Make This Last Forever Pt. 04


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Ashley and Sam looked at each other and grinned lecherously at the thought of including vibrators, dildos, buttplugs, ropes, and strapons in their sex games.

"For one night, you two can do whatever you want to this body," Dani promised as she indicated her nakedness. "Anything is on the table. Dress me up however you like or leave me naked. Every part of me will be available for you to do with as you please. But if my ass and pussy aren't gaping and sore and if my lips and tongue aren't swollen by the end of the weekend I'm going to be very surprised and disappointed with you two."

Ashley and Sam's grins grew even wider and Ashley replied, "Well, you know how much we would hate to disappoint you."

Dani continued, "After I rock your worlds next weekend it's dead week for me and then finals so you guys will need to leave me the fuck alone so I can go back to the city and finish all my final projects and papers. But what if once the semester ends I move back here for the summer and find a part-time job while I live with you guys?"

"That sounds absolutely wonderful," Sam said as she hugged Dani tightly.

"I'll have to move back to the city at the end of summer once fall semester starts," Dani explained. "But I'll try to come back and visit every weekend. Or you guys can visit me if you decide you can't get enough of this."

"You would be worth the long drive every time," Ashley said as she kissed Dani on the tip of her nose. "And I will never be able to get enough of you."

"If we live together there will need to be a few ground rules," Dani warned them.

"Okay..." Ashley replied hesitantly.

"I don't care what you do when I'm gone, but when I'm staying here there can't be any drugs around," Dani said. "You can still drink alcohol around me, but please not to excess. I'm sorry to be such a buzzkill. It's not you guys I'm worried about. It's me. I don't trust myself around that stuff and I've made it these last few years by consciously avoiding it."

"Anything you need," Ashley said and Sam agreed. "Someday we need to sit down and have a good long talk about everything you've been through. If you're having problems I want to know what we're dealing with so I can try and help."

Dani pressed her forehead against Ashley's and kissed her. "I want to have that conversation too," Dani told her. "But not tonight. Tonight I only want to speak of happy things."

"Happy," Ashley said with a grin and another kiss for her Dani Bear. "You got it. So what happens with us once you're finished with school?"

"Once I've graduated I guess I can assess where we are all at," Dani mused. "I'm planning to travel through Europe for a few months and then will be starting on my book. I can work on that anywhere though, most of my research is already complete. Maybe I can move back in with you for awhile until we decide whether we want to keep living here or move somewhere else? I kind of like being in the city."

"So you want us to stay together even if we decide to move away?" Ashley asked. "Like we are all... attached or something?"

"Of course!" Dani exclaimed. "Isn't that what you want too?"

"I can't think of anything better," Ashley purred as she held Dani even tighter. "What do you think, Sam?"

"I'm with you," Sam said authoritatively. "I won't be without either of you two again."

"Excellent," Ashley said as she stroked her chin. "I'm not sure what the state policy on polygamy is though. Might have to do some research into that."

"Woah, you're getting way ahead of yourself there, sister," said Sam. "Let me at least move in first before we start talking about anything permanent like marriage. I suppose I wouldn't mind my girls having a second mom. Maybe they will also have a gorgeous blonde aunt who lives with us sometimes too. I worry that LieLie and Amelia's upbringing might be very confusing for them."

"They'll get used to it," Dani assured her. "They love Ashley and I know she will be a better parent and spouse than Clay could ever hope to be."

Sam fell back onto her pillow and sighed plaintively, "Living with my two greatest loves in a house that's a mansion compared to mine? My beautiful daughters with me and no more worthless husband? It all sounds too perfect to be true."

Dani leaned over and whispered to Sam, "Just because it's perfect doesn't mean it can't be real."

Sam's breath caught and tears formed below her eyes as her lips sought out Dani's. After letting the two of them share affections for a moment, Ashley cleared her throat. Dani and Sam rolled over to face her.

"Sam, there are going to be times when I will want to have sex with Dani without you," Ashley said. "Will you be okay with that?"

Sam nodded and said, "I swear I won't be jealous any more. I'm past all that. I realize how truly and deeply you two care for me and love me and I see how much you love each other too."

Sam reached over and poked Ashley between her boobs and added, "You know, sometimes I'm going to want to have sex with Dani sometimes without you present. Are you going to be okay with that?"

"Fine by me!" Ashley retorted. "Just as long as you get to watch from time to time! Dani, are you going to be okay if Sam and I have sex when you're not here? We will just miss you so much and be so lonely when you aren't here. We gotta have something to get us by."

"I'm okay with all of it," Dani assured them. "Your love for each other predates mine. But... would you guys mind if I hook up with other girls when we're apart? While being with you both has definitely reawakened my libido I promise I won't be sleeping all over town or anything. It would just be nice to be with someone during the times we're apart."

"Did you have someone in mind?" Sam asked with a badgering tone.

Dani blushed and said timidly, "Well, I did just meet a girl..."

"Oh, do tell!" Ashley urged with a shit-eating grin.

"Her name is Tharisse and she's a really sweet girl," Dani told Sam. "We hung out last night and she's a total cutie."

"You two totally hooked up after I saw you in the parking lot last night, didn't you?" Ashley accused without malice.

"Well..." Dani shrugged with a mischievous grin. "Let just say her skin is as smooth and dark as chocolate and it tastes even sweeter."

"She sounds delicious," Ashley said as she crossed her arms behind her head in a relaxed pose. "I've always dreamed of sleeping with a girl who wasn't pale like Sam's pasty white ass."

Sam scoffed and said, "Whatever, you love my pasty white ass." She patted herself on the bottom for emphasis.

"I think I made that quite obvious during our shower together," Ashley sniffed as she recalled pinning Sam against the shower wall and sticking her tongue deep inside Sam's freshly washed asshole.

"Well, stop being so coy," Sam told Dani. "Tell us her name."

"It's Tharisse," answered Dani.

"So when do we get to meet her?" Ashley asked.

"Maybe you can introduce us to Tharisse sometime when we come to visit you," Sam suggested.

Dani gave an ornery smile and said, "I bet Tharisse would get a kick out of that. She'll love you guys. I was planning to call her tomorrow, I'll ask what she thinks about meeting you. Oh shit! I need to call Betsy too!"

"Who the hell is Betsy?" Ashley asked with suspicion. "Exactly how many women do we gotta compete with?"

"Betsy is one of the sexiest women I've ever known," Dani teased. "Tall, red hair, a billion adorable freckles, nice rack, and a tight, sexy ass. Yep, Betsy is a stunningly beautiful woman. She's also going to be my stepmother once she marries my dad a few months from now."

Sam laughed at Ashley's shocked expression and said, "Seems we still have a lot to learn about each other."

There was a long silence that lasted over a minute before Ashley broke in, "I'm just so glad we're back together again. In some ways, it's feels like we were never apart."

"But we're smarter now," Sam said. "Or at least smarter than we used to be," she added with a roll of her eyes when Ashley made a dumb face at her. "More mature without a doubt."

"Do you really think we can make it work this time?" Ashley asked with a worried look on her face. "I couldn't bear to lose you again."

"I know we will," Sam said with conviction. "I'm gonna be with you forever and ever, Ashley. And I want Dani to be our third too. I can't be jealous because I'm in love with both of you and I know you both love me. I've always loved you though I tried too long to deny it."

"I love you too, Sam," said Ashley as she burst into tears and mashed her breasts in Dani's face again by leaning over the top of Dani to kiss Sam. "Now never do that shit to me again. Ten years without having my best friends was awful. I need my Samantha and my Dani Bear."

"I won't ever leave you again," Sam promised. "I'm yours forever and ever."

After kissing Sam's lips and tongue for a few moments, Ashley realized that she had been smothering Dani with her large, pillowy breasts. She hadn't noticed since Dani didn't make any noise in protest and didn't seem to mind having Ashley's tits blocking her air supply. If she had to go, this would be the exact way she wanted it. But Ashley thankfully pulled away from Sam and gave Dani the opportunity to breathe again right before she dove in to steal another kiss.

"And I love you too, Dani Bear," said Ashley right before taking Dani's breath away just as soon as it had been replenished.

While Ashley and Dani kissed, Sam pressed her lips to Dani's ear and whispered, "And I love you too, Danica Meadows. Don't you ever forget it."

Dani shivered as Sam whispered to her such sweet sentiments and licked her earlobe. She clutched Sam close to her with an arm wrapped across her back and hand on her bony hip until she and Ashley's kiss terminated. Then Dani rolled over and ensured her lips and tongue also let her appreciation and reciprocity for Sam's love be known to her friend. Ashley pet at Dani's damp hair and kissed all over her shoulders and back and even Dani's sexy ass while Dani and Sam kissed. Dani had never felt so loved and in love before in her life.

If they really wanted to they could have had intercourse again but their their love and desire for each other had already been proven again and again. They would have the rest of their lives to play together. Besides, they were already sore and exhausted from fucking each other several times earlier. Instead, the trio took turns kissing each other sweetly and rather innocently despite their being naked in bed together. When they finally expended their remaining energy and could kiss and caress no longer, Ashley, Sam, and Dani fell to the bed panting for breath.

"I'm so fucking glad we all decided to show up for that stupid reunion," Sam laughed tiredly.

"Best decision I've ever made," Ashley said. "Despite having to be at such a stupid event filled with such stupid people, I found my best friends again!"

"You guys!" Dani exclaimed in the most obnoxious voice she could muster. "Friendship really is magic!"

Ashley and Sam groaned loudly in unison and Sam pushed Dani away from her while Ashley grabbed the nearest pillow and swung it into Dani's face. Dani guffawed as she threw the pillow off her head and pulled Ashley and Sam tightly against her. Dani gave each of them a kiss good night and Sam leaned over the top of her to bid good night to Ashley as well. Dani's best friends kissed her at the same time with smooches on both her cheeks while Dani wore the biggest grin ever on her face. Ashley turned out the lamp and soon Sam and Ashley slumbered curled up on either side of Dani while Dani took the most peaceful, satisfied sleep of her entire life.


Dani's eyes shot open when she awoke the next morning. She had been having some kind of bad dream where she didn't have a home or anyone that loved her and had been reduced to selling her body again. Dani felt a panic attack manifesting but immediately she felt safe and reassured when she felt the warmth of her women nestled against either side of her body. She grinned happily as she looked over the adorable sleeping forms of her friends, her partners, her lovers. Dani had worried that upon waking she would discover this had all been some wonderful but unattainable dream. She had imagined this exact sort of awakening so many times over the last decade but never truly believed it would become her reality. Dani heard early-morning birdcalls singing from outside and the first orange rays of morning sun shone through their bedroom window. It would be a beautiful day.

Ashley and Sam laid their heads down against Dani's soft, sizable breasts to use them as pillows while they slept. Ashley snored softly while Sam made these adorable little whimpering, mewling noises in her sleep. At some point Sam's left hand reached across Dani's body to rest on Ashley's back while Ashley's right hand had naturally found Sam's buttock and rested its palm upon the slim curve of her cheek. Life felt perfect in this moment, though Dani knew there could never be such a thing as true perfection.

Their problems wouldn't magically disappear even with the trio back together after all these years. It would take work to make these relationships work. Plus Dani had yet to return to her mother's house to grab her stuff. She dreaded the possibility of speaking with Pamela again so soon after their latest episode. Dani always felt compelled to apologize even though nothing had been her fault. Dani still wanted a relationship with her mother but only if Pamela could learn to accept Dani and allow her daughter to be a part of her life. Dani really hoped these blowups weren't signaling a neverending lifelong struggle between mother and daughter. Even though they constantly disappointed each other Dani would never stop trying to repair the relationship with her mother. Dani would always hold out hope for Pamela that someday she would surprise her.

At some point today Sam would also have to go back to the house Clay's parents lived at to see her kids. Dani wondered if she and Ashley should accompany Sam in case there was a confrontation. Sam would need a lot of help over the next few weeks but Dani and Ashley would be there for her every step of the way.

Dani couldn't help herself from reflecting on all the terrible things that had happened during the ten years she, Sam, and Ashley had been apart. But if having her friends back was the end result of all that trauma, maybe it was worth it.

Dani gave a silent prayer of thanks to Karen, her surrogate mother and guardian angel. Dani wouldn't be alive today without her. Dani would have either overdosed, froze to death, been murdered, or simply ended her suffering using her own hand were it not for Karen's nurture and care. Karen helped Dani pick up the pieces from the wreckage of her life after losing Sam and Ashley, consoled Dani after being rejected by her parents for coming out as gay, acted as Dani's closest friend, confidante, and lover for many years, and also gave Dani one final gift so Dani could actually make something out of her ruined life. If there was anyone to thank for Dani getting back with Sam and Ashley, it was Karen. Dani hoped that wherever she was now Karen knew how much Dani loved and missed her and could see how happy Dani was now.

Soon either Sam or Ashley would awake. The first one to rise would help Dani give the latecomer the best wake-up call of their entire lives. Dani couldn't wait to have sex with them again but for now she was content enough sensing Ashley and Sam's light breaths passing over her skin and feeling the warmth of their skin touching hers. For now, she had her arms wrapped around the two women she loved the most in the whole world. Dani had finally found happiness.

End Part Four

The End

Thank you to everyone who read my story. I know I went in sort of a different direction for the "Remember This Moment Forever" sequel that not everyone who loved that story enjoyed. I felt like trying something different that would be more a story rather than pure erotica. You can judge whether or not I was successful. I hope at the very least everyone enjoyed the conclusion! Coming up next will be the sequels to Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers and Housesitting With a Homosexual so look for those a few months from now. Thanks everyone who took the time to read my work.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A really good Story!

Pretty dark in the middle but still worth reading, filled with deep emotion.

And as a hopeless romantic it had a very good conclusion!

Is there going to be a part 5?

Thank you for sharing this epic tale of a strong, intelligent woman and the journey she took to finally find true love and happiness!

Unknown81Unknown81over 5 years ago
Good story...

Good story, GayTripper. I'm betting the movie Kingsman: The Secret Service is this trio's favorite movie (the reason why is because of the church scene. All of it (from the famous quote by Colin Firth (BTW, have you seen it?) to the slaughter set to the tune of "Free Bird," no less), especially since a bunch of hateful bigots get what's coming to them)…

Here's a song Dani can play for Paige and Lindsey: "Look What You Made Me Do" by Taylor Swift...

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

So where is this Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers sequel, hum ?


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You achieved something so difficult to do... A happy polygamus relationship. This was masterfully done as is a believable situation. A co-dependence where three parties can't live without each other.

The story has a nice ending as it is. Even thought there is space for an extensive clousure where we can finally know what happened to the mother, the new ex-wife, or Dani's last days at Uni. An epilogue if you wish.

Great work!

va45va45over 6 years ago

This is the prefect love story, has everything. The best and worse that life can offer. Looking forward to another chapter of there lives. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Wonderful story

I agree with other comment that this was the best part. This was largely due to you bringing the three back together again. Obviously, I love happy endings. I'll have to reread the other parts again because I've forgotten a lot of the story due to the time lapse. But I don't mind. The story was excellent and the characters were great. I hated to see it end. I would love to see a sequel to see how the girls work out the problems they may encounter and how they work then out, especially with outside fourth parties(Dani being away at school).

I plan reading your other stories also. Hope to see more from you. Keep up the good writing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Best one out of the 4

1st one told of what happened to Dani, how her life went after the events of the previous story, showed the trama she had to face and had some decent erotic moments. So it wasn't bad.

2nd one showcase Dani relationship with her mother, and showed her having sex with that one girl at the bar. So it really didn't do much to the series as a whole.

3rd one predated the events of the 1st one, but it was more tramatic and a bit depressing.

Now this one, showed more interesting character development for Ashley and Sam, as well had a kick ass resolution and some very kinky sex scenes. Out of the 4 Make This Last Forever chapters, this one is the best in my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers Sequel Incoming? Hell Yes!

I can't wait for this series to get continued. Seeing straight-girl Cassandra spiral downwards into a full-fledged lesbian really gets my blood rushing.

I think you should put Invasion of the Pussy Snatchers in the "lesbian" category of this website rather than "Mind Control" since the lesbian theme is the more thematically dominant theme.

Just my 2 cents.

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