Marilyn was My Wife's First


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A dirty smile came over Andy's face. "Marilyn, I only have eyes for you."

We both broke out into a hysterical fit of laughter. When the moment passed, I took control in the bedroom with Andy for the first time. "Lie down in our bed and lay flat on your back."

Andy did as I said. I teased him, rubbing my clitoris and labia along the outside of his condom covered shaft. I had made love to Andy hundreds, no, thousands of times before. But never before like this. And, never ever with a condom on. I was becoming overwhelmingly aroused now.

I eventually lowered myself carefully onto his throbbing shaft. Andy was thicker than Bryan, and a full inch longer. He was going to touch me in places Bryan could never reach. This was an obvious advantage to intimacy with Andy, but this was our very first encounter since my emergency surgery to deliver Camryn. The pleasure did not come without some serious pain.

I asked Andy to be gentle - he was a little bigger man than I was accustomed to dealing with. Saying this turned out to be a major turn on for Andy. I started edging him, every time I saw in his face he was about to cum, I slowed down. After a little breather, I would say something provocative to bring him closer to exploding in me.

"How does it feel to be fucking your neighbors wife, Andy?"

"You were my wife first Marilyn. You'll always be mine, first."

His hands were kneading my breasts. Andy still knows what buttons to push. Eventually, I let myself climax, Andy came almost simultaneously. It was incredible, at least for me.

I wasn't planning on spending the night. But we did fall asleep, still coupled together, Andy and the spent condom eventually slipping outside of me and coating the sheets with his sterile semen.

An hour later, we both got up and used the bathroom. I decided to go oral for a while to invite round 2. Andy knows I disliked giving oral sex, we obviously had past experience but I think it was just a waste of time for him, he would always prefer to drive it into me at least for his first orgasm. It didn't take long to get his soldier back to attention. I slipped a fresh condom on to show I was serious about it, then rolled onto my tummy. Wiggling my ass in his direction, he didn't need any further invitation. I returned to the submissive Marilyn Andy knew and fell in love with all those years ago. This was meant for his satisfaction, but I had no trouble falling back into it. Before I knew it, we had both climaxed again. Our night was complete.

I quietly dressed and slipped out as Andy began snoring in bed. I somehow had the presence of mind to leave the bathroom at home set up for my return. There was no way I was going back to my husband like this, it just felt obviously disrespectful. As if the act itself contained any dignity at all?

I spent extra time in the shower, as if I could somehow wash away all the evidence of what I had done. Damn right, I was feeling guilty already. I was also incredibly sore. My remodeled lady parts could not accommodate Andy the way they could in my original design. That could be a problem. I dried off as best as I could, put on my mom pajamas, checked on the kids and tried to gently climb into bed with Bryan.

I was really hoping he would be asleep. He wasn't even trying to fake it. Bryan rolled over and put his arms around me. I shuddered at his touch, mostly from guilt as I silently recounted my evening.

Bryan spoke "So, how was your night?"

I was going from guilty to annoyed now. I wasn't prepared to recount any details tonight.

"Just come and hold me, honey"

He did. I fell asleep in my husband Bryan's comforting arms.

Embracing the Lifestyle

I was eager to be intimate again with Bryan. Sunday night, we came to bed, I think we both had the expectation sex was inevitable. I was certainly willing. To my surprise, Bryan asked if I needed a recovery night. I conceded that I didn't really want a recovery night, but I would accept one if he was offering. We again cuddled to sleep in each other's arms. I definitely was struggling with some pain, admittedly in places Bryan wasn't going to directly threaten, but the break was worthwhile.

Monday night was a different story. We had full on reclamation sex. I'm not usually multi orgasmic, at least not without a short rest period, but I pulled off the hat trick with Bryan our first night back together. I think we both breathed a sigh of relief that not only were we really doing this, but if anything it was perhaps bringing us closer together instead of driving us apart.

I decided these nights out where it's planned in advance, and I make an obvious effort to expose my behavior isn't really the way I want to be going about this. It worked for the first time. I would never, ever lie or mislead Bryan on what I was doing deliberately, but I would rather not make him suffer thinking about what I was doing in the bedroom next door when it was in progress.

Encounters with Andy remained unplanned and opportunistic from that day forward. I guess I intended for it to be that way. I was getting plenty at home, and as much as I wanted my freedom to be with Andy occasionally, it was just way more natural, convenient and easier to spend my nights with Bryan. I was a busy mom. My days were packed. I was tired. I didn't have time for elaborate planning and running around just to please another man.

I think Andy was expressing some frustration that I hadn't come around to a more frequent cadence of visitation. He made his thoughts known on the topic to Bryan. To his credit, Bryan shrugged his shoulders and said "Take it up with the boss." The problem was, the boss was getting almost everything she needed at home. And Bryan was feeling mighty proud about that.

Andy decided to raise the stakes in a way only he can. He sprung for our first Collins-Randall family vacation, to one of those all inclusive family resorts in Mexico. 2 weeks! With 7 people, we would need either a grand suite, or multiple rooms. The solution was to book 3 rooms - one for the boys (plus Andy), one for the girls (plus Bryan and I) and one reserved exclusively for adult intimacy, that would primarily be managed by me.

Vacations have always had an effect on my libido. Andy would routinely get club trips paid for by the HVAC companies at the end of summer which were elaborate booze fests at night and non stop resort sex during the day. This was one of the highlights of my first marriage lifestyle I never really got over. I was ready for a reprisal here.

Getting there was exhausting. Traveling with children is such a hassle. The boys are old enough that while Andy had it pretty easy, Bryan and I were overwhelmed. It clearly pissed Andy off when I announced that I was spending the first night alone with Bryan and the girls. Our sex fest would have to be put off another day.

We fell into a bit of a routine quickly. We would all arrive for family breakfast at 9AM. We would then establish the kids in pool / beach activities and once all were settled, Andy and I would make a discreet exit to the intimacy room while Bryan supervised all 4 children. I would reciprocate for Bryan in the afternoon, having Andy return the favor supervising the kids once we were past lunch. This superwife and mom was determined to make this a vacation to remember for everyone.

Getting with Andy first may not have been the best call. He still stretches me out. I think Bryan probably knew this, but we never spoke openly about this sort of thing, despite talking about everything. Usually, there is enough of a rest period that you can't exactly tell, but doing two a days a few hours apart does not afford much opportunity for recovery. By the second or third day, I could tell Bryan seemed to notice and commented on how "loose" I was feeling. It wasn't that he was wrong, but having him notice made me uncomfortable. I decided to up the ante by offering Bryan my anus. I made it clear that this offer was only being extended to my husband and only for vacation - it needed to be something special and just between us. Truthfully I knew the answer was I could never take it with Andy back there, we had tried it way back in the beginning and it was clearly a never again sort of thing for me. Bryan had never asked for it before.

I think he really appreciated my gesture, that I was offering Bryan another intimate part of me exclusively as my undisputed #1 partner. It instantly enhanced our connection together. I quickly found out even Bryan was more than I could handle though, and despite some explosive orgasms for both of us, I was wondering if I was really going to be able to sustain this pace for the entire 2 weeks.

My uncomfortable feelings all the way around finally became intolerable on the 7th day. Andy and I had just gotten into our morning routine when there was a panicked banging on the door, startling us both. It was Bryan. Harry had sliced his toe severely on a beach rock, and resort security was involved. They had compared wristbands and noting no formal relation between Bryan Randall and Harry Collins - they would need a parents approval for transport and registration at the hospital. Harry's cut was going to require stitches, and he was waiting in tears for a custodial parent to come and chaperone his exit from the resort.

Andy opened the door in just his boxers. If there was any question for Bryan about just what Andy was packing down there, it was answered once and for all at that moment. But the worst part was Bryan making eye contact with me in bed. I had no idea who was at the door, and naturally covered my body up with sheets before Andy could get the door open. Bryan's distressed eye contact with me as I obscured my body to him shook me to my core. I felt so guilty at that moment even though he knew exactly where I was, and what I was doing all along. It had all just never been so in his face as in that moment. The awkwardness continued as the door closed briefly while I hastily got dressed. Bryan stood in the hallway with his back against the wall.

As fast as I could, I stormed through the door and took Bryan's hand. His weak response conveyed more than his simple concern for Harry, but his distaste in witnessing up close my intimate activity with Andy.

My enjoyment of vacation pretty much ended after that moment. I was ready to return home. Harry would be fine, but his time at the beach and pool would be limited for the remainder of our final week away. That night, I felt the need to apologize to Bryan. He played it off, expressed concern for Harry and apologized himself for the circumstances that led to interrupting our private time.

Returning home, I continued to distance myself physically from Andy. Some of it was just lingering guilt of what I only imagined this was doing to my husband. I wasn't willing to destroy my second marriage and I let Bryan know it. He was getting it from me now all the time, and there wasn't really any time left for extracurricular activities.

Andy wasn't going out without a fight though. When one day I showed up for the boys in my usual workout uniform, still working tirelessly to recapture my figure after 4 pregnancies, Andy casually suggested I speak with one of his clients who is a plastic surgeon. I rolled my eyes at this, but ultimately conceded to making an appointment. I was conscious of how I looked, especially having a husband a full 7 years my junior; and a permanent hall pass with my ex-husband. I needed to look the part if I wanted to retain my status as a trophy wife.

Again, this backfired on Andy in the most predictable way. I did ultimately sign up for a modest breast lift and implants, and a full abdominal resection / tummy tuck. 4 pregnancies had really done a number on my figure and I wasn't getting it back without some outside help. Holy shit the surgery was painful. I wasn't having sex for at least a month, hell it was six weeks before I could even stand up straight.

Once recovered, I was happy to present the new Mrs. Collins-Randall to my husband for review and approval. The boy liked what he saw. My new sexy body paired with a 6 week break was the kickstart our love life and sex life had been waiting for. I was the most confident in the bedroom I had ever been to show off my new hot wife body. And Bryan was worshiping the ground I walked on everywhere. We were getting together multiple times a day for a while at this point.

It was during my recovery period that Andy decided my scraps just weren't enough anymore. He went out and found himself a nice girlfriend, Erica. She was an attractive customer Andy had known for a long time, who suddenly found herself divorced. She was aged in between Andy and I. He made no attempt to disguise their relationship, and even introduced her to me for the first time as his girlfriend after a few weeks. I was happy to see him take this step, maybe it was time for him to finally move on.

While it was clear they weren't living together, Erica was spending the night on occasion, even when the boys were present. I guess that made me a little uncomfortable. I mentioned to Andy that he could send the boys over to my house any time he needed a little extra privacy, but that usually didn't happen. Any night the boys were spending with me, Andy and Erica seemed to disappear - perhaps spending the time at her place? I could really only imagine.

This routine continued for the better part of the next year. The boys seemed to be comfortable speaking of Erica, and Andy appeared to be settling into a semblance of his old lifestyle. I found myself in their house less and less, relying on the boys to come to me and not vice versa. My relationship with Erica was fine, I saw her occasionally and while she undoubtedly had knowledge of my past with Andy, I chuckled at the thought she inevitably hadn't heard the full story of the last couple years.

I never found out what happened. One day the boys disclosed that Andy and Erica had broken up. They seemed a bit sad about it, and I could tell their father's attitude was souring his relationship with the boys. I shared the news about the breakup with Bryan.

"So, I assume it's back on again now?"

"Back on again?"

"You and Andy"

"I don't think so. I mean, no. It isn't going back to the way it was. At least not anytime soon. I want him to find another partner, hopefully for the long term. I'm with you now, Bryan."

Maybe it had all just run its course. I still had feelings for Andy, and I always will. My initial feelings of guilt about his recovery and the lust to recapture some of what we had already lost together were compelling enough to convince me to give it a chance. But my feelings had evolved. I want Andy to find a new number one, and I don't want to tease or distract him from this mission. And I want to devote my energy to being a supermom to all my kids by day and a trophy wife by night to my second husband.

The Nemesis Returns

The morning was like any other. I was in the kitchen with Bryan, helping to get the girls fed and started with their day. Suddenly, the back door swung wide open. It was Andy jr.

"Moommmmm! I need you. Somethings wrong with Dad!"

The inflection in his voice suggested panic. I hopped from my chair, leaving the girls with Bryan. Somehow I managed to stop, turn back, and grab my phone. Maybe just to text Bryan after confirming everything was really ok.

Stepping into the Collins house immediately confirmed things were definitely not OK. Andy jr. led me to his fathers bedroom, and into the bathroom. On the floor was Andy, face down, convulsing. He appeared to be suffering from a seizure.

I immediately dialed 911. I spoke calmly with the dispatcher and sent Andy jr. to the curb to wait for the ambulance. By the time the ambulance arrived the seizure had passed. Andy was delirious and in and out of consciousness. The EMT's carried him out of the house on a stretcher, heading for the emergency room.

Three days later I am seated uncomfortably in the office of Dr. Robert Frown, Oncologist. To my left is my husband Bryan, and to my right is Andy. I am holding hands with both men simultaneously as Dr. Frown walks in and takes his seat.

Andy had been stabilized in the E.R. A CT scan performed on arrival revealed a mass on his brain that unquestionably had been the root cause of the seizure. A biopsy had already been performed and Dr. Frown was here to discuss the results. I had offered to accompany Andy to the appointment. He was no longer cleared to drive. I asked if Bryan could attend to support the both of us, as naturally we were all bracing for the possibility of really bad news. Andy was in no position to turn me down.

Dr. Frown addressed Andy directly. Mr. Collins, as we all suspected, the biopsy was malignant. The mass in your brain is connected to a recurrence of your earlier prostate disease. Unfortunately, the tumor markers are very aggressive. Surgery will not be an option, in your case. There are really only a few things to do here."

Silence filled the room as I began weeping openly. I grabbed the hands of both men as tightly as I could. Andy remained stoic, as ever in these situations.

"What happens now, doc?"

Dr. Frown remained clinical and direct. "The only treatment option is chemotherapy. It will shrink the tumor and extend your life by several months. Unfortunately, many patients who follow this route wish they hadn't. It will inevitably extend what could prove to be a period of significant suffering for you near the end of life. If it was me, knowing what I see in this practice, I think I would skip the potential for such indignity as a patient. But I will honor your wishes if you decide to pursue it anyway."

"Get your affairs in order Andy. Quickly. Even without treatment, we can through medication control the seizures for a few more weeks, maybe as long as a month or more. Now is your time to secure your legacy. Make the most of it. I can help keep you as productive as I can, and as time inevitably progresses here, as comfortable and dignified as possible until the end."

Andy stood unsteadily and shook the hand of Dr. Frown. There was no discussion of further treatment options. Andy asked me to take him directly home. I had to ask Bryan to drive us, I was too upset. Upon arrival, Andy asked to be left alone. He gave me a chaste kiss on the head in front of Bryan, and said Andy jr. will call if he needs anything.

Bryan and I walked into our home, and I collapsed on the floor in tears. I was overwhelmed. I wasn't ready for Andy to die. At the same time, I was angry with him. He was always such a lousy patient. He hadn't seen his doctor for follow-up treatment for months. As his wife, I was always handling those tasks for him. As his ex-wife, he was on his own. As the evening progressed, an overwhelming feeling of guilt washed over me for not being there for him as if I could have somehow prevented this.

Andy got down to business following Dr. Frown's advice. His priority was dispositioning his business - his life's work. He wasn't especially worried about the boys, I guess he knew they would ultimately be in safe and loving hands with Bryan and I. He basically became a recluse in his home, spending his time close with the boys and during their school hours deep in conversation with his attorneys and other professional helpers. I would go and check on him daily, bring him food, and offered to take him wherever he wanted to go. He was always pleasant to me, had few requests, and usually seemed in a hurry to see me go. I think he was just hyper focused on negotiating a sale of his business while he still had time, and dispositioning his assets to secure his legacy as fast as he could.

Sixteen days after we exited Dr. Frown's office, Andy asked me to arrange a private meeting with Bryan. I don't know why that made me uncomfortable, but it did. I set it up for the same day in the evening. Bryan walked over with a small cooler of beer. Andy received him at the door, smiling, and in a positive upbeat mood. Settling out on the deck, the conversation began with Bryan offering Andy a beer.