Megan & Jessie #06


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Jessie wasn't fazed, "Pfft, it's no big deal Megan. People don't really mind that much. I read once that places like this had nude swimming all the time. Heck, kids are all in school, so if it's just us adults, no one will mind!"

I think I knew what Jessie had meant, but it was a weak excuse. I didn't want her to get in trouble, for her to be hurt. Yet that's when she got free from my grip and swam away! I wanted to call to her, but more attention wasn't something I need to draw! I tried to swim after her to catch her, but I knew it wouldn't work. I was stuck without a plan, and things got worse as one of the other girls called out, "Hello!"

I tried to ignore them, maybe they'd go away. Yet I heard them call again, they approached the pool.

I wasn't sure if they saw Jessie yet, but perhaps I could distract the other girls. I turned, and pulled myself out of the pool. I walked my dripping body over to them, trying not to look guilty or too nervous.

"Oh, hey! Heheh, I think we saw each other before?" I tried to start some small talk. The shorter girl started to already bob on her feet, trying to look past me! I then thought I could perhaps get the focus put on them. I noticed they weren't in swimming suits. "Get lost? You don't seem dressed for a swim."

The taller of the two responded. "Your friend doesn't' either!" A pit grew in my stomach. They did see Jessie skinny dipping!

"I can explain!" I blurted out. Probably not the best idea to say that, made us look even worse! I was bad being on the spot, so I went with the only excuse I could think of. "You haven't heard? Places like this do nude swimming all the time!"

The shorter one giggled. "Um, not since like the 70's I thought," she said. My face was red, I felt foolish to suggest that was still a thing. Yet I had nothing else to go with.

I had to keep going. "Honest. It's just a thing they do here, I guess. Only during school days like today of course," I couldn't do it, I couldn't look confident by using the excuses I myself didn't buy earlier.

Both girls seemed to ponder for a moment. "You know, you act like someone who did something wrong," one pondered.

"Yeah, those don't' even look like they're a real bikini! You see how they're clinging to her body?" My face turned totally crimson in an instant! I covered up quickly, realizing I was in just my soaking wet underwear, not a real swimsuit!

My brain reached for the best suggestion. I didn't like it, but I had to protect Jessie. "I... I was going to join my friend... cause it really isn't wrong... I just was too shy." It was true, Jessie did want me to join her and I was too afraid. A bit of truth would help my story hopefully!

The girls didn't relent though. The black haired one quipped, "Too shy, or too afraid to be caught and thrown out? Just not as much of a thrill seeker as her I take it?"

"Yeah, where's the shame in enjoying sanctioned nude swims?" The other added on. I was really at a crossroad now.

The accusative women weren't giving up. Were they going to turn us in? I had to think of something. The only thought though was to at least eliminate one of their points... my shame! Though, I couldn't stop from blushing... I could 'prove' that I didn't think it was against the rules to be naked...

My heart almost stopped. I knew what I had to do, but my body couldn't do it. I was actually considering undressing in front of the two strangers! I knew it would be impossible; there was no way I could reveal myself like that.

Then I heard Jessie giggle and splash about. She didn't know a thing of the risk going on. I didn't want to ruin her fun. I didn't want to scare her or get her in trouble. I had to do something... and only one thing was left.

"Maybe you're right. It really isn't so a big deal," I tried to laugh it off, but it probably still sounded nervous. I averted my gaze, not wanting them to see the fear in my eyes. I reached behind my back, and started to undo the latch on my bra.

"You... you both don't have to stare!" I say, noticing they were indeed watching me undress. This was making it tougher! "Do it for Jessie, do it for Jessie" I chanted in my head. I got the bra down my arms, and my breasts were exposed in the pool room!

Without letting myself show too much doubt, I kept going, and started to take off my soaking boyshorts. The navy garment was down and off, and I was naked in front of two strangers! I tried to will up any courage I still had. I decided to really insist it was fine. "So, were you two going to join? I assume that's why you're not in suits, wanted to save time by undressing here?"

I was hoping I'd leave them speechless, but they both giggled. Their eyes were all over me. Nervously I covered my chest. They could have called my bluff, and I think I had no more steam to keep going at that point.

Fortune favored me though, and they shrugged. "Nope, we were heading the sauna actually. We were only teasing you. It's funny how some girls don't know about the naked swimming hours here. We just thought you were one of them. Well, toodles," the brunette responded. I was so relieved to hear them say that.

Actually, wait, was Jessie right? Did they allow naked swimming this whole time?! The two girls got one last good look in before they walked off. I felt totally embarrassed, but at least they weren't running to the front desk to tell on us!

I almost died from shock when arms were around me! A slick wet body was pressed to me. I arched my back, and felt the cushioning of incredible breasts. The arms around my waste were dangerously close to hugging my breasts; I could feel my boobs sitting atop the arm like it was a shelf.

"Jesssieee!" I knew who it had to be of course. I would have probably fallen if not for her holding me. This was way too much! Why was I suddenly in a naked embrace with her?

"What were you up to? I saw you getting naked for these two. What was so special about them and not me?" she asked. Was she jealous?! Did she actually want me to undress for her?!

"Um, no! I just, I was!" I didn't know what to say.

"Well, no biggie, up for a swim again now that you're more comfortable?" I wasn't comfortable being naked, but I also didn't want to end the embrace. Yet I knew I couldn't trust myself for much longer, so I reluctantly agreed.

She let go, and I was able to follower her back to the water. I was nervous, not sure if the other girls were telling the truth. Now both of us could get in trouble!

She dove right in, and I was left to carefully step in. I froze when she looked back, me reaching a toe into the water. I've never skinny dipped in a gym pool before after all, so I wasn't so sure about just jumping in. With my leg out though, I worried how much of a view she got. I covered up again, even though I'd need my arms out to actually swim. "Stop waiting and get in!" She shouted to me.

I rolled my eyes, and then started to sit down. I dipped my shins in, and then scooted forward till I could just slip into the water slowly. I was finally neck deep, and had to uncover myself. I hated how I could look down and see myself through the water's surface. Clean chlorine water was not ideal for hiding a naked body!

Megan and Jessie #6

By Jappio

Part 3

"See, isn't it nice?" Jessie asked me. I was still staying in just one place. I felt so trapped, being naked in the water. Jessie really was the total opposite of me. I wish I could enjoy stuff as much as she does.

"It's alright I guess. Don't worry about me so much," I tried to let her just have her fun.

Jessie then put on her serious face, a rare sight. She swam up to me. I tried to turn my body, knowing my bare breasts would be right in her line of sight. Yet she turned me right back towards her, but her eyes met mine instead. "I will worry about you all I like! I care about you Megan, and I want to make sure you're having the time of your life!"

I think I could have drowned. My face felt so hot, and I was totally paralyzed. To hear words like that from her had me totally stunned! Jessie was such a fantastic friend. I know she can be a bit oblivious, but she did seem to earnestly want what was best for me. How I wish though I could hear those words in a slightly different context, one that wasn't her just being a great friend.

"Um... but, I just mean... you shouldn't," I was stammering again. It probably drove her nuts how her friend had such issues talking to her.

"No butts here, well, besides our cute pair of butts!" Jessie then swiveled in the water and bumped her hip to mine. My jaw dropped. She thought my butt was cute?!

"No! I'm not! It's not! Only yours is like that! Yours is like perfect!" I blurted out. I 'eeped' and turned away again. I said it out loud!

"Heh, we went over it before. I need some work. I don't have that like natural petite look you do. Yet the bits of roundness you do have are in just the right spots, and it just all accumulates into that adorable cute look of yours. I think you don't look in the mirror enough," I gave her a shove in the shoulder as I refused to make any eye contact. My face felt so hot that I was worried the water would start to evaporate around me.

I couldn't keep quiet much more. "Jess, you do not need to work out more! What you do already has you looking so perfect as is! I... I just, I don't know how anyone could not look at you and think perfection!" I was feeling too flustered to think straight. Do friends say something like that to each other?

"Aww, Megan! You know just how to make a girl feel better about herself!" She seemed quite happy at the comment! I could barely tell though, because I was still having troubles looking her way. Though she loves to emote with her hands and arms, and when they wrapped around me, it was clear she was happy. She then swam past me. "Ok, maybe you're right that neither of us have to work too hard. I still had fun here today. How about we finish up and go out to get a treat?"

I nodded in agreement, turning to follow her. I still couldn't get over what she said. Though my mind went blank when she started to get out of the pool! Her body was stretched out, one foot up on the side of the pool, the other still in the water. My eyes nearly bulged out. That perfect butt of hers I just complimented looked incredible of course with this front row seat I was getting. Her bare and shaved pussy didn't look half bad either the way it was clearly revealed with her spread legs.

I'm so glad she didn't notice how totally dazed I was when she turned to help me out. I tried to get up on the ledge, but it was of course tough to lift myself up using a slipper edge. Jessie though reached down, and grabbed my wrists and pulled.

I now was looking up at her. She was so gorgeous. Her wet hair hung down. Her breasts were swaying. Her back war arched as she was bent down to reach me. Our faces were so close for a few moments as I got a knee onto the ground. I was nearly out. Yet I started to close my eyes, thinking for just a moment that it would be so romantic for her to just kiss me.

Jessie was fit though and she had even my totally wet body pulled out of the water and onto the ground in no time. I really wasn't' prepared for being brought to my feet, and on wobbly legs, I was about to fall. Really, the risk was minimal though, as I was still in front of Jessie. I tumbled forward some, but she was there to catch me.

That's when it all started to go in slow motion for me. Our bare and wet bodies slapped together in that first instance. I slowly was cushioned against her. The feeling of her soft breasts slowing my impact was incredible. Her arms moved to the side and wrapped around me to hold me steady. I had no balance, so all my weight was on her.

Jessie giggled. "Whoops, watch your step!" And she straightened me out. She didn't fully let me go, she let a hand drift and hold my wrist again. "Before any more accidents, let's go wind down!" I think I nodded, but that could have just been me dizzy from the sudden contact between us.

I was nearly floating. That brief moment, on top of all the others, was insane. Her skin... it was so soft.

"I am sorry for being so silly. I guess I was just feeling a bit down, you know? Yet you still put up with it, I appreciate it. You're such a great friend," I nodded again I think. Her skin, it was so smooth.

"Yet a bit of steam should clear my head a bit more. Maybe we should still make this a thing. It was nice having company. Or maybe you could just come to my house when I want to exercise, to keep me company, you know?" I was listening to her; I'm pretty sure at least. Her skin, it was so warm.

"Well, let's let ourselves in, ok?" Her skin, it was just so perfect. I wanted to touch it again... Wait, let ourselves in?

Jessie was still naked, and now had her other hand on the handle of a door. I looked around; we'd made it to the side of the pool room. She was about to walk us into the sauna!

"WAIT! Woah, where are we going? I mean, you can't just... there's people, and we're not dressed!" I remembered to cover my quite naked body in that moment. My underwear was over by the pool!

Jessie seemed puzzled. "After a workout, the sauna can help your skin re-breathe. It's very relaxing. Why let anything get in the way? And nothing wrong with a bit of extra company." I saw a towel with the gym's logo nearby, and I quickly grabbed it.

"No, we need to at least... Jessie!" I hissed, seeing her open the door. I only had the towel half around me. I was hoping to at least get her into one!

"Come on Megan, get in, the steam is getting out!" I sighed, and tried to scurry to her. I was barely covered, but what was she thinking? I made it to her side, and as I worried, we weren't alone in the room. More surprisingly though, we weren't the only ones naked!

The now naked brunette I had talked to a bit ago called out, "Oh my gosh! I'm so glad we're not the only naked ones!" I nervously got next to Jessie. I tried not to stare, but it was so confusing. The brunette and black haired girl were very naked. The brunette had her legs crossed and breasts covered. "I was so scared we were going to get in trouble. I really couldn't be sure if this was a clothing optional place or not!"

Did I actually convince them? There's no way. There was also a second brunette with them that was also totally naked. I think I saw her with them before.

"See, it's perfectly fine to be au natural. I told you it was fine," the raven haired girl of their trio commented. I guess I did give them enough doubt! I didn't intend to actually have more girls strip naked! If this went bad, I could get some perfectly innocent girls in trouble!

I wasn't about to admit to it being a lie though. I was totally naked, Jessie was totally naked... they'd think I was trying to play some trick on them. I stripped in front of them too, I don't' know what they'd think of me for doing that!

Jessie of course didn't bat an eye at all the nudity. She seemed happy even. "Don't mind if we join you, right?" my own dark haired friend asked.

"Sure, go right ahead. Nice and warm, really relaxing in here. You feel so at ease and free." For someone who had been so critical of Jessie's nudity earlier, she sure seemed friendly now! I just didn't know what I could even say. I joined Jessie, sitting down on one of the benches. I sat to Jessie's right, so I was at least half hidden. I couldn't believe I was now in a steam room, in just a towel, and four other girls totally naked around me!

"You know, I said it was best without anything. Why keep that thing on?" Jessie asked. I was so glad she was at least keeping quiet; as I hoped no one would hear that.

I pouted, "Jessie, you know I can't. They'd see me!" I hoped at least a little bit of Jessie would understand I was much more modest than she was.

"But didn't you get naked in front of them before?" She had me there! I was blushing intensely again. Earlier it was to protect her, but I thought it was unwise to bring that up. I tried dropping the subject.

Then, our group of five turned to six! A girl, not quite as naked the others, but close, joined us! It was the blonde who was wearing the sports bra earlier, but now all she had on were little striped bikini bottoms! Her breasts didn't stay exposed long though, and they were soon cradled under the woman's arms.

Jessie was up on her feet in an instant. She seemed far too happy to find the nearly naked woman joining us! "Ooo, another! Come, sit with us here!" She said. Then, Jessie was down on the bench again, a blonde on each of her sides.

"So, I was telling Megan that she should loosen up a bit, like the rest of us! She is a bit too shy, wouldn't you agree?" I couldn't believe Jessie was just inviting this stranger in on what had just been a private conversation! I was hoping she'd keep her mouth shut about at least some of it!

"Oh, you know, we're all the same in a way really. So no big deal," the woman explained. I wanted to disagree. I was not so comfortable with just flaunting my body. We all hardly were the same. Though all the girls here did look really nice in their own ways, no one even compared to Jessie!

"Exactly, no better way to relax than totally naked. Like, it's way more nice freeing like this!" Jessie had found a new friend I guess. She connected to people so easily. Not a care in the world as her breasts bounced in timing with her giggling. The odds Jessie would end up with 4 other nudists at once is astounding.

The other group was quiet as this new girl continued to talk with Jessie. "Yep, suppose you're right. I was a bit worried at first, but a lot better seeing you all like this too." She even let her arms drop back down. How do they all handle being naked with others looking? I couldn't even be this comfortable if naked alone! I was thankful for my towel.

Jessie continued to socialize, "My name's Jessie, how about yours?"

"Suzie, nice to meet you," Suzie responded.

Jessie's attention returned to me. "So, going to join us? Nothing wrong with getting naked too."

I tried to keep my voice down; I didn't want this to be public among everyone here. "Jessie, I'm just not sure I'm up for it. It's a bit embarrassing, to let everyone see me, you know? I mean, you don't but..."

"I guess I don't know why you'd want to hide your body. Didn't we just agree that we have nothing to be ashamed of?" Jessie horribly paraphrased.

"I never agreed to anything like that. I said you were fine!" I argued.

"Hm, but I don't' think anyone would mind if you were undressed. Maybe a bit jealous!" I really wished she wouldn't do this in front of everyone! Even if I were fully dressed I'd want to bury my head in the ground. These compliments were going to kill me!

I wasn't giving up my towel though. I couldn't go that far. "I'm comfy as is, ok?"

Jessie turned again, and looked at the other blonde. She set a hand on the girl's bare leg even! "Suzie here isn't shy. You wouldn't mind taking off her your bikini, right?"

Did Jessie grow bored with me and decided she had to strip a different blonde?! I wasn't sure if I should feel jealous, but I worried how few boundaries Jessie had! I didn't think stranger would appreciate the suggestion she get naked very much!

Just Jessie's luck though, the other woman went, "It wouldn't bother me at all. The human body is a... natural thing. Right? I mean, of course I'm right!" Jessie patted Suzie's bare leg.

Jessie clapped. "Excellent, show Megan it's no big deal at all. If four girls can't prove it, surely five can!" This couldn't be real! The girl actually did push her panties down! She wiggled in her seat, and managed to stand up. Pushing the striped garment to the ground, she was just as naked as everyone else! Jessie watched the whole thing enthusiastically too.