Marti Ch. 01: The Streak


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"But what can I do?"

"I want you to put me up for the night."

"But, but," Billy stammered, "where would you stay?"

"In your bed."

"In my bed?" Billy looked confused. "But if you sleep in my bed, where would I stay?"

"In your bed."

"But ..."

Approaching ever closer, the police officer knocked on another door.

"Billy, do you want to cuddle with a naked girl all night?"

Billy was stunned.

"Are you serious?"

"Look at me." I said as I glanced down at my naked body. "Do I look like I'm serious?"

Billy stared at my shaved hooch in wonder. It didn't appear as if he'd ever seen a woman's nether region in person before.

"You've got to help me," I pleaded. "I'm in a lot of trouble and I've got nowhere else to go."

Billy nodded his head in understanding but still looked concerned.

"I'm sorry, but you can't stay. I can't let the police find you in my room."

"Please, please, please, I'm begging you. If you throw me out now I'll be arrested and thrown in jail." I took Billy's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Billy, I really, really, don't want to go to jail and I'd much rather spend the night with you. If you help me out, I'll be appreciative," I squeezed Billy's hand a little harder, "really appreciative."

"You want me to come to bed with you?" Billy seemed fearful.

"We could have a lot of fun together," I said as I started unbuttoning Billy's shirt. "You won't regret it."

"What are you doing?" Billy asked nervously.

"I'm taking off your clothes. It'll be a lot more fun without clothes."

I only had half of Billy's buttons undone when I could hear the policeman knocking on a door again. Although he was still down the hall, the cop seemed a lot closer.

"Police, open up," thunt, thunt, thunt." We're looking for a fugitive."

Billy looked frightened.

"I don't know," Billy said as he broke away and started buttoning his shirt back. "I don't think I can help you."


Anxious and conflicted, Billy looked at the ground and seemed deflated.

"I'm sorry; I'm so sorry," Billy said. "I'd love to help you but I can't; it's against the rules. We're not supposed to have a girl in our rooms after ten. If they found you in here, I could be in trouble."

"You're kidding?" I stared at Billy in utter disbelief.

I couldn't believe it. I'm not saying that I'm a supermodel or anything but I was a college athlete in damn good shape who men, at least most men, found attractive enough that they wouldn't throw me out of their room naked when I was begging to crawl in bed with them. Appearing guilty and ashamed, Billy looked away, unable to look me in the eyes. Suddenly feeling very embarrassed, exposed, and vulnerable, I covered myself with my hands.

"I promised my mother that I'd obey all the rules and wouldn't get in any trouble with the law."

"You're mother!" I said in exasperation. "Oh for the love of god."

"Please, try to understand."

Stunned, I glanced down at my nude body and then, gesturing with my palms up and my arms thrust outward in frustration, I looked back up at Billy.


"I'm sorry," Billy said as he hung his head low. "I really hate to do this to you Marti, you seem like such a nice girl, but I can't get involved. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

For a moment, I was so stunned that I just stared at Billy in silence, unable to respond.

"You're actually going to throw me out into the hall naked?"

"I don't know what else I can do," Billy said.

"Have you no imagination?"

Billy didn't answer.

"Can't you at least loan me some clothes?"

"I can't be a part of harboring a fugitive or covering up a crime. It wouldn't be right. I could get in trouble."

"I'm not asking you to cover up a crime, I'm asking you to cover up me."

Billy looked at my naked body from top to bottom.

"Well, you kind of are the crime."

The officer knocked on another door, this time even closer. The cop sounded like he was only a few doors down, thunt, thunt, thunt.

"Police officer, come to the door please. We're looking for a fugitive."

Suddenly resolute, Billy gently, but firmly took me by my arm and began walking me to the door. Astonished, I resisted only slightly as Billy pulled me towards the door and to my inevitable demise.

"I'm sorry, but you really must go," Billy said.

Feeling bare and defenseless, I fidgeted in my naked embarrassment only seconds away from my arrest. I could all but feel my hands being forced behind my back, the handcuffs closing over my wrists, and the cold floor on my bare feet as the officer walks me down the hall; I could hear the snickering of the people and the lewd comments as I'm led naked out of the building and back the police car; I could imagine being blinded by the lights of the television crew as they try to interview me as I'm being stuffed into the back of the police cruiser looking foolish, vulgar, and ashamed; I could see my pixilated naked body on the local news the next night as the commentators laughed at me and joked at my brazen stupidity; and I could all but hear the jail cell door slamming behind me as I stood inside of the bars helplessly looking out.

In a panic, I grabbed Billy's arm as he reached for the doorknob and desperately pulled him back.

"Wait!" I whispered. "Please, wait."

Pained and embarrassed by his decision, Billy appeared very eager just to get this unpleasantness over with. Nevertheless, Billy stopped and waited on me while I stepped back from the door and took a moment to get myself together. I took a glance at myself in the wall mirror near the door. Nude, sweaty, frazzled, with jungle hair, and scuffed up a little from the streak, I looked like a hot mess.

"Billy," I said, using my most sultry of voices. "Look at me."

I dropped my hands to my side, giving Billy the best view of all I had to offer but, looking downcast and shamed, Billy gave me only the briefest of glances.

"No, take a good look," I said as I brushed back my hair and combed it back into place with my hands as best I could.

Wide eyed, Billy spent several seconds examining my body, mesmerized by the view.

"Have you ever seen a young woman naked before?"

Billy shook his head no.

"Do you like what you see?"

Billy nodded yes.

"Do you think I'm pretty? Are you attracted to me?"

"You're the prettiest thing I've ever seen," Billy gushed. "You're gorgeous."

"Do you really want to see me get arrested, humiliated, hauled away in chains, and thrown in jail?" I whimpered.

"Well, no, but ..." Billy searched for the right words but unable to find them, he just looked down at his shoes as he gave in to the wishes of his mother in cowardice and shame.

Billy looked back up at me and his eyes widened even further as I took a step toward him until we were only inches apart.

"Billy, have you ever touched a naked woman's ass before?" I whispered in his ear as I took his left hand and placed it on my bare backside.

Billy's breathing became heavier but he was reticent to move his hand around and really explore my derriere.

"Go ahead, really feel of it," I said as I pressed Billy's hand into my buttocks. "Give it a good caress. I want you to."

Billy swallowed hard. Although timid at first, within seconds Billy was giving my ass an eager fondling. I cooed ever so softly as Billy stroked my behind.

"It feels good doesn't it?"

Hypnotized by my womanly virtues, Billy nodded his head yes as if he were in a trance.

"Billy," I glanced down at by boobs and back at him," I want you to look at my titties."

Billy's eyes dropped down as he took a good look at my breasts.

"Do you like what you see?"

"Oh, yes ma'am," Billy said. "They're amazing; they're lovely."

"Would you like to touch them?"

"Really? Could I?"

Taking Billy's right hand, I placed it on my naked breast. The freshman took great delight in caressing it.

I could hear the police knocking again. Although this time it seemed the officer was only a couple doors down, distracted, Billy didn't seemed to notice.

"Billy, I've got another very important question to ask you," I said, trying to hide the desperation in my voice.

Billy looked at me expectantly.

"Have you ever touched a woman's pussy?"

His eyes lit up as I took his hand off my ass and pressed it against my nether region, moaning ever so slightly as his fingers made contact with my womanhood.

"Do you like touching me?"

Billy enthusiastically nodded his head yes.

"If you let me spend the night, I'll let you touch me anywhere you want for as long as you want with any part of your body that you want to touch me with, anything, anywhere. I'll be yours to play with all night."

Gaining courage, Billy looked down at my hooch and began stroking my twat lightly with his fingers.

"If you want, I'll even touch you. I'll touch you in ways you've never been touched before, delightful ways, using all of my body."

"All of your body?"

"All of my body touching all of your body. Everything I have can be yours for the night."

Placing my hand under his chin, I lifted his head until Billy's eyes were looking into mine, and moistened my lips.

"Have you ever kissed a naked girl?"

Just as Billy started to shake his head no, I pulled him towards me, and kissed him, a wet, passionate kiss, a lover's kiss, and let out a few soft moans of ecstasy as I did so. At first he tried to resist but it took only seconds before he wrapped his arms around me and began kissing me back. I lowered my hand to his ass, pressed his boner into my nether region, and rubbed on it ever so slightly.

I whispered in Billy's ear, "Have you ever made love?"

Billy paused and appeared confused, as if he didn't know to what to say.

"Made love with someone else? Made love to a woman?"

As Billy shook his head no I could hear footsteps walking up to our door, it was the police. The doorknob rattled and shook as the officer checked to see if it was locked. Startled, Billy gasped and looked terrified. Before the freshman could say or do anything, I grabbed Billy by the hair of his head, slid my hand down the back of his pants, fondled his backside, jerked him against me, and locked up his lips with mine.

Boom, boom, boom, "Police, open up. I'm looking for a fugitive in the building."

As the officer beat on the door, suddenly Billy's attention changed from me to the door as he looked anxiously towards it and grunted in protest. Billy tried to break free from my lips but I held him with all my might and started using my tongue. Confused and conflicted between his morality and his libido, Billy hesitated. Boom, boom, boom, the officer's knocking echoed throughout the little dorm room and frightened Billy to the point that he looked like he'd just sucked on a spark plug.

"Police, come to the door."

Again, Billy grunted and tried to break away but I grappled him with everything I had, including my lips, wrapped a leg around him, and wouldn't let him go. Although Billy wiggled and grunted a little, he didn't put everything he had into escaping. In fact, the more I kissed him, the less Billy resisted, veritably melting into my arms. A few moments later, we could hear the sounds of the police officer moving down to the next door, knocking, and asking for admittance, the officer had moved on. With Billy looking greatly relieved, I reached down and began unbuckling his belt. Shocked, Billy didn't know what to do.

"But what about my mother?" Billy whispered.

"Your mother's not here," I whispered back sternly as I unzipped the freshman's fly.

"But..." Billy froze, his eyes bulged, and he completely lost his train of thought as I slid his pants and underwear down to his ankles and his erect cock popped out of his underwear came into view.

As I stood up, I made sure to brush his manhood with my hair. Surprised by the touch, Billy quivered and looked at me nervously. Never having shown his manhood to a girl before, Billy looked terribly insecure, unsure if he'd measure up. I glanced at his cock and gave Billy a reassuring smile.

"Billy, you've got to decide."

"Decide want?"

"You've got to decide whether you're going to continue to be just a little mama's boy or," I said as I stroked Billy's manhood lightly, "whether tonight, are you going to grow up and become a man?"

Billy gulped.

"Do you have any rubbers?" I said as I caressed his cock some more.

I could feel Billy's muscles harden, his pulse begin to race, and his manhood throb.

"My roommate does," Billy said. "A whole box of them."

"Good," I whispered as I nibbled at Billy's ear. "We're going to need them."

Reaching for a nearby drawer, Billy pulled out an unopened box of 12 condoms and started to tear off the lid but suddenly stopped and looked conflicted again.

"I don't know. They're not my rubbers, they're my roommate's and he's not here tonight; he's at his girlfriend's place."

"Buy him some more," I grumbled as I took off Billy's glasses and tossed them on the desk.

How many do you think we'll need?"

"All of them."

"All of them?" Billy looked incredulous.

The police officer knocked on another door even further down the hall.

"Every single one," I said before kissing Billy again. "Tonight, I'm going to completely wear you out."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Billy said, his eyes widening and his breath quickening as I stroked his cock again. "I'll, I'll buy him some more," he stammered.

I ripped the lid off the box of condoms and grabbed one while, in a frenzy, Billy began unbuttoning his shirt.

"Which bed is yours?" I asked

Naked and with his flagpole at full staff, Billy pointed to the bed on the left and I pushed him in it, climbed on top of him, and ripped open the foil condom packet with my teeth. Suddenly, Billy looked concerned.

"I don't know what to do," Billy said as I straddled on top of him and rolled the rubber down his cock. "I've never actually done this before."

"Just brace yourself," I said as I positioned his manhood just under my hooch. "It's about to get really wild."

I bit my lower lip and let out a little moan of pleasure as I slid my pussy down onto his cock. Wide eyed, Billy's expression was a combination of fear, confusion, and an wildly eager expectancy. I gave him a little smile and started stroking Billy's manhood, slow at first but gradually speeding up until I was giving the freshman all that I had.

With all of the adrenaline and sexual energy from my streak, I was ready to give the horny little virgin the greatest fucking he'll ever have. I not only intended to make him a man that night, I intended to blow his mind. When it came to sex, my motto was always go big or go home; making love is not something that should ever be done half-ass. And, after all that I'd been through, I was so pumped that I didn't think that I could have restrained myself even if I'd wanted to.

Grabbing onto his shoulders, I began grinding on top of him, getting my entire body into the act. At first, Billy was reticent to do anything, fearful of making a fool of himself. But, as he stopped thinking about what he was doing and started doing about what he was thinking, hormones and instinct took over and he began grinding on me and grunting as well. Losing all inhibitions, Billy bit his lower lip and threw everything he had into his carnal desires.

Horney as hell, it was only a couple of minutes before my entire body tensed, I felt hot, my nipples became really pert, my abdominal muscles tightened, my hooch started contracting, the muscles in my legs started rapid and spastic movements, I became drenched in sweat, my face became flush, and I began shaking all over. Then, my neck muscles tightened, my head began to quiver, and my nether region burned in passionate desire. In a frenzy, I began wildly pumping Billy's manhood in an animalistic satisfaction of my own carnal urges.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!" Grunting and panting uncontrollably, every muscle in my body suddenly tensed as a wave of ecstasy engulfed me, and every muscle in my body spasmed. As I came, it took everything I had not to scream at the top of my lungs in ecstasy.

I did my best to stay quiet as I'd hate to alert the police as to my location and have them burst in on me right at that moment. It'd be bad enough to be arrested in the nude but I'd really hate to be busted while riding Billy's dick in the freshman dorm and get cuffed mid-orgasm. I sure didn't want to be dragged out of the building naked, in handcuffs with sex hair, covered in sweat, and red in all the wrong places.

After that, it didn't take long. Only seconds after I stopped quivering, Billy's eyes bulged, he began pumping me as hard as I'd been stroking him, his breath became rapid and shallow, sweat beaded up on his bare chest, his lips pursed, he arched his back, he began grunting as if he were giving birth, every muscle in his body tensed at once, he grabbed the sheets so hard that his knuckles were white, his face turned red and contorted, his blood pressure looked like he was about to explode, and, a moment later, Billy came into a woman's pussy for the first time.

"Agh! Agh! Agh! Agh! Ahhhhhhh!" Billy moaned.

Breathless and dazed, at first Billy became completely limp (in every way), physically and mentally exhausted. After a minute or so, once his breathing became almost normal and his blood pressure lowered, Billy smiled, a really, really big smile.

"Wow," Billy said so stunned and overwhelmed by the experience that he could barely speak, "that was amazing."

No longer shy, Billy kissed me passionately, the way kissing was meant to be, filled with lust and emotion. Sweaty, naked, and exhausted, we embraced as Billy clasped a hand on my behind. It felt good and I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him back.

I smiled, "Ready to go again?"

Thirteen hours and six condoms later, Billy found me some clothes, found himself some courage, and he, along with a couple of his friends, smuggled me out of the dormitory past the dorm monitor, and gave me a ride back to my apartment. As they were dropping me off at Cornetta, Billy remembered to ask me what happened, how was it that I'd managed to end up naked in his room, being chased by police.

I simply said, "I was streaking," and left it at that.

Although we never dated again, I kept up with Billy and we occasionally had lunch together. The affect that our night together had on Billy's life was more than I could have imagined. He began wearing blue jeans, ignoring what his mother said, going out every weekend instead of studying, attending parties, dating a girl, buying boxes of condoms, getting fitted for contact lenses, and wearing sunglasses.

No longer satisfied with a safe and simple life after our night together, Billy decided to start living dangerously by routinely disregarding petty rules, secreting his girlfriend overnight in his dorm room, occasionally drinking alcohol with her even though they were underage, getting her naked as much as he could, and making love to her as often as possible. The couple recently even bought a book on Kama Sutra. Most importantly, Billy has never even considered throwing his girlfriend out into the hall naked, not even once.

Of course, a few days after my streak, I got fully bimbotized at the Beta house with my Carolina blue panties nailed to the wall of shame alongside eleven of the most embarrassing 8 ½ by 11 inch glossy nude photographs of me looking shocked and humiliated that were framed and mounted. Although the Beta brothers made sure that I got an invitation to my bimbotizing ceremony, I politely declined to attend my own enshrinement. Nevertheless, Morgan, Suzi, and Terry gladly accepted Beta's invitation on behalf of Sigma and celebrated the event. Though I heard it was quite a party, I can't honestly say whether I'm sorry that I missed it or not. While it grates me to think of demeaning myself in front of my traitorous friends, a part of me wishes that I showed up and accepted the honors.
