Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion Ch. 15


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They gathered up the soaking towels and used another couple to sponge up and get as much of the rest soaking the sheet and mattress. Olivia held the garbage bag open so they could toss the soiled linens in and closed it again quickly.

"Damn, that's a lot of pussy in that bag."

"That's just from playing?"

"Yeah. We're almost out of towels and cloths we go through so many."

"Bring it all over to my place and use our washer and dryer."

"Really? Oh Marlene that would be great. Wouldn't mind a bunch of panties and stuff too?"

"Bring it all. Hey, I better call Vic and let him know I'm alright and he doesn't come looking for me."

"Yeah, good idea."

"Your bag is downstairs at the door."

"Be right back."

Marlene left the room wrapped in a towel and dashed down the stairs to her bag. She lost the towel by the bottom and held it as she went to get her bag. She reached in and hit the speed dial for Vic's phone and heard it ring outside the door. She was stunned at first, until she realized he had to be right outside and coming to the door. Marlene shut her phone off and grabbed her bag and the towel and dashed back upstairs and slammed the door behind her.

"He's here!"

"Who's here?"


"How do you know?"

"I just called him and his phone rang just outside the front door, that's how I know he's here. Fuck, what am I going to do?"

"Shit, uhm, okay, go in the bathroom and and act like you were washing yourself and I'll say you're doing that because...uhm, because of sat on the chair and it had something on it that we needed to wash your pants out. Yeah, go, go, I'll handle it. Hurry."

Marlene dashed towards the bathroom, as the door was knocked, setting off the start of a lie Olivia worked on with Lisa as they went downstairs. Lisa dashed to the kitchen to deal with Chelsea and have the girls disappear upstairs while they dealt with it. Everyone was ready and Olivia took a deep breath and readied herself. She opened the door and Vic was standing on the porch trying to call Marlene back and Bert was ready to knock again. There was a moment between them as they looked at each other and Olivia could see his affection for her.

"Hi Bert, what's up?"

"Hi Olivia, we were just wondering if you girls were okay, you've been gone a while a didn't hear from you. How come you're not dressed yet?"

"Oh sorry, little situation to deal with."

Olivia held the door, not letting them in, hoping she could dissuade them to leave and not worry about them. Vic heard about a situation and listened in.

"What situation? Marlene alright?"

"Yeah Vic, she's fine. She's up in the bathroom cleaning up."

"Cleaning up? From what?"

Olivia went out and closed the door, then took Vic's arm to lead him away from the door. Bert automatically followed and Olivia began her lie.

"Okay, here's what happened. When we got here, everything was okay, there was no danger or anything. We went to get changed and found out we had zip to wear, pretty well everything we brought is dirty, so we needed to do some washing. I said all we had was a big wash tub to use downstairs in the cellar."

"Yeah, over by the oil tank, I saw it."

"Right. So, she said she'd go down and get it and apparently we have a drip or a leak in the oil tank she said."

"She sure it's a leak? It could just be drippage from when I filled it."

"No, I'm pretty sure she said it was a leak, see, she bent over to pick up the tub and backed into the leak and it soaked her pants."

"Shit, that'll make her cheek a little red."

"Uh, it was right between her cheeks, right on her, you know."

"Oh shit, is she alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, she'll be fine. She certainly said some foul things about you and oil, but I think she'll be okay once the stinging goes down. She got a cold compress pressed against her to ease the sting. We tried everything we have here to take it away, but she's pretty red and swollen right now and well, she's not in the best of moods, if you know what I mean. I'll go up and tell her you're here and that you guys were here because of your concern for our safety and hopefully that makes her feel better about you."

"Fuck. I'm sorry Olivia. I should have done an inspection on it after I filled it like I'm supposed to. The seals on those things could go at any time and putting all that oil in has probably put too much pressure on them. I'll come out first thing tomorrow and check and fix anything for free, my way of saying sorry."

Olivia was beside herself that her lie was playing out in her favour. She wasn't sure if there was a leak or not, but remembering the wash tub was a stroke of brilliance that she came up with. Now she gave Marlene a few days grace without Vic wanting to touch her and saved face with them from them knowing what really happened.

"Vic, you're a sweetheart. I'm just sorry we had to find out this way. More Marlene than us. Look, let me go up and tell her and come back and let you know what she says. I do know we have an invite to do laundry at your place, if that's alright?"

"Oh yes, please, bring it over, no problem. I can imagine it's tough not having your own machines. I know Marlene would go crazy without them."

"Yeah, she'd have you down at the river beating them on rocks."

"She would, don't kid yourself. She's one feisty woman at times, I'll give her that."

"Yeah, I kind of got that from her already. Get's very emotionally charged."

"Yup, that's her."

"Okay, be right back. Best just hang out here, girls are half naked with no clothes. Oh, Ill being your stuff out, Bert and Thanks, that was so sweet to let us use them and I guess, dress us. I, we appreciate that gesture of respect."

Olivia flashed them a big smile to disarm them and went back inside and closed the door. She leaned against it and sighed heavily at pulling it off. She grabbed Lisa and pulled her upstairs to Marlene in the bathroom. She was actually holding a cold compress against herself to cool the burning sting and the heat of arousal.

Olivia told them what she had told Vic and Bert and set the stage for them how to play it out from there. They told her it was brilliant and all took their cues from it to continue it. Olivia went back out and talked to Vic and Bert and explained how Marlene was.

"Okay, she says you;re forgiven, but as you can imagine, she said to tell you to watch a lot of TV for the next few days. Also, this was her idea, not mine or anyone else, but she said she wants me and the girls to stay at your house tonight. You guys have the room more than Bert and this place is far from livable at he moment. The bed is a bit in-sleepable if you remember what it was like."

The guys nodded, remembering the scene they walked in on and what was happening.

"I get you. Sure, I guess we can figure something out. Girls got yourselves into quite the situation with all of this."

"It sure did and it's left us a bit out of sorts as well. Not sure what to do right now about being here and what might happen."

"Well, I think that part is over now, at least I hope it is."

"Why would you think that? Heather could still come back any time and try to do that again and maybe succeed next time."

"Olivia, we didn't quite tell you every thing that happened last night. I know this is going to come as a bit of a shock, but your Aunt Millie was a part of it."

"What? How? When?"

Olivia was shocked by the news and Bert put his arm around her to comfort her. She didn't quite accept his arm, but didn't push him away either. She wanted to know about it all first, before she went to anyone for comfort. Vic got her to sit on the steps between Bert and him and began explaining everything after they dropped them off at Bert's and left. Olivia was horrified to know Millie's part in it all, but after Vic explained why, she understood better, but still hurt from the deceit. She was disgusted by what the girls did to Heather trying to stop her doing anymore harm.

Olivia was beside herself knowing the outcome of what Heather was going to do to Millie and then the stunning news of Livy and Josie coming to her rescue. She sat with the greatest difficulty hearing what they had done to Heather to end her reign in this realm, trying to imagine such delicate and gentle souls doing such a thing. They kept Walter a secret from her and didn't mention him at all to her.

By the end, Olivia was comforted by the fact Heather would no longer be a threat to her, but it unsettled her deep inside, knowing for certain now that something else was doing the possessing of them.

"Vic, thanks for the news and I'm so sorry about it all and my Aunt. I barely had a chance to know her and had no idea."

Olivia started to sniffle and have tears roll down and Bert took that as a sign to comfort her and put his arm around her shoulders. Olivia turned and kissed his cheek and patted his hand, then got up and excused herself to go in and share the news. Bert and Vic weren't sure what to do, but figured going inside was out of the question and decided on going back to see Joe at his place.

Olivia went in and made it to the stairs and sat, thinking of the tragedy that happened and the loss as a result. Her tears came moments later and brought her sobbing hard into her hands. Lisa and Chelsea came out of the kitchen immediately when they heard the wails and sobs, sitting and comforting her on either side. Marlene came out and stood at the top of the stairs naked and looked at them. She came down and sat behind Olivia and waited to hear what it was about. Olivia calmed enough, wiped her nose and sniffled, before she could say anything. She told them everything Vic had told her and tears were shared by all shortly after. They were shocked to know about Millie and what she did and to know she had a part in it all along. Knowing Heather was apparently gone for good, gave them all some piece of mind, but Olivia kept her thoughts about the possessing energy to herself still.

They went up to the room and Livy and Josie were sitting on the bed with the look of guilt and impending punishment on their faces. Olivia looked at them both and couldn't help but go to them and let them know she was alright with what they did. Tears were shed and shared again, as the girls bonded with Olivia.

"I can see why you love them so much. They're adorable. I'm still a bit taken by what they can do to a woman though."

"I know, look at little Miss Happy Pants there."

They turned and looked at Chelsea standing there rubbing herself all over smiling away, just enjoying the sensation of it.

"She'll be like that for hours. You didn't see it, but Livy had her hand in her pussy and Josie was up her ass just giving it to her and she was lying on the table just loving it. They could do anything to you and I mean anything, and you'd get off on it."


"Damn right, damn. So, no more ghost touches for you. You had your taste and know, so you're warned not to venture there again, or you'll be little Miss Happy Pants."

"Right, I'm still feeling the reminder of that, so no worries. I won't be doing it again."

"Good, we need you being normal and not going off the rails lesbo like us."

"You know, we should get dressed and go to my place. Bring all the laundry and we'll get it all done, sheets and stuff too. We'll get some take out and have a girl's night. Do laundry, play cards, shoot the shit and just have fun. I think we need some of that about now."

"You know, that's a great idea. Give us a chance to get our heads together and get past everything. I'm in."

"Ollie, Marlene has invited all of us to her place to do laundry and get take out. We can hang out there and try and have some fun, we really need to have some of that about now, don't you think?"

Olivia raised her head and looked at Lisa, then a naked Marlene, then at Chelsea playing with herself and started laughing, nodding her head at the idea of it.

"Yeah, I think we need some fun."

Marlene got her phone and talked to Vic, telling him what was happening and to make plans to stay with Bert for the night. Vic heard why and agreed he'd be happier there as well. Marlene tossed her phone in her bag and smiled happily at the girls.

"We're on for girl's night."

The girls cheered, except for Livy and Josie and Marlene wondered why.

"You can come too girls, it's okay."

"They can't Marlene. They're bound to the property and can't leave."

"Oh no, really?"

"It's okay, Marlene, we don't mind."

"Are you sure? I feel bad you can't come with us."

Olivia was mildly pleased that Marlene cared about them and eased her mind.

"They'll be fine, Marlene. They're quite good at keeping themselves amused."


"Yes, Livy?"

"You know what we'd love to do?"

"What sweetie?"

"Sit in front of a fire and read books. We used to do that and we miss it so much."

"Oh, yes, that sounds like a great idea, definitely you can do that."

"We know how to make a fire, but all the books are gone."

"Oh right, damn."

"I have an idea."

"What is it Chelsea?"

"They can use my reader. I brought it with me and I'm not using it."

Livy and Josie had no idea what Chelsea was talking about as she went in to get it. She came back and switched it on and sat between them to show them how easy it was to use. When the girls saw how many books were available, they were thrilled and couldn't wait to try it. Chelsea showed them how to do the functions and the girls took to it instantly, flipping pages and checking out titles.

"I'll get my charger and plug it in so the batteries don't go dead on you and you can read as long as you like."

"Chelsea, thank you, this is so wonderful. We loved reading and it was one of our favourite things to do together."

"Smart girls. No wonder you know so much, good for you."

"Papa told me reading was fun and books had lots of adventures to read about. He would always bring me back a book or two when he came back home."

"I wonder if any of your books are in any trunks or boxes we didn't open. We'll have to check and see and hopefully have them for you."

"That would be so wonderful. I think this is amazing. So many books in one small little thing. How do they fit them all in?"

"Technology sweetheart. We'll have to explain a whole lot to you two how things work these days. So, you'll be alright then, if we go to Marlene's for the night?"

"Oh yes, Josie and I will be happy reading in front of a fire tonight."

"Great. Okay, help us strip the beds and gather all the towels and dirty clothes and we'll make a fire before we go and you guys can just add to it as it goes down."

Livy gave Olivia a big hug and kiss and hugged her tightly again, showing her affection and happiness. Josie did the same and they went to each woman and thanked them. Hearts and moods were lighter now, as they gathered the laundry up and bagged it. The girls dressed and Marlene was a little reluctant to wear her pants, the dampness not a very appealing feel to have against her.

"Fuck it, we're only going to my place, I'll just wrap a towel around my waist, That's good enough for now."

Marlene took a towel and checked it by holding her face in it and smelling it.

"I love the smell of your detergent, the lavender smell is so lovely."

Olivia had to chuckle and the others too.

"Uhm, that's not my detergent, Marlene, that's the smell of the girl's cum."

Marlene looked at the towel in amazement and couldn't help but smell it again.

"Smells lovely, who cares? Like my smell isn't over enough stuff already."

She wrapped it around her waist and declared herself ready to go. The girls were dressed and Lisa had a fire started for the girls for later. The girls took their dresses into the other room and laid them on the bed carefully, then they pulled the settee around so they could sit together, then they all went down with bags to the door. A somewhat teary goodbye was had, before the girls piled in the pick up truck. Livy and Josie floated beside the truck to the end of the driveway and waved, as they watched them drive away. The girls raced back running like they were kids again, holding hands and giggling happily, as they went back in and began their day together.

Millie was standing in the kitchen humming away to herself as she cooked breakfast. She knew the meal would go to waste completely and none of it would be eaten, but it was what she knew she had to do to keep up her end of the cover up. She waited until the toast came up and buttered it, then picked up the phone and called the town's police department and told them Walter was missing. She acted just as desperate as she should under the circumstances and waited to hang up, before instantly going back to humming, as she put some things away in the fridge and sipped her tea.

The room upstairs was cleaned and dressed to look like a bedroom, a small area rug covering the spot where blood had been scrubbed clean. There was no sign the room was Millie's playroom with Walter and the sex toys and gadgets had been lovingly put away so no one would ever find them. Nothing would seem out of place from inside or out, giving any indication foul play had occurred.

Joe was surprised to see Vic and Bert show up, knowing they were supposed to be at home pretending to be having a normal day. He invited them in and they sat at the kitchen table to talk about the girls and what the new plans were with them. There wasn't much choice in the matter, so they decided on a guy's night together and take a break from it all. In the meantime, they sat with an anxiousness for a call from Millie to say she had called and everything was in progress.

The three didn't take long to sit and drink coffee and discuss all the sexual escapades that were being had by everyone. It amazed them that people they knew were doing things they'd only seen in videos and magazines. It made them wonder how many other people could be involved in things like that and they were soon making a list of people they either knew had an alternate lifestyle, or suspected of having one. Within half an hour, they had a list of eight definite and thirty three possibles. That alone amazed them to consider that in a small town of eighteen thousand and change.

The girls piled out at Marlene's place and took the laundry in. They got a load started and then sat in the living room while Marlene changed. She came back in wearing an orange tank top and a printed, loose skirt in purples and blues, the two not going together at all for style. Marlene saw their looks and laughed.

"Yeah, I know, but trust me. I put panties on and the damn things disappeared inside me. Pants felt like shit, so I picked a loose skirt to wear and my nipples were sore inside a bra, so, I wore this."

"It was the twin peaks that caught my eye. Same thing happened to all of us. Damn things stick out like sore thumbs and it takes nothing to get them going when they're like that."

"I know, that's what I meant about the bra. Even this is making them feel tingly for God's sake, but I don't know what else to wear?"

"Go topless then. Your house, just us girls."

"Are you sure? It would be nice to have nothing rubbing them all the time."

They all said they were okay with it and Marlene pulled the top over her head and bared her breasts to them again.

"Yeah Marlene, they are pretty sensitive looking. Might be best to let them settle down a bit."

The air was chilly enough they started hardening, making them ache and Marlene had to rub them to take it away.

"Damn things. Did this happen to all of you too?"

"Yes, pretty well. Very first time, my nipple was swollen for hours and I could almost cum from touching it, it was so sensitive."

"Really Olivia?"

"Yeah, but call me Ollie, I like that better."