specific agenda; she wanted to continue the action to include vaginal penetration. To this end, she stood up on her feet, to allow Harri to straighten out his legs so as to sit on his butt. It is a testament to their sexual compatibility that Harri did exactly what she wanted him to do without any explicit direction from her. Once he had readjusted, she climbed onto his lap to fully embrace him. Thereupon, they commenced a cum swapping continuous kissing activity.