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"I'm not sure how Frank will react to me being naked, especially with his colleagues. He's quite a prude and never likes me wearing anything daring in public."

I suppressed the urge to tell her that Frank didn't seem to mind ogling other women. "What about your husband Sue?" I asked.

She frowned slightly before answering, "I don't know. Mark is the same as Frank. He urged me to get implants but he doesn't like me to even show much cleavage when we go out."

She paused and looked around before leaning closer to us and lowering her voice as she spoke.

"Um, I don't know about your husbands but from what I've seen so far Mark seems to be somewhat below average when it comes to size."

Jenny giggled, "I know what you mean, Frank seems distinctly average!"

I was secretly pleased to hear about Mark as he was the one that had tried to embarrass me at breakfast. As I remained silent, Jenny and Sue both looked at me expectantly.


"Well, how does James compare?" Sue asked.

I smiled, "I'm very happy with his equipment."

"That doesn't tell us much!" Jenny complained.

I shrugged and grinned, "You'll see for yourself later."

We all laughed and then Sue said, "I just can't imagine Mark getting naked around others."

"What will you do if he doesn't join in?" Jenny asked.

Sue shrugged, "I don't know but I'll be disappointed."

"How did James react when he found out he'd have to be naked with the others?" Sue questioned.

I smiled in recollection. "Apart from me and one of them, none of the guys knew they would have to be naked until we arrived at the changing room. They were quite shocked but I could tell that James was keen for me to participate. I acted appalled but then stripped off, much to his delight and surprise."

They giggled and I continued, "after that none of the guys hesitated and they all got naked straight away."

Jenny was blushing as she looked around before whispering, "Um, did any of them.... you know?"

I smiled, "You mean did any of them get an erection?"

Jenny nodded.

"Not right away but I could tell they weren't totally soft either. James was struggling to keep his arousal under control and he told me he finds it incredibly hot for others to see me naked."

"You said not right away, does that mean they did have erections later?" Sue asked.

I grinned and nodded.

Sue and Jenny looked at each other and I could tell they were surprised but also aroused. Sue's face and chest as well as the top of her breasts were pink and her nipples stiff. Jenny also looked hot and bothered and I'll admit I was also showing clear signs of sexual excitement.

"How about a dip in a pool?" I asked.

They both nodded in agreement.

"There are three choices. One is freezing the other two are warm with one having a high salt content."

"I don't like the sound of the freezing one!" Jenny exclaimed.

"Nor do I," Sue chimed in.

"OK, then let's do the salt first."

I stood up and the ladies did the same. As they reached for their towels I said, "Leave them here or someone is bound to take our loungers."

I pointed to the entrance of the salty pool and they only hesitated a moment before heading there. I let them lead. Sue went ahead with her head held high and her breasts proudly thrust forwards. Jenny wasn't quite as confident but as I watched her I was fascinated by the movement of her body. On me, nothing jiggles but Jenny was the total opposite. Her breasts swung and her large bottom wobbled.

I'd never thought about it before but seeing her I could imagine how some men (and women) would find it very erotic to bury themselves in her abundant flesh. I shook the sexy thoughts from my mind as we entered the water.

"This is fantastic!" Jenny exclaimed as she bobbed about in the water. "I've never felt so light before."

We all laughed.

Sue said, "The closest I've been to swimming naked is taking a bath but this is something else entirely! It feels so special."

"I know, it's amazing that those tiny pieces of fabric make such a difference," I said and then added, "There are jets at different heights around the edge so you can get a massage."

We drifted towards the jets and Jenny was the first to encounter one. "Ohhh, that's quite strong!"

I giggled, "Yes, they can be rather stimulating!"

We each took a jet and I could tell they were enjoying themselves. Jenny had her eyes closed and was facing the edge of the pool. I knew the jet she was on was well placed to stimulate her nether regions and it was fascinating to watch her. I'd never seen a women orgasm before and watched closely as her body stiffened and her facial muscles clenched before she gasped and then relaxed.

My jet was much further up so I moved my hand between my legs and gently rubbed my very stiff clitoris as I let the water pummel my sensitive nipples. My high level of arousal and the fact that I saw Sue watching me meant it wasn't long before it was my turn to climax. I tried my best to remain silent but Sue seemed to hear my groans and sudden expulsion of breath even over the noise of the jets.

She seemed intrigued rather than repulsed and I watched as she sank lower, her eyes never leaving mine. Her mouth opened and her tongue seductively licked her lips as her lower body made gentle rocking motions. Her hands moved to her bobbing breasts and I could see her fingers pulling on her nipples. Her actions remained hidden from the other patrons in the pool as she was facing the edge but any passerby would have as clear a view as I was getting.

She looked incredible and her expressions changed the closer she got to completion. I bit my lower lip and watched as her eyelids fluttered before closing. Her head dipped forwards and her body shook before she pushed herself away from the wall.

I glanced around and made eye contact with one woman that was watching us from her lounger. She had a knowing smile on her face and grinned at me. I smiled back and then joined Sue who was floating in the middle of the pool

"What have you done to me Minami?" she asked.

I giggled, "Nothing Sue, but you looked like you were enjoying yourself!"

She blushed deeply. "I've never done anything like that before but I couldn't resist after seeing you."

"Don't worry about it. I've had quite a few nice experiences in this pool and if we're lucky we'll get some more tonight with our husbands."

I hadn't noticed Jenny behind me as she said, "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say the jets weren't the only stimulating thing in the pool last time!"

"You mean....!" Sue gasped.

I nodded.

Jenny grinned, "You little minx Minami!"

"Hey, don't act so innocent, I saw what you were up to before!"

Jenny's face reddened, "Do you think anyone else noticed?"

"Don't worry about it, all that's important is that it felt good to you."

She grinned, "Well I can confirm that!"

"So can I", Sue admitted.

We all giggled like Schoolgirls before leaving the pool and returning to our loungers to dry.

I lay on my front and let the sun warm my back and bottom. It felt great and I almost nodded off before rolling onto my back. I noticed an older man using the jets at the edge of the pool facing us. He had sunglasses on so I couldn't be sure but I thought he was staring between my legs.

I decided to give him a better view and rolled only my side somewhat to change the angle of the backrest. I kept my feet slightly apart, knowing he'd get a great look at my bum and pussy. When I was satisfied with the adjustment I returned to lying on my back with my feet apart. The man hadn't moved and I hoped he was excited by what he was seeing.

I felt my nipples lengthen and looking down I could see my clitoris had emerged from its shelter. Would he be able to see such detail from where he was? My thoughts were interrupted by Jenny, "I feel like I'm starting to burn, can we try one of the other saunas?"

None of us had applied any suncream and I was kicking myself for not thinking of bringing any. I pictured the three of us applying the cream to each other and knew it would have been very stimulating.

"Sure, there are a few just over there", I said pointing in the direction of two small huts beyond the pool.

We gathered our towels and I made sure to give my admirer another good look at my assets before we took our leave.

I took them to the first building and we studied the attributes of the two saunas on offer. One was around 80 degrees Celsius with 30% humidity while the other was over 100c and much drier

"I don't think I can handle that!" Exclaimed Jenny.

Sue and I agreed and we entered the less extreme option. It was empty and we slowly made our way to the benches along the wall. The temperature was high but as soon as we lay down it penetrated our bones and was very calming.

As the sweat flowed from our pores Sue said, "Thanks so much for this Minami, I feel better than I have for years."

"Yes, thank you!" Said Jenny, "I actually feel better than I've ever felt in my life."

"No need to thank me, all I did was bring you here."

"You did more than that. Before in the pool, that was the first orgasm I've had in I don't know how many years," Sue said sadly.

There was a stunned silence. I couldn't imagine what she was describing but before I could say anything else she continued.

"Our sex life was good for a few years after we married but then we kind of fell into a rut. The intervals between making love got bigger and bigger and we both somehow lost interest in sex."

"I'm sorry Sue. For James and me things also cooled down and became kind of routine but yesterday everything changed and I know we won't ever let it happen again. Maybe the same will be true for you and Mark."

"That would be amazing but I don't know if he'll even join in tonight."

We lay in silence and I vowed that I would somehow ensure Mark took part then I heard a sniffle from Jenny.

"Are you OK?" I asked, looking over at her anxiously.

I saw her wipe a tear from her eye. "I'm fine, it's just hearing what Sue said. The same has happened to Frank and me but I think it's my fault. We used to have sex a few times a week but then after having the kids I just didn't have any interest. He tried his best to excite me but I always pushed him away. Now we might do it once a month and it's usually over after a few minutes."

She sniffed once more and then continued, "Until what happened in the pool before I'd forgotten how good an orgasm feels."

"Look, I don't think anyone is to blame and it's no use looking back and having regrets. What happened yesterday made me realize that there are so many things James and I haven't experienced and if we dare to try them things will never get boring again!"

"What do you mean? Surely just visiting this sauna can't do that!" Sue said.

I thought about what I was about to say for a while. "Look, I didn't tell you everything that happened."

They waited expectantly so I continued. "When we left the sauna we invited the others to our room."

Both ladies gasped in surprise.

"Now before your imagination runs wild I didn't have sex with eight men but we did let them watch us!"

"You mean you let them watch you and your husband have sex?" Sue asked.

I nodded, "It was incredible. They were all naked and at the end, they ejaculated all over me."

I noticed that Sue was rubbing her legs together very slightly and that Jenny had a hand between her legs. It seemed my confession was exciting them. I decided to add some more details.

"First I took James into my mouth and then he made me get on the bed as he took care of me with his hands and mouth from behind."

I paused hearing a gasp from Jenny. This time it sounded like one of pleasure rather than surprise and her hand was rubbing between her legs with more vigour. Sue was still moving her legs about and I could hear her making a whimpering sound. It was exciting to see them both pleasuring themselves and I found myself wanting to join in and touch them.

"It was one of the best orgasms I've ever had and one of the guys watching even shot his load over the bed! I think I zoned out for a moment as the next thing I knew hands were touching me everywhere. I was startled until James told me to relax and that they were going to lift me."

I paused as I felt my pussy twitch in response to the memory. "It was incredible and I felt like I was floating when James moved between my outstretched legs and entered me."

Jenny cried out and I saw her other hand now pinching her engorged nipple as she pulled up her huge breast. Her cry turned into a loud moan as her body shook. Even without touching myself, I was close to having an orgasm just from watching Jenny and Sue.

"It was the best sex I've ever had and after I don't know how many orgasms I did actually pass out. I woke up to find myself lying on my back covered in sperm and James gently kissing me. When I opened my eyes I saw all the guys looking at me with soft cocks."

Sue cried out and I watched as she writhed on the bench gasping in pleasure. I knew that if I even touched my pussy or nipples I would join her but I wanted to stay aroused so I forced myself to refrain from even moving.

I remained silent as the two women slowly came down from their highs. It was Jenny that spoke first.

"Later, were you and your husband OK with everything that happened?"

"Yes, in fact, as soon as the guys had left James kissed me all over and then licked his come from between my legs!"

"But you just said you were covered with the other guys' stuff!" Sue exclaimed.

"I know, it was amazing to me that he didn't care and when I asked him he just said he wanted to show me how much he loves me."

They remained silent and we stayed in the sauna another few minutes before heading for the showers. They both looked more flushed than I would have expected given the relatively mild temperature but I knew what caused it.

Opting to dry on our loungers we walked back outside and took our places. They both acted as if they were dressed, seemingly having forgotten they were naked.

"Thanks for sharing that Minami. I wish Mark and I could do something like that," Sue said.

"No need to thank me and you never know what might happen. It wasn't like I was expecting any of this to happen a few days ago."

"Your story has inspired me. I've never felt so sexual as I have this afternoon and I'm going to do everything I can to try to arouse Frank."

I smiled at Jenny, "seeing how the two of you are lying around outside naked amongst a bunch of strangers and acting as if it were normal, I think you've made great progress already."

They both giggled and we remained in the sun chatting until it was time to meet our men at the main pool.


In the changing room, it was unpleasant pulling on our still slightly damp swimwear and both Jenny and Sue commented on the fact that it felt strange wearing clothes again.

I could tell they were nervous about what was about to happen and tried to calm them down. "Don't look so worried, I'm sure everything will be fine. As agreed we'll stay wrapped in our towels until we enter the pool."

They both nodded and we wrapped the towels around our bodies effectively hiding our revealing swimwear. The pool area was quite crowded but we quickly spotted our husbands standing around in their trunks waiting. I waved to James as we headed towards them.

He wrapped his arms around me lifting and kissing me deeply. I reciprocated and then whispered, "Sue and Jenny are great but their sex lives are terrible and we have to help them."

He smiled at me and winked as he lowered me to my feet. I introduced Jenny and Sue to James and noticed them blushing slightly as they shook hands. They already knew Murray so further introductions were needed.

"How about a swim, I need to loosen up after sitting around all day?" James suggested.

There were nods all around and we headed towards the pool entrance. I could tell Sue and Jenny were nervous so I made sure to take the lead. I walked to the lounger nearest the steps and casually removed my towel.

I heard some sharp intakes of breath as my almost non-existent bikini was revealed to all. I turned and saw all eyes on me. James had a huge grin on his face and was the first to say something.

"Wow, you look incredible Minami."

I saw Sue and Jenny glance at each other before looking at James. I knew his compliment would confirm what I'd told them and hopefully give them the confidence to do as we had planned.

Mark, Frank and Murray were staring at me and I smiled at them. They had already seen me naked so this was nothing new.

"Come on girls, let's get wet!" I said and watched their husbands as first Jenny then Sue removed their towels.

Franks expression quickly moved from shock to delight as he looked at his wife. Mark was harder to read and I could see him staring at Sue intently. Neither of them said a word. I took James's hand and pulled him into the pool leaving the others.

"What have you been up to you naughty girl?" He whispered.

I giggled innocently, "what do you mean?"

"Come on, I'm pretty sure you had something to do with the bikini's they're wearing!"

I laughed and nodded. "Guilty as charged."

James laughed, "Over lunch, Mark and Frank were complaining about what prudes their wives were."

"They're both in for a big surprise!"

We turned around and I was happy to see Frank embrace Jenny and kiss her before taking her hand and leading her into the water. Mark and Sue seemed to be talking rather intently and Murray looked a bit lost so I waved him over to join Frank and me.

He seemed to be relieved and quickly entered the water swimming over to us. I saw his eyes glued to my chest and knew that my wet suit was almost invisible. When he reached us he suddenly realized what he was doing and glanced at James worriedly.

James had an even bigger grin on his face as he watched Murray's reaction.

"Doesn't Minami look great?"

Murray blushed and couldn't resist the urge to start at my breasts again, "Um... ah... yeah. You're a lucky man James."

James laughed and clapped him on the shoulders. "Don't look so worried mate. Minami loves to show herself and I love her doing it so stare as much as you want."

Murray looked at James, "Are you kidding me?"

James shook his head. "The more you look the more we enjoy it."

Murray gulped and I could see him relax as he again turned to look at me.

I noticed that Jerry and Frank were holding each other as they bobbed up and down in the water some distance from us. It looked like things were going well for them.

Mark and Sue were still talking outside the pool and I decided to go and support my friend. I swam to the entrance and left the pool. James and Murray were treated to an almost unencumbered view of my bottom and I added an extra wiggle as I walked. I knew my suit was basically invisible and it wasn't long before Mark noticed. His eyes kept shifting from Sue to me as I approached them.

"Is everything OK? You should join us in the pool, it's lovely," I said.

Sue glanced at me and then turned back to her husband. "I'm going into the pool now, I don't care what you do."

I could see she was upset as she turned and left. This was the chance I'd been waiting for and once she was out of earshot I said, "Mark, you better not ruin this day for Sue. I haven't told her about your previous visit to the sauna and how you perved on me and all the other women."

Mark gulped and looked nervous, "What do you want Minami?"

"I don't want anything, just treat Sue with the respect she deserves and don't ruin this day for her."

I'd said my piece and hoped it would be enough to make him behave. As I turned to return to the pool I saw James, Murray and Frank all staring at me with rather lustful expressions. It caused a gush of liquid between my legs but as my suit was still wet from the water it wasn't noticeable. Sue and Jenny were grinning at me and the reaction of the men and when I was in the water I joined them once I was in the water again.
